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06/05 (2004)
1:54 (2016)France
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Items or Less (2006)
10 Minutes Gone (2019)
10,000 BC (2008)Roland Emmerich
10.5 Apocalypse (2006)[Disaster Collector’s Set]
10:30 P.M. Summer (1966)
100% American AKA One Hundred Percent American (1918)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
100% Arabica (1997)
10½ (2010)
101 Dalmatians (1961)Disney Animation
101 Dalmatians (1996)Disney
101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure (2003)Disney Animation
101 Reykjavik (2000)Iceland, Denmark, France, Norway
10th Victim, The (1965)
11 Flowers (2011)
11.22.63 Season 1TV Mini Series
11.6 (2013)
11’09’01 September 11 (2002)UK, France, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, US, IranYoussef Chahine, Amos Gitai, Shôhei Imamura, Alejandro Iñárritu, Claude Lelouch, Ken Loach, Samira Makhmalbaf, Mira Nair, Idrissa Oedraogo, Sean Penn, Danis Tanovic
12 (2007)
12 and Holding (2005)
12 Angry Men (1957)Sidney Lumet
12 Monkeys (1995)Terry Gilliam
12 Rounds (2009)
12 Strong (2018)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
12:08 East of Bucharest (2006)
127 Hours (2010)US, UK, FranceDanny Boyle
12th Man, The (2017)Norway
13 (2010)
13 Assassins (2010)Japan
13 Going on 30 (2004)
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016)
13 Lead Soldiers (1948)
13 Rue Madeleine (1946)
13 Tzameti (2005)France
1408 (2007)
15:17 to Paris, The (2018)Clint Eastwood
16 Blocks (2006)
16 Years of Alcohol (2003)
17 Again (2009)
19-2 Season 1 (2014-17)TV SeriesCanada
1900 AKA Novecento (1976)Italy, France, GermanyBernardo Bertolucci
1911 (2011)
1917 (2019)
1941 (1979)
1981 (2009)
1st Love AKA 1er Amour (2013)
2 Days in New York (2012)
2 Days in Paris (2007)
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
2 Guns (2013)
2 or 3 Things I Know about Her AKA 1 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle (1967)FranceJean-Luc Godard
2 Seconds (1998)
2 Sides of the Bed (2005)
2:37 (2006)
20 Feet from Stardom (2013)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)Stanley Kubrick
2005 Chinese New Year Global Gala (2006)
2005 Academy Award Nominated Short Films (2006)
2006 FIFA World Cup Official Film: The Grand Finale (2006)DocumentarySwitzerland
2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
2012 (2009)Roland Emmerich
2046 (2004)Hong Kong, China, France, Italy, Germany
21 (2008)
21 & Over (2013)
21 Bridges (2019)
21 Grams (2003)
21 Jump Street (2012)
21 Up (1977)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
211: Anna (2009)
22 Bullets (2010)
22 Jump Street (2014)
24 Season 1-8 (2001-10)TV Series
24 heures ou plus (1973)NFB DocumentaryCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, 1969-1973]
24 Hour Party People (2002)
24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (1968)
24: Redemption (2008)
25 Fireman's Street (1973)Hungary
25th Hour (2002)Spike Lee
27 Dresses (2008)
28 Days (2000)
28 Days Later (2002)UKDanny Boyle
28 Up (1984)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
28 Weeks Later (2007)
3 amis (2007)France
3 Days to Kill (2014)
3 Godfathers (1948)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
3 Hearts (2014)
3 L'il Pigs, The AKA Les 3 P’tits Cochons (2007)Canada
3 Needles (2005)
3 Penny Opera (1931)
3 Women (1977)Robert Altman
3:10 to Yuma (1957)
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
30 Days of Night (2007)
30 Days of Night: Dark Days (2010)
30 Minutes or Less (2011)
30 Minutes, Mister Plummer (1963)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
30 Rock Season 1-4 (2006-1100)TV Series
300 (2006)
300 Spartans, The (1962)
300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
301, 302 (1995)
33, The (2015)
35 Shots of Rum AKAA 35 rhums (2008)France, GermanyClaire Denis
35 Up (1991)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
36 Hours (1964)
360 (2011)
36th Chamber of Shaolin, The AKA Shao Lin san shi lio fang (1978)Hong Kong
36th Precinct AKA 36 Quai des Orfevres (2004)
39 Steps, The (1935)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
39 Steps, The (1959)Ralph Thomas
3-Iron (2004)
4 Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle (1987)FranceEric Rohmer
4 Complete Ed Sullivan Shows Starring the Beatles (2003)
4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1962)
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007)
4 Soldiers, The (2013)
40 Year Old Virgin, The (2005)
400 Blows, The AKA Les quatre cents coups (1959)FranceFrançois Truffaut
42 (2013)
42 Up (1998)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
42nd Street (1933)
44 Inch Chest (2009)
45 Years (2015)
47 Meters Down (2017)UK
47 Ronin (2013)US, UK, Japan, Hungary
49 Up (2005)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
5 Against the House (1955)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 1]
5 Days of War (2011)
5 Fingers (1952)
5 Flights Up (2014)
5 to 7 (2014)
5,000 Fingers of Dr. T, The (1953)
5.5.5 (2013)
50 Dead Men Walking (2008)
50 First Dates (2004)
50/50 (2011)
51st State, The AKA Formula 51 (2001)UK, Canada, US
56 Up (2012)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
7 ans de marriage AKA Seven Years of Marriage (2003)France
7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964)
7 Plus Seven Up (1970)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
7 Till 5 (1933)DocumentaryUKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
7 Up (1964)DocumentaryUK[The Up Series]
'71 (2014)
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance AKA 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls (1994)Austria, GermanyMichael Haneke
7th Dawn, The (1964)
7th Victim, The (1943)Mark Robson, [Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
8 Mile (2002)
8 Times Up (2009)
8 Women AKA 8 femmes (2002)France, ItalyFrançois Ozon
8:17 pm, Darling Street (2003)
(1963)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
8½ Women (1999)UK, Netherlands, Luxembourg, GermanyPeter Greenaway
88 Minutes (2007)
8MM (1999)
9 (2009)
9 Month Stretch (2013)
9 Songs (2004)
99 francs (2007)France
99 Homes (2014)
901: After 45 Years of Working (1990)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 1]
À double tour AKA Web of Passion (1959)France, Italy
À hauteur d'homme (2003)Canada
A Huey P. Newton Story (2001)
À l'aventure (2008)France
À nos amours AKA To Our Loves (1983)France
A Plumbing We Will Go (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Abbott & Costello Go to Mars (1953)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Abbott & Costello in the Foreign Legion (1950)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Abbott & Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Abbott and Costello - Lost in a Harem (1944)[Double DVD]
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (1945)[Double DVD]
Abbott and Costello TV Show, The (6 episodes) (2011)
Abduction (2011)
Abduction: The Megumi Yokota Story (2006)
Abigail's Party (1977)
Abouna AKA Our Father (2002)France, Chad, Netherlands
About a Boy (2002)
About Last Night (2014)
About Schmidt (2002)Alexander Payne
About Time (2013)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Abraham's Valley (1993)
Abrazos, tango en Buenos Aires (2003)Argentina
Absent-Minded Professor, The (1961)
Absolute Beginners (1986)
Absolute Hell (1991)UK[Judi Dench Collection]
Absolutely Fabulous: Series 4,5 (2001-03)BBC TV SeriesUK
Abyss, The (1989)James Cameron
Acacia (2003)
Acadia Acadia ?!? AKA L'Acadie l'Acadie ?!? (1971)NFB DocumentaryCanadaMichel Brault, Pierre Perrault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works], [L'oeuvre de Pierre Perrault]
Acasa, My Home (2020)Romania, Germany
Accattone AKA The Scrounger (1961)ItalyPier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Accident AKA Polizeibericht Überfall (1928)Germany
Accident (1967)UKJoseph Losey, [Dirk Bogarde Collection]
Accident AKA Yi ngoi (2009)Hong Kong
Accompanist, The (1992)
Accountant, The (2016)
Accuracy First (1928)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Accused, The (1988)
Ace in the Hole (1951)Billy Wilder
Ace of Hearts, The (1921)[Lon Chaney Collection]
Ace Ventura Jr: Pet Detective (2009)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)TV Series
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - The Animated Series: 3 episodes (1996)TV Series
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)
Achievers, The: The Story of the Lebowski Fans (2009)
Across the Bridge (1957)
Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright (2010)
Across the Pacific (1942)John Huston
Across the Universe (2007)
Act of Dishonour (2010)
Act of God (2009)
Act of Killing, The (2012)
Act of Valor (2012)
Act of Violence (1948)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Action: The October Crisis of 1970 (1974)Canada
Action in the North Atlantic (1943)
Active Life of Dolly of the Dailies, The:  #5 "The Chinese Fan" (1914)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Actor's Revenge, An (1963)
Ad Astra (2019)
Adam (2009)
Adam Had Four Sons (1941)
Adam Resurrected (2008)
Adam’s Wall (2008)
Adams æbler Adam's Apples (2005)Region 2Denmark
Adam's Rib (1949)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Adaptation. (2002)
Adderall Diaries, The (2015)
Addicted to Plastic (2008)
Addio zio Tom (1971)Italy
Address Unknown AKA Suchwiin bulmyeong (2001)South Korea
Adiós, Sabata (1970)Italy, Spain[Sabata Trilogy]
Adjuster, The (1991)CanadaAtom Egoyan, [Atom Egoyan DVD Collection]
Adjustment Bureau, The (2011)
Admiral (2015)
Admission (2013)
Adoption (1975)
Adoration (2008)CanadaAtom Egoyan
Adore (2013)
Adrift in Tokyo (2007)
Adua and Her Friends AKA Adua e le compagne (1960)Italy
Adventureland (2009)
Adventure of the Hasty Elopement (1914)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
Adventures in Discovery - Royal Tyrrell MuseumDocumentaryCanada
Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The (1988)Terry Gilliam
Adventures of Dollie, The - Biograph Shorts (1908)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Adventures of Don Juan (1948)
Adventures of Errol Flynn, The (2005)
Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby, The (2005)
Adventures of Jimmy (1950)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Adventures of Juan Quin Quin, The AKA Las aventuras de Juan Quin Quin (1967)Cuba[Cuban Masterworks Collection]
Adventures of Priscilla, The, Queen of the Desert (1994)
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938)
Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, The (2005)
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1939)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Crab with the Golden Claws, Part 1 AKA Le crabe aux pinces d’or (1991)TV Episode 1.1
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Crab with the Golden Claws, Part 2 AKA Le crabe aux pinces d’or (1991)TV Episode 1.2
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Secret of the Unicorn, Part 1 AKA Le secret de la licorne (1991)TV Episode 1.3
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Secret of the Unicorn, Part 2 AKA Le secret de la licorne (1991)TV Episode 1.4
Adventures of Tintin, The - Red Rackham's Treasure (1991)TV Episode 1.5
Adventures of Tintin, The - Cigars of the Pharoah, Part 1 (1991)TV Episode 1.6
Adventures of Tintin, The - Cigars of the Pharoah, Part 2 (1991)TV Episode 1.7
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Blue Lotus, Part 1 (1991)TV Episode 1.8
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Blue Lotus, Part 2 (1991)TV Episode 1.9
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Black Island, Part 1 (1991)TV Episode 1.10
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Black Island, Part 2 (1991)TV Episode 1.11
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Calculus Affair, Part 1 (1991)TV Episode 1.12
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Calculus Affair, Part 2 (1991)TV Episode 1.13
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Shooting Star (1992)TV Episode 2.1
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Broken Ear, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.2
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Broken Ear, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.3
Adventures of Tintin, The - King Ottokar's Sceptre, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.4
Adventures of Tintin, The - King Ottokar's Sceptre, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.5
Adventures of Tintin, The - Tintin in Tibet, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.6
Adventures of Tintin, The - Tintin in Tibet, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.7
Adventures of Tintin, The - Tintin and the Picaros, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.8
Adventures of Tintin, The - Tintin and the Picaros, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.9
Adventures of Tintin, The - Land of Black Gold, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.10
Adventures of Tintin, The - Land of Black Gold, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.11
Adventures of Tintin, The - Flight 714, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 2.12
Adventures of Tintin, The - Flight 714, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 2.13
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Red Sea Sharks, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.1
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Red Sea Sharks, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.2
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Seven Crystal Balls, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.3
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Seven Crystal Balls, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.4
Adventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.5
Adventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.6
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Castafiore Emerald, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.7
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Castafiore Emerald, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.8
Adventures of Tintin, The - Destination Moon, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.9
Adventures of Tintin, The - Destination Moon, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.10
Adventures of Tintin, The - Explorers on the Moon, Part 1 (1992)TV Episode 3.11
Adventures of Tintin, The - Explorers on the Moon, Part 2 (1992)TV Episode 3.12
Adventures of Tintin, The - Tintin in America (1992)TV Episode 3.13
Adventures of Tintin, The (2011)
Adversary, The (1970)
Adversary, The AKA L'adversaire (2002)France, Switzerland, Spain
Advise and Consent (1962)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Aeon Flux (2005)
Affair in Trinidad (1952)
Affair to Remember, An (1957)
Affair, The Season 1-3 (2014-17)TV Series
Affaire Dumont, L' AKA Dumont's Case (2012)Canada
Afghan Luke (2011)
Africa Addio AKA Africa: Blood and Guts AKA Africa, Goodbye (1966)Italy
Africa Screams Abbott & Costello (1949)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Africa: The Serengeti (1994)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
African Queen, The (1951)John Huston
After Earth (2013)
After Hours (1985)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Collection]
After Innocence (2005)
After Life (1998)
After Sex (2007)
After the Banquet (2009)Korea
After the Sunset (2004)
After the Thin Man (1936)
After the Wedding (2006)
After the Wedding (2019)
After.Life (2009)
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (2003)
Afterwards (2008)
Against All Odds (1984)
Against the Wall AKA Quality of Life (2004)
Against the Wind (1948)
Agata and the Storm (2004)
Âge d'Or, L' (1930)France
Age of Adaline, The (2015)
Age of Consent (1969)
Age of Innocence, The (1993)Martin Scorsese
Age of Stupid, The (2009)
Age of the Medici, The AKA L'età di Cosimo de Medici (1972-73)TV Mini SeriesItalyRoberto Rossellini, [Rossellini's History Films]
Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas (2013)
Agent Cody Banks (2003)
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004)
Ages of Love, The AKA Manuale D'am3re (2011)Italy
Agnes of God (1985)Norman Jewison
Agony of Byzance, The AKA L'agonie de Byzance (1913)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Agora (2009)
Agronomist, The (2003)
Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972)Germany, Mexico, PeruWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
Ahí está el detalle AKA You're Missing the Point (1940)Mexico
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (2012)
Aida (1989)
Aïlo's Journey AKA Aïlo: Une odyssée en Laponie (2018)Finland
Aimee & Jaguar (1999)
Air Buddies (2006)
Air Force (1943)
Air Force One (1997)
Air Strike AKA Da Hong Zha (2018)China
Airplane! (1980)
Airport (1970)
Airy Fairy Lillian Tries on Her New Corsets (1905)
Ajami (2009)Germany, Israel, UK
Akeelah and the Bee (2006)
Akira (1988)Japan
Aladdin (1992)
Aladdin (2019)
Aladin, or the Wonderful Lamp AKA Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)France[The Movies Begin]
Alamar (2009)Mexico
Alamo, The (1960)
Alamo, The (2004)
Alan Partridge AKA Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013)
Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Alatriste (2006)Spain
Albert Nobbs (2011)
Alex & Emma (2003)
Alex Cross (2012)
Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (2006)
Alexander (2004)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014)
Alexander Nevsky (1938)Soviet Union
Alexander the Great (1956)
Alexandra's Project (2003)
Alfie (1966)
Alfie (2004)
Alfred Hitchcock’s Under Capricorn (1949)
Algiers (1938)
Algonquin (2013)Canada
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves AKA Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1902)France[The Movies Begin]
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves AKA Ali-baba et les 40 voleurs (1954)
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Alias Jesse James (1959)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Alias Nick and Nora: "William Powell: A True Gentleman"; "Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home To" (2005)Documentary
Alibi (1929)
Alibi, The (2006)
Alice (1990)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Collection]
Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
Alice Guy Films a "Phonoscène" (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Alice in the Cities (1974)Wim Wenders
Alice in the Jungle (1925)
Alice in Wonderland (1903)
Alice in Wonderland (1933)
Alice in Wonderland (1966)
Alice in Wonderland (2010)Tim Burton
Alice the Whaler (1927)
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
Alice’s Odyssey AKA L'odyssée d'Alice Tremblay (2002)
Alice's Egg Plant (1925)
Alice's Mysterious Mystery (1926)
Alice's Wild West Show (1924)
Alice's Wonderland (1923)
Alien (1979)Ridley Scott, [Alien Quadrilogy]
Aliens (1986)James Cameron, [Alien Quadrilogy]
Alien³ (1992)David Fincher, [Alien Quadrilogy]
Alien: Resurrection (1997)[Alien Quadrilogy]
Alien Planet (2005)
Alien: Covenant (2017)Ridley Scott
Aliens in the Attic (2009)
Aliens of the Deep (2005)IMAXJames Cameron
Alila (2003)Israel, France
Alive Inside (2014)
All About Eve (1950)[Best Picture Collection]
All About Lily Chou-Chou AKA Riri Shushu no subete (2001)Japan
All About My Mother AKA Todo sobre mi madre (1999)Spain, FrancePedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
All About Steve (2009)
All Creatures Great and Small (2020)TV SeriesUK
All Eyez on Me (2017)
All Fired Up AKA Tout feu, tout flamme (1982)
All Good Things (2010)
All I Desire (1953)
All I Want Is Christmas (2012)
All in a Night's Work (1961)
All in the Family Season 3 (1973)TV Series
All Is Bright (2013)
All Is Lost (2013)
All Is True (2018)UK
All Mine to Give (1957)
All Monsters Attack AKA Godzilla's Revenge AKA Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki (1969)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
All My Good Countrymen (1969)
All My Loved Ones (1999)
All Night Long (1962)UKBasil Dearden, [Basil Dearden's London Underground]
All of Me (1984)
All on Account of a Transfer (1913)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
All or Nothing (2002)Mike Leigh
All Our Desires AKA Toutes nos envies (2011)France
All Over Town: Olsen & Johnson (1937)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)Germany, US, UK
All Screwed Up (1974)Lina Wertmüller, [Lina Wertmüller Collection]
All That Heaven Allows (1955)
All That Jazz (1979)
All That You Possess AKA Tout ce que tu possèdes (2012)Canada
All the King's Men (1949)
All the King's Men (2006)
All the Money in the World (2017)Ridley Scott
All the Mornings of the World AKA Tous les matins du monde (1991)France
All the President's Men (1976)
All the Real Girls (2003)
All the Way (2016)
All the World's a Stooge (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
All These Women (1964)
All Things Fair AKA Lust och fägring stor (1995)Denmark, Sweden
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)[Bette Davis Collection]
All Through the Night (1942)
All Together AKA Et si on vivait tous ensemble? (2011)
Allegheny Uprising (1939)
Allegiant (2016)[Divergent Series]
Allegro non troppo (1976)AnimationItaly
Alléluia (2014)Belgium, France
Alley Cat, The AKA Le Matou (1985)
Allied (2016)
Almost Famous (2000)
Almost Heaven (2005)Germany
Aloha Scooby-Doo! (2005)
Alone AKA Solas (1999)Spain
Alone For Christmas (2013)
Alone in Berlin (2016)
Along Came Jones (1945)[Gary Cooper Collection]
Along Came Polly (2004)
Along the Ridge AKA Libero AKA Anche libero va bene (2006)Italy
Alouette (1944)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Alpha (1972)Animation[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Alpha and Omega (2010)Animation
Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure (2013)Animation
Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games (2014)Animation
Alpha and Omega 4: The Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave (2014)Animation
Alpha Dog (2006)
Alphaville AKA Une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (1965)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Alps AKA Alpeis (2011)Greece
Alter Egos (2004)DocumentaryCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
Altered States (1980)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)Animation
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)Animation
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009)Animation
Amada (1985)Cuba[Cuban Masterworks Collection]
Amadeus (1984)
Amal (2007)Canada
Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony (2002)South Africa, US
Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les (1991)France
Amarcord (1973)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Amateur (1994)
Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse, The (1938)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 4]
Amazing Grace (2006)
Amazing Journeys (1999)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Amazing Racer AKA Shannon's Rainbow (2009)
Ambassador's Daughter, The (1913)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Ambulance (2022)US, Japan
Amelia (2009)
Amélie AKA Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)France
Amen. (2002)Costa-Gavras
America America (1963)
American Assassin (2107)
American Beauty (1999)
American Blackout (2006)
American Boy: A Profile of Steven Prince (1978)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Shorts]
American Carol, An (2008)
American Dreams, Lost And Found (1984)
American Dreamz (2006)
American Falls from Above, American Side (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
American Friend, The AKA Der amerikanische Freund (1977)Germany, FranceWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
American Gangster (2007)Ridley Scott
American Girl, An: McKenna Shoots for the Stars (2012)
American Graffiti (1973)George Lucas
American Haunting, An (2005)
American History X (1998)
American Horror Story Season 1 (2011)TV Series
American Hustle (2013)
American in Paris, An (1951)
American in the Making, An (1913)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
American Made (2017)
American Madness (1932)Frank Capra, [Frank Capra Collection]
American Movie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
American Pie 2 (2001)
American Pie Presents: Band Camp (2005)
American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007)
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (2006)
American Pimp (1999)
American Psycho (2000)
American Reunion (2012)
American Ruling Class, The (2005)
American Sniper (2014)Clint Eastwood
American Soldier, The AKA Der amerikanische Soldat (1970)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
American Splendor (2003)
American Trap, The (2008)Canada
American Ultra (2015)
American Violet (2008)
American Wedding (2003)
American Werewolf in London, An (1981)
American Werewolf in Paris, An (1997)
American, The (2010)
Americanization of Emily, The (1964)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Americans in the Making ( )
Americans, The Season 1-6 (2013-18)TV Series
Amiche, Le (1955)ItalyMichelangelo Antonioni
Amistad (1997)Steven Spielberg
Amityville Horror, The (1979)
Amityville Horror, The (2005)
Ammonite (2020)
Among Adults AKA Entre adultes (2006)France
Among Those Present (1921)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Amor brujo, El (1986)SpainCarlos Saura, [Carlos Saura's Flamenco Trilogy]
Amores perros (2000)MexicoAlejandro Iñárritu
Amour (2012)Austria, France, GermanyMichael Haneke
Amour fou, L' (1969)FranceJacques Rivette
Amour fou, L' AKA Yves Saint Laurent: Den stora kärleken (2010)France, Belgium
Amreeka (2009)US, UAE, Canada
Amy (1997)
Amy AKA Raw: The Amy Winehouse Story (2015)
Amy Muller (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
An Ache in Every Stake (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
An Eastern Westerner (1920)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
An Endangered Species (1979)TV Episode[Quatermass]
Analyze That (2002)
Analyze This (1999)
Anastasia (1997)
Anatomy of a Fall AKA Anatomie d'une chute (2023)FranceJustine Triet
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Anatomy of Hell AKA Anatomie de l'enfer (2004)France, PortugalCatherine Breillat
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
Anchors Aweigh (1945)
And Now for Something Completely Different (1971)UK
And Now… Ladies and Gentlemen… (2002)France, UKClaude Lelouch
… And the Pursuit of Happiness (1986)DocumentaryLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
And the Ship Sails On AKA E la nave va (1983)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
And Then There Were None (1945)
And Then There Were None (2015)
… And They Lived Happily Ever After AKA Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (2004)France
Anderson Tapes, The (1971)Sidney Lumet
Andrei Rublev AKA Strasti po Andreyu (1966)Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovsky
Androcles and the Lion (1952)Chester Erskine, Nicholas Ray, [George Bernard Shaw on Film]
Andromeda Strain, The (2008)
Adròn: The Black Labyrinth (2015)Italy, UK, Malta, Canada
Andy Griffith Show, The (1960-68)TV Series
Andy Warhol: A Documentary (2006)TV Documentary
Andy Warhol’s Trash (1970)
Andy Williams Show, The Best of ( )
Andy's Stump Speech (1924)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Anemic Cinema (1926)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Ange de goudron, L' AKA Tar Angel (2001)Canada
Ange Gardien, L’ (2014)Canada
Angel (2007)France, Belgium, UKFrançois Ozon
Angel at My Table, An (1990)Jane Campion
Angel at Sea AKA Un ange à la mer (2008)Belgium, Canada
Angel Face (1953)
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Angel of Mine AKA L'empreinte de l’ange AKA Mark of an Angel (2008)France
Angel-A (2005)France
Angèle and Tony (2010)France
Angélique AKA Angélique, Marquise des Anges (1964)France, Italy, Germany[Angélique Collection]
Angélique et le Roi (1966)France, Italy, Germany[Angélique Collection]
Angélique et le Sultan (1968)France, Italy, Germany[Angélique Collection]
Angels & Demons (2009)
Angels and Insects (1995)
Angels in America (2003)TV Mini Series
Angels in the Outfield (1951)
Angels in the Outfield (1994)
Angels' Share, The (2012)UK, France, Belgium, ItalyKen Loach
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)[Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
Anger Management (2003)
Angry Birds Movie, The (2016)Animation
Angry Harvest (1985)
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (2008)US, Germany, UK
Animal Crackers (1930)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Animal Farm (1954)
Animal Kingdom (2010)
Animal Project, The (2013)
Animation Express (2009)NFBCanada
Animation Express 2 (2011)NFBCanada
Animator as Musician, The (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Anna (1987)
Anna (2019)France, US, Canada, Russia
Anna and the King of Siam (1946)
Anna Boleyn (1920)GermanyErnst Lubitsch
Anna Christie (1930)
Anna Karenina (1935)
Anna Karenina (1948)
Anna Karenina (1967)
Anna Karenina (1997)
Anna Karenina (2012)
Anna M. (2007)
Annabelle: Creation (2017)
Annabelle Butterfly Dance (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Anne with an E Season 1-2 (2017-18)TV SeriesCanada
Anne Frank Remembered (1995)
Anne of Green Gables (1934)
Anne of Green Gables (1985)TV SeriesCanada, Germany, US
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987)TV SeriesCanada, US, UK
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
Annie (2014)
Annie Hall (1977)Woody Allen
Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens - Imagine (2008)TV Episode
Annie Oakley (1894)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Annie Oakley (1935)
Annihilation (2018)
Anomalisa (2015)UK, US
Anonymous (2011)Roland Emmerich
Another Country (1984)
Another Earth (2011)
Another House (2013)
Another Life AKA Une autre vie (2001)France
Another Mother's Son (2017)UK
Another Thin Man (1939)
Another Time, Another Place (1983)
Another Way (1982)
Another Woman (1988)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Another Woman's Life AKA La vie d'une autre (2012)France, Luxembourg, Belgium
Another Year (2010)Mike Leigh
Answer Man, The (2009)
Ant and the Grasshopper, The - Somerset Maugham Hour (1951)TV Episode[Encore: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
Ant Bully, The (2006)Animation
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Antarctica (1991)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Antares (2004)
Anthony Zimmer (2005)France
Anthropoid (2016)Czech Republic, UK, US, France
Antichrist (2009)Lars von Trier
Ant-Man (2015)
Antônia (2006)Brazil
Antonia's Line (1995)Netherlands, Belgium, UK, France
Antonio Gaudí (1984)DocumentaryJapan
Ants in the Pantry (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Antz (1998)Animation
Anvil: The Story of Anvil (2008)
Any Given Sunday (1999)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Any Number Can Win (1963)
Any Which Way You Can (1980)[Clint Eastwood Comedy Collection]
Anything for Her AKA Pour elle (2008)France, Spain
Anytown, USA (2005)
Anzio AKA Lo sbarco di Anzio (1968)Italy, US
Aparajito (1956)India
Apart from You AKA Kimi to wakarete (1933)JapanMikio Naruse, [Silent Naruse]
Apartment for Peggy (1948)
Apartment Troubles (2014)
Apartment, The (1960)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Apocalypse Now (1979)Francis Ford Coppola
Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler (2011)DocumentaryFrance
Apocalypto (2006)Mel Gibson
Apollo 13 (1995)
Apollo 18 (2011)
App (2013)Netherlands
Appaloosa, The (1966)
Appaloosa (2008)
Appointment with Danger (1950)
Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, The (1974)
Après vous… AKA After You (2003)France
April in Love (2006)
Aquamarine (2006)
Aquarium (Natioanl Fisheries Center and Aquarium) (1967)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Arab Cortege, Geneva (1896)DocumentaryFrance
Arabesque (1966)
Arabian Nights (1942)
Arabian Nights (1974)
Arachnophobia (1990)
Ararat (2002)Canada, FranceAtom Egoyan
Arbitrage (2012)
Archangel (1990)CanadaGuy Maddin, [Guy Maddin Collection]
Architecture of Doom, The (1989)
Arctic (2018)
Arctic Antics (1930)Disney Animation
Arctic Mission (Disc 1): The Great Adventure (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Arctic Mission (Disc 2): People of the Ice (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Arctic Mission (Disc 3): Washed Away (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Arctic Mission (Disc 4): Climate on the Edge (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Arctic Mission (Disc 5): Lords of the Arctic (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Arctic Shadows: The Arctic Journeys of Dr. R. M. Anderson (2009)David Gray
Arctic Tale (2007)
Are We Done Yet? (2007)
Argent, L' (1983)France, SwitzerlandRobert Bresson
Argo (2012)
Ariel (1988)
Aristocats, The (1970)Disney Animation
Aristocrats, The (2005)
Arizona (1931)[TCM Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection]
Arizona Dream (1993)
Armadillo (2010)DocumentaryDenmark, Sweden
Armageddon (1998)
Armageddon Time (2022)US, Brazil
Armenia AKA Le voyage en Armenie (2006)France
Armored Car Robbery (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Arms and the Man (1989)UK
Armstrong Lie, The (2013)
Army of Crime AKA L'armée du crime (2009)France
Army of Shadows AKA L'armée des ombres (1969)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Around the Bend (2004)
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
Around the World in 80 Days (1989)TV Mini SeriesItaly, Germany, Yugoslavia, US
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)DisneyIreland, UK, Germany, US
Around the World in 80 Days (2021)TV Series
Arranged (2007)
Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1938)
Arrested Development Season 1-3 (2003)
Arrière Saison (1950)France[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Arrival (2016)Denis Villeneuve
Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat, The (1896)DocumentaryFrance[The Movies Begin]
Arrow Season 1-2 (2012-13)TV Series
Arsène Lupin (1932)
Arsène Lupin AKA Adventures of Arsène Lupin (2004)France, Italy, Spain, UK
Arsenic and Old Lace (1943)Frank Capra
Art & Copy (2009)
Art de la fugue, L' AKA The Easy Way Out (2014)France
Art of Breaking Up, The (2005)
Art of Crying, The AKA Kunsten at græde i kor (2006)Region 2Denmark
Art of Love, The AKA L'art d'aimer (2011)France
Art of Motion, The (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Art of Racing in the Rain, The (2019)
Art of the Steal, The (2013)
Art School Confidential (2006)
Artemisia (1997)France, Italy, Germany
Arthur (1981)
Arthur (2011)
Arthur & George (2015)TV Series
Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988)
Arthur 2: The Revenge of Multazard (2009)
Arthur 3: The War of Two Worlds (2010)
Arthur Christmas (2011)Animation
Arthur Newman (2012)
Artist, The (2011)
Artist's Story, An (1974)TV EpisodeUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
As Good As It Gets (1997)
As It Is In Heaven (2004)
As Life Goes By AKA La vie comme elle va (2003)France
As Long As You’ve Got Your Health (1966)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
As Seen Through a Telescope (1900)[The Movies Begin]
As Tears Go By AKA Wong Gok ka moon (1988)Hong KongKar-Wai Wong, [Wong Kar-Wai Collection]
As You Like It (1936)
As You Like It (2006)
Ascension (2014)TV Series
Ascent, The (1977)
Ash Tuesday (2003)
Ashanti (1979)Switzerland, US
Ashes and Diamonds AKA Popiól i diament (1958)PolandAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Ashes of Time (1994)
Ashik Kerib AKA Ashug-Karibi (1988)Soviet UnionSergei Paradjanov, [Films of Sergei Paradjanov]
Ashura AKA Ashura-jô no hitomi (2005)Japan
Ask Father (1919)Hal Roach, [Harold Lloyd Comedy, Vol. 1]
Asphalt Jungle, The (1950)John Huston
Assassin Next Door, The AKA Kirot (2009)Israel, France, US
Assassin, The AKA Venetian Bird (1952)UK[British Noir]
Assassin, The AKA Cikè Niè Yinniáng (2015)Taiwan, Hong Kong, China
Assassin’s Creed (2016)
Assassination of a High School President (2008)
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007)
Assassination of Richard Nixon, The (2004)
Assassination Tango (2002)
Assassins, The (2012)China
Assault on Precinct 13 (2005)
Assault, The AKA L’Assaut (2010)France
Assignment, The (2016)
Astaire and Rogers: Partners in Rhythm (2006)Documentary
Astérix and Obélix: God Save Britannia AKA Astérix & Obélix: Au service de sa Majesté (2012)France
Astérix and Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre (2002)France, Germany
Asterix and the Vikings (2006)AnimationFrance, Denmark
Asterix at the Olympic Games (2008)France, Germany, Spain
Asterix in America AKA Astérix et les indiens (1994)AnimationGermany, France, Spain
Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods (2014)AnimationFrance, Belgium
Astro Boy (2009)
9Astro Boy AKA Astro Boy tetsuwan atomu (2003-04)TV SeriesJapan, Canada
Astronaut Farmer, The (2006)
At Any Price (2012)
At Bear Track Gulch (1913)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
At Five in the Afternoon (2003)
At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own AKA Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh (1974)Soviet Union
At Middleton (2013)
At the Circus (1939)[Marx Brothers Collection]
At the Club AKA Au cabaret (1899)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
At the Floral Ball AKA Au bal de Flore (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
At the Foot of the Flatiron (1903)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
At the Hypnotist’s AKA Chez le magnétiseur (1897)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
At the Photographer's (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
At War with the Army (1950)[Movie Collection]
Atalante, L' (1934)France
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (2001)
A-Team, The (2010)
Athlete with Wand (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Atlantic City (1980)Canada, FranceLouis Malle
Atlantis (1991)
Atlantis: Milo's Return (2003)Disney Animation
Atlantis Season One (2013-15)TV SeriesUK
Atlas (1976)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Atomic Blonde (2017)
Atomic Cafe, The (1982)
Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero (2000)Documentary[The Atomic Bomb Collection]
Atonement (1971)
Atonement (2007)
Attack on a China Mission (1900)[The Movies Begin]
Attack, The (2012)
Attic, The (1980)[MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Attack! The Battle for New Britain (1944)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Attila Marcel (2013)France
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)France, SwedenRobert Bresson
Au pays de Zom (1983)NFBCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, Vol. 3, 1977-1982]
Au revoir les enfants AKA Goodbye Children (1987)France, Germany, ItalyLouis Malle, [Louis Malle, 3 Films]
Auction, The AKA Le démantèlement (2013)Canada
Audition (1999)
Audition, L' (2005)Canada
Audrey Hepburn Story, The (2000)
August (2008)
August Rush (2007)
August: Osage County (2013)
Augustus: The First Emperor (2003)
Aura, The (2005)
Aurélie Laflamme: Les pieds sur terre (2015)Canada
Aurélie Laflamme’s Diary AKA Le journal d'Aurélie Laflamme (2010)Canada
Aurore (2005)Canada
Austenland (2013)UK, US
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1998)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
Australia (2008)UK, Australia, USBaz Luhrmann
Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)IMAXAustralia, US[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Authors Anonymous (2014)
Auto Focus (2002)
Autobiography of a Jeep, The (1943)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The (1974)
Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, The (2010)Documentary
Automated Hat-Maker and Sausage-Grinder AKA Chapellerie et charcuterie mécanique (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Autopsy of Jane Doe, The (2016)
Autour de Zom (2002)NFBCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, Vol. 3, 1977-1982]
Autre Vie, Une (2013)France
Autumn Afternoon, An AKA Sanma no aji (1962)JapanYasujirô Ozu
Autumn Fire (1931)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Autumn Sonata AKA Höstsonaten (1978)Germany, UKIngmar Bergman
Autumn Spring (2001)
Avalon (2001)
Avanim (2004)France, Israel
Avant-Garde: Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and ‘30s (2005)
Avanti! (1972)Italy, USBilly Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Avatar (2009)James Cameron
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)James Cameron
Avenge But One of My Two Eyes (2005)
Avengers, The (2012)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Aventure, c'est l'aventure, L' (1972)France, ItalyClaude Lelouch
Aventurera (1950)Mexico
Avenue de l'Opéra (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Avenue Montaigne (2006)
Aviator, The (2004)Martin Scorsese
Avonlea Christmas, An (1998)
AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Avventura, L' (1960)Italy, FranceMichelangelo Antonioni
Awake (2007)
Awakening, The ( )
Awakenings (1990)
Away from Her (2006)Canada, UK, USSarah Polley
Away We Go (2009)
Awful Truth, The (1937)[Cary Grant Box Set]
Ax, The AKA Le couperet (2005)Costa-Gavras
Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life (1997)
Azur & Asmar: The Princes' Quest (2006)AnimationFrance, Belgium, Spain
Baadasssss! (2003)
Baader Meinhof Complex, The (2008)Germany
Baarìa (2009)Italy
Bab El Oued City (1994)Algeria
Babadook, The (2014)Australia
Babar 4 Episodes (S3.E8, S4.E1, S4.E9, S5.E11 (1991)AnimationCanada, France
Babbage (1968)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Babbleonia (2005)Documentary[Al Pacino Collection]
Babe (1995)
Babel (2006)
Babes in Toyland (1961)Disney
Babes in Toyland (1997)Animation
Babette's Feast AKA Babettes gæstebud (1987)Denmark
Babies AKA Bébé(s) (2010)France
Babine (2008)Canada
Babo 73 (1964)Robert Downey Sr., [Up All Night With Robert Downey Sr.]
Baboussia aka Babusya (2003)Russia, France
Babushka (2004)
Baby Be Good (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Baby Blues (2008)
Baby Doll (1956)
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Face (1933)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 1]
Baby Geniuses (1999)
Baby Mama (2008)
Baby Sitters Jitters (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Baby the Rain Must Fall (1965)[Steve McQueen Box Set]
Babylon 5 Season 1-5 (1993-98)TV Series
Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999)
Babylon 5: Crusade Season 1 (1999)TV Series
Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998)
Babylon 5: The Gathering In (1993)
Babylon 5: The River of Souls (1998)
Babylon 5: Thirdspace (1998)
Babylon A.D. (2008)
Babylon Berlin Season 1-3 (2017-20)TV SeriesGermany
Babylonia en Guagua (2002)France
Baby's Meal AKA Repas de bébé (1895)France[The Movies Begin]
Baccalaureat AKA Graduation (2016)Romania, France, Belgium
Bach and Broccoli AKA Bach et bottine (1986)Canada
Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The (1947)[Cary Grant The Signature Collection]
Bachelorette (2012)
Back to Bataan (1945)[War Double Feature]
Back to God's Country (1919)
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Backfire (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Back-Up Plan, The (2010)
Backyard AKA El Traspatio (2009)Mexico
Bad and the Beautiful, The (1952)
Bad Boys (1995)
Bad Boys II (2003)
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Bad Education AKA La mala educación (2004)SpainPedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Bad for Each Other (1953)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Bad Guy AKA Nabbeun Namja (2001)South Korea
Bad Kids Go To Hell (2012)
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009)Werner Herzog
Bad Moms (2016)
Bad News Bears (2005)
Bad News Bears Go to Japan, The (1978)
Bad News Bears in Breaking Training, The (1977)
Bad News Bears, The (1976)
Bad Santa (2003)
Bad Seeds AKA Les lauvaises herbes (2016)Canada
Bad Spelling AKA Les fautes d’orthographie (2004)France
Bad Teacher (2011)
Bad Timing (1980)
Bad Words (2013)
Badehotellet Season 1-3 (2013-15)Region 2Denmark
Badlands (1973)Terrence Malik
Bag of Bones (2011)
Bagdad Cafe (1987)
Baghead (2008)
Baise-moi AKA Rape Me (2000)France
Baker, The (2007)
Bakery Girl of Monceau, The AKA La boulangère de Monceau (1963)France, AlgeriaEric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
Balance (1989)
Balance, La AKA The Nark (1982)France
Balcony, The (1963)
Ball of Fire (1941)
Ball Player and the Bandit, The (1912)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
Ballad of Cable Hogue, The (1970)Sam Peckinpah, [Sam Peckinpah's Legendary Western Collection]
Ballad of Jack and Rose, The (2005)
Ballad of Narayama, The (1958)
Ballad of Narayama, The (1983)
Ballade på Christianshavn AKA Our Home is Our Castle (1971)Region 2Denmark
Ballerina AKA Leap! (2016)
Ballet Adagio (1972)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Ballet mécanique (1924)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Ballet Shoes (2007)
Ballets Russes (2005)
Balloonatic, The (1923)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Balto (1995)
Balto II: Wolf Quest (2002)Animation
Balto III: Wings of Change (2004)Animation
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (2002)
Bambi (1942)Disney Animation
Bamboozled (2000)Spike Lee
Bananas (1971)Woody Allen
Bananas! (2009)
Band Drill (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Band of Angels (1957)
Band of Brothers (2001)
Band of Brothers. Complete Series ( )
Band of Outsiders AKA Bande à part (1964)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Band Wagon, The (1953)
Bandera, La AKA Escape from Yesterday (1935)France
Bandit Queen (1994)
Band's Visit, The (2007)
Bandwagon (1996)
Bang Bang Club, The (2010)
Banger Sisters, The (2002)
Bangkok Dangerous (2008)
Bangville Police, The (1913)[The Movies Begin]
Bank Dick, The (1940)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Bank Job, The (2008)
Bank, The (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Bank, The (2001)
Banquet, The (2006)
Banshees of Inisherin, The (2022)Ireland, UK, US
Baraka (1992)
Baran (2001)Iran
Barbara (2012)
Barbarella, Queen of the Galaxy (1968)
Barbarian Invasions, The AKA Les invasions barbares (2003)Canada, FranceDenys Arcand
Barbary Coast (1935)
Barbers: A Men’s Story AKA Barbiers: Une histoire d'hommes (2006)Canada
Barbershop, The (1893)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1
Barber Shop, The (1933)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Barbie (2023)US, UKGreta Gerwig
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure (2015)Animation
Barbie and her Sisters in a Pony Tale (2013)Animation
Barbie and the Diamond Castle (2008)Animation
Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009)Animation
Barbie as the Island Princess (2007)Animation
Barbie as The Princess & the Pauper (2004)Animation
Barbie in 'A Christmas Carol' (2008)Animation
Barbie in A Mermaid Tale (2010)Animation
Barbie in A Mermaid Tale 2 (2012)Animation
Barbie in Rock 'N Royals (2015)Animation
Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)Animation
Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)Animation
Barbie: A Fairy Secret (2011)Animation
Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale (2010)Animation
Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011)Animation
Barbie: The Pearl Princess (2014)Animation
Barbie: The Princess & The Popstar (2012)Animation
Barcelona (1994)
Barefoot Contessa, The (1954)
Barefoot Executive, The (1971)
Barefoot in the Park (1967)
Bargain Counter Attack (1946)
Barking Dogs Never Bite (2000)
Barkleys of Broadway, The (1949)
Barney's Version (2010)
Barnyard (2006)
Barocco (1976)France
Baron of Arizona, The (1950)Samuel Fuller, [First films of Samuel Fuller]
Baronessen fra benzintanken AKA The Baroness from the Gas Station (1960)Region 2Denmark
Barrell Zoom (1943)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Barry Lyndon (1975)Stanley Kubrick
Bart Got a Room (2008)
Barton Fink (1991)Ethan and Joel Coen
Baseball: Tenth Inning, The: Bottom of the Tenth (2010)TV Episode
Baseball: Tenth Inning, The: Top of the Tenth (2010)TV Episode
Basic (2003)
Basic Instinct (1992)Paul Verhoeven
Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
Basketball Diaries, The (1995)
Basquiat (1996)
Bastards AKA Les salauds (2013)FranceClaire Denis
Bastards, The AKA Los bastardos (2008)Mexico
Bastille Day (2016)UK, France, US, Belgium
Bataan (1943)[War Double Feature]
Bathing in a Stream AKA Baignade dans le torrent (1897)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Bâtisseurs d’eau, Les (1997)TV SeriesCanada
Batman, The (1943)
Batman, The (2022)
Batman (1989)Tim Burton
Batman & Robin (1997)
Batman Begins (2005)Christopher Nolan
Batman Forever (1995)
Batman Returns (1992)Tim Burton
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Battery Film (1985)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Battle Cry (1955)
Battle for Haditha (2007)UK
Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
Battle in Heaven (2005)
Battle in Seattle (2007)
Battle of Algiers, The AKA La battaglia di Algeri (1966)Italy, Algeria
Battle of Austerlitz, The: 1805 - Campaigns of Napoleon (2001)TV EpisodeUK
Battle of Borodino, The: 1812 - Campaigns of Napoleon (2001)TV EpisodeUK
Battle of Britain, The (1944)DocumentaryFrank Capra, [World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Battle of Britain, The (1969)UK
Battle of Chile, The - Part I (1975)Venezuela, France, Cuba
Battle of Chile, The - Part II (1976)Cuba, Chile, France
Battle of Chile, The - Part III (1979)Chile, Cuba, Venezuela
Battle of Elderbush Gulch, The - Biograph Shorts (1913)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Battle of San Pietro (1945)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Battle of the Brave AKA Nouvelle France (2004)Canada, UK, France
Battle of the Bulge (1965)
Battle of the Rails, The AKA La bataille du rail (1946)FranceRené Clément
Battle of the Sexes (2017)
Battle of Trafalgar, The - Campaigns of Napoleon (2004)TV EpisodeUK
Battle of Waterloo, The: 1815 - Campaigns of Napoleon (2001)TV EpisodeUK
Battle Royale (2000)
Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
Battleground (1949)
Battleship (2012)
Battleship Potemkin (1925)
Battlestar Galactica Season 1-4 (2004-09)TV SeriesUS, Canada
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan (2009)
Battling Butler (1926)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Bay of Angels AKA La baie des anges (1963)France, MonacoJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Baywatch (2017)
BB (1931)
Be Big! (1931)[Laurel and Hardy Collection]
Be Cool (2005)
Be Easy (2007)
Be Human (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Be Kind Rewind (2008)
Beach Boys, The: Doin' It Again (2012)
Beach Café (2001)
Beach Girls, The (1982)
Beach Red (1967)
Beaches (1988)
Beaches of Agnès, The AKA Les plages d'Agnès (2008)FranceAgnès Varda
Beales of Grey Gardens, The (2006)
Beanpole AKA Dylda (2019)Russia
Bear Shooters (1930)[Our Gang: Little Rascals]
Bears (2004)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Bears (2014)Disney Documentary
Bears and Bees, The (1932)Disney Animation
Beastly (2011)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
Beat That My Heart Skipped, The (2005)
Beatles Anthology, The (1995-96)TV Mini SeriesUK
Beatles: Get Back, The (2021)TV Mini SeriesUK, New Zealand, US
Beatriz at Dinner (2017)
Beau Geste (1939)
Beau Père (1981)France
Beau Serge, Le (1958)France
Beau Travail (1999)FranceClaire Denis
Beaufort (2007)
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel AKA Beaumarchais l’insolent (1996)France
Beauties at War AKA La Guerre des Mis (2008)France
Beautiful Beast, The (2006)
Beautiful Boy (2010)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Country, The (2004)
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, A (2019)
Beautiful Japan (1918)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Beautiful Lies AKA De vrais mensonges (2010)France
Beautiful Mind, A (2001)
Beautiful Ohio (2006)
Beautiful Person, The AKA La Belle Personne (2008)France
Beautiful Story, The AKA La belle histoire (1992)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
Beauty and the Beast AKA La belle et la bête (1946)FranceRené Clément
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)Disney
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997)Disney Animation
Beauty & the Briefcase, The (2010)
Beauty of the Devil, The AKA La beauté du diable (1950)France, Italy
Beauty Shop (2005)
Beaver, The (2011)Jody Foster
Because I Said So (2007)
Because of Him (1946)[Deanna Durbin Music & Romance Collection]
Because of Winn-Dixie (2005)
Beck: Vol. 1 (1997)Sweden
Becket (1964)
Becoming Jane (2007)
Bed and Board AKA Domicile conjugal (1970)France, ItalyFrançois Truffaut
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
Bedlam (1946)
Bedroom Fantasy (1953)[Best of Burlesque]
Bedrooms and Hallways (1998)
Bedtime Stories (2008)
Bee Movie (2007)
Bee Season (2005)
Beeba Boys (2015)Canada
Beecham House (2019)TV Mini SeriesUK
Beer and Pretzels (1936)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Beethoven's Big Break (2008)
Beetlejuice (1988)Tim Burton
Before I Fall (2017)
Before I Forget (2007)
Before Midnight (2013)
Before My Heart Falls AKA Avant que mon coeur bascule (2012)Canada
Before Night Falls (2000)
Before Stonewall (1984)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunset (2004)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)Sidney Lumet
Before the Rain (1994)
Before The Rains (2007)
Before the Winter Chill AKA Avant l'hiver (2013)France
Before Tomorrow AKA Le jour avant le lendemain (2008)Canada
Begin Again (2013)
Beginners (2010)
Beginnings (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Begone Dull Care (1950)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Beguiled, The (1971)Clint Eastwood, [Clint Eastwood: American Icon Collection]
Beguiled, The (2017)
Behave Yourself! (1951)[Classic Comedy Triple Feature]
Behaving Badly (2009)
Behind Locked Doors (1948)[Film Noir: The Dark Side of Hollywood]
Behind that Curtain (1929)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Behind the Candelabra (2013)Steven Soderbergh
Behind the Mask (1932)
Behind the Planet of the Apes (1998)
Behind the Screen (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Behind the Sun (2001)
Beijing Bicycle AKA Shiqi sui de dan che (2001)France, Taiwan, China
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Being Julia (2004)
Being Light (2001)
Being There (1979)
Beirut (2018)
Bel Ami (2012)UK, Italy
Belfast (2021)UK
Belfast: Practice Rescue ("The Big Ladder") AKA Belfast, exercices de sauvetage (1897)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Bélier Family, The AKA La famille Bélier (2014)France
Believer, The (2001)
Belko Experiment, The (2016)
Bell, Book and Candle (1958)Richard Quine, [Kim Novak Collection]
Bella AKA Beauty (2006)US, Mexico
Bellamy Inspector Bellamy (2009)FranceClaude Chabrol
Belle (2013)UK
Belle captive, La AKA The Beautiful Prisoner (1983)France
Belle de Jour (1967)France, ItalyLuis Buñuel
Belle Époque (1992)Spain, Portugal, France
Belle Noiseuse, La AKA The Beautiful Troublemaker (1991)France, SwitzerlandJacques Rivette
Bellissima (1951)Luchino Visconti, [Luchino Visconti Collection]
Bellman and True (1987)
Bells Are Ringing (1960)
Bells of St. Mary's, The (1945)
Belly of an Architect, The (1987)UK, ItalyPeter Greenaway
Beloved (1982)
Beloved AKA Les bien-aimés (2011)France
Beloved Sisters AKA Die geliebten Schwestern (2014)Germany
Ben and Me (1953)Animation
Ben X (2007)
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)UK, Germany, US
Beneath Hill 60 (2010)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
Benefactor, The (2015)
Ben-Hur (1959)
Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini (1993)TV Mini SeriesItaly, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic
Benny & Joon (1993)
Benny Hill: Complete & Unadulterated Season 1 (1969)TV SeriesUK
Benny Hill: Complete & Unadulterated Seasons 1-6 (1969-89)TV SeriesUK
Benny Hill: The Naughty Early Years (1969-71)TV SeriesUK
Benny's Video (1992)Austria, SwitzerlandMichael Haneke
Beowulf (2007)
Beowulf & Grendel (2005)Canada, UK, Iceland
Berkeley Square: The Complete Series (1998)TV Mini Series
Berlin '36 (2009)Germany
Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)TV Mini SeriesGermany, ItalyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Berlin Concert, The (2006)TV Special
Berlin Correspondent (1942)
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927)Germany
Berlinguer I Love You AKA Berlinguer ti voglio bene (1977)Italy
Berlin-Jerusalem (1989)Israel, Netherlands, ItalyAmos Gitai, [Amos Gitai: Exile]
Bernie (2011)
Beshkempir: The Adopted Son (1998)Kyrgyzstan, France
Besieged (1998)Italy, UKBernardo Bertolucci
Besieged Fortress, The (2006)
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (2011)UK, US, UAE
Best Government Money Can Buy?, The (2009)
Best in Show (2000)
Best Man Holiday, The (2013)
Best of Enemies (2015)
Best of Everything, The (1959)
Best of Me, The (2014)
Best of Youth, The (2003)
Best Offer, The AKA La Migliore Offerta (2013)Italy
Best Sellers (2021)Canada, UK
Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946)
Bête Humaine, La AKA The Human Beast (1938)FranceJean Renoir
Bethlehem (2013)Israel
Betrayed (1988)Costa-Gavras
Betsy, The (1978)
Better Call Saul Season 1-2 (2015-16)TV Series
Better Living Through Chemistry (2014)
Better Tomorrow, A (2010)South Korea
Betty Blue AKA 37.2 Le Matin (1987)
Betty Boop and Grampy (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop and Little Jimmy (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop and the Little King (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop with Henry (1930)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle (1932)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop's Big Boss (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop's Ker-Choo (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty Boop's Rise to Fame (1934)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Betty in Blunderland (1934)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Between Heaven and Hell (1956)
Between Midnight and Dawn (1950)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 4]
Between Showers (1914)Henry Lehrman, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Between Sweet and Salt Water (1967)
Between Two Worlds (1944)
Between Us AKA Entre Nós (2013)Brazil
Beverly Hillbillies, The (1993)
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)Disney
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (2011)Disney
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 - Viva La Fiesta! (2012)Disney
Beware of a Holy Whore AKA Warnung vor einer heilige Nutte (1971)Germany, ItalyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Bewitched (2005)
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (2009)
Beyond Borders (2003)
Beyond Silence (1996)
Beyond the Ashes AKA Ash Tuesday (2003)[9.11 Commemorative Box Set]
Beyond the Clouds AKA Al di là delle nuvole (1995)France, Germany, ItalyMichelangelo Antonioni
Beyond The Edge (2013)
Beyond the Grave (2010)
Beyond the Law (1968)
Beyond the Sea (2004)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
Beyond Therapy (1987)Robert Altman
Bezhin Meadow (1937)Soviet Union
BFG, The (2016)Disney
Bhaji on the Beach (1993)UK
Biches, Les AKA Bad Girls (1968)France, Italy
Bicycle Thieves AKA Ladri di biciclette (1948)ItalyVittorio De Sica
Bicycling with Molière AKA Alceste à bicyclette (2013)France
Bienvenue parmi nous AKA Welcome Aboard (2012)France
Big (1988)
Big Bang Love, Juvenile A AKA 46-okunen no koi (2006)Japan
Big Bang Theory Season 1-6 (2007-13)TV Series
Big Blue, The (1988)
Big Bluff, The (1955)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Big Bounce, The (2004)
Big Boys Gone Bananas!* (2011)Documentary
Big Brass Ring, The (1999)
Big Broadcast of 1938, The (1938)[Bob Hope Collection]
Big Brown Eyes (1936)[Cary Grant Screen Legend]
Big C, The Season 1-3 (2010-13)TV Series
Big Chill, The (1983)
Big Clock, The (1948)
Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958)
Big Easy, The (1986)
Big Eyes (2014)Tim Burton
Big Fish (2003)Tim Burton
Big Fix, The (2012)DocumentaryUS, France, Germany
Big Heat, The (1953)Fritz Lang, [TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 1]
Big Hero 6 (2014)Disney Animation
Big Idea, The (1934)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Big Jim McLain (1952)
Big Kahuna, The (1999)
Big Knife, The (1955)
Big Lebowski, The (1998)Ethan and Joel Coen
Big Little Lies Season 1-2 (2017-19)TV Series
Big Love Season 1-3 (2006-09)TV Series
Big News From Grand Rock (2014)
Big Night (1996)
Big One, The (1997)
Big Picture, The AKA L'Homme que voulait vivre sa vie (2010)France
Big Red One, The (1980)
Big Risk, The AKA Classe tous risques (1960)France
Big Shave, The (1967)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Shorts]
Big Short, The (2015)
Big Shot (2013)
Big Shot, The (1942)
Big Sick, The (2017)
Big Sleep, The (1946)
Big Sleep, The (1978)
Big Steal, The (1949)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Big Store, The (1941)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Big Swallow, The (1901)[The Movies Begin]
Big Top Scooby-Doo! (2012)Animation
Big Trail, The (1930)
Big Trouble (1986)
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)John Carpenter
Big Wash, The AKA La grande lessive (!) (1968)France
Big Wedding, The (2013)
Big Year, The (2011)
Bigger Splash, A (2015)
Bigger Than Life (1956)
Biggest Little Farm (2018)
Bill & Ted Face The Music (2020)
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
Bill Cunningham New York (2010)
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919)Hal Roach, [Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Billy Budd (1962)
Billy Connolly: Journey to the Edge of the World (2010)TV Series
Billy Edwards and the Unknown (1895)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Billy Elliot (2000)
Billy Jack (1971)
Bingo (1998)AnimationCanadaChris Landreth, Ryan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
Bird (1988)Clint Eastwood
Bird of Paradise (1932)
Bird People (2014)
Bird Store, The (1932)
Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The (1970)
Birder's Guide to Everything, A (2013)
Birdlings (1967)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Birdman (2014)
Birds, The (1963)Alfred Hitchcock
Birds in the Spring (1933)
Birds of America AKA Laws of Motion (2008)
Birds of Paradise (2010)
Birds of Prey (1988)
Birds of Prey (2020)
Birdsong (2012)TV Mini Series
Birth (2004)
Birth As We Know It (2006)
Birth of a Golem AKA Naissance d'un Golem (1990)FranceAmos Gitai, [Amos Gitai: Exile]
Birth of a Hat AKA Making a Stetson (1920)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Birth of a Nation, The (1915)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Birth of the Blues (1941)[Bing Crosby Collection]
Birth of the Dragon (2016)China
Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ, The AKA La vie du Christ (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Birthday Girl (2001)
Bishop's Wife, The (1947)
Bitter Bit, The (1900)[The Movies Begin]
Bitter Harvest (2017)
Bitter Moon (1992)Roman Polanski
Bitter Rice (1949)
Bitter Sugar (1996)
Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, The AKA Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant (1972)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Bitter Victory (1957)
Bittersweet Memories (2004)Canada
Biutiful (2010)Mexico
BKO: Bangkok Knockout (2010)Thailand
Black (2009)France
Black '47 (2018)Ireland
Black and Blue (2019)
Black and White in Color (1976)
Black Angel (1946)
Black Book AkA Zwartboek (2006)Netherlands, Germany, UK, BelgiumPaul Verhoeven
Black Book, The AKA Reign of Terror (1949)
Black Books: Series 1-3 (2000-04)BBC TV SeriesUK
Black Camel, The (1931)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Black Castle, The (1952)[Boris Karloff Collection]
Black Cat, The (1934)[Bela Lugosi Collection]
Black Cat, The (1941)[Universal: Horror Classic Movie Archive]
Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (2006)
Black Coffee (2007)DocumentaryCanada
Black Dahlia, The (2006)
Black Diamond Express (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Black Eyes (1915)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Black Fox: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler (1962)
Black Friday (1940)[Bela Lugosi Collection]
Black Friday (2004)
Black Girl (1966)
Black Hand, The (1906)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Black Hawk Down (2001)Ridley Scott
Black Heaven AKA L'autre monde (2010)France
Black Hole, The (2006)[Sci-Fi Four Pack]
Black Imp, The AKA Le diable noir (1905)France[The Movies Begin]
Black Irish (2007)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Black Legion (1937)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 3]
Black Mass (2015)
Black Moon (1975)France, GermanyLouis Malle
Black Mother Black Daughter (1989)NFB DocumentaryCanadaSylvia Hamilton, Claire Prieto
Black Narcissus (1947)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Black November (2012)
Black October (2000)
Black or White (2014)
Black Orpheus (1959)
Black Panther (2018)Ryan Coogler
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)Ryan Coogler
Black Peter (1964)
Black Pond (2011)
Black Rain (1989)Ridley Scott
Black River AKA Kuroi kawa (1957)JapanMasaki Kobayashi, [Masaki Kobayashi Against the System]
Black Robe (1991)
Black Rose, The (1950)
Black Serenade AKA Tuno negro (2001)Spain
Black Ships, The (1970)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Black Snake Moan (2006)
Black Stallion, The (1979)
Black Sun AKA Kuroi taiyô (1964)JapanKoreyoshi Kurahara, [Warrior World of Koreyoshi Kurahara]
Black Sunday (1960)
Black Swan (2010)
Black Swan, The (1942)
Black Venus AKA Vénus noire (2010)France
Black Waters of Echo's Pond, The (2009)
Black Widow (1954)[Fox Film Noir]
Black Widow (1987)
Black Widow (2021)
Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988)
Blackberry (2023)Canada
Blackbird, The AKA Le merle (1958)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Blackbird (2019)
Blackboard Jungle (1955)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Blackboards (2000)
Blackfish (2013)
Blackhat (2015)
Blackmail (1929)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Blacksmith, The (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Blacksmithing Scene (1893)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Blacktop: A Story of the Washing of a School Play Yard (1952)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Blade (1998)
Blade Runner (1982)Ridley Scott
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)Denis Villeneuve
Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut (1991)
Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007)
Blade: Trinity (2004)
Blades of Glory (2007)
Blair Witch (2016)
Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
Blaise Pascal (1972)Italy, FranceRoberto Rossellini, [Rossellini's History Films]
Blame It On Fidel! AKA La faute de Fidel! (2007)Italy, France
Blame It on Mum AKA Quelque chose à te dire (2009)France
Blame It on Rio (1984)
Blast of Silence (1961)
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Bleak Moments (1971)UKMike Leigh, [Mike Leigh Collection]
Blended (2014)
Bless Me, Ultima (2012)
Bletchley Circle, The (2012)TV SeriesUK, Canada
Blind Chance AKA Przypadek (1987)PolandKrzysztof Kieslowski
Blind Man, The AKA À l'aveugle (2012)France
Blind Side, The (2009)
Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary (2002)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blindness (2008)
Bling Ring, The (2013)Sofia Coppola
Blinkity Blank (1955)AnimationUKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Bliss (2007)
Blitz (2011)
Blob, The (1958)
Blonde Crazy (1931)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Blonde Venus (1932)[Marlene Dietrich: Glamour Collection]
Blood Alley (1955)
Blood and Sand (1941)
Blood Diamond (2006)
Blood Father (2016)
Blood Feud AKA Fatto di sangue fra due uomini per cause di una vedova (1978)Italy, UKLina Wertmüller
Blood from a Stone AKA La mer à boire (2012)France
Blood Lions: Bred for the Bullet (2015)Documentary
Blood of a Poet, The AKA Le sang d'un poète (1932)Jean Cocteau, [Jean Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy]
Blood of my Blood (2008)
Blood on the Streets AKA Borsalino and Co. (1974)
Blood Simple (1984)Ethan and Joel Coen
Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)
Blood Tide (1982)
Blood Wedding AKA Bodas de Sangre (1981)Spain, FranceCarlos Saura, [Carlos Saura's Flamenco Trilogy]
Bloody Sunday (2002)
Blossoms in the Dust (1941)
Blow Dry (2001)
Blow Out (1981)
Blow-Up (1966)Michelangelo Antonioni
Blue Angel, The (1930)
Blue Butterfly, The (2004)
Blue Caprice (2013)
Blue Car (2002)
Blue Collar Comedy Next Generation (2007)TV Special
Blue Collar Comedy Tour (2003)
Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again (2004)TV Special
Blue Crush (2002)
Blue Crush 2 (2011)
Blue Dahlia, The (1946)[TCM Dark Crimes Film Noir Thrillers]
Blue Gardenia, The (1953)Fritz Lang
Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008)Documentary
Blue in the Face (1995)
Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)
Blue Jasmine (2013)Woody Allen
Blue Kite, The (1993)
Blue Mountain State Season 1-2 (2010-11)TV Series
Blue Planet, The (2001)TV Mini Series
Blue Pullman (1960)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Blue Room, The AKA La chambre bleue (2014)France
Blue Ruin (2013)
Blue Skies (1946)[Bing Crosby Collection]
Blue Steel (1934)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Blue Valentine (2010)
Blue Velvet (1986)David Lynch
Bluebeard (1944)
Bluebeard AKA Barbe bleue (2009)FranceCatherine Breillat
Blueprint for Murder, A (1953)[MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Blues Brothers, The (1980)
Blues in the Night (1941)
Bluff (2007)
Blurr Test (1957)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Boarding Gate (2007)
Boardwalk Empire Season 1-5 (2010-14)TV Series
Boat, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Bob Dylan: The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration (1993)
Bob Hope Chevy Hour - The Chevy Show (1955)TV Episode[Bob Hope Comedy Pack]
Bob le flambeur (1956)FranceJean-Pierre Melville
Bob Roberts (1992)
Bobby (2006)
Bobby Fischer Against the World (2011)
Boccaccio '70 (1962)Italy, France[Great Italian Directors Collection]
Body Double (1984)
Body Heat (1981)
Body of Lies (2008)Ridley Scott
Body Shot AKA Framed by Seduction (1994)Dimitri Logothetis
Body Snatcher , The (1945)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Body Snatchers (1993)
Bodyguard, The (1992)
Bodyguards and Assassins AKA Shi yue wei cheng (2009)China
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
Boiler Room (2000)
Boiling Point (1993)
Bolero (1984)
Bolero: Dance of Life AKA Les uns et les autres (1981)FranceClaude Lelouch
Bolivia (1999)Argentina, Netherlands
Bollywood Hero (2009)
Bollywood, Hollywood (2002)
Bolse vita (1996)Hungary, Germany
Bolt (2008)
Bomb Girls Season 1,2 (2013-14)TV SeriesCanada
Bombay Calling (2006)
Bombay Talkie (1970)
Bombers B-52 (1957)
Bombing of Germany, The - American Experience (2010)TV Episode
Bombón: The Dog (2004)Argentina
Bombshell (1933)
Bombshell (2019)
Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006)Canada
Bon Cop, Bad Cop 2 (2017)Canada
Bon voyage (2003)
Bonanza ( )
Bone Collector, The (1999)
Bonfire of the Vanities, The (1990)
Bonheur Des Autres, Le AKA The Happiness of Others (2011)Canada
Bonheur, Le AKA Happiness (1965)FranceAgnès Varda, [Agnès Varda: 4 Films]
Bonhoeffer (2003)
Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi (2003)Israel
Bonjour Tristesse (1958)UK, US
Bonneville (2006)
Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
Bonnie Scotland (1935)
Boobs in Arms (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Boogie-Doodle (1941)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Boogie Nights (1997)Paul Thomas Anderson
Book Bargain (1937)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Book Club (2018)
Book of Eli, The (2010)
Book of Life, The (2014)Animation
Book of Negroes, The (2015)TV Mini Series
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
Book Thief, The (2013)
Bookshop, The (2017)UK, Spain, Germany, France
Boom Town (1940)
Boomerang! (1947)[Fox Film Noir]
Boondock Saints II, The: All Saints Day (2009)
Boondock Saints, The (1999)
Booty and the Beast (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
Border Café (2005)
Border, The (1982)
Border, The Season 1-3 (2008-09)TV SeriesCanada
Borderline (2008)Canada
Borgen Season 1-3 (2010)TV SeriesDenmark
Borgias, The Season 1 (2011)TV SeriesUS, Hungary, Ireland, Canada
Boris Without Beatrice AKA Boris sans Béatrice (2016)Canada
Born Free (1966)
Born in Absurdistan AKA Geboren in Absurdistan (1999)Germany
Born into Brothels (2004)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Born to Be Blue (2015)
Born to Dance (1936)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Born to Kill (1947)
Born Under Libra (2001)
Borsalino (1970)France, Italy
Boss Baby, The (2017)Animation
Boss of It All, The (2006)Lars von Trier
Boss, The AKA Il boss (1973)ItalyFernando Di Leo, [Fernando Di Leo: Crime Collection]
Boss, The (2016)
Boston Strangler, The (1968)
Bostonians, The (1984)
Both Sides of the Blade AKA Avec amour et acharnement (2022)FranceClaire Denis
Bothersome Man, The (2006)
Bottle in the Gaza Sea, A AKA Une bouteille à la mer (2011)France, Israel
Bottle Rocket (1996)
Bottle Shock (2008)
Boudu (2005)France
Boudu Saved from Drowning AKA Boudu sauvé des eaux (1932)FranceJean Renoir
Boulevard (2014)
Boum, La (1980)France
Bound by Honor AKA Blood In … Blood Out (1993)
Bound for Glory (1976)
Bounty Hunter, The (2010)
Bourne Identity, The (2002)
Bourne Legacy, The (2012)
Bourne Supremacy, The (2004)
Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007)
Bout de Zan Steals an Elephant (1913)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Boutique (2004)
Bow, The (2005)
Bowfinger (1999)Frank Oz
Bowling (2012)France
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Boxcar Bertha (1972)Martin Scorsese
Boxer, The (1997)
Boxing Cats, The (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Boxing Helena (1993)
Boxtrolls, The (2014)
Boy (2010)
Boy & the World (2013)Animation
Boy and His Dog, A (1975)
Boy Erased (2018)
Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The (2008)
Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! (1966)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Boychoir (2014)
Boyfriends and Girlfriends AKA L'ami de mon amie (1987)FranceEric Rohmer
Boyhood (2014)
Boys and Girl from County Clare, The (2003)
Boys Are Back, The (2009)
Boy's Choir (2000)
Boys Don't Cry (1999)
Boys from Brazil, The (1978)
Boys in the Band, The (1970)William Friedkin
Boys of Baraka, The (2005)
Boys Town (1938)[Classic Holiday Collection]
Boys, Les (1997)Canada
Boys, Les II (1998)Canada
Boys, Les III (2001)Canada
Boys, Les IV (2005)Canada
Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Braindead (1992)
Brambly Hedge - Secret Staircase, The (1996)TV Episode
Brambly Hedge - Autumn Story: Primrose’s Stormy Night (1996)TV Episode
Brambly Hedge - High Hills (1996)TV Episode
Brambly Hedge - Spring Story (1997)TV Episode
Brambly Hedge - Summer Story (1996)TV Episode
Brambly Hedge - Winter Story (1996)TV Episode
Bran Nue Dae (2009)Australia
Brand New Day (1996)
Brand New Testament, The AKA Le tout Nouveau Testament (2015)Belgium
Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters (2006)CanadaGuy Maddin
Brand-Børge rykker ud AKA Flaming Fire Chief (1976)Region 2Denmark
Bras de levier et la rivière, Le (1973)DocumentaryCanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Brasher Doubloon, The (1947)
Brass Teapot, The (2012)
Brassed Off (1996)
Bratz (2007)
Brave (2012)Pixar Animation
Brave Engineer, The (1950)Disney Animation
Brave One, The (2007)
Braveheart (1995)Mel Gibson
Brazil (1985)Terry Gilliam
Breach (2007)
Breach, The (1970)
Bread (1953)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Bread and Roses (2000)UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, SwitzerlandKen Loach
Bread and Tulips (2000)
Breadwinner, The (2017)Animation
Break Point (2014)
Breakaway (2011)
Breaker Morant (1980)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)[Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Breakfast Club, The (1985)
Breakfast on Pluto (2005)
Breakfast with Scot (2007)
Breaking and Entering (2006)
Breaking Away (1979)
Breaking Bad Season 1-5 (2008-13)TV Series
Breaking The Silence (2000)
Breaking the Waves (1996)Lars von Trier
Break-Up, The (2006)
Breath of a Nation (1919)Animation[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Breathe (2017)
Breathless AKA À bout de souffle (1960)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Brian Regan: The Epitome of Hyperbole (2008)Documentary
Brian Wilson Presents Smile (2005)Documentary
Bribe, The (1949)
Brice Man, The (2005)
Brick (2005)
Brick Lane (2007)
Bricklayers, The AKA Les maçons (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Bride & Prejudice (2004)
Bride Came C.O.D., The (1941)
Bride Flight (2008)
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)[Frankenstein: The Legacy Collection]
Bride of Resistor (1997)
Bride Wars (2009)
Bride Wore Black, The AKA La mariée était en noir (1968)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Bride Wore Boots, The (1946)
Brideless Groom Three Stooges (1947)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Brides of Dracula, The (1960)[Hammer Horror Series]
Brideshead Revisited: Vol. 1-4 (1981)TV Series
Brideshead Revisited (2008)
Bridesmaid, The AKA La demoiselle d'honneur (2004)France, Germany, ItalyClaude Chabrol
Bridesmaids (2011)Paul Feig
Bridge at Remagen, The (1969)
Bridge of Spies (2015)Steven Spielberg
Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)David Lean
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
Bridge Too Far, A (1977)
Bridge, The Season 1 (2013)US
Bridge, The Season 1-4 AKA Bron, Broen (2011-18)TV SeriesSweden, Denmark
Bridges at Toko-Ri, The (1954)
Bridges of Madison County, The (1995)Clint Eastwood
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Bridget Jones's Baby (2016)
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
Brief Crossing AKA Brève traversée (2001)FranceCatherine Breillat
Brief Encounter (1945)David Lean
Brief Vacation, A (1973)
Brigadoon (1954)
Bright Days Ahead AKA Les beaux jours (2013)France
Bright Future (2002)
Bright Leaves (2003)
Bright Star (2009)Jane Campion
Bright Young Things (2003)
Brightburn (2019)
Brighton Rock (2010)
Brigitte and Brigitte (1966)
Brigitte Bardot … Take One ( )[Brigitte Bardot Collection]
Bring It On (2000)
Bring It On: Again (2004)
Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)
Bring It On: Fight to the Finish (2009)
Bring It On: In It To Win It (2007)
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974)
Bring Out Your Dead (2009)
Bringing Down the House (2003)
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
British Empire in Color, The (2002)TV Mini SeriesUK
Broadcast News (1987)
Broadchurch Season 1-3 (2013-17)TV Series
Broadway Danny Rose (1984)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
Broadway Melody, The (1929)
Brødrene på Uglegaarden (1967)Region 2Denmark
Brokeback Mountain (2005)Ang Lee
Brokedown Palace (1999)
Broken Blossoms (1919)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Broken Circle Breakdown, The (2012)
Broken City (2013)
Broken Embraces (2010)
Broken English (2007)
Broken Flowers (2005)Jim Jarmusch
Broken Line, The AKA La ligne brisée (2008)Can,ada
Broken Toys (1935)Animation
Broken Wings (2002)Israel
Brokenwood Mysteries, The: Series 1-3 (2014-16), Series 20 (2024)TV Series
Bronte Sisters, The (1979)
Bronx Morning, A (1931)Documentary[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Brooklyn (2015)
Brooklyn Rules (2007)
Brooklyn's Finest (2009)
Brother (1997)
Brother Bear (2003)
Brother from Another Planet, The (1984)
Brother Orchid (1940)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 3]
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1972)
Brotherhood of Justice, The (1986)
Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
Brothers (2004)Denmark, UK, Sweden, Norway
Brothers (2009)
Brothers Bloom, The (2008)
Brothers Grimm, The (2005)Terry Gilliam
Brothers Grimsby, The (2016)UK, US
Brothers Karamazov, The (1958)
Brothers McMullen, The (1995)
Brothers Rico, The (1957)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 2]
Brothers… On Holy Ground (2003)Documentary[9.11 Commemorative Box Set]
Brown Bunny, The (2003)
Brown Sugar (2002)
Browning Version, The (1951)
Browning Version, The (1994)
Bruce Almighty (2003)
Bruce Lee, The Legend of: Vol. 1 ( )
Brunante, La (2007)Canada
Brüno (2009)
Brute Force (1947)
Bubba Ho-tep (2002)
Bubble (2005)Steven Soderbergh
Bubble, The (2006)
Bubble Trouble (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Buck Privates (1941)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Buck Privates Come Home (1947)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Bucket List, The (2007)
Bucking Broncho (1894)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Buddy (2003)
Buddy Holly Story, The (1978)
Bud's Recruit (1918)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Buena Vista Social Club (1999)DocumentaryWim Wenders
Buffalo Bill (1894)
Buffalo Dance (1894)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
Buffet Froid (1979)France
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1-2 (1996-97)TV Series
Bugs in Love (1932)Disney Animation
Bug's Life, A (1998)Pixar Animation
Bulgarian Lovers (2003)
Bull Durham (1988)
Bulldog Drummond (1929)
Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937)
Bulldog Drummond Comes Back (1937)
Bulldog Drummond Escapes (1937)
Bulldog Drummond in Africa (1938)
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1947)
Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939)
Bulldog Drummond's Peril (1938)
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937)
Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police (1939)
Bulldog Jack AKA Alias Bulldog Drummond (1935)
Bullet for Joey, A (1955)
Bullet to the Head (2012)
Bullet Train (2022)
Bulletproof Monk (2003)
Bullets or Ballots (1936)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
Bullets Over Broadway (1994)Woody Allen
Bullitt (1968)[Steve McQueen Collection]
Bully (2011)
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumping Into Broadway (1919)Hal Roach, [Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Bumrush (2011)
Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965)
Buoyancy (2019)Australia
‘Burbs, The (1989)[Tom Hanks Comedy Favourites Collection]
Burden of Dreams (1982)
Burglar, The (1957)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 3]
Burglar on the Roof, The (1898)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Burglars, The AKA Les cambrioleurs (1897)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Burglar's Dilemma, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Buried (2010)
Buried Alive (1939)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque on Carmen, A (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country (2008)Documentary
Burmese Harp, The (1956)
Burn After Reading (2008)Ethan and Joel Coen
Burn! (1969)
Burning AKA Beoning (2018)South Korea
Burning of Durland's Riding Academy, The (1902)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Burning Plain, The (2008)
Burning Stable, The (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Burnt (2015)
Burnt by the Sun (1994)
Burnt Money (2000)
Burnt Orange Heresy, The (2019)
Burton and Taylor (2013)Biography
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee (2007)
Bus 174 (2002)
Bus Stop (1956)
Busby Berkeley CD Disc, The (2006)
Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2004)Documentary
Busher, The (1919)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Business is Business AKA Wat zien ik (1971)NetherlandsPaul Verhoeven
Business of Being Born, The (2008)
Busy Day, A (1914)Mack Sennett, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Butcher, The AKA Le boucher (1970)France, Italy
Butcher's Son, The AKA La soga (2009)Dominican Republic
Butler, The AKA Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Butley (1974)[American Film Theatre]
Butterfield 8 (1960)
Butter Fingers (1925)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Butterfly Effect, The (2004)
Butterfly, The (2002)
Buy an Electric Refrigerator (1926)
Buy Your Own Cherries (1904)[The Movies Begin]
Buying the Cow (2002)
By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2005)
By the Sea (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
By the Sea (2015)
Byzantium (2012)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)
C’est La Vie (1990)France
Cabaret (1972)
Cabbage-Patch Fairy, The AKA La fée aux choux, ou la naissance des enfants (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Cabin Fever (2002)
Cabin in the Woods, The (2011)
Cabin Movie, The (2005)
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (1920)Germany[German Expressionism Collection]
Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer, The (1984)Documentary
Cabotins (2010)Canada
Caché (2005)France, Austria, Germany, ItalyMichael Haneke
Cactus Makes Perfect (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Cadfael: Series 1-4 (1994-98)TV SeriesUK
Cadillac Records (2008)
Caesar and Cleopatra (1945)Gabriel Pascal, [George Bernard Shaw on Film]
Caesar and Cleopatra (2009)
Caesar Must Die AKA Cesare deve morire (2012)Italy
Café au Lait AKA Métisse (1993)France, Belgium
Café Bar (1974)UK
Café de Flore (2011)Canada, France
Café Lumière AKA Kôhî jikô (2003)Japan, Taiwan
Café Society (2016)Woody Allen
Café Transit AKA Border Café (2005)Iran, France, Turkey
Cage aux folles II, La (1980)France, Italy
Cage aux folles, La (1978)France, Italy
Cage, The (1947)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Caicedo (with Pole) (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Caicedo, King of the Slack Wire in Peepshow Kinetoscopes (1894)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Caiman, The (2006)
Caine Mutiny, The (1954)
Cairo Time (2009)
Cake (2014)
Cake Walk, Performed by Nouveau Cirque (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Calamity Jane (1953)
Calcutta (1969)DocumentaryFranceLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Calendar (1993)Armenia, Canada, GermanyAtom Egoyan, [Atom Egoyan DVD Collection]
Calendar Girls (2003)
Caliber 9 AKA Milano calibro 9 (1972)ItalyFernando Di Leo, [Fernando Di Leo: Crime Collection]
California Split (1974)Robert Altman
Californication Season 1-2 (2007-08)TV Series
Caligula (1979)Italy, US
Call for Help from Sing Sing!, A (1934)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Call Me By Your Name (2017)
Call Me Madam (1953)
Call Northside 777 (1948)
Call of the Wild, The (1935)
Call of the Wild, The (2020)
Call the Midwife Season 1-10 (2012-21)TV Series
Call, The (2013)
Callas Forever (2002)
Caller, The (2008)
Calling Dr. Death (1943)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Calvary (2014)
Cambridge Spies (2003)TV Mini SeriesUK
Camelot: Complete Series (2011)TV SeriesIreland, US, UK, Canada
Camera Buff AKA Amator (1979)PolamdKrzysztof Kieslowski
Camera Makes Whoopee (1935)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Camila (1984)Argentina, Spain
Camilla (1994)Canada, UK
Camille (1921)
Camille (1936)
Camille Claudel (1988)France
Camille Claudel 1915 (2013)France
Camille Rewinds AKA Camille redouble (2012)France
Camion (2012)Canada
Camp (2003)
Camp de Thiaroye (1988)Senegal, Algeria, Tunisia
Camp Rock (2008)
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (2010)
Campaign, The (2012)
Campaign in Poland AKA Feldzug in Polen (1940)DocumentaryGermany[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 4]
Campaigns of Napoleon, The (2001)TV Mini SeriesUK
Campfire (2004)
Can You Hear Me Thinking? - Screen One (1990)TV EpisodeUK[Judi Dench Collection]
Can’t Help Singing (1944)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
Canada: A People’s History: The Complete Series (2000-01)TV SeriesCanada
Canada Vignettes: A Love Story (2011)NFB DocumentariesCanada
Canada’s Team of the Century – 1972 Canada vs. USSR: Complete 8 Game Series (2002)Canada
Canadian Bacon (1995)US, Canada
Canal Street (2019)
Can-Can (1960)
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (2015)PBS Documentary
Candid Candidate, The (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Candy (2006)
Cannery Row (1982)
Cannibal Capers (1930)Disney Animation
Cannonball Adderley: Live in ’63 (2008)
Cannonball Run, The (1981)
Canon (1964)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Can't Buy Me Love (1987)
Can't Help Singing (1944)
Canterbury Tale, A (1944)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Canterbury Tales, The (1972)
Canvas (2009)India
Canyons, The (2013)
Cap de l'espérance, Le AKA The Cape of Hope (1951)France, Italy
Cape Fear (1962)
Capitaine Alatriste (2006)Spain
Capital AKA Le capital (2012)FranceCosta-Gavras
Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)Documentary
Caporal épinglé, Le AKA Elusive Corporal, The (1962)FranceJean Renoir
Capote (2005)
Caprica Season 1 (2009)TV SeriesCanada, US
Caprica: Season 1.5 (2010)TV Series
Caprice (2015)France
Capricious Summer (1968)
Capricorn One (1977)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Captain Blood (1935)
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1949)
Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
Captain from Castile (1947)
Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
Captain Kidd (1945)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Newman, M.D. (1963)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Captain Underpants: First Epic Movie (2017)Animation
Captains of the Clouds (1942)
Captain's Paradise, The (1953)UK[Alec Guinness Collection]
Captive State (2019)
Captive Wild Woman (1943)[Universal: Horror Classic Movie Archive]
Captive, The (2000)
Captive, The (2014)CanadaAtom Egoyan
Capture of Boer Battery by British (1900)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary (2008)Documentary
Capturing the Friedmans (2003)
Caramel (2007)
Caravaggio (1986)UK
Card Party AKA Une partie de cartes (1896)France[The Movies Begin]
Card Player, The AKA Il cartaio (2003)ItalyDario Argento, [Dario Argento Collection]
Cardinal, The (1963)
Carefree (1938)
Cargo 200 (2007)
Carl Th. Dreyer – My Metier (1995)Denmark
Carla's Song (1996)UK, Spain, GermanyKen Loach
Carlos (2010)TV Series
Carlton-Browne of the F.O. AKA Man in a Cocked Hat (1959)[Peter Sellers Collection]
Carmaux: Drawing Out the Coke AKA Carmaux, defournage du coke (1896)France
Carmen (1983)SpainCarlos Saura, [Carlos Saura's Flamenco Trilogy]
Carmencita (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Carnage (2002)
Carnage (2011)Roman Polanski
Carnal Knowledge (1971)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Carnivale (1999)AnimationIreland, France
Carnivàle Season 1-2 (2003-05)TV Series
Carol (2015)
Carolina (2003)
Carol's Journey (2002)
Carom Shots AKA Carambolages (1963)France
Carousel (1956)
Carrie (1952)
Carrie (1976)
Carrie (2013)
Carry on Crime and Punishment (1972)CanadaMichael Ondaatje, [Michael Ondaatje, 3 Films by]
Cars (2006)Pixar Animation
Cars 2 (2011)Pixar Animation
Cars 3 (2017)Pixar Animation
Cars Toon Collection ( )
Carson City Kid (1940)[Roy Rogers Cowboy Classics]
Cartagena AKA L'Homme de Chevet (2009)France
Cartel Land (2015)
Cartesius (1974)BiographyRoberto Rossellini, [Rossellini's History Films]
Carve Her Name with Pride (1958)
Cas & Dylan (2013)Canada
Casa de los Babys (2003)US, Mexico
Casa de Mi Padre (2012)US, Mexico
Casablanca (1942)
Casanova (2005)
Casanova '70 (1965)Italy, France[Great Italian Directors Collection]
Casanova's Big Night (1954)
Case 39 (2009)
Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The (1991)
Casey at the Bat, or The Fate of the "Rotten" Umpire (1899)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Casey at the Bat (1922)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Cash McCall (1960)
Cash on Demand (1961)[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
Cash Truck (2004)
Cashback (2006)
Casino (1995)Martin Scorsese
Casino Jack (2010)
Casino Royale (1967)John Huston
Casino Royale (2006)
Casper (1995)
Casque d'Or (1952)France
Cassandra's Dream (2007)Woody Allen
Cast Away (2000)
Castle in the Desert (1942)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Castle in the Sky AKA Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta (1986)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Castle of Cagliostro, The (1979)
Casual Vacancy, The (2015)TV Series
Cat and Mouse AKA Le chat et la souris (1975)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
Cat and the Canary, The (1939)[Bob Hope Collection]
Cat in Paris, A AKA Une vie de chat (2010)AnimationFrance
Cat in the Hat, The (2003)
Cat o' Nine Tails, The (1971)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Cat People (1942)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Cat Returns, The (2002)
Cat’s Paw, The (1934)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
Catch A Fire (2006)
Catch and Release (2006)
Catch Me If You Can (2002)Steven Spielberg
Catch-22 (1970)
Category 7: The End of the World (2005)[Disaster Collector’s Set]
Catfish (2010)
Catherine the Great: Empress of Russia (2005)UK, Russia, Romania
Catimini (2012)Canada
Cats & Dogs (2001)
Cats & Dogs 2: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
Cat's Out, The (1931)Disney Animation
Cat's Play (1974)
Catwoman (2004)
Caught (1949)
Caught in a Cabaret (1914)Mabel Normand, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010)Documentary
Cecilia (1982)Cuba[Cuban Masterworks Collection]
Celebration, The (1998)
Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)
Cell 211 AKA Celda 211 (2009)Spain, France
Cellular (2004)
Cement Garden, The (1993)
Cemetery Club, The (1993)
Cemetery Junction (2010)
Center Stage: Life Doesn't Hold Tryouts (2000)
Center Stage 2: Turn It Up (2008)US, Canada
Central Intelligence (2016)
Central Park Five, The (2012)
Central Station (1998)
Centurion (2010)
Cercle rouge, Le (1970)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Certified Copy AKA Copie conforme (2010)France, Italy, Belgium, IranAbbas Kiarostami
César (1936)France
Cesar and Rosalie (1972)France
C'est l'aviron (1944)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Chafed Elbows (1966)Robert Downey Sr., [Up All Night With Robert Downey Sr.]
Chains AKA Catene (1949)ItalyRaffaello Matarazzo, [Raffaello Matarazzo's Runaway Melodramas]
Chairy Tale, A AKA Il etait une chaise (1957)NFBCanadaClaude Jutra, Norman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Chalk (2006)
Challenge, The (1948)
Chamber of Death AKA La chambre des morts (2007)France
Chambre en Ville, Une AKA A Room in Town (1982)FranceJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Chambre, La (1972)Belgium, USChantal Akerman, [Chantal Akerman in the Seventies]
Champ, The (1931)
Champagne (1928)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Champion, The (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Chan Is Missing (1982)
Chandu the Magician (1932)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 2]
Change of Address (2006)
Change of Plans AKA Le code a changé (2009)France
Changeling (2008)Clint Eastwood
Changeling, The (1980)
Change-Up, The (2011)
Changing Lanes (2002)
Changing Times (2004)
Chantal Akerman, From Here (2010)DocumentaryBrazil
Chaos (2001)France
Chaos and Desire (2002)
Chaotic Ana (2007)
Chaperone, The (2018)UK, Australia, US
Chaplin (1992)
Chaplin Test (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Chaplin Revue, The (1959)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Chappie (2015)
Character (1997)
Charade (1963)
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (1936)
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (1968)
Chariots of Fire (1981)
Charleston Parade AKA Sur un air de Charleston (1927)France
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)Tim Burton
Charlie Bartlett (2008)
Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo (1937)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at the Circus (1936)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at the Olympics (1937)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at the Race Track (1936)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum (1940)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island (1939)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in City in Darkness (1939)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Egypt (1935)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Honolulu (1938)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in London (1934)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Panama (1940)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Paris (1935)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Reno (1939)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Rio (1941)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1935)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan in the Secret Service (1944)
Charlie Chan on Broadway (1937)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan’s Murder Cruise (1940)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Chan's Secret (1936)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Charlie Says (2006)
Charlie St. Cloud (2010)
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin (2003)Richard Schickel, [Chaplin Collection]
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
Charlie's Recreation AKA The Tango Tangle (1914)Mack Sennett, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Charlotte Gray (2001)
Charlotte's Web (2006)
Charterhouse of Parma, The AKA La Chartreuse de Parme (1948)France, Italy
Chase, The (1946)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Chase, The (1966)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Chasing Madoff (2010)Documentary
Chasse au Godard d’Abbittibbi (2013)Canada
Che Guevara: Where You'd Never Imagine Him AKA Che Guevara donde nunca jamás se lo imaginan (2004)Cuba
Che: Part One (2008)France, Spain, MexicoSteven Soderbergh
Che: Part Two (2008)France, Spain, MexicoSteven Soderbergh
Cheap Detective, The (1978)
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005)
Cheat, The (1931)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Chechahcos, The (1924)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Check and Double Check Amos 'n' Andy (1930)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding (2012)UK
Cheers Season 3 (1984)TV Series
Cheetah Girls, The: One World (2008)
Chef (2014)
Chef, The AKA Comme un chef (2012)France, Spain
Cheri (2009)UK, France, Germany
Chelsea Detective, The Season 1 (2022)TV SeriesUK
Cheney Vase, The - Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)TV Episode
Chernobyl (2019)
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
Cherry Blossoms (2008)
Cherry Orchard, The (1962)BBCUK[Anton Chekhov Collection], [Judi Dench Collection]
Cherry Orchard, The (1981)[Judi Dench Collection]
Chess Dispute, A (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Chess Player, The (1957)TV Episode[Richard Diamond: Private Eye]
Chess-Nuts (1932)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Chestnut: Hero of Central Park (2004)
Cheval emballé, Le AKA The Runaway Horse (1908)France[The Movies Begin]
Cheyenne Autumn (1964)John Ford
Chicago (2002)
Chicago Fire Season 5,6 (2016-17)TV SeriesCanada
Chicken Little (1943)Animation
Chicken Little (2005)
Chicken Run (2000)
Chicken with Plums AKA Poulet aux prunes (2011)France, Germany, BelgiumVincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi
Chien andalou, Un (1929)France
Chien de garde (2018)Canada
Child of Paris, The AKA L'enfant de Paris (1913)FranceLéonce Perret, [Gaumont Treasures: Léonce Perret]
Child Prodigy, The AKA L’enfant prodige (2010)Canada
Child, The AKA L'enfant (2005)Belgium, France
Childish Quarrel AKA Querelle enfantine (1896)France
Children Are Watching Us, The AKA I bambini ci guardano (1943)ItalyVittorio De Sica
Children Digging for Clams AKA Enfants pêchant des crevettes (1896)France
Children of a Lesser God (1986)
Children of Heaven (1997)
Children of Huang Shi, The (2008)Australia, China, Germany, US
Children of Men (2006)Alfonso Cuarón
Children of Paradise (1945)
Children of the Damned (1964)[Horror Double Feature]
Children of the Marshland, The AKA Les enfants du Marais (1999)
Children of the Revolution (1996)
Children Underground (2001)
Children Who ( )
Children Who Labor (1912)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Children's Hour, The (1961)
Childstar (2004)CanadaDon McKellar
Chile, the Obstinate Memory AKA Chile, la memoria obstinada (1997)Canada, France, Chile
Chimes at Midnight (1965)Orson Welles
Chimpanzee (2012)Documentary
China Rises: Modern China as You’ve Never Seen It Before (2006)CBC TV SeriesCanada
China Seas (1935)[Jean Harlow Film Collection: TCM Greatest Classic Legends]
China Shop, The (1934)Disney Animation
Chinatown (1974)Roman Polanski
Chinese Botanist's Daughters, The (2006)
Chinese Cat, The - Charlie Chan (1944)
Chinese Coffee (2000)[Al Pacino Collection]
Chinese Laundry Scene (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Chinese Puzzle AKA Casse-tête chinois (2013)France, US, Belgium
Chinese Roulette (1976)
Chinese Take-Away AKA Un cuento chino (2011)Argentina
Chinoise, La (1967)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Chips (2017)
Chi-Raq (2015)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)[MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
Chloe (2009)Canada, France, USAtom Egoyan
Choc, Le AKA The Shock (1982)French[Catherine Deneuve Collection]
Chocolat (1988)France, Germany, CameroonClaire Denis
Chocolat (2000)UK, US
Chocolat (2016)France
Choice, The (2016)
Choose Me (1984)
Chorus (2015)Canada
Chorus Line, A (1985)
Chouchou (2003)France
Chris Rock: Bigger and Blacker (1999)
Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger (2008)
Chris Rock: Never Scared (2004)
Christ Stopped at Eboli AKA Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1979)Italy, FranceFrancesco Rosi
Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years (2001)TV Mini Series
Christine (1983)John Carpenter
Christine AKA Un carnet de bal AKA Dance Program (1937)FranceJulien Duvivier, [Julien Duvivier in the Thirties]
Christmas Candle, The (2013)UK, US
Christmas Carol, A (1938)[Classic Holiday Collection]
Christmas Carol, A (1951)
Christmas Carol, A (1999)
Christmas Cracker (1963)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Christmas Gift from Bob, A (2020)UK
Christmas in August (1998)
Christmas in Connecticut (1945)[Classic Holiday Collection]
Christmas in July (1940)
Christmas Story, A (1983)
Christmas Tale, A (2008)
Christmas U.S.A. (1949)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Christmas Wedding Tail, A (2011)
Christmas with the Simpsons (2003)
Christopher Robin (2018)Disney Animation
Chronicle (2012)
Chronicle of a Summer (1961)
Chronicles of Narnia, The: Prince Caspian (1989)BBCUK
Chronicles of Narnia, The: Prince Caspian (2008)Disney
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1988)TV Mini SeriesUK
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)Disney
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Silver Chair (1990)TV SeriesUK
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)Disney
Chronicles of Riddick, The (2004)
Chrysalis (2007)
Chumscrubber, The (2005)
Chungking Express AKA Chung Hing sam lam (1994)Hong KongKar-Wai Wong, [Wong Kar-Wai Collection]
Chunhyang AKA Chunhyangdyun (2000)South Korea
Churchill’s Secret (2016)
Chutney Popcorn (1999)
Ciao, Professore! AKA Io speriamo che me la cavo (1992)ItalyLina Wertmüller
Cider House Rules, The (1999)
Cimarron (1930)
Cincinnati Kid, The (1965)Norman Jewison, [Steve McQueen Collection]
Cinderella (1950)Disney Animation
Cinderella (2015)Disney
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (2001)Disney Animation
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007)Disney Animation
Cinderella Man (2005)
Cinderella Story, A (2004)
Cinema 16: American Short Films (2006)
Cinema 16: European Short Films (2007)
Cinéma Paradiso AKA Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)Italy, France
Cinema Verite (2011)
Cinemania (2002)
Circle of Deceit (1981)
Circle, The (2000)
Circle, The (2017)
Circumstance (2011)France, US, Iran
Circus, The (1928)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)
Cirque du Soleil: Dralion (2001)Canada, US
Citizen Black (2004)
Citizen Kane (1941)Orson Welles
Citizenfour (2014)
City By The Sea (2002)
City for Conquest (1940)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
City Island (2009)
City Lights (1931)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
City of Ember (2008)
City of Fear (1959)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 2]
City of Ghosts (2002)
City of God (2002)
City of Life and Death AKA Nanjing! Nanjing! (2009)China, Hong Kong
City of Lost Children, The (1995)
City of Men (2007)
City of Ruins: The Halifax Explosion (2003)
City of Shadows, The AKA La Cité (2010)Canada
City of Women AKA La città delle donne (1980)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
City of Your Final Destination, The (2009)
City on Fire (1987)
City Slickers (1991)
City State AKA Borgríki (2011)Iceland
City That Never Sleeps (1953)
City, The (1999) (AKA La Ciudad 1998?)
Civil War, The: A Film by Ken Burns (1990)TV Mini Series
CJ7 (2008)
Claire's Knee Le genou de Claire (1970)FranceEric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
Clandestine Childhood AKA Infancia clandestina (2011)Argentina, Spain, Brazil
Clandos - Ultime Voyage (2006)Cameroon
Clara and Me AKA Clara et moi (2004)France
Clash by Night (1952)Fritz Lang
Clash of the Titans (1981)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Wolves (1925)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Class, The AKA Entre les murs (2008)France
Clatterford: AKA Jam & Jerusalem (2007)BBC TV SeriesUK
Claude Jutra box set (2002)
Claude Jutra: An Unfinished Story AKA Claude Jutra, portrait sur film (2002)Canada
Claude Sautet or the Invisible Magic AKA Claude Sautet ou La magie invisible (2003)France, Germany
Clean (2004)France, Canada, UK
Clean Bin Project, The (2010)
Cleaner (2007)
Cleaning Man, The AKA Le frotteur (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Clear and Present Danger (1994)
Clear History (2013)
Clearing, The (2004)
Clearstream Affair, The AKA L'enquête (2014)France, Luxembourg, Belgium
Cléo from 5 to 7 (1962)France, ItalyAgnès Varda, [Agnès Varda: 4 Films]
Cleopatra (1934)Cecil B. DeMille
Cleopatra (1963)
Clerks (1994)
Clerks II (2006)
Click (2006)
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer (2010)
Client List Season 1-2 (2011-13)TV Series
Client, The (1994)[John Grisham Courtroom Collection]
Climates (2006)
Climax, The (1944)[Boris Karloff Collection]
Climb, The (2020)
Clink of Ice, The AKA Le bruit des glaçons (2010)France
Clinton Special, The: A Film About the Farm Show (1974)CanadaMichael Ondaatje, [Michael Ondaatje, 3 Films by]
Cloak and Dagger (1946)Fritz Lang
Clock Store, The (1931)Disney Animation
Clockers (1995)Spike Lee, [Spike Lee Joint Collection]
Clockwise (1986)
Clockwork Orange, A (1971)Stanley Kubrick
Cloclo AKA My Way (2012)France, Belgium
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Close to Home (2006)
Closed Circuit (2013)
Closely Watched Trains (1966)
Closeness AKA Tesnota (2017)Russia
Closer (2004)
Closer, The (1990)
Closer, The Season 1 (1998)TV Series
Closet, The AKA Le placard (2001)France
Close-Up (1990)Abbas Kiarostami
Closing the Ring (2007)
Cloud 9 AKA Wolke 9 (2008)Germany
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)France, Germany, Switzerland
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)
Cloverfield (2008)
Clown, Dog and Balloon AKA Clown, chien et ballon (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Club, The AKA El Club (2015)Chile
Clue (1985)
Clueless (1995)
C'Mon C'Mon (2021)
Coach Carter (2005)
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
Coast Guard, The (2002)
Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015)
Cobra (1986)
Cobra Verde (1987)Germany, GhanaWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
Coca Cola Kid, The (1985)
Cocaine Cowboys (2006)
Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' with the Godmother (2008)
Cock and Bull Story, A (2005)
Cock Fight, The (1894)
Cock Fight, No. 2 (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Cock o' the Walk (1935)
Cockeyed: Gems from the Memory of a Nutty Cameraman (1925)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Coco (2017)Pixar AnimationUS, Mexico
Coco Before Chanel AKA Coco avant Chanel (2009)France, Belgium
Coco Chanel (2008)Italy, France, UK
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2009)France, Japan, Switzerland
Cocoanuts, The (1929)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Cocoon (1985)
Cocoon: The Return (1988)
CODA (2021)France, Canada, US
Code 46 (2003)
Code 8 (2019)
Code Black (2013)Documentary
Code Unknown AKA Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages (2000)France, Austria, Romania, GermanyMichael Haneke
Code, The AKA Thick as Thieves (2009)
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)Jim Jarmusch
Cohen's Fire Sale (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Cold Comfort Farm (1995)
Cold Fish AKA Tsumetai nettaigyo (2010)Japan
Cold Fusion: The Power of Snow (2001)[Warren Miller's The Power of Snow Collection]
Cold Mountain (2003)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Souls (2009)
Cold War AKA Zimna wojna (2018)Poland, UK, France, Belgium
Cold War Era: Dangers On The Home Front (2004)
Cold War Era: Political Paranoia (2004)
Cold War Era: The Art of Persuasion (2004)
Colditz Story, The (1955)UK[British War Collection]
Colette (2018)UK, US, France, Hungary
Colgate Comedy Hour (1953)TV Episode[Bob Hope Comedy Pack]
Collateral (2004)
Collateral Beauty (2016)
Collection, The (2011)
Collectionneuse, La (1967)FranceEric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
Collector, The (1965)
College (1927)[Buster Keaton Collection], [Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
College Chums (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
College Road Trip (2008)
College Swing (1938)[Bob Hope Collection]
Collision (2009)TV Mini Series
Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther (1939)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Colombiana (2011)France, Mexico, US, UK
Colonel Wolodyjowski (1969)Poland, Soviet Union
Colonel, The (2006)
Colonel’s Account, The AKA Le récit du colonel (1907)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Colony: The Endangered World of Bees (2009)DocumentaryIreland, Canada
Color Me Kubrick (2005)
Color of Money, The (1986)Martin Scorsese
Color of Paradise, The (1999)
Color of Pomegranates, The AKA Sayat Nova (1969)Soviet UnionSergei Paradjanov, [Films of Sergei Paradjanov]
Color Purple, The (1985)Steven Spielberg
Colors (1988)
Colossal Youth AKA Juventude em Marcha (2006)Portugal, France, SwitzerlandPedro Costa, [Letters from Fountainhas: Three Films by Pedro Costa]
Colt is my Passport, A (1967)Japan
Columbo Season 1 (1971)TV Series
Coma (1978)
Comb, The (1991)
Combat dans l'île, Le (1962)
ComDads, The AKA Les compères (1983)France
Come Along, Do! (1898)[The Movies Begin]
Come and See (1985)
Come Dance with Me! AKA Voulez-vous danser avec moi? (1959)France, Italy[Brigitte Bardot Collection]
Come On Children (1972)DocumentaryCanadaAllan King, [The Actuality Dramas of Allan King]
Come on Down: Searching for the American Dream (2004)Documentary
Comeback Trail, The (2020)US, UK
Comedian Harmonists (1997)Germany, Austria
Comedians, The (1967)
Comedy of Innocence (2000)
Comedy of Terrors, The (1963)[MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Comin’ Round the Mountain (1951)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Coming Home (1978)
Coming to America (1988)
Command Decision (1948)
Command, The AKA Kursk (2018)France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, Canada, US
Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (2002)TV Mini Series
Commanding Heights: The Battle of Ideas (2002)TV Episode 1
Commanding Heights: The Agony of Reform (2002)TV Episode 2
Commanding Heights: The New Rules of the Game (2002)TV Episode 3
Comme t'y es belle AKA Hey Good Looking! (2006)France, UK, Luxembourg, Belgium
Commissar, The (1967)
Commitments, The (1991)
Common Thread, A AKA Brodeuses (2004)France
Common Wealth (2000)
Commune, La (Paris, 1871) (2000)France
Community Mediation AKA Médiation de quartierNFB DocumentaryCanada
Commuter, The (2018)
Compadre Mendoza, El (1934)Mexico
Company Man, A AKA Hoi-sa-won (2012)South Korea
Company Men, The (2010)
Company You Keep, The (2012)
Company, The (2003)Robert Altman
Compliance (2012)
Complicity (2018)Japan, China, France
Composition 1 (Themis) (1940)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Compulsion (1959)
Computer Glossary, A (1968)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Concerning $1000 (1916)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Concert, The (2009)France, Italy, Romania
Conclave (2024)UK, USEdward Berger
Coney Island at Night (1905)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Confederate Ironclad, The (1912)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Confession, The AKA L'aveu (1970)France, ItalyCosta-Gavras
Confessional, The (1995)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939)
Confessions of a Police Captain (1971)Italy
Confessions of a Prodigal Son (2015)
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
Confidence (2003)
Confidence Reigns (2004)
Confidentially Yours AKA Finally Sunday AKA Vivement dimanche! (1983)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Conflict: The Power of Propaganda AKA Hijacking the Holy Land (2009)Canada
Conformist, The AKA Il Conformista (1970)Italy, France, GermanyBernardo Bertolucci
Confucius AKA Kong Zi (2010)China
Congorama (2006)Canada, Belgium, France
Conjuring, The (2013)
Conjuring 2, The (2016)
Connection, The AKA La French (2014)France, Belgium
Connie and Carla (2004)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
Conquest, The AKA La conquête (2011)France
Consequences of Feminism, The AKA Les résultats du féminisme (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Conspiracy (2001)US, UK
Conspiracy of Silence AKA Conspiration de silence (2003)UK, US
Conspirator, The (2010)
Conspirators, The (1944)
Constant Forge, A (2000)
Constant Gardener, The (2005)
Constantine (2005)
Contagion (2011)Steven Soderbergh
Contempt AKA Le mépris (1963)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Contender, The (2000)
Continental, a Film Without Guns (2007)Canada
Continental Divide (1981)
Contraband AKA Blackout (1940)UK
Contraband (2012)US, UK, France
Contractor, The (2022)
Control (2003)
Control (2007)
Control Room (2004)
Conversation Piece (1974)
Conversation, The (1974)Francis Ford Coppola
Conversations with My Gardener (2007)
Conversations with Other Women (2005)
Convict 13 (1920)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Convicted (1950)[Glenn Ford Undercover Crimes]
Conviction (2010)
Convoyeur, Le AKA Cash Truck (2004)France
Coogan’s Bluff (1968)[Clint Eastwood: American Icon Collection]
Cook & Rilly's Trained Rooster AKA Le coq dressé de Cook et Rilly (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Cook in Trouble, The AKA Sorcellerie culinaire (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, The (1989)Netherlands, UK, FrancePeter Greenaway
Cooking With Stella (2009)
Cookoo Cavaliers (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Cool It (2010)
Cool Runnings (1993)
Cool World (1992)
Cooler, The (2003)
Cooley High (1975)
Co-operative Weekly Review (1918)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Cop Out (2010)
Cop, the Criminal and the Clown, The AKA C’est pas moi, c’est l’autre AKA It's Not Me…It's Him! (2004)Canada, France, UK
Copacabana (2010)France, Belgium
Copenhagen (2014)Canada, US, Denmark
Copernicus (1973)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Cops (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Copshop (2021)
Copying Beethoven (2006)
Coq de St-Victor, Le (2014)Canada
Coraline (2009)Animation
Corbeau, Le AKA The Raven (1943)FranceHenri-Georges Clouzot
Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Corbo (2014)Canada
Core, The (2003)
Coriolanus (2011)
Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (2011)
Corn Is Green, The (1979)
Corn on the Cop (1934)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Cornbread, Earl and Me (1975)
Corner Gas Season 1,2,4 (2004)TV Series
Corner Gas: The Movie (2014)
Corner in Wheat, A - Biograph Shorts (1909)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Cornered (1945)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Corny Casanovas (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Corporation, The (2003)
Corpse Bride (2005)Tim Burton
Corpse Vanishes, The (1942)[Bela Lugosi Triple Feature]
Corpse Vanishes, The (1989)TV Episode[Mystery Science Theater 3000 XVI]
Corridor, The (1950)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Cosmopolis (2012)Canada, France, Portugal, ItalyDavid Cronenberg
Cosmos (1999)Canada
Cost of Carelessness, The (1913)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Cost of Living, The (2003)
Cote d'Azur AKA Crustacés & coquillages (2005)France
Coteau rouge (2011)Canada
Cotton Club, The (1984)Francis Ford Coppola
Counsel, The AKA L'avocat (2010)France
Counsellor at Law (1933)
Counselor, The (2013)Ridley Scott
Count of Monte Cristo, The (2002)
Countdown to Zero (2010)
Counter Investigation (2007)
Counterfeit Traitor, The (1962)
Counterfeiters of Paris, The AKA Le cave se rebiffe (1961)France, Italy
Counterfeiters, The (2007)
Countess from Hong Kong, A (1967)UKCharlie Chaplin
Countess, The (2009)
Country Doctor, The (1909)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Country Life (1994)
Country Strong (2010)
Country Teachers AKA Feng huang qin (1993) China
Countryman (1982)
Countryman and the Cinematograph, The (1901)[The Movies Begin]
Coup de Torchon (1981)France
Coup d'éclat AKA Fabienne (2011)France
Couple, The AKA The Aryan Couple (2004)
Couples Retreat (2009)
Coupling: The Complete Season 1-4 (2000-04)TV SeriesUK
Courage of the Commonplace, The (1913)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Courage in Red (2009)DocumentaryCanada
Courage to Love, The (2005)
Courage Under Fire (1996)
Courageous (2011)
Courier, The (2020)UK, US
Court Jester, The (1955)
Courted AKA L'hermine (2015)France
Courtship of Eddie's Father, The (1963)
Cousin Bette: Vol. 1-2 (1971)BBC TV SeriesUK
Cousins, Les (1959)France
Cove, The (2009)
Cover Girl (1944)[The Films of Rita Hayworth]
Cow, The (1969)
Cowboy and the Senorita (1944)[Roy Rogers Cowboy Classics]
Cowboy Needs A Horse, A (1956)Disney Animation
Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
CQ2 "Seek You Too" (2004)
Cracker Season 1-3 (1993-96)TV Series
Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)
Cradle Will Fall, The (1983)
Cradle Will Rock (1999)
Craft, The (1996)
Cranes Are Flying, The (1957)
Crank (2006)
Crank: High Voltage (2009)
Crash (1996)Canada, UKDavid Cronenberg, [David Cronenberg DVD Collection]
Crash (2004)
Crawlspace (1986)[MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Crazed Fruit (1956)
Crazies, The (2010)
Crazy Heart (2009)
Crazy Love (2007)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Stone (2006)China[Ninghao Film Collection]
Crazy Stranger, The AKA Gadjo dilo (1997)Romania, FranceTony Gatlif
Crazy Stupid Love (2011)
Creation (2009)
Creator, The (2023)Gareth Edwards
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
Creature from the Haunted Sea (1961)Roger Corman
Creature Walks Among Us, The (1956)[Creature from the Black Lagoon: The Legacy Collection]
Creed (2015)Ryan Coogler
Creed II (2018)
Creep (2014)
Creepshow (1982)
Creezy (La race des "seigneurs") (2003)France
Crescendo (2019)Germany
Cría cuervos (1976)SpainCarlos Saura
Cries and Whispers AKA Viskningar och rop (1972)SwedenIngmar Bergman
Cries from the Heart (1994)
Crime and Punishment AKA Crime et châtiment (1956)
Crime d'Ovide Plouffe, Le (1984)Canada, France
Crime in Paradise, A (2001)
Crime in the Streets (1956)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Crime Is Our Business AKA Partners in Crime AKA Le crime est notre affaire (2008)France
Crime Novel AKA Romanzo criminale (2005)Italy, France, UK
Crime of Carelessness, The (1912)
Crime of Love AKA Delitto d'amore (1974)Italy
Crime of Padre Amaro, The (2002)Mexico, Spain, Argentina, France
Crime Wave (1954)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Crimes of the Future (1970)CanadaDavid Cronenberg
Criminal (2016)
Criminal Code, The (1930)
Criminal Justice (2008-09)TV SeriesUK
Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz, The AKA Ensayo de un crimen (1955)MexicoLuis Buñuel
Criminal, The AKA Concrete Jungle (1960)UK
Crimson Gold (2003)
Crimson Peak (2015)US, Mexico, CanadaGuillermo del Toro
Crimson Rivers II: Angels of the Apocalypse (2004)
Crimson Tide (1995)
Crisis AKA Kris (1946)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Early Bergman]
Criss Cross (1949)
Crocodile Dundee (1986)Australia
Cromwell (1970)
Cronos (1993)MexicoGuillermo del Toro
Croods, The (2013)Animation
Crook, The AKA Le voyou (1970)France, ItalyClaude Lelouch
Crooklyn (1994)Spike Lee, [Spike Lee Joint Collection]
Crooks in Clover (1963)
Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (1994)
Cross of Iron (1977)UK, Germany
Crossed Tracks AKA Roman de gare (2007)FranceClaude Lelouch
Crossfire (1947)
Crossfire AKA Les insoumis (2008)France
Crossing Delancey (1988)
Crossing Over (2009)
Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul (2005)Germany, Turkey
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon AKA Wo hu canglong (2000)Taiwan, Hong Kong, US, ChinaAng Lee
Croupier (1998)Ireland, UK, France, Germany
Crow, The (1994)
Crow (2016)UK
Crow, The: City of Angels (1996)
Crowded Sky, The (1960)
Crown, The Season 1-4 (2016-20)TV SeriesUK
Crucible, The (1996)
Crude Awakening, A: The Oil Crash (2006)DocumentarySwitzerland, Germany
Crude Impact (2006)
Cruel, Cruel Love (1914)George Nichols, Mack Sennett, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Cruel Gun Story AKA Kenjû zankoku monogatari (1964)Japan
Cruel Intentions (1999)
Cruel Mother, The AKA La marâtre (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Cruel Romance, A (1984)
Cruel Sea, The (1953)UK[British War Collection]
Cruising Bar (1989)
Cruising Bar 2 (2008)
Crumb (1994)
Crusades, The (1935)Cecil B. DeMille
Cry Baby Killer, The (1958)
Cry Danger (1951)
Cry Freedom (1987)UK
Cry Macho (2021)
Cry of the Heart AKA Le cri du coeur (1974)France
Crying Game, The (1992)
Crying Out AKA À l'origine d'un cri (2010)Canada
Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus (2013)Chile
CSA: Confederate States of America, The (2004)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 1-6 (2000)TV Series
Cub AKA Welp (2014)Belgium, Netherlands
Cuba (1979)
Cuckoo, The (2002)
Cuckoo on a Choo Choo (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Cul-de-sac (1966)UKRoman Polanski
Culloden (1964)UKPeter Watkins, [Cinema of Peter Watkins]
Cup Final (1991)
Cup, The (1999)
Cupid's Pranks (1908)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1-8 (2000-11)TV Series
Cure, The (1917)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Cure, The (2001)
Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (2008)David Fincher
Curious George (2006)Animation
Curling (2010)Canada
Curly Top (1935)[Shirley Temple Collection]
Curse of Frankenstein, The (1957)
Curse of the Cat People , The (1944)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)
Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb (1964)[Hammer Films: 4 Creepy Classics]
Curse of the Werewolf, The (1961)[Hammer Horror Series]
Custody of the Child AKA La Possession de l'enfant (1909)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Cut Throat City (2020)
Cutter's Way (1981)
C-V News: Filming Greed (1923)
Cyanide AKA Cyanure (2013)Canada, Switzerland
Cybernetica (1972)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Cyclist, The AKA Bicycleran (1989)IranMohsen Makhmalbaf
Cyclo (1995)
Cyprien (2009)France
Cyrano de Bergerac (1950)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)France
Cyrus (2010)
D.O.A. (1949)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
D.W. Griffith’s Biograph Shorts Special Edition, Disc 1 Those Awful Hats, The Sealed Room, etc. ( )
Da Ali G. Show (2000-04)
Da Vinci Code Decoded, The (2004)
Da Vinci Code, The (2006)
Daddy (1995)
Daddy (2007)
Daddy Day Care (2003)
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
Daisies (1966)
Daisy Kenyon (1947)
Dakota (1945)[John Wayne Collection]
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Dalziel and Pascoe Season 1 (1996)TV Series
Dam Busters, The (1955)UK[British War Collection]
Damage (1992)UK, FranceLouis Malle
Damages Season 1-5 (2007-12)TV Series
Dames (1934)
Dames du Bois de Boulogne, Les (1945)FranceRobert Bresson
Damnation (1988)
Damned, The (1963)
Damned, The AKA La cadula degli dei (1969)Italy
Damned Don't Cry, The (1950)
Damned United, The (2009)
Damsels in Distress (2011)
Dan for Mayor Season 1 (2010)TV Series
Dan in Real Life (2007)
Dance Me Outside (1994)CanadaBruce McDonald
Dance of the Seasons: Winter, Snow Dance (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Dance Program AKA Un carnet de bal (1937)France
Dance with a Stranger (1985)
Dance With Me, Henry (1956)
Dance, Girl, Dance (1940)
Dancer in the Dark (2000)Lars von Trier
Dancer Upstairs, The (2002)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Dancing at Lughnasa (1998)Ireland, UK, US
Dancing Lady (1933)
Danemark ( )
Dangerous Crossing (1953)[Fox Film Noir]
Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner (2007)Documentary
Dangerous Liaisons AKA Les liaisons dangereuses (1959)France
Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
Dangerous Liaisons (1997)
Dangerous Liaisons AKA Les liaisons dangereuses (2003)TV Mini SeriesFrance
Dangerous Liaisons AKA Wi-heom-han gyan-gye (2012)China
Dangerous Method, A (2011)David Cronenberg
Dangerous Moves (1984)
Dangerous Place, A (1994)
Dangerous Profession, A (1949)
Daniel and the Superdogs (2004)
Danish Girl, The (2015)UK, US, Germany, Denmark
Danny Collins (2015)
Danny Deckchair (2003)
Dans un petit bois (1943)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Dansen med Regitze AKA Memories of a Marriage (1989)Region 2Denmark
Danton (1983)
Daredevil (2003)
Darfur Now (2007)
Daring Daylight Burglary, A (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Darjeeling Limited, The (2007)US, India
Dark Angel Season 2 (2001)TV Series
Dark Blue (2002)
Dark Blue Almost Black (2006)
Dark Blue World (2001)
Dark City (1998)
Dark Corner, The (1946)
Dark Days (2000)
Dark Habits (1983)
Dark Harbor (1999)
Dark Hazard (1934)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Dark Horse (2012)Roland Emmerich
Dark Horse (2015)UK
Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King AKA Ring of the Nibelungs AKA Curse of the Ring (2004)Germany, UK, South Africa, Italy
Dark Knight, The (2008)Christopher Nolan
Dark Knight Rises, The (2012)Christopher Nolan
Dark of the Sun (1968)
Dark Passage (1947)
Dark Shadows (2012)Tim Burton
Dark Side of the Heart, The (1992)
Dark Tower (1989)
Dark Water (2005)
Dark Waters (2019)
Darkest Betrayal (1950)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection]
Darkest Hour (2017)
Darkest Hour, The (2011)
Darling (1965)
Darwin's Nightmare (2005)
Das Boot (1981)Germany
Date Movie (2006)
Date Night (2010)
Daughter of Dr. Jekyll (1957)
Daughters of Afghanistan (2003)Canada, Denmark, Norway
Daughters of the Sun (2000)
David Copperfield (1935)[Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection]
David Copperfield (1969)
David Frost Interviews Richard Nixon (1977)Documentary
David Golder (1931)FranceJulien Duvivier, [Julien Duvivier in the Thirties]
David's Birthday Il compleanno (2009)Italy
Dawn Express, The (1942)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
Dawn Patrol, The (1938)
Dawn Rider, The (1935)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Day After Day AKA Yom Yom (1998)Israel
Day After Peace, The (2008)Documentary
Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)Roland Emmerich
Day After, The (1983)
Day at the Beach, A (1970)
Day at the Races, A (1937)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Day Dreams (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Day for Night AKA La nuit américaine (1973)France, ItalyFrançois Truffaut
Day in the Life of a Coalminer, A (1910)Documentary[The Movies Begin]
Day of One's Own, A (1956)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Day of the Crows, The AKA Le jour des corneilles (2012)AnimationFrance, Belgium, Luxembourg
Dave of the Dead, The (1957)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Day of the Jackal, The (1973)
Day of the Triffids, The (1963)
Day of the Wacko (2002)
Day of Wrath AKA Vredens dag (1943)DenmarkCarl Theodor Dreyer, [Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection]
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (2008)
Day Will Dawn, The (1942)
Day's Pleasure, A (1919)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 features]
Daybreakers (2009)
Days of Being Wild AKA Ah Fei jing juen (1990)Hong KongKar-Wai Wong, [Wong Kar-Wai Collection]
Days of Darkness AKA L'âge des ténèbres (2007)Canada, FranceDenys Arcand
Days of Glory (2006)
Days of Heaven (1978)Terrence Malik
Daytime Drinking AKA Nat-sool (2008)South Korea
Dazed and Confused (1993)
DCI Banks Season 1-5 (2012-16)TV Series
D-Day The Sixth of June (1956)
D-Day: The Last Heroes (2013)TV Mini SeriesUK
De Artificiali Perspectiva, or Anamorphosis (1991)Documentary[Quay Brothers Collection]
De Gaulle AKA Le Grand Charles: part 1 au peril de l’oubli (2006)TV SeriesFrance
De mère en fille AKA Mother-To-Be (1968)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
De Sade (1969)Germany, USRoger Corman
De uønskede AKA Wars Don't End(2018)Region 2Norway
Dead Alive (1992)
Dead Bang (1989)John Frankenheim
Dead Calm (1989)
Dead Fish (2005)
Dead Lands, The (2014)New Zealand, UK
Dead Man (1995)Jim Jarmusch
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Dead Man’s Eyes (1944)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Dead Man's Letters (1986)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
Dead Men Tell (1941)[Charlie Chan Collection]
Dead of Night (1945)
Dead Poets Society (1989)
Dead Reckoning (1952)
Dead Ringer (1964)
Dead Ringers (1988)David Cronenberg
Dead Snow AKA Død snø (2009)Norway
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)Norway
Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child (2010)
Deadfall (2012)
Deadlier Than the Male (1967)
Deadline – U.S.A. (1952)
Deadline at Dawn (1946)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Deadly Affair, The (1967)Sidney Lumet
Deadly Circuit AKA Mortelle randonnée (1983)France
Deadly Drifter (1982)
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadwater Fell (2020)TV Mini SeriesUK
Deadwood Season 1-3 (2004-06)TV Series
Deadwood: The Movie (2019)
Deal, The (2005)
Deal, The AKA El pacte (2007)Spain
Dean Spanley (2008)
Dear Dictator (2017)US, Mexico
Dear Eleanor (2016)
Dear Frankie (2004)
Dear John (2010)
Dear Wendy (2005)
Dear White People (2014)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)
Death and Life of John F. Donovan, The (2018)
Death at a Funeral (2007)
Death at a Funeral (2010)
Death Comes to Pemberley (2013)TV Mini SeriesUK
Death Defying Acts (2007)
Death in Paradise Season 1-7 (2011-18)TV Series
Death in Small Doses (1957)
Death in Venice (1971)
Death Occurred Last Night (1970)
Death of a Cyclist (1955)
Death of a Lumberjack AKA La mort d’un bûcheron (1973)Canada
Death of a President (2006)
Death of a Salesman (1985)
Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The AKA Moartea domnului Lãzãrescu (2005)Romania
Death of Stalin (2017)UK, France, Belgium, Canada, USArmando Iannucci
Death on the Nile (1978)UK[Agatha Christie Mystery Collection]
Death on the Nile (2022)US, UK
Death Proof (2007)Quentin Tarantino
Death Race (2008)
Death Race 2000 (1975)
Death Takes A Holiday (1934)
Death Wish (2018)
Death's Marathon - Biograph Shorts (1913)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Deathtrap (1982)Sidney Lumet
Debt Collector, The (1999)
Debt, The (1988)
Debt, The (2010)
Decalogue, The AKA Dekalog (1989)TV Mini SeriesPoland, Germany
Decameron (2009)
Decameron, The (1971)
Deceiver (1997)
Deceivers, The (1988)
December 7th (1943)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 5]
December Ends (2006)
Deception (2008)
Deception (1948)[Bette Davis Collection]
Decision Before Dawn (1951)
Deck the Halls (2006)
Decks Ran Red, The (1958)
Declaration of War AKA La guerre est déclarée (2011)France
Decline of the American Empire, The AKA Le déclin de l'empire américain (1986)CanadaDenys Arcand
Deconstructing Harry (1997)Woody Allen
Decoy (1946)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Decoy Bride, The (2011)UK
Dédé, à travers les brumes AKA Through the Mist (2009)Canada
Deep Blue (2003)
Deep Blue Sea, The (2011)UK
Deep End, The (2001)
Deep in My Heart (1954)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Deep in My Heart (1999)
Deep Red (1975)
Deep Water (2006)
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
Deer Hunter, The (1978)
Defamation AKA Hashmatsa (2009)Israel
Defect, The AKA La tare (1911)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Defiance (2008)
Defiant Ones, The (1958)
Definitely, Maybe (2008)
Déjà vu (2006)
Delgo (2008)
Delicacy AKA La délicatesse (2011)France
Delicate Art of Parking, The (2003)
Delicate Balance, A (1973)[American Film Theatre]
Delicatessen (1991)France
Délice Paloma (2007)France, Algeria
De-Light: Making an Electric Light Bulb (1920)Documentary[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Deliver Me AKA Délivrez-moi (2006)Canada
Deliver Us from Evil (2006)
Deliverance (1972)
De-Lovely (2004)
Deluge, The (1974)
Delusions of Grandeur AKA La folie des grandeurs (1971)France, Spain, Italy, Germany
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954)
Demob (1993)TV SeriesUK
Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre (1901)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Demolition (2015)
Demolition High (1996)
Demolition of a Wall AKA Démolition d'un mur (1895)France[The Movies Begin]
Demon Pond AKA Yahs-ga-ike (2005)Japan
Demonlover (2002)
Den of Thieves (2018)
Den store badedag (1991)Region 2Denmark
Denial (2016)
Dennis the Menace (1993)
Dennis the Menace Strikes Again (1998)
Dentist, The (1932)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Dep, Le (2015)Canada
Departed, The (2006)Martin Scorsese
Departures AKA Okuribito (2008)Japan
Departures Season 1,2 (2008-09)TV SeriesCanada
Depth Solitude AKA Dypets ensomhet (1995)Norway
Derailed (2005)
Derby, The (1896)[The Movies Begin]
Derby Day (1923)[Our Gang]
Derrida (2002)
Dersu Uzala (1975)Soviet Union, JapanAkira Kurosawa
Descendants 2 (2017)
Descendants 3 (2019)
Descendants, The (2011)Alexander Payne
Descent, The (2005)
Desert Bloom (1986)
Desert Fox, The (1951)
Desert Hearts (1985)
Desert Trail, The (1935)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Desert Victory (1943)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Design for Living (1933)Ernst Lubitsch
Design Q & A (1972)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Désiré (1996)France[Presenting Sacha Guitry]
Desire (1937)
Desk Set (1957)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Desperado (1995)
Desperanto (1991)CanadaPatricia Rozema, [Patricia Rozema DVD Collecion]
Desperate (1947)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Desperate Hours (1990)[Mickey Rourke Collection]
Desperate Hours, The (1955)
Desperate Housewives Season 1-6 (2004-12)TV Series
Desperate Journey (1942)
Desperate Living (1977)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Desperate Measures (1998)
Desperate Poaching Affray, A (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Despicable Me (2010)Animation
Despicable Me 2 (2013)Animation
Despicable Me 3 (2017)Animation
Destination Tokyo (1943)[Cary Grant The Signature Collection]
Destiny of a Man AKA Sudba cheloveka (1959)Soviet Union
Destroyer (2018)
Destry Rides Again (1939)
Det er så synd for farmand … (1968)Region 2Denmark
Detachment (2011)
Détective (1985)FranceJean-Luc Godard, [Jean-Luc Godard Collection]
Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards! (1963)
Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame AKA Di renjie: Tong tian di guo (2010)China, Hong Kong
Detective Story (1951)
Detour (1945)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Detroit (2017)Kathryn Bigelow
Deux hommes dans Manhattan AKA Two Men in Manhattan (1959)FranceJean-Pierre Melville
Deux Mille Fois par Jour (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Deuxième Souffle, Le AKA Second Wind (1966)FranceJean-Pierre Melville
Devdas (2002)India
Devil (2010)
Devil and Daniel Johnston, The (2005)
Devil Came on Horseback, The (2007)
Devil Doll (1964)
Devil in the Flesh (1985)
Devil is a Woman, The (1935)[Marlene Dietrich: Glamour Collection]
Devil Wears Prada, The (2006)
Devil, Probably, The Le diable probablement (1977)FranceRobert Bresson
Devil-Doll, The (1936)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Devil's Backbone, The (2001)
Devil's Brigade, The (1968)
Devil's Brother, The (1933)
Devil's Double, The (2011)
Devil's Knot (2013)Atom Egoyan
Devil's Miner, The (2005)
Devil's Playground (2002)
Dewars scotch Whiskey (1897)[The Movies Begin]
Dexter Season 1-7 (2006-13)TV Series
Dexter Gordon: Live in ’63 and ’64 (2007)
Dheepan (2015)France
Diabolically Yours AKA Diaboliquement vôtre (1967)France[Alain Delon 5-Film Collection]
Diabolique AKA Les diaboliques (1955)FranceHenri-Georges Clouzot
Dial 1119 (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Dial M for Murder (1954)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Diamond Arm, The (1969)
Diamonds (2009)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Diana (2013)
Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel (2011)
Diary for Timothy, A (1945)
Diary of a Chambermaid, The (1946)Jean Renoir
Diary of a Chambermaid AKA Journal d'une femme de chambre (2015)France, BelgiumLuis Buñuel
Diary of a Country Priest AKA Journal d'un curé de campagne (1951)FranceRobert Bresson
Diary of a Teenage Girl, The (2015)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017)
Diary of an Old Man, The (2015)
Diary of Anne Frank, The (1959)
Diary of the Dead (2007)
Dickson Experimental Sound Film, The (1895)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Dickson Greeting (1891)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Dictator, The (2012)
Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009)
Die Another Day (2002)
Die Fledermaus (1986)Germany
Die Hard (1988)[Die Hard: The Ultimate Collection]
Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990)[Die Hard: The Ultimate Collection]
Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995)
Die Hard, A Good Day to (2013)[Die Hard: The Ultimate Collection]
Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge (1924)GermanyFritz Lang, [Fritz Lang Epic Collection]
Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (1924)GermanyFritz Lang, [Fritz Lang Epic Collection]
Diego Star (2013)
Diesel Train Driver, The (1959)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Difret (2014)Ethiopia, US
Dig! (2004)
Dig (2015)TV Mini Series
Dig, The (2021)
Dignity of the Nobodies AKA La dignidad de los nadies (2005)Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland
Dilemma, The (2011)
Dilettante, La (1999)France
Dillinger (1945)
Dillinger Is Dead (1969)
Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart (1985)
Dimanche à  Kigali, Un AKA A Sunday in Kigali (2006)Canada
Diminished Capacity (2008)
Diner (1982)
Dinner at Eight (1933)[Jean Harlow Film Collection: TCM Greatest Classic Legends]
Dinner for Schmucks (2010)
Dinner Game, The AKA Le dîner de cons (1998)France
Dinner with Fred (2011)
Dior and I AKA Dior et moi (2015)France
Diplomacy AKA Diplomatie (2014)France, Germany
Diplomatic Courier (1952)
Direct avant la lettre, Le (2006)NFBCanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Directed by William Wyler (1986)Documentary
Director: Alan Clarke (1991)DocumentaryUKCorin Campbell Hill, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Dirigible "Homeland", The AKA Le ballon dirigeable 'Le patrie' (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Dirk Gently (2010)TV Series
Dirty Dancing (1987)
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)
Dirty Dozen, The (1967)
Dirty Hands AKA Les innocents aux mains sales (1975)France, Italy, GermanyClaude Chabrol
Dirty Harry (1971)
Dirty Love (2005)
Dirty Pretty Things (2002)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)
Dirty Shame, A (2004)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Dirty Wars (2013)
Disappearance of Alice Creed, The (2009)
Disappearing Act AKA Scène d'escamotage (1898)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Disaster Artist, The (2017)
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (1972)France, Italy, SpainLuis Buñuel
Disengagement (2007)
Disgrace (2008)
Dish, The (2000)
Dishonored (1931)
Dishonored Lady (1947)[Hedy Lamarr Collection]
Disobedience (2017)Ireland, UK, US
Disorder AKA Maryland (2015)France, Belgium
Disorder in the Court (1936)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [The Three Stooges: The Early Years], [Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Disparition des lucioles, La AKA The Fireflies are Gone (2018)Canada
Distant (2002)
District 9 (2009)
District 13: Ultimatum AKA Banlieue 13: Ultimatum (2009)France
District B13 (2004)
Disturbia (2007)
District 13: Ultimatum AKA Banlieue 13: Ultimatum (2009)France
Diva (1981)
Diva Dolorosa (1999)Netherlands
Dive Bomber (1941)
Divergent (2014)[Divergent Series]
Divided We Fall (2000)
Divine Intervention (2002)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)
Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (2007)
Divo, Il (2008)Italy, France
Divorce American Style (1967)
Divorce Italian Style (1961)
Divorce, Le (2003)
Divorcee, The (1930)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 2]
Dixiana (1930)
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing (2006)
Django (1966)
Django Unchained (2012)Quentin Tarantino
Do the Right Thing (1989)Spike Lee, [Spike Lee Joint Collection]
Do You Like Hitchcock? AKA Ti piace Hitchcock? (2005)Italy, SpainDario Argento, [Dario Argento Collection]
Do You Remember Dolly Bell? (1981)
Doc Martin: The Movies (2001)UK
Doc Martin and the Legend of the Cloutie (2003)
Doc Martin: Series 1-9 (2004-19)TV Series
Doctor at Large (1957)
Doctor Blake Mysteries, The Season 2-3 (2015-16)TV Series
Doctor Detroit (1983)
Doctor Foster (2015-17)BBC TV SeriesUK
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Takes a Wife, The (1940)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Doctor Who: Series 1-7 (2005-11)TV Series
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)TV Episode
Doctor X (1932)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Doctor Zhivago (1965)David Lean
Dodge City (1939)
DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story (2004)
Dodging the Clock AKA Horloge biologique (2005)Canada
Dog and His Various Merits, The AKA Les chiens et ses services (1908)DocumentaryFrance
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)Sidney Lumet
Dog Days AKA Hundstage (2001)Austria
Dog Factory (1904)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Dog Lover, The (2016)
Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation, The (2010)
Dog Who Saved Christmas, The (2009)
Dog Who Stopped the War, The AKA La guerre des tuques (1984)Canada
Dog Year, A (2009)
Dog’s Journey, A (2019)
Dog’s Purpose, A (2017)
Dogfather, The (2010)
Dogfight (1991)
Dogma (1999)
Dogs of War! (1923)[Our Gang]
Dogtooth AKA Kynodontas (2009)Greece
Dogtown and Z-Boys (2001)
Dogville (2003)Lars von Trier
Dolan's Cadillac (2009)
Dolce Vita, La (1960)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Dollar Dance (1943)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Dolls (2002)
Doll's House, A (1973)
Dolly Sisters, The (1945)
Dolphin Tale (2011)
Dolphin Tale 2 (2014)
Dom Hemingway (2013)
Domain AKA Domaine (2009)France, Austria
Domination Masculine, La AKA Male Domination (2009)France
Domino (2005)
Domino (2019)Region 2Denmark, France, Belgium, Netherlands
Don Camillo … Monseigneur! (1961)Italy, France
Don Jon (2013)
Don’t Worry, I’m Fine AKA Je vais bien, ne t’en fais pas (2006)
Dona Herlinda and Her Son (1986)
Donkey Punch (2008)
Donkey Skin AKA Peau d'âne (1970)FranceJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Donovan's Brain (1953)
Donovan's Reef (1963)John Ford, [John Wayne Adventure Collection]
Don's Party (1976)
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)US, Australia, Mexico
Don't Bother to Knock (1952)
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Come Knocking (2005)UK, France, Germany, USWim Wenders
Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You're Going (1995)
Don't Knock The Rock (1956)
Don't Let Me Die on a Sunday (1999)
Don't Look Back AKANe te retourne pas (2009)France, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium
Don't Look Down AKA No Mires Para Abajo (2008)Argentina, France
Don't Look Now (1973)
Don't Look Now: We're Being Shot At AKA La Grande Vadrouille (1966)France, UK
Don't Move (2004)
Don't Throw that Knife (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018)
Don't You Forget About Me - A Tribute to John Hughes (2009)DocumentaryCanada
Donya (2003)Iran
Doom (2005)
Doomsday (2008)
Door in the Floor, The (2004)
Door, The (2008)
Doors (1959)Norman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Doors, The (1991)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Dopey Dicks (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Dope (2015)
Doppelgänger AKA Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969)UK
Dora the Explorer: Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure (2009)Animation
Dora’s Great Roller Skate Adventure (2013)TV Episode
Dora-heita (2000)Japan
Dorian Gray (2009)
Dorothy L. Sayers Mysteries: Strong Poison (2002)
Dots (1940)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Dottie Gets Spanked (1993)
Double Dynamite (1951)
Double Exposure (1944)
Double Indemnity (1944)Billy Wilder
Double Indemnity (1973)
Double Jeopardy (1999)
Double Life of Veronique, The (1991)France, Poland, NorwayKrzysztof Kieslowski
Double Lover (2018)
Double or Nothing (1937)[Bing Crosby Collection]
Double Tour, À AKA Leda (1959)
Double Wedding (1937)
Double, The (2011)
Double, The (2013)Richard Ayoade
Doubt (2008)
Dough and Dynamite (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Doulos, Le AKA Doulos: The Finger Man (1962)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Dov'è la libertà…? AKA Where Is Freedom? (1954)Italy
Dovekeepers, The (2015)TV Mini Series
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986)Documentary
Down by Law (1986)Jim Jarmusch
Down in the Valley (2005)
Down Terrace (2009)
Down the Road Again (2011)Canada
Down There AKA Là-bas (2006)DocumentaryBelgium, France
Down to the Bone (2004)
Down with Love (2003)
Downfall (2004)
Downloading Nancy (2008)
Downton Abbey Season 1-6 (2010-15)TV SeriesUK
Downton Abbey: The Motion Picture (2019)UK, US
Downton Abbey: A New Era (2022)UK, US
Dr. Akagi AKA Kanzô Sensei: Dr. Akagi (1998)Japan, France
Dr. Cabbie (2014)Canada, India
Dr. Dolittle 3 (2006)
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008)
Dr. Jack (1922)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
Dr. No (1962)
Dr. Renault's Secret (1942)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 2]
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)Stanley Kubrick
Dr. T and the Women (2000)Robert Altman
Dr. Zhivago (1965)
Dracula (1931)
Dracula (1992)Francis Ford Coppola
Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)[Warner Bros: Draculas, Disc 2]
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1969)[Warner Bros: Draculas, Disc 1]
Dracula, Prince of Darkness (1966)[Hammer Horror 3 Film Set]
Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary (2002)
Dracula's Daughter (1936)
Draft Day (2014)
Drag Me to Hell (2009)
Dragged Across Concrete (2019)
Dragnet (1987)[Tom Hanks Comedy Favourites Collection]
Dragon Blade AKA Tian jiang xiong shi (2015)China, Hong Kong
Dragon Hunters AKA Chasseurs de dragons (2008)AnimationFrance, Luxembourg, Germany
Dragon Seed (1944)
Dragonball Evolution (2009)
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse (2015)
Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real AKA The Last Dragon (2004)
Dragons: Fire & Ice (2004)Animation
Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury (2011)Animation
Dragonwyck (1946)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 2]
Dragoons Crossing the Sâone (1896)DocumentaryFrance
True Jiu-Jitsu, The AKA Le vrai jiu-jitsu (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Draughtsman's Contract, The (1982)UKPeter Greenaway
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906)[The Movies Begin], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Dream Tracks AKA Les traces du rêve (1986)CanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
Dreamer (1979)
Dreamers, The (2003)UK, Italy, France, USBernardo Bertolucci
Dreamgirls (2006)
Dreaming of Julia AKA Cuban Blood (2004)Germany, Mexico, US
Dreamland (2006)
Dreamlife of Angels, The (1998)
Dreams AKA Yume (1990)Japan, USAkira Kurosawa
Dredd (2012)
Dresden (2006)Germany
Dressed to Kill (1941)
Dressed to Kill (1946)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Dressed to Kill (1946)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Dresser, The (1983)
Dresser, The (2015)
Drift (2013)
Drifters, The AKA Eine Flexible Frau (2010)Germany
Drillbit Taylor (2008)
Drinking Buddies (2013)
Drive (2011)
Drive a Crooked Road (1954)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 3]
Drive Angry (2011)
Driven (2019)
Driver, The (1978)
Driving Lessons (2006)
Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
Drôle de Drame (1937)France
Drop, The (2014)
Drowning Pool, The (1975)[Paul Newman Collection]
Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)John Ford
Drunken Angel AKA Yoidore tenshi (1948)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Drunken Mattress, The AKA Le matelas épileptique (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Drunken Monkey (2002)
Drux Flux AKA Animation Express (2008)NFBCanada
Dry White Season, A (1989)
Dublin: Fire Engine> AKA Un incendie à Dublin (1897)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Duchess of Duke Street, The: Series 1-2 (1976-77)TV SeriesUK
Duchess of Langeais, The AKA Ne touchez pas la hache (2007)France, ItalyJacques Rivette
Duchess, The (2008)
Duck Soup (1933)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Duck, You Sucker (1971)Sergio Leone
Ducoboo 2: Crazy Vacation AKA Les vacances de Ducobu (2012)France
Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)
Due Date (2010)
Duel (1971)
Duellists, The (1977)Ridley Scott
Duke of Burgundy, The (2014)UK, Hungary
Duma (2005)
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003)
Dumbo (1941)Disney Animation
Dune (1984)David Lynch
Dune: Director’s Cut (2000)
Dune - It Begins (2021)Denis Villeneuve
Dune: Part Two (2024)Denis Villeneuve
Dunked in the Deep (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Dunkirk (2017)Christopher Nolan
Duplex (2003)
Duplicity (2009)
Duska (2007)Netherlands, Russia, Belgium
Dust Bowl, The (2012)TV Series
Dust of Life (1995)
Dutiful But Dumb (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Dying at Grace (2003)DocumentaryCanadaAllan King, [The Actuality Dramas of Allan King]
Dying Gaul, The (2005)
Dying to be Thin - Nova (2000)TV Episode 27.30
Dyrlægens plejebørn (1968)Region 2Denmark
ER Season 1,5 (1994-09)TV Series
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)Steven Spielberg
Each Dawn I Die (1939)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
Eagle Eye (2008)
Eagle Has Landed, The (1976)
Eagle Huntress, The (2016)
Eagle vs Shark (2007)
Eagle, The (2011)
Eames Lounge Chair (1956)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Early Amateur Sound Film (1936-37)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Early Spring AKA Sôshun (1956)JapanYasujirô Ozu, [Late Ozu]
Early Summer AKA Bakushû (1951)JapanYasujirô Ozu
Earrings of Madame de…, The (1953)France, Italy
Earth (1930)
Earth (1998)
Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)
Easier with Practice (2009)
East Is East (1999)
East of Eden (1955)
East Palace West Palace (1996)
East Side Kids: Kid Dynamite (1943)
East Side of Heaven (1939)[Bing Crosby Collection]
East Side Sushi (2014)
East Side, West Side (1949)
East, The (2013)
East, West (1999)
Easter Parade (1948)
Eastern Promises (2007)David Cronenberg
Eastern Westerner, An (1920)
Easy A (2010)
Easy Living (1937)
Easy Money AKA Snabba cash (2010)Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France
Easy Money II: Hard to Kill AKA Snabba cash II (2012)Sweden
Easy Money III AKA Snabba cash - Livet deluxe (2013)Sweden
Easy Rider (1969)
Easy Street (1917)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Easy Virtue (1928)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Easy Virtue (2008)UK, Canada
Eat a Bowl of Tea (1989)
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)Ang Lee
Eat Pray Love (2010)
Eavesdropper, The AKA La mécanique de l'ombre (2017)Belgium, France
Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
Eclipse, The AKA L'eclisse (1962)Italy, FranceMichelangelo Antonioni
Eclipse, The (2009)Ireland
Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon, The AKA L'éclipse du soleil en pleine lune (1907)France[The Movies Begin]
Ecstasy (1933)
Ed Wood (1994)Tim Burton
Eddie Murphy Raw (1987)
Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983)TV Special
Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012)
Eddy Duchin Story, The (1956)
Eden (2006)
Eden (2014)France
Eden Is West (2009)France, Greece, Italy
Edge of Darkness (1943)
Edge of Darkness (1985)TV Series
Edge of Darkness (2010)
Edge of Heaven, The (2007)
Edge of Madness (2001)
Edge of Sanity (1989)
Edge of Tomorrow AKA Live.Die.Repeat (2014)US, Canada
Edison: The Invention of the Movies (2005)Documentary
Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1
Edmond (2005)
Edtv (1999)
Educating Rita (1983)
Education of Fairies, The AKA La educación de las hadas (2006)Argentina
Education, An (2009)UK, US
Edukators, The AKA Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2004)Germany, Austria
Edvard Munch (1974)UKPeter Watkins, [Cinema of Peter Watkins]
Edward II (1991)
Edward R. Murrow: The Best of 'Person to Person' (1993)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)Tim Burton
Edward the King: AKA Edward the Seventh, Vol. 1-4 (1973)TV Mini Series
Eel, The (1997)
Effie Gray (2014)UK
Ego Trip (2015)Canada
Egypt: Rediscovering a Lost World (2005)BBC Mini SeriesUK
Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey (1903)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Eiger Sanction, The (1975)Clint Eastwood, [Clint Eastwood: American Icon Collection]
Eight Below (2006)
Eight Men Out (1988)
Eight Prohibition Newsreels (1923–33)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Eighth Day, The (1996)
Eighth Grade (2018)
Él (1953)MexicoLuis Buñuel
El Cid (1961)
El Dorado (1966)[John Wayne Collection]
El Topo (1970)MexicoAlejandro Jodorowsky, [Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky]
Election (2005)
Election 2 (2006)
Electra (1962)
Electra, My Love (1974)
Electric House, The (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Electrocuting an Elephant (1903)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Elegy (2008)
Element of Crime, The (1984)Lars von Trier
Elementary Season 1 (2012)TV Series
Elementary Particles, The (2006)
Elena (2012)Brazil
Elena and Her Men AKA Elena et les hommes (1956)France, ItalyJean Renoir, [Jean Renoir: Stage & Spectacle]
Elephant (1989)UKAlan Clarke, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Elephant (2003)
Elephant Man, The (1980)David Lynch
Elephant Shoes (2005)
Elephant Song (2014)
Elephant Tales (2006)
Elevator to the Gallows AKA Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (1958)FranceLouis Malle
Elf (2003)
Elijah (2007)Canada
Elite Squad (2007)
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
Elizabeth (1998)
Elizabeth I - The Virgin Queen (2005)TV Mini SeriesUK
Elizabeth is Missing (2019)BBCUK
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Elizabethan Express (1954)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Elizabethtown (2005)
Ella Enchanted (2004)
Elles (1992)
Elles (2012)France, Poland, Germany
Elling (2001)
Elmer Gantry (1960)
Éloge du chiac (1969)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Eloise at Christmastime - Wonderful World of Disney (2003)TV Episode
Eloise at the Plaza - Wonderful World of Disney (2003)TV Episode
Elsa & Fred (2005)
Elsa & Fred (2014)
Elton John: Live in Barcelona (1992)
Elvira Madigan (1967)
Elvis (2022)Baz Luhrmann
Elvis Gratton: Le Film (1981)Canada
Elvis Gratton 1: Le King des Kings (1985)Canada
Elvis Gratton 2: Miracle à  Memphis AKA Elvis Gratton II: Le film à voir avec ta tête, sti ! (1999)Canada
Elvis Gratton 3: Le retour d'Elvis Wong AKA Elvis Gratton XXX: Fini les folies sti !(2004)Canada
Elysium (2013)
Emak-Bakia (1927)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Embrace of the Vampire (2013)
Embrasse-moi comme tu m'aimes AKA Kiss Me Like a Lover (2016)Canada
Emerald Forest, The (1985)
Emigrant, The (1994)
Emigrants Landing at Ellis Island (1903)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Emile (2003)Canada
Emma (1996)
Emma (1996)UK, US[Classic Literary Films Collection]
Emma. (2020)UK
Emmanuelle (1974)FranceJust Jaeckin, [Emmanuelle Collection]
Emmanuelle 2: L'antivierge (1975)FranceFrancis Giacobetti, [Emmanuelle Collection]
Emmanuelle 3 AKA Good-bye Emmanuelle (1977)FranceFrançois Leterrier, [Emmanuelle Collection]
Emoji Movie, The (2017)Animation
Emotional Arithmetic (2007)Canada
Emperor (2012)
Emperor's Club, The (2002)
Emperor's New Clothes, The AKA Císarovy nové saty (1994)Czech Republic, Germany
Empire Season 1 (2005)TV Mini Series
Empire Falls (2005)TV Mini Series
Empire of Passion (1978)
Empire of the Sun (1987)TV Series
Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)
Empties (2007)
En plein cœur AKA In Full Innocence (1998)France
Enchanted (2007)Disney
Enchanted April (1991)
Enchanted Kingdom (2014)DocumentaryUK
Enchanted Sedan Chair, The AKA La chaise à porteur enchantée (1905)France[The Movies Begin]
Enchanted World of Brambly Hedge, The (1996-2000)TV SeriesUK
Enchantment (1948)
Encirclement - Neoliberalism Ensnares Decmocracy AKA l’encerclement - La démocratie dans les rets du néolibéralisme (2008)Canada
Encore: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham (1951)UK
Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
End, The (1995)AnimationCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
End of Poverty, The? (2008)
End of Silence, The (2006)
End of Suburbia, The: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream (2004)
End of Summer, The AKA Kohayagawa-ke no aki (1961)JapanYasujirô Ozu, [Late Ozu]
End of Summer, The AKA Le temps perdu (1964)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
End of the Century: The Story of The Ramones (2003)Documentary
End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones (2005)
End of the Line, The (2009)
End of the Tour, The (2015)
End of Violence, The (1997)Wim Wenders
End of Time, The (2012)NFB DocumentarySwitzerland, CanadaPeter Mettler
End of Watch (2012)
Endeavour Season 1-7 (2012-20)TV SeriesUK
Ender's Game (2013)
Endless Love (2014)
Endless Summer, The (1965)
Endless Summer 2, The (1994)
Enduring Love (2004)
Enemy (2013)Denis Villeneuve
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Enemy Territory (1987)
Enfants de Néant, Les (1968)Canada, FranceMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Enfants du silence, Les (1963)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Enfants Terribles, Les (1950)FranceJean-Pierre Melville
Enfants, Les (2005)France
Enfer, L' AKA Hell (1964)FranceHenri-Georges Clouzot
Enfer, L' (1994)FranceClaude Chabrol
Enforcer, The (1951)
Engine 371 (2007)Animation
English Patient, The (1996)
English Teacher, The (2013)
Englishman's Boy, The (2008)TV Mini Series
Enigma (2001)
Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The AKA Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (1974)GermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Enlightenment Guaranteed AKA Erleuchtung garantiert (2000)Germany
Ennui, L' AKA Boredom (1998)France, Portugal
Enoch Arden: Part 1 - Biograph Shorts (1911)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Enoch Arden: Part 2 - Biograph Shorts (1911)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Enough (2002)
Enough Said (2013)
Enough to Do Laurel & Hardy AKA Wandering Papas (1926)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)Documentary
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Enter the Void (2009)
Entourage Season 1-8 (2004-11)TV Series
Entourage (2015)
Entrapment (1999)
Entre la mer et l'eau douce AKA Drifting Upstream (1967)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Entre Nous AKA Coup de foudre (1983)France
Entre tu et vous (1970)NFBCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, 1969-1973]
Entretien en six tems avec Gilles Groulx (2002)NFB DocumentaryCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, Vol. 3, 1977-1982]
Envy (2004)
Epic (2013)Animation
Epidemic (1987)Lars von Trier
Equalizer (2014)
Equalizer 2 (2018)
Equals (2015)
Equinox Flower AKA Higanbana (1958)JapanYasujirô Ozu, [Late Ozu]
Eragon (2006)
Eraserhead (1977)David Lynch
Ernest & Celestine (2012)France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Eros (2004)UK, France, Italy, Hong Kong
Erreur de la banque en votre faveur AKA Bank Error in Your Favour (2009)France
Errol Morris DVD Collection, The box set ( )
Escalier C (1985)France
Escape by Night AKA Era Notte A Roma (1960)Italy, France
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Escape from L.A. (1996)John Carpenter
Escape from New York (1981)John Carpenter
Escape from Planet Earth (2013)Animation
Escape from Sobibor (1987)UK, Yugoslavia
Escape from Stalin's Death Camp AKA Chervonyi (2017)Ukraine
Escape From Taliban (2003)India
Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)China, US
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Escapist, The (2008)
Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014)France, Spain, Belgium, Panama
Escort, The AKA La Scorta (1993)Italy
Ésimésac (2012)Canada
Espion(s) (2009)France, UK
Essential Killing (2010)Poland
Esther (1985)Austria, Israel, UKAmos Gitai, [Amos Gitai: Exile]
Etats-Unis d'Albert, Les (2005)Canada, France, Switzerland
Eternal Present, The (2004)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Étoile de mer, L' AKA The Starfish (1928)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Eureka (1984)
Europa (1991)Denmark, Sweden, France, GermanyLars von Trier
Europa Europa (1990)Germany, France, Poland
Europa '51 (1952)ItalyRoberto Rossellini, [Rossellini & Bergman Collection]
European Rest Cure (1904)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Europeans, The (1979)UK
Eva Perón (1996)Argentina
Evan Almighty (2007)
Eve and the Fire Horse (2005)
Evelyn (2002)
Evelyn Prentice (1934)
Even as I.O.U. (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Even Dwarfs Started Small AKA Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen (1970)GermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Even the Rain AKA También la lluvia (2010)Spain
Even: As You and I (1937)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Evening (2007)
Evening with Kevin Smith, An (2002)
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Everest (2015)
Everlasting Moments (2008)
Every Little Step (2009)
Every Man for Himself AKA Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980)France, Switzerland, Germany, AustriaJean-Luc Godard
Every Thing Will Be Fine AKA Everything Will Be Fine (2015)Wim Wenders
Every Which Way But Loose (1978)[Clint Eastwood Comedy Collection]
Everybody Has a Plan AKA Todos tenemos un plan (2012)Argentina, Spain, Germany, US
Everybody Knows AKA Todos lo saben (2018)Spain, France, Italy, ArgentinaAsghar Farhadi
Everybody Says I'm Fine! (2001)
Everybody's Children (2008)NFB DocumentaryCanadaMonika Delmos
Everybody's Famous! (2000)
Everybody's Fine (2009)
Every-Night Dreams AKA Yogoto no yume (1933)JapanMikio Naruse, [Silent Naruse]
Everyone Says I Love You (1996)Woody Allen
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Everything for Sale AKA Wszystko na sprzedaz (1969)PolandAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Everything Is Fine AKA Tout est parfait (2008)Canada
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
Everything Put Together (2001)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex *But Were Afraid to Ask (1972)Woody Allen
Everything, Everything (2017)
Evil of Frankenstein, The (1964)[Hammer Horror Series]
Evil Under the Sun (1982)UK[Agatha Christie Mystery Collection]
Evita (1996)
Ex Drummer (2007)
Ex Machina (2014)
Examined Life (2008)
Excalibur (1981)
Ex-Convict, The (1904)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, The (1895)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Executive Suite (1954)
Exhibition Reel of Two Color Film (1929)Documentary[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Exiled (2006)
Exils (2004)France, JapanTony Gatlif
eXistenZ (1999)UK, France, CanadaDavid Cronenberg, [David Cronenberg DVD Collection]
Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
Exodus (1960)
Exodus Decoded, The: James Cameron Presents (2006)
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)Ridley Scott
Exorcism of Emily Rose, The (2005)
Exorcist, The (1973)William Friedkin
Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
Exorcist III, The (1990)
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)
Exotica (1994)CanadaAtom Egoyan, [Atom Egoyan DVD Collection]
Expanding Airport, The (1958)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Expendables, The (2010)
Expendables 2: Back for War, The (2012)
Expendables 3, The (2014)
Experiment, The (2001)
Experimenter (2015)
Explosion of a Motor Car (1900)[The Movies Begin]
Exponents: A Study in Generalization (1973)Animation[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Exposed (2016)
Expulsion: The Story of Acadia (2004)DocumentaryCanada
Extant: The First Season (2014)TV Series
Exterminating Angel, The (1962)Luis Buñuel
Exterminating Angels, The (2006)
Extra Man, The (2010)
Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec, The AKA Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010)France, US
Extraordinary Cab Accident, An (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Extraordinary Child, The (1954)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Extraordinary Measures (2010)
Extras Season 1-2 (2005-07)TV Series
Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale (2007)TV Episode
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)
Eye for Beauty, An AKA Le règne de la beauté (2014)CanadaDenys Arcand
Eye Hears, the Eye Sees, The (1970)BBC DocumentaryUK, CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Eye in the Sky (2015)
Eye of the Dolphin (2007)
Eye of the Storm, The (2011)
Eye, The (2002)
Eye 2, The (2004)
Eye, The (2008)
Eyes in the Night (1942)[Mystery Classics]
Eyes of the Mummy Ma (1918)GermanyErnst Lubitsch
Eyes of the Mummy, The (1922)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)Stanley Kubrick
Eyes Without a Face (1960)
Eyewitness (1981)
F Word, The (2013)
F. Brown Season 1 (2018)
Fabelmans, The (2022)Steven Spielberg
Fabulous Baker Boys, The (1989)[Michelle Pfeiffer Collection]
Face in the Crowd, A (1957)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Face of Another, The (1966)
Face of Love, The (2013)
Face on the Barroom Floor (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Faces (1968)John Cassavetes, [John Cassavetes Collection]
Facing Ali (2009)
Facing Windows (2003)
Factory Girl (2006)
Facts of Life, The (1960)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Fading Gigolo (2013)
Fados (2007)Portugal, Spain
Fahrenheit 11/9 (2018)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)UKFrançois Truffaut
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
FahrenHype 9/11: Unraveling the Truth about Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore (2004)Documentary
Failure to Launch (2006)
Fair Exchange, A (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Fair Game (2010)
Fairy of the Surf, The AKA La fée des grèves (1909)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Faithless (2000)
Falasha: Exile of the Black Jews (1983)DocumentaryCanada
Falcon and the Snowman, The (1985)
Falklands Play, The (2002)UK[Rise and Fall of Margaret Thatcher]
Fall Guy (1947)
Fall Guy (1982)
Fall of Saigon, The (1995)UK, US
Fall of the House of Usher, The (1928) [Treasures from American Film Archives], [Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Fall of the House of Usher, The (1960)Roger Corman
Fall of the Roman Empire, The (1964)
Fall, The: Series 1-3 (2013-16)TV Series
Fallen Angel (1945)[Fox Film Noir]
Fallen Angels AKA Do lok tin si (1995)Hong KongKar-Wai Wong, [Wong Kar-Wai Collection]
Falling Angels (2003)
Falling Down (1993)
Falling Leaves (1912)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
False Alarms (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Fame (1980)
Fame (2009)
Familia (2005)Canada
Familiar Grounds AKA En terrains connus (2011)Canada
Family Fang, The (2015)
Family Guy Season 1-2 (1999)TV Series
Family Hero (2006)
Family Law (2006)
Family Nest (1979)
Family Plot (1976)
Family Resemblances AKA Un air de famille (1996)France
Family Secret, A (2006)Canada
Family Stone, The (2005)
Family That Preys, The (2008)
Family Viewing (1987)CanadaAtom Egoyan
Family, The (2013)France, UK, US
Fan, The (1996)
Fando and Lis (1968)MexicoAlejandro Jodorowsky, [Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky]
Fan-Fan the Tulip (1952)Italy, France
Fan-Fan the Tulip (2003)
Fanny (1932)
Fanny (2013)France
Fanny and Alexander AKA Fanny och Alexander (1982)Sweden, France, GermanyIngmar Bergman
Fanny and Alexander, The Making Of AKA Dokument Fanny och Alexander (1984)DocumentSwedenIngmar Bergman
Fanny and Alexander AKA Fanny och Alexander (1983)TV SeriesSweden, France, Germany
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwad (2018)
Fantastic Four (2005)
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)Animation
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
Fantômas (1964)France, Italy
Fantômas Unleashed AKA Fantômas se déchaîne (1965)France, Italy
Fantômas vs. Scotland Yard (1967)France, Italy
Fantômas: Fantômas Against Fantômas AKA Fantômas contre Fantômas (1914)France
Fantômas: In the Shadow of the Guillotine AKA Fantômas - À l'ombre de la guillotine (1913)France
Fantômas: Juve Against Fantômas AKA Juve contre Fantômas (1913)France
Fantômas: The Dead Man Who Killed AKA Le mort qui tue (1913)France
Fantômas: The False Magistrate AKA Le faux magistrat (1914)France
Far and Away (1992)
Far from Heaven (2002)
Far from the Madding Crowd (1967)
Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)UK, US
Far from Vietnam AKA Loin du Vietnam (1967)DocumentaryFranceJoris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch
Far North (2007)
Far Side of the Moon, The (2003)
Faraway, So Close! (1993)Wim Wenders
Farewell (2009)
Farewell My Concubine (1993)
Farewell My Queen AKA Les adieux à la reine (2012)France, Spain
Farewell to Arms, A (1932)
Farewell to Arms, A (1957)John Huston, [Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Farewell, The (2019)
Fargo (1996)Ethan and Joel Coen
Fargo Season 1-3 (2014-17)
Farinelli (1994)France, Italy, Belgium, UK
Farmer’s Wife, The (1928)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Farmingville (2004)
Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
Fast & Furious 9 AKA F9 (2021)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw (2019)
Fast and the Furious, The (2001)
Fast and the Furious, The: Tokyo Drift (2006)
Fast Company (1979)CanadaDavid Cronenberg, [David Cronenberg DVD Collection]
Fast Five (2011)
Fast Food Nation (2006)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Faster (2010)
Fat City (1972)John Huston
Fat Girl AKA À ma soeur! (2001)France, ItalyCatherine Breillat
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989)
Fata Morgana (1971)DocumentaryGermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Fatal Charm (2003)
Fatal Glass of Beer, The (1933)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Fatal Mallet, The (1914)Mark Sennett, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Fate of a Man (1959)
Fateless (2005)
Father and Guns AKA De père en flic (2009)Canada
Father and Sons (2003)
Father Brown Season 1-11 (2013-24)BBC TV SeriesUK
Father of My Children, The AKA Le père de mes enfants (2009)France, Germany, Belgium
Father of the Bride (1950)
Father of the Bride (1991)
Father of the Bride Part II (1995)
Father, The (2020)
Father: Diary of One Week (1966)
Father’s Day (1997)
Fatima (2015)France, Canada
Fatima: Muscle Dancer AKA Fatima's Coochee-Coochee Dance (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Faubourg 36 AKA Paris 36 (2008)France, Germany, Czech Republic
Faust: A German Folk Legend AKA Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926)GermanyF.W. Murnau, [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Faust et Méphistophélès (1903)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Favela Rising (2005)Documentary
Favourite, The (2018)
Fawlty Towers: The Complete Collection (1975-79)TV SeriesUK
Fay Grim (2007)US, Germany, France
FBI Girl (1953) (1951?)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2]
FC Venus (2005)Finland
FDNY Dream Bike (2004)Documentary[9.11 Commemorative Box Set]
Fear and Desire (1953)France, JapanStanley Kubrick
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)Terry Gilliam
Fear and Trembling AKA Stupeur et tremblements (2003)
Fear of Fear (1975)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Fear(s) of the Dark (2007)
Fearless (1999)New Zealand, Canada
Fearless Vampire Killers, The or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck (1967)Roman Polanski
Feast of July (1995)
Feather in His Collar, A (1946)Disney Animation
Fed Up (2014)Documentary
Feeding the Doves (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Feeling Good AKA En pleine forme (1965)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Feet First (1930)Clyde Bruckman, [Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Felicia’s Journey (1999)Canada, UKAtom Egoyan, [Atom Egoyan DVD Collection]
Félix & Meira (2014)Canada
Felix Saves the Day (1922)Animation[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Indiscreet Questions AKA Questions indiscrètes (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Félix Mayol Performs "White Lilacs" (1905)Alice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Fellini’s Satyricon (1969)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Female (1933)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 2]
Female on the Beach (1955)[Women in Danger: 1950s Thrillers]
Female Trouble (1974)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Femme Nikita, La AKA Nikita (1990)France, Italy
Fences (2016)
Ferdinand (2017)Animation
Ferdinand the Bull (1938)Disney Animation
Ferdinando and Carolina (1999)Italy, FranceLina Wertmüller
Fermat’s Room AKA La habitación de Fermat (2007)Spain
Fernandel the Dressmaker AKA Le couturier de ces dames (1956)France
Ferrari (2023)Michael Mann
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Ferry to Hong Kong (1959)
Festival Express (2003)
Festival in Cannes (2001)
Few Days in September, A (2006)
Few Good Men, A (1992)
Few Hours of Spring, A AKA Quelques heures de printemps (2012)France
Few Hours of Sunlight, A AKA Un peu de soleil dans l'eau froide (1971)France, Italy
Few Moments with Eddie Cantor, A (1923)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Fiances, The AKA I fidanzati (1963)Italy
Fiberglass Chairs: Something of How They Get the Way They Are (1970)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Fiddle-de-dee (1947)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)Norman Jewison, [MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
Fiddler on the Roof (2002)
Field of Dreams (1989)
Fifth Element, The (1997)
Fifth Estate, The (2013)
Fifty (1999)Kurt Miller, Peter Speek, [Warren Miller's Power of Snow Collection]
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
Fight Club (1999)David Fincher
Fight, The AKA Le ring (2007)Canada
Fighter, The (2010)
Fighting (2009)
Fighting 69th, The (1940)
Fighting Kentuckian, The (1949)[John Wayne Collection]
File on Thelma Jordon, The (1949)
Filière 13 (2010)Canada
Fill The Void (2013) (2012?) Lemale et ha'halal?
Film Johnnie, A (1914)George Nichols, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Film Socialisme (2010)Switzerland, FranceJean-Luc Godard
Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool (2017)UK
Film Unfinished, A AKA Shtikat haarchiorn (2010)Germany, Israel
Filth and the Fury, The (2000)
Filth and Wisdom (2008)
Final Days of Planet Earth (2006)TV Series[Sci-Fi Four Pack]
Final Destination (2000)
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Final Destination 3 (2006)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Final Portrait (2018)
Finding Dory (2016)Pixar Animation
Finding Forrester (2000)
Finding Nemo (2003)Pixar Animation
Finding Neverland (2004)
Finding Rin Tin Tin (2007)
Finding Vivian Maier (2013)
Fingerprints Don’t Lie (1951)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2]
Finian's Rainbow (1968)Francis Ford Coppola
Finn's Girl (2007)Canada
Fire at Sea Fuocoammare (2016)Italy, France
Fire Down Below (1957)
Fire in a Burlesque Theatre, A (1904)
Fire Rescue Scene (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Fire Run (1897)Documentary[The Movies Begin]
Fire with Fire (2012)
Fire Within, The AKA Le feu follet (1963)FranceLouis Malle
Fire! (1901)[The Movies Begin]
Fireflies in the Garden (2008)
Firefly (2002-03)TV Series
Firehouse Dog (2007)
Fireman, The (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Firemen Rescuing Men and Women (1901)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Firemen's Ball, The (1967)
Fireproof (2008)
Fires Were Started (1943)
Fireside Reminiscences (1908)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Firewall (2006)
Fireworks AKA Hana-bi (1997)Japan
Firm, The - Screen Two (1989)TV EpisodeUKAlan Clarke, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Firm, The (1993)
Firm, The Complete Series (2012)TV Series
First Blood (1982)
First Daughter (2004)
First Day of the Rest of Your Life, The (2008)
First Emperor of China, The (1990)NFBCanada, China
First Grader, The (2010)
First King: Birth of an Empire, The (2019)
First Knight (1995)
First Love (1939)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
First Man (2018)
First Name: Carmen (1983)FranceJean-Luc Godard, [Jean-Luc Godard Collection]
First Position (2011)
First Reformed (2017)US, UK, Australia
First Sleigh Ride, The (1897)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
First Spaceship on Venus (1960)
First Time I Turned Twenty, The AKA La Premiere Fois que j’ai eu 20 ans (2004)France
First Wives Club, The (1996)
First World War, The: Complete Series (2003)TV Mini SeriesUK
Fish Called Wanda, A (1988)
Fish Tank (2009)Netherlands, UK
Fisher King, The (1991)Terry Gilliam
Fisherman at the Stream AKA Le pêcheur dans le torrent (1897)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Fistful of Dollars, A (1964)Sergio Leone
Fists in the Pocket (1965)
Fitzcarraldo (1982)Germany, Peru, BrazilWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
Fitzgerald Family Christmas, The (2012)
Five Broken Cameras (2011)
Five Easy Pieces (1970)
Five Obstructions, The (2003)
Five O'Clock Tea (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Five of Us, The (2004)
Five Pennies, The (1959)
Five Senses, The (1999)
Five Star Life, A AKA Viaggio sola (2013)Italy
Five Times Two AKA 5 x 2 - Cinq fois deux (2004)FranceFrançois Ozon
Five-Year Engagement, The (2012)
Fixed Bayonets! (1951)
Flags of Our Fathers (2006)Clint Eastwood
Flambards: The Complete Series (1979)TV Mini Series
Flame & Citron (2008)
Flame of New Orleans, The (1941)[Marlene Dietrich: Glamour Collection]
Flamenco (1995)DocumentarySpain
Flamingo Road (1949)
Flash of Genius (2008)
Flashpoint Season 1 (2008)TV SeriesCanada
Flawless (2007)
Flesh and the Devil (1927)[TCM Archives: Garbo Silents Collection]
Flic Story (1975)France, Italy
Flicka (2006)
Flicka 2 (2010)
Flicker Test, The (1961)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Flight (2012)
Flight of the Innocent, The (1992)
Flight of the Phoenix (2004)
Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)
Flightplan (2005)
Flintstones, The Seasons 1-6 (1960-1966)TV Series
Flipped (2010)
Flirting (1991)
Flirting with Disaster (1996)
Flock, The (2007)
Floorwalker, The (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)UK, France
Florida Project, The (2017)
Florida, La (1993)Canada
Flow: How Did a Handful of Corporations Steal Our Water? (2008)Documentary
Flower & Garnet (2002)
Flower of Evil, The AKA La fleur du mal (2003)FranceClaude Chabrol
Flower of My Secret, The AKA La flor de mi secreto (1995)Spain, FrancePedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Flowers of St. Francis, The (1950)
Flowers of War, The AKA Jin ling shi san chai (2011)China, Hong Kong
Flunky, Work Hard! AKA Koshiben ganbare (1931)JapanMikio Naruse, [Silent Naruse]
Flushed Away (2006)
Flute of Krishna, The (1926)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Fly II, The (1989)
Fly Me to the Moon 2D and 3D (2008)
Fly My Kite (1931)[Our Gang]
Fly, The (1986)David Cronenberg
Flying Camel, The (1994)
Flying Deuces, The (1939)[Laurel and Hardy Collection], [Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Flying Down to Rio (1933)
Flying Leathernecks (1951)
Flying Scotsman, The (2006)
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate AKA Long men fei jia (2011)China
Flying Tigers (1942)
Focus (2001)
Focus (2015)
Fog of War, The (2003)
Fog, The (2005)
Folies Bergère (2014)
Folies-Bergère AKA Un soir au music-hall (1956)France
Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story (2012)Documentary
Follow the Fleet (1936)
Follow the Money: AKA Bedrag, Season 1 (2016)TV Series Region 2Denmark
Following (1998)Christopher Nolan
Fond Kiss, A (2004)UK, Italy, Germany, Spain, BelgiumKen Loach
Food, Inc. (2008)Documentary
Fool's Gold (2008)
Football Now and Then (1953)Disney Animation
Footlight Parade (1933)
Footloose (1984)
Footloose (2011)
Footnote (2011)
Footsteps in the Fog (1955)
For a Few Dollars More (1965)Sergio Leone
For a Woman (2013)
For Ever Mozart (1996)Switzerland, FranceJean-Luc Godard
For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)Mexico
For Heaven’s Sake (1926)Sam Taylor, [Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
For Me and My Gal (1942)
For the Love of God AKA Pour l'amour de Dieu (2011)Canada
For the Love of Mary (1948)[Deanna Durbin Music & Romance Collection]
For the Love of Money (2012)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
For Your Consideration (2006)
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Forbidden Games AKA Jeux interdits (1952)FranceRené Clément
Forbidden Kingdom, The (2008)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Force Majeure (2014)Sweden, France
Force of Evil (1948)
Force of Nature (2020)
Ford vs Ferrari (2019)
Foreign Correspondent (1940)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Foreign Land (1996)
Foreigner, The (2017)
Forest Alert AKA L’erreur boréale (1999)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Forest for the Trees, The (2003)
Forest, The (2016)
Forever Mine (1999)
Forever Strong (2008)
Forever, Darling (1956)
Forger, The AKA Der Passfälscher (2022)Germany, LuxembourgMaggie Peren
Forget Paris (1995)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Forgiveness of Blood, The (2011)US, Albania, Denmark, Italy
Forgotten Silver (1995)
Forgotten, The (2004)
Forks Over Knives (2011)
Forming Game (2010) (2008?)
Formula 51 (2001)
Formula, The (1980)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Forsaken Land, The (2005)
Forsyte Saga, The: Series 1-2 (2002-03)TV SeriesUK
Fort Apache (1948)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
Fort Saganne (1984)France[Catherine Deneuve Collection]
Fortune Cookie, The (1966)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Fortunes of War (1987)TV Mini SeriesUK
Forty Guns (1957)
Forty Naughty Girls (1937)Edward F. Cline, [Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Founder, The (2016)
Fountain, The (2006)
Fountainhead, The (1949)
Four Assassins AKA 4 Assassins (2011)Hong Kong, US
Four Bags Full AKA La traversée de Paris (1956)France, Italy
Four Brothers (2005)
Four Christmases (2008)
Four Feathers, The (1939)
Four Feathers, The (2002)
Four Friends (1981)
Four Frightened People (1934)Cecil B. DeMille
Four Last Songs (2007)
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lovers AKA Happy Few (2010)France
Four Minutes (2006)
Four Musketeers, The (1974)
Four Times AKA Le Quattro Volte (2010)Italy, Germany, Switzerland
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
Fourteen Hours (1951)[Fox Film Noir]
Fourth Alarm, The (1926)[Our Gang]
Fourth Kind, The (2009)
Fourth Man, The AKA De vierde man (1983)Netherlands
Four-Year-Old Hero, A AKA Une héroïne de quatre ans (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Fous de Bassan, Les (1987)Canada, France
Fox and His Friends AKA Faustrecht der Freiheit (1975)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Fox and the Child, The AKA Le renard et l'enfant (2007)France
Fox and the Hound, The (1981)Disney Animation
Fox and the Hound 2, The (2006)Disney Animation
Fox Hunt, The (1931)Disney Animation
Foxcatcher (2014)
Foxes (1980)[Jody Foster Collection]
Foxhole in Cairo (1960)
Foyle's War: Series 1-8 (2002-15)TV Series
Fracture (2004)
Framed (1947)Richard Wallace, [Glenn Ford Undercover Crimes]
France Boutique (2003)France
Frances (1982)
Frances Ha (2012)US, Brazil
Francofonia (2015)France, Germany, Netherlands
Frank (2014)
Frank Capra's American Dream (1997)
Frank Herbert's Dune (2000)TV Mini SeriesUS, Canada, Germany, Italy
Frank Riva (2003-04)TV Series
Frankenstein (1931)[Frankenstein: The Legacy Collection]
Frankenstein 1970 (1958)[Karloff and Lugosi Horror Classics]
Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)[Hammer Horror 3 Film Set]
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)[Wolf Man Legacy Collection]
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)
Frankenweenie (2012)Disney AnimationTim Burton
Frankie and Johnny Are Married (2003)
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - Live in Concert (2006)
Frantic (1988)Roman Polanski
Frantz (2016)France, GermanyFrançois Ozon
Frasier Season 1-3,11 (1993-95,2004)TV Series
Freakonomics (2010)Documentary
Freaks (1932)
Freaky Friday (2003)
Fred Claus (2007)
Freddy Frogface (2011)Animation
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Free Birds (2013)Animation
Free Guy (2021)US, Canada
Free Samples (2012)
Free Soul, A (1931)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 2]
Free State of Jones (2016)
Free Willy (1993)
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995)
Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)
Free Willy: Escape From Pirate's Cove (2010)
Free Zone (2005)
Freedom Comes High (1943)[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 3]
Freedom Outraged AKA La Liberté en colère (1994)NFBCanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
Freedom Writers (2007)
Freedomland (2006)
Freeheld (2015)
French Cancan (1954)France, ItalyJean Renoir, [Jean Renoir: Stage & Spectacle]
French Connection, The (1971)William Friedkin, [Best Picture Collection]
French Connection II (1975)John Frankenheim
French Detective, The (1975)
French Dispatch, The (1975)US, Germany
French Exit (2020)
French Film AKA French Lovers Have All the Answers (2008)UK
French Fried Vacation AKA Les bronzés (1978)FrancePatrice Leconte
French Fried Vacation 3 AKA Les bronzés 3: Amis pour la vie (2006)FrancePatrice Leconte
French Immersion (2011)Canada
French Kiss (1995)
French Lieutenant's Woman, The (1981)
French Minister, The AKA Quai d’Orsay (2013)FranceBertrand Tavernier
French Revolution, The (2005)Documentary
French Village, A Season 1-7 (2009-17)TV Series
Frenchmen AKA Le coeur des hommes (2002)France
Frenchmen 2 AKA Le coeur des hommes 2 (2007)France
Frenzy (1972)
Fresh Bait (1995)
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Season 1 (1990)TV Series
Freshman, The (1925)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Frida (2002)Mexico, US, UK
Friday Night AKA Vendredi soir (2002)FranceClaire Denis
Friday Night Lights (2004)
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th (2009)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982)
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)
Friends - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Friends: Episodes 1-43 (1994-96)TV Series
Friends of Eddie Coyle, The (1973)
Friends with Benefits (2011)
Friends with Kids (2011)
Friends with Money (2006)
Fright Night (2011)
Fringe, The Season 1 (2015)TV SeriesUK
Frisco Jenny (1932)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Frisson des collines AKA Thrill of the Hills (2011)Canada
Fritz the Cat (1972)Animation
Frogmen, The (1951)
Frolicking Fish (1930)Disney Animation
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Hand to Mouth (1919)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
From Here to Eternity (1953)
From Jesus to Christ, Part 1
From Jesus to Christ, Part 2 - The First Christians (1998)
TV Episode 16.4,5Documentary
From Leadville to Aspen: A Hold-Up in the Rockies (1906)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
From Nurse to Worse (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
From Paris with Love (2010)
From Russia with Love (1963)
From the Other Side (2002)
From the Submerged (1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
From the Terrace (1960)
From Up on Poppy Hill AKA Kokuriko-zaka kara (2011)AnimationJapan
Front Page, The (1974)
Front Runner, The (2018)
Front, The (1976)
Frost/Nixon (2008)
Frozen (2013)Disney Animation
Frozen Ghost, The (1945)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Frozen Ground, The (2013)
Frozen II (2019)Disney Animation
Frozen North, The (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Frozen Planet (2011)Documentary
Frozen River (2008)
Fruitvale Station (2013)Ryan Coogler
Fubar (2002)
Fubar II: Gods of Blunder (2010)
Fuelin' Around (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Fugitive Kind, The (1960)
Fugitive Pieces (2007)
Fugitive, The (1993)
Full Frontal (2002)Steven Soderbergh
Full Metal Jacket (1987)Stanley Kubrick
Full Metal Yakuza AKA Full Metal gokudô (1997)Japan
Full Monty, The (1997)
Full Moon in Paris AKA Les nuits de la pleine lune (1984)FranceEric Rohmer
Full Treatment, The (1960)
Fulltime Killer (2001)
Fun in Acapulco (1963)
Fun with Dick and Jane (1977)
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)
Funeral in Berlin (1966)
Funeral, The AKA Osôshiki (1984)Japan
Funeral, The (1996)
Funhouse, The (1981)
Funkytown (2011)
Funny Bones (1995)
Funny Dirty Little War (1983)
Funny Face (1957)
Funny Games (1997)AustriaMichael Haneke
Funny Games (2007)US, France, UK, Austria, Germany, ItalyMichael Haneke
Funny People (2009)
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A (1966)[MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
Fur Hat, The AKA Le bonnet à poil (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006)
Furies, The (1950)
Furious 7 (2015)
Furry Vengeance (2010)
Fury (1936)Fritz Lang, [Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
Fury (2014)
Future of Food, The (2004)
Future, The (2011)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Gabbeh (1996)Iran, France
Gabriel & Me (2001)
Gabrielle (2005)France, Italy, Germany
Gabrielle (2013)Canada
Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life AKA Vie héroïque (2010)France
Galileo (1968)
Galileo (1975)[American Film Theatre]
Gallipoli (1981)
Galveston (2018)
Gambit (1968)
Gambit (2012)
Gambler, The (2014)
Gambling, Gods and LSD (2002)
Game, The (2015)
Game Change (2012)
Game of Their Lives, The (2005)
Game of Thrones Season 1-8 (2011-19)TV Series
Game Plan, The (2007)
Game-Keeper's Son AKA Le fils du garde-chasse (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Gamer (2009)
Games Maker, The (2014)
Games of Love and Chance AKA L'esquive (2003)France
Gandhi (1982)
Gang of Four, The AKA La bande des quatre (1989)France, SwitzerlandJacques Rivette
Gang Story, A AKA Les Lyonnais (2011)France, Belgium
Gang War in Milan AKA Milano rovente (1973)Italy
Gangs of New York (2002)Martin Scorsese
Gangster Squad (2013)
Gangway (1937)
Garbo (2005)
Garden of Allah, The (1936)
Garden of Evil (1954)[Fox Western Classics]
Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The AKA Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970)Italy, GermanyVittorio De Sica
Garden State (2004)
Gardens of the Night (2008)
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006)
Garfield: The Movie (2004)
Garrows Law: The Complete Collection (2009-11)TV SeriesUK
Gasland (2010)Documentary
Gasland Part II (2013)Documentary
Gaslight (1940)
Gaslight (1944)
Gasoline (2001)
Gas-s-s-s (1970)
Gate of Hell (1953)
Gatekeepers, The (2012)Israel, France
Gates of Heaven (1978)Errol Morris, [Errol Morris DVD Collection]
Gates of the Night AKA Les portes de la nuit (1946)France
Gathering Storm, The (2002)DocumentaryUK, US
Gattaca (1997)
Gauntlet, The (1977)Clint Eastwood
Gay Divorcee, The (1934)
Gay Shoe Clerk, The (1903)[The Movies Begin], [Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Gaz Bar Blues (2003)
Gebürtig (2002)Austria, Germany, Poland
Geisha, A (1953)
Geisha, The (1983)
Gemini Man (2019)Ang Lee
Gemma Bovery (2014)France, UK
Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer (2002)
Genealogies of a Crime (1997)
General Della Rovere (1959)Italy, France
General Died at Dawn, The (1936)
General, The (1926)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [Buster Keaton Collection]
Generation War AKA Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter (2013)Germany
Generation, A (1955)
Genesis (1999)
Geneviève (1964)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Genghis Blues (1999)
Genius on Hold (2012)
Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould (2009)Canada
Genocide (1982)
Genova (2008)UK, Sweden, Cayman Is.
Gentille (2005)
Gentleman from Epsom, The (1962)
Gentleman Jim (1942)
Gentleman's Agreement (1947)[Best Picture Collection]
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
Gents in a Jam (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Geography of the Body (1943)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
George Dumpson's Place (1965)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
George Harrison: Living in the Material World (2011)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese
George of the Jungle 2 (2003)
George Wallace (1997)TV Mini Series
George Washington (2000)
Georges Méliès: Cinema Magician (1978)Documentary
Georgetown Loop, The (Colorado) (1903)Documentary
Georgia (1995)
Georgia O'Keeffe (2009)
Georgia Rule (2007)
Georgy Girl (1966)
Geostorm (2017)
Gerhard Richter Painting (2012)
German Doctor, The AKA Wakolda (2013)Argentina
Germany in Autumn (1978)
Germany Pale Mother (1980)
Germany Year Zero AKA Germania anno zero (1948)ItalyRoberto Rossellini, [Roberto Rossellini's War Trilogy]
Gerry (2002)
Gerry (2011)Biography
Gertrud (1964)DenmarkCarl Theodor Dreyer, [Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection]
Gervaise (1956)FranceRené Clément
Get a Clue (2002)
Get Hard (2015)
Get Him to the Greek (2010)
Get Low (2009)
Get on Up (2014)
Get Out (2017)
Get Out and Get Under (1920)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1978)
Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2005)
Get Santa (2014)
Get Shorty (1995)
Get Smart (2008)
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control (2008)
Get the Gringo (2012)
Getaway (2013)
Getaway, The (1972)[Steve McQueen Collection]
Getting Evidence (1906)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Gettysburg (1993)
G-Force (2009)
Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster AKA San daikaijû: Chikyû saidai no kessen (1964)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Ghost (1990)
Ghost & Mr. Chicken, The (1966)
Ghost and the Guest, The (1943)
Ghost Breakers, The (1940)
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)Jim Jarmusch
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Ghost in the Shell (2017)
Ghost of Frankenstein, The (1942)[Frankenstein: The Legacy Collection]
Ghost Rider (2007)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)
Ghost River AKA The Promised Life AKA La Vie Promise (2002)France
Ghost Ship, The (1943)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Ghost Story, A (2017)
Ghost Talks, The (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Ghost Town (2008)
Ghost World (2001)
Ghost Writer, The (2010)Roman Polanski
Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters (2016)Paul Feig
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Ghostbusters II (1989)
Ghosts (1987)UK[Judi Dench Collection]
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
Gia (1998)
Giant (1956)
Giant Mechanical Man, The (2012)
Gideon of Scotland Yard AKA Gideon's Day (1958)UK, USJohn Ford
Gift, The (2015)
Gifted (2017)
Gigi (1958)
Gigolo and Gigolette (1951)[Encore: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
Gilda (1946)[The Films of Rita Hayworth]
Gilded Age, The (2022-)HBO TV Series
Gimme Danger (2016)
Gimme Shelter (1970)
Ginger & Cinnamon (2003)
Ginger & Rosa (2012)
Ginger Snaps (2000)
Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004)
Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004)
Gingerbread Man, The (1998)Robert Altman
Giraffe's Neck, The (2004)
Girl and her Trust, The (1912)[The Movies Begin]
Girl at the Window, A AKA Une jeune fille à la fenêtre (2001)Canada
Girl Can't Help It, The (1956)
Girl Cut in Two, A AKA La fille coupée en deux (2007)France, GermanyClaude Chabrol
Girl from Missouri, The (1934)
Girl from Monaco, The AKA La fille de Monaco (2008)France
Girl from Monday, The (2005)
Girl from Paris, The AKA Un hirondelle a fait le printemps (2001)France
Girl in Blue, The (1973)
Girl in the Café, The (2005)UK, US
Girl in the Park, The (2007)
Girl in the Red Velvet Swing, The (1955)
Girl in the Sneakers, The (2001) (1999?)
Girl in the Spider's Web, The (2018)
Girl King, The (2015)
Girl Most Likely (2012)
Girl Next Door, The (1953)
Girl Next Door, The (2004)
Girl of Your Dreams, The AKA La niña de tus ojos (1998)Spain
Girl on the Bridge, The AKA La fille sur le pont (1999)FrancePatrice Leconte
Girl on the Train, The AKA La fille du RER (2009)France
Girl on the Train, The (2016)
Girl Rising (2013)
Girl Shy (1924)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The AKA Luftslottet som sprängdes(2009)Sweden, Denmark, Germany
Girl Who Played with Fire, The AKA Flickan som lekte med elden (2009)Sweden, Denmark, Germany
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)
Girl with a Suitcase (1961)
Girl with Green Eyes (1964)
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The AKA Män som hatar kvinnor (2009)Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (2011)US, Sweden, NorwayDavid Fincher
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Girl, The (2000)
Girlfriend Experience, The (2009)Steven Soderbergh
Girlfriends Guide to Divorce, A Season 1 (2014)TV Series
Girlhood AKA Bande de filles (2014)France
Girls Trip (2017)
Girls Season 1-4 (2012)TV Series
Giulia Doesn't Date at Night AKA Giulia non esce la sera (2009)Italy
Giver, The (2014)
Glace à trois faces, La AKA The Three-sided Mirror (1927)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Gladiator (2000)Ridley Scott
Gladiatorerna AKA Gladiators, The (1969)SwedenPeter Watkins, [Cinema of Peter Watkins]
Glass (2016)
Glass (2019)
Glass Bottom Boat, The (1966)
Glass Castle (2017)
Glass Key, The (1942)[TCM Dark Crimes Film Noir Thrillers]
Glass Menagerie, The (1973)
Glass Wall, The (1953)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Gleaners & I, The AKA Les glaneurs et la glaneuse (2000)DocumentaryFranceAgnès Varda
Glee Season 1-3 (2009)TV Series
Glee: The Concert Movie (2011)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Glenn Gould: On & Off the Record (1959)NFBCanada
Glenroy Bros., No. 2 (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Glitch, The (2017)
Gloria (1980)
Gloria Bell (2018)
Glorious 39 (2009)
Glory (1989)
Glory Road (2006)
Glue, The AKA La glu (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
G-Men (1935)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
GMO OMG (2013)
Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)Animation
Go Fast (2008)
Go Fish (1994)
Go for Broke! (1951)
Go Further (2003)DocumentaryCanada, US
Go Tell the Spartans (1978)
Go West (1925)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Go West (1940)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Go West Young Man (1936)[Mae West Glamour Collection]
Goal! II: Living the Dream (2007)
Goal!: The Dream Begins (2005)
Goat, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
God Bless America (2011)
God Grew Tired of Us (2007)
God Is Brazilian (2003)
God is Great and I’m Not AKA Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite (2001)France
Goddess of 1967, The (2000)
Goddess of Spring, The (1934)Disney Animation
Godfather, The (1972)Francis Ford Coppola
Godfather, The: Part 2 (1974)Francis Ford Coppola
Godfather, The: Part 3 (1990)Francis Ford Coppola
Godfathers of Ganja, The AKA Square Grouper (2011)Documentary
Godfathers of Mondo (2003)
Godland AKA Vanskabte land (2022)Denmark, Iceland, France, SwedenHlynur Pálmason
Godless Girl, The (1928)Cecil B. DeMille, [Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Gods and Generals (2003)
Gods and Monsters (1998)
God's Country (1985)DocumentaryLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Gods Must Be Crazy II, The (1989)
Gods Must Be Crazy, The (1980)
Gods of Egypt (2016)
Gods of the Plague AKA Götter der Pest (1970)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Godspell: A Musical Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew (1973)
Godzilla AKA Goira (1954)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Godzilla Raids Again AKA Gojira no gyakushû (1955)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)US, Australia, Canada, India
Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956)US, Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Goebbels Experiment, The (2005)Germany, UK
Goin' Down the Road (1970)
Goin’ to Town (1935)[Mae West Glamour Collection]
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)
Going Gently - BBC2 Playhouse (1981)TV EpisodeUK[Judi Dench Collection]
Going in Style (1979)
Going in Style (2017)
Going My Way (1944)
Going Places AKA Les valseuses (1974)France
Going the Distance (2010)
Going to the Fire (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Gold (1974)UK
Gold (2016)
Gold Diggers in Paris (1938)
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (1936)
Gold Rush, The (1925)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Gold Rush Scenes in the Klondike (1899)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Golden Beetle, The AKA Le scarabée d'or (1907)France[The Movies Begin]
Golden Blade, The (1953)
Golden Bowl, The (2000)
Golden Chicken (2002)
Golden Coach, The AKA Le carrosse d'or (1952)France, ItalyJean Renoir, [Jean Renoir: Stage & Spectacle]
Golden Cockerel, The AKA El Gallo de Oro (1964)Mexico
Golden Compass, The (2007)
Golden Door (2006)
Golden Earrings (1947)[Marlene Dietrich: Glamour Collection]
Golden Salamander (1950)UK[British Noir]
Golden Twenties, The (1950)
Golden Winter (2012)
GoldenEye (1995)
Goldfinger (1964)
Golem, l'esprit de l'exil AKA Golem: The Spirit of Exile (1992)Germany, Netherlands, UK, FranceAmos Gitai, [Amos Gitai: Exile]
Golem: The Petrified Garden (1993)France, Germany, Russia, IsraelAmos Gitai, [Amos Gitai: Exile]
Golf Specialist, The (1930)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Goliath II (1960)Disney Animation
Gomorrah (2008)
Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Gone Girl (2014)David Fincher
Gone with the West (1974)
Gone with the Wind (1939)
Gone with the Woman (2007)
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008)
Good (2008)UK, Germany
Good and the Bad, The (1976)Claude Lelouch
Good Boy! (2003)
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)Germany
Good Deeds (2012)
Good Dinosaur, The (2015)Pixar Animation
Good Doctor, The (2011)
Good Earth, The (1937)
Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg (1990)
Good-for-Nothing, The (1914)Steven Soderbergh, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Good German, The (2006)
Good Girl, The (2002)
Good Glue Sticks AKA La colle universelle (1907)France[The Movies Begin]
Good Guys and the Bad Guys, The (1969)
Good Hair (2009)
Good Kill (2014)
Good Liar, The (2019)
Good Lie, The (2014)
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Good Neighbor Sam (1964)
Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005)
Good Omens (2019)TV SeriesUK
Good Riddance AKA Les Bons Débarras (1980)Canada
Good Shepherd, The (2004)
Good Shepherd, The (2006)
Good Thief, The (2002)
Good Wife, The (2009-16)TV Series
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Good Woman, A (2004)
Good Year, A (2006)Ridley Scott
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The (1966)Sergio Leone
Good, The Bad, The Weird, The (2008)
Goodbye First Love AKA Un amour de jeunesse (2011)France
Goodbye Kiss, The (2006)
Goodbye Solo (2008)
Goodbye to Language AKA Adieu au langage (2014)SwitzerlandJean-Luc Godard
Goodbye Uncle Tom (1971)
GoodFellas (1990)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Collection]
Goods (1981)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Goof on the Roof (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Goon (2011)
Goonies, The (1985)
Goose (2012)Documentary
Goosebumps (2015)
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
Gorgon, The (1964)[Hammer Films: 4 Creepy Classics]
Gorilla, The: The Ritz Brothers (1939)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Gorky Park (1983)
Gosford Park (2001)Robert Altman
Gospel According to St. Matthew, The AKA Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964)Italy, FancePier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Gospel of Judas, The (2006)Documentary
Gossip Girl Season 2 (2008)TV Series
Gothic (1986)UK
Gothika (2003)
Goya in Bordeaux Goya en Burdeos (1999)DocumentarySpain, Italy
Goya's Ghosts (2006)
Gozu AKA Gokudô kyôfu dai-gekijô: Gozu (2003)Japan
Grace is Gone (2007)
Gracie (2007)
Graduate, The (1967)
Grampy's Indoor Outing (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Gran Casino (1947)Luis Buñuel
Gran Torino (2008)Clint Eastwood
Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014)US, Germany
Grand Canyon (1991)
Grand Central (2013)France, Austria
Grand Hotel (1932)
Grand Illusion, The (1937)FranceJean Renoir
Grand Piano (2014) (2013?)
Grand Seduction, The (2013)CanadaDon McKellar
Grand Theft Auto (1977)
Grand Voyage, Le (2004)France, Morocco, Bulgaria, Turkey
Grand, The: The Complete Collection (1997-98)TV SeriesUK
Grande Bouffe, La AKA The Big Feast (1973)France, Italy
Grande Noirceur, La AKA The Great Darkened Days (2018)Canada
Grandfather, The (1998)
Grandma’s Boy (1922)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Grandma's Reading Glass (1900)[The Movies Begin]
Grandmaster, The AKA Yi dai zong shi (2013)Hong Kong, China
Granny’s Funeral AKA Adieu Berthe (2012)France
Grant (2019)Documentary
Grantchester Season 1-5 (2014-20)TV SeriesUK
Grapes of Wrath, The (1940)John Ford
Grave of the Fireflies AKA Hotaru no haka (1988)AnimationJapan
Gravity (2013)Alfonso Cuarón
Gravy Train, The (1990)TV Mini SeriesUK
Gray Matters (2006)
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams AKA Esma’s Secret (2006)Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Austria
Grease (1978)
Great Beauty, The AKA La grande bellezza (2013)Italy, France
Great Buck Howard, The (2008)
Great Day in Harlem, A (1994)
Great Day in Havana (2001)
Great Debaters, The (2007)
Great Depression, The (1998)Documentary
Great Dictator, The (1940)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Great Director, The - Unknown Chaplin (1983)TV Episode 1.2[Unknown Chaplin: The Master at Work]
Great Directors (2009)
Great Escape, The (1963)
Great Expectations (2012)UK, US
Great Expectations (2011-12)BBC Mini SeriesUK, US[Charles Dickens Collection]
Great Fire, The (2014)TV Mini SeriesUK
Great Flamarion, The (1945)
Great Gabbo, The (1929)
Great Gatsby, The (1926)
Great Gatsby, The (1974)
Great Gatsby, The (2013)Baz Luhrmann
Great Happiness Space, The: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006)
Great Highway, The (1966)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Great Land of Small, The AKA c’est pas parce qu’on est petit qu’on peut pas être grand (1987)Canada
Great Lie, The (1941)[Bette Davis Collection]
Great Lover, The (1949)
Great Man's Lady, The (1941)
Great Masters of the Italian Renaissance (2007)Documentary
Great McGinty, The (1940)
Great Meaulnes, The AKA Le grand Meaulnes (2006)France
Great Moment, The (1944)
Great Muppet Caper, The (1981)
Great North (2001)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Great Race, The (1965)
Great Raid, The (2005)
Great Santini, The (1979)
Great Spy Chase, The AKA Les Barbouzes (1963)France, Italy
Great Train Robbery, The (1903)[The Movies Begin], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Great Wall, The (2016)US, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada
Great Waltz, The (1938)
Great Ziegfeld, The (1936)
Greatest Game Ever Played, The (2005)
Greatest Show on Earth, The (1952)Cecil B. DeMille
Greatest Showman, The (2017)Biography
Greatest, The (2009)
Greed in the Sun (1964)
Greenacres (2005)Documentary[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Green Book (2018)
Green Butchers, The (2003)
Green Card (1990)
Green Chain, The (2007)
Green for Danger (1946)
Green Hornet, The (2011)
Green Inferno, The (2013)
Green Knight, The (2021)Ireland, Canada, US, UK
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Mile, The (1999)
Green Ray, The AKA Summer AKA Le rayon vert (1986)FranceEric Rohmer
Green Street Hooligans (2005)
Green Zone (2010)
Greenberg (2010)
Greenfingers (2001)
Greening of Whitney Brown, The (2011)
Greeting by George Bernard Shaw (1928)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Greetings (1968)
Greg and Gentillon (2005)
Gregoire Moulin vs. Humanity (2001)France
Gregory's Girl (1981)
Gremlins (1984)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Greta (2018)Ireland, US
Gretchen the Greenhorn (1916)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Grey Gardens (1975)
Grey Gardens (2009)
Grey Owl (1999)
Grey, The (2011)
Grey's Anatomy Season 1-9 (2005-12)TV Series
Gridiron Gang (2006)
Grido, Il AKA The Outcry (1957)Italy, USMichelangelo Antonioni
Grifters, The (1990)
Grim Reaper, The AKA La Commare Seca (1962)Italy
Grimsby (2016)UK, US
Grindhouse (2007)Quentin Tarantino
Grizzly Man (2005)DocumentaryWerner Herzog
Grocer's Son, The Le fils de l'épicier (2007)France
Groucho Marx's Home Movies (1933)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Groundhog Day (1993)
Grown Up Movie Star (2009)Canada
Grown-Ups - Great Performances (1985)TV Episode 13.24
Grown Ups (2010)
Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Grudge Match (2013)
Grudge, The (2004)
Grudge 2, The (2006)
Gruffalo, The (2009)Animation
Grumpier Old Men (1995)
Grumpy Old Men (1993)
Guadalcanal Diary (1943)
Guantanamera (1995)
Guard, The (2011)
Guardian, The (2006)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 (2023)
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The (2018)UK, US, France
Guerre des Boutons, La AKA The War of the Buttons (2011)France
Guerriers, Les (2004)Canada
Guess Who (2005)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Guest of Honour (2019)CanadaAtom Egoyan
Guest, The (2014)US, UK
Guide de la petite vengeance AKA The Little Book of Revenge (2006)Canada
Guilt Trip, The (2012)
Guilty Generation, The (1931)
Guilty, The (2013)TV Mini SeriesUK
Guimba the Tyrant AKA Guimba: un tyran, une époque (1995)Mali, Burkina Faso, Germany
Guinevere (1999)
Gulliver's Travels (2010)
Gummo (1997)
Gun Crazy (1950)
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957)
Gunfighter, The (1950)[Fox Western Classics]
Gung Ho! (1943)
Gunga Din (1939)
Gunman, The (2015)
Gunless (2010)
Gunner Palace (2004)
Guns at Batasi (1964)
Guns N' Roses: Use Your Illusion (1992)Documentary
Guns of Navarone, The (1961)
Guns of the Magnificent Seven (1969)[Magnificent Seven Collection]
Gun-shy (2003)
Guru, The (2002)UK, France, US
Gus Vissar and his Singing Duck (1925)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Guy Walks Into a Bar, A (1997)
Guys and Dolls (1955)[MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
Guys and Dolls (2007)UK
Gypsy (1962)
Gypsy Caravan (2006)
Gypsy Moths, The (1969)John Frankenheim
Gypsy, The AKA Le Gitan (1975)France, Italy[Alain Delon 5-Film Collection]
H (2002)
H2O (1929)Documentary[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
H2O AKA H2O: The Last Prime Minister (2004)CBC TV SeriesCanada
Ha'Aki (2008)NFBCanada
Ha! Ha! Ha! (1934)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)Mel Gibson
Hadj Cheriff, Arab Knife Juggler (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
Hail, Caesar! (2016)Ethan and Joel Coen
Haine, La (1995)France
Hair (1979)
Hairdresser's Husband, The AKA Le mari de la coiffeuse (1990)FrancePatrice Leconte
Hairspray (1988)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Hairspray (2007)
Haiti in all our dreams AKA Haïti dans tous nos rêves (1995)CanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
Half Broken Things (2007)
Half Nelson (2006)
Half Shot at Sunrise Wheeler & Woolsey (1930)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Half Shot Shooters (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces (1990)Tunisia, France, Italy
Half-Life (2008)
Hall Pass (2011)
Hallelujah (1929)
Halloween (1978)John Carpenter
Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2018)
Halls of Montezuma (1951)
Hamlet (1948)
Hamlet (1990)
Hamlet (1996)
Hamlet (2000)
Hamlet 2 (2008)
Hammer of the Gods (2013)
Hammett (1982)Wim Wenders
Hamoun (1990)Iran
Hancock (2008)
Handful of Dust, A (1988)
Handmaiden, The (2016)
Handmaid's Tale, The (1990)
Handmaid's Tale, The Season 1-3 (2017-19)TV Series
Hands Across the Table (1935)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
Hands of Orlac, The (1924)Germany[German Expressionism Collection]
Hands Over the City AKA Le mani sulla città (1963)Italy, FranceFrancesco Rosi
Handsome Harry (2009)
Hanging Garden, The (1997)
Hangman (2017)
Hangmen Also Die! (1943)[Film Noir: The Dark Side of Hollywood]
Hangover, The (2009)
Hangover Part 2, The (2011)
Hangover Part 3, The (2013)
Hangover Square (1945)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 1]
Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave (1980)
Hanna (2011)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)Woody Allen
Hannah Arendt (2012)Germany
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert (2008)
Hannah Montana Forever: Miley Says Goodbye (2010)TV Episode
Hannah Montana Forever: The Final Season (2011)
Hannah Montana Forever: Who is Hannah Montana? (2010)
Hannah Montana: One in a Million (2008)
Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009)
Hannibal (2001)Ridley Scott
Hannibal Rising (2007)
Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Happening, The (2008)
Happenstance (2000)
Happiest Season (2020)US, Canada
Happiest Years, The - Unknown Chaplin (1983)TV Episode 1.1[Unknown Chaplin: The Master at Work]
Happily N'Ever After (2006)Animation
Happily N'Ever After 2 (2009)Animation
Happiness (1934)
Happiness (1998)
Happiness Never Comes Alone AKA Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul (2012)France
Happy Anniversary AKA Hereux anniversaire (1962)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Happy Camper AKA Camping sauvage (2004)Canada
Happy Days (1926)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Happy Death Day (2017)
Happy Feet (2006)Animation
Happy Feet Two (2011)Animation
Happy Gilmore (1996)
Happy Skeleton, The AKA Le squelette joyeux (1898)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Happy Tears (2009)
Happy Times (2000)
Happy Together AKA Chun gwong cha sit (1997)Hong Kong, Japan, South KoreaKar-Wai Wong, [Wong Kar-Wai Collection]
Happy Valley (2014-23)TV SeriesUK
Happy You and Merry Me (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Happy, Happy AKA Sykt lykkelig (2010)Norway
Happy-Go-Luckies (1923)Animation[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)UKMike Leigh
Happythankyoumoreplease (2010)
Hara-kiri AKA Seppuku (1962)Japan
Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai AKA Ichimei (2011)Japan, UK
Hard Boiled (1992)
Hard Candy (2005)
Hard Core Logo (1996)CanadaBruce McDonald
Hard Core Logo 2 (2010)CanadaBruce McDonald
Hard Day's Night, A (1964)
Hard Eight (1996)Paul Thomas Anderson
Hard Hat Harry's Trains and Helicopters (1995-96)TV Episodes
Hard Labour (1973) (TV episode, Play for Today?)
Hard Luck (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Hard Luck (2006)
Hard Times (1975)
Hard Times (1994)BBC Mini SeriesUK[Charles Dickens Collection]
Hard to Handle (1933)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 5]
Hardcore (1979)
Harder They Come, The (1972)
Harder They Fall, The (1956)[Humphrey Bogart: The Columbia Pictures Collection]
Hardwired (2009)
Hardwood Dreams (1993)Documentary
Harlan County U.S.A. (1976)
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991)[Mickey Rourke Collection]
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
Harold and Maude (1971)
Harold's Hollywood - Then and Now (2005)Documentary[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
Harper (1966)[Paul Newman Collection]
Harriet (2019)
Harriet the Spy (2010)
Harry Brown (2009)
Harry Knuckles and the Pearl Necklace (2004)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)Alfonso Cuarón
Harsh Times (2005)
Harvey (1950)
Harvey Girls, The (1946)
Has Anybody Here Seen Canada? A History of Canadian Movies 1939-1953 (1979)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952)
Hasty Heart, The (1949)
Hasty Heart, The (1983)
Hatari! (1962)[John Wayne Adventure Collection]
Hateful Eight, The (2015)Quentin Tarantino
Hateship Loveship (2013)
Haunted From Within AKA Spirit Hunter: La Llorona (2004)
Haunted House, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Haunted Mansion, The (2003)
Haunted Palace, The (1963)Roger Corman, [MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Haunted Spooks (1920)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Haunting in Connecticut, The (2009)
Haunting in Venice, A (2023)US, UK, ItalyKenneth Branagh
Haunting, The (1912)
Haute Cuisine AKA Les Saveurs du Palais (2012)France
Havana (1990)
Have Mercy on Us All (2007)
Haven (2004)
Havre, Le (2011)Finland, France, Germany
Hawaii (1966)
Hawaii, Oslo (2004)
Hawks and the Sparrows, The AKA Uccellacci e uccellini (1966)ItalyPier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Haywire (2011)Steven Soderbergh
Hazards of Helen, The: Episode 26 "The Wild Engine" (1915)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Hazards of Helen, The: Episode 13 "The Escape on the Fast Freight" (1915)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
He Cooked His Goose (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
He Died with a Felafel in His Hand (2001)
He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not AKA À la folie… pas du tout (2002)France
He Named Me Malala (2015)US, UAE
He Walked by Night (1948)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
He Was a Quiet Man (2007)
Head (1968)
Head in the Clouds (2004)
Head of Normande St. Onge, The AKA La tête de Normande St-Onge (1975)CanadaGilles Carle, [Gilles Carle Collection]
Head Test, The (1944)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Headhunters AKA Hodejegerne (2011)Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany
Headin’ Home (1920)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Heading South AKA Vers le sud (2005)France, Canada, Belgium
Head-On (2004)
Headwinds AKA Des vents contraires (2011)France
Heart and the Money, The AKA Le coeur et l'argent (1912)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Heart Elsewhere, The AKA Il cuore altrove (2003)Italy
Heart in Winter, A AKA Un coeur en hiver (1992)France
Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, The (2004)
Heart of Auschwitz, The (2011)DocumentaryCanada, Brazil, France, Israel
Heart of Darkness: The Vietnam War Chronicles 1945-75 (2006)Documentary
Heart of Glass AKA Herz aus Glas (1976)GermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Heart of Me, The (2002)
Heart of Stone (1950)
Heart of the World, The (2000)Guy Maddin, [Guy Maddin Collection]
Heartbeat AKA La Chamade (1968)France
Heartbeat Detector AKA La question humaine (2007)France
Heartbeats AKA Les amours imaginaires (2010)Canada
Heartbreak Kid, The (2007)
Heartbreaker AKA L'arnacoeur (2010)France, Monaco, US
Heartbreakers (2001)
Heartlands (2002)
Hearts and Diamonds (1914)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Hearts and Minds (1974)
Hearts Beat Loud (2018)
Hearts of Age, The (1929)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991)Documentary
Hearts of the World (1918)
Heat (1995)
Heat and Dust (1983)
Heat Wave AKA Les grands chaleurs (2009)Canada
Heat, The (2013)Paul Feig
Heater (1999)
Heathers (1988)
Heaven (2002)Tom Tykwer
Heaven & Earth (1993)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Heaven and Earth AKA Ten to Chi to (1990)Japan
Heaven Can Wait (1943)Ernst Lubitsch
Heaven Can Wait (1978)
Heaven is for Real (2014)
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)John Huston
Heaven on Earth (2008)
Heaven Sent AKA Un drôle de paroissien (1963)France
Heavenly Bodies, The AKA Les corps célestes (1973)France, CanadaGilles Carle, [Gilles Carle Collection]
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Heavens Above! (1963)[Peter Sellers Collection]
Heaven's Burning (1997)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heavy (1995)
Heavy Petting (1989)
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)
Hedgehog, The AKA Le hérisson (2009)France, Italy
Heidi (1937)[Shirley Temple Collection]
Heights (2005)
Heineken Kidnapping, The AKA De Heineken ontvoering (2011)Netherlands
Heiress, The (1949)
Heist (2001)
Helen (2009)
Hell and High Water (1954)
Hell in the Pacific (1968)
Hell Is a City (1960)
Hell or High Water (2016)
Hell Ride (2008)
Hell to Eternity (1960)
Hell Unlimited (1936)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Hellboy (2004)Guillermo del Toro
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)Guillermo del Toro
Hellcats of the Navy (1957)
Hello Frisco, Hello (1943)
Hello Goodbye (2008)
Hello, Dolly! (1969)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015)
Hellraiser (1987)
Hell's Angels (1930)
Hell's Angels on Wheels (1967)[Jack Nicholson Cult Classics]
Hell's Bells (1929)Disney Animation
Hell's Half Acre (1954)
Hell's Hinges (1916)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Help! (1965)
Help, The (2011)
Helter Skelter (1976)TV Mini Series
Helvetica (2007)
Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012)
Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962)[Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Hen Hop (1942)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Henri 4 (2010)Germany, France, Austria, Spain
Henri Henri (2014)Canada
Henri Langlois: The Phantom of the Cinematheque AKA Le fantôme d'Henri Langlois (2004)France
Henry & June (1990)
Henry Fool (1997)
Henry Poole Is Here (2008)
Henry V (1944)
Henry V (1989)
Her (2013)
Her Crowning Glory (1911)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Her Night of Romance (1924)[Constance Talmadge Collection]
Her Sister from Paris (1925)[Constance Talmadge Collection]
Herbie Fully Loaded (2005)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977)
Hercules (2014)
Hercules Reborn (2014)
Here Come the Co-eds (1945)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Here Come the Waves (1944)[Bing Crosby Collection]
Here Comes the Boom (2012)
Here Is Germany AKA Erkenne Deinen Feind! (1945)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Hereafter (2010)Clint Eastwood
Hero (2002)Hong Kong
Heroes Season 1-3 (2006-10)TV Series
Heroes for Sale (1933)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Heroine, The AKA Nu jing cha AKA Rumble in Hong Kong (1973)Hong Kong
He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
Hexer, The (2001)
Hey Babu Riva (1986)
Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger (2008)
Hi'-Neighbor! (1934)[Our Gang]
Hi Nellie (1934)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Hick (2011)
Hidalgo (2004)US, Morocco
Hidden Season 1 & 2 (2018-22)BBC TV SeriesUK
Hidden Agenda (1990)UKKen Loach
Hidden Blade, The (2004)
Hidden Diary AKA Mères et filles (2009)France, Canada
Hidden Figures (2016)
Hidden Fortress, The AKA Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (1958)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Hidden Half, The (2001)
Hidden Treasure - Unknown Chaplin (1983)TV Episode 1.3[Unknown Chaplin: The Master at Work]
Hide and Seek (2005)
Hierarchies of Love, The AKA La hiérarchie dans l'amour (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
High and Dizzy (1920)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
High and Low AKA Tengoku to jigoku (1963)JapanAkira Kurosawa
High and the Mighty, The (1954)[John Wayne Adventure Collection]
High Anxiety (1977)
High Crimes (2002)
High Diving Scene (1901)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
High Fidelity (2000)
High Hopes (1988)Mike Leigh
High Life (2009)
High Life (2019)France, Germany
High Noon (1952)
High Road to China (1983)
High School Musical (2006)
High School Musical 2 (2007)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)
High School Musical Remix (2006)
High Sierra (1941)
High Sign, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
High Society (1956)
Higher and Higher (1943)
Highly Dangerous (1950)
High-Rise (2015)
Highway 61 (1991)CanadaBruce McDonald
Hijacking, A AKA Kapringen (2012)Denmark
Hilarious Posters, The AKA Les affiches en goguette (1906)France[The Movies Begin]
Hilary and Jackie (1998)
Hill, The (1965)Sidney Lumet
Hills Have Eyes, The (2006)
Himalaya AKA Himalaya, l'enfance d'un chef (1999)France
Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)France, JapanAlain Resnais
His Brother AKA Son frère (2003)France
His Dark Materials (2020)TV Series
His Favorite Pastime (1914)George Nichols, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
His First Flame (1935)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
His Girl Friday (1940)[Cary Grant Box Set]
His Kind of Woman (1951)
His Last Game (1909)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
His New Job (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
His Secret Life AKA Le fate ignoranti (2001)Italy, France
His Trust: The Faithful Devotion and Self-Sacrifice of an Old Negro Servant - Biograph Shorts (1911)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Histoire d'amour, Une (1951)France
Histoire de famille (2006)Canada
Histoire(s) du cínema (1989)TV Mini SeriesFranceJean-Luc Godard
History Boys, The (2006)
History of a Crime AKA Histoire d'un crime (1901)France[The Movies Begin]
History of Rock ‘n’ Roll, The (1995)TV Series
History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, The (1997)TV Mini SeriesUK[Classic Literary Films Collection]
History of Violence, A (2005)David Cronenberg
Hit Me (1996)
Hit the Deck (1955)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Hit the Ice (1943)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Hit, The (1984)
Hitch (2005)
Hitchcock (2012)
Hitchcock, Truffaut (2015)
Hitcher, The (1986)
Hitcher, The (2007)
Hitch-Hiker, The (1953)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005)
Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973)
Hitman (2007)
Hitman’s Bodyguard, The (2017)
Hoax, The (2007)
Hobbit, The (1977)Animation
Hobbit, The: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Hobbit, The: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Hobbit, The: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)
Hobson's Choice (1954)David Lean
Hockey: A People’s History: 10 episodes (2006)TV SeriesCanada
Hoffa (1992)
Hoffman (1970)[Peter Sellers Collection]
Hokus Pokus (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Holcroft Covenant, The (1985)John Frankenheim
Hold that Ghost (1941)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Holdovers, The (2023)Alexander Payne
Hold Your Peace (2011)
Hole in the Head, A (1959)Frank Capra
Hole, The AKA Le trou (1960)France, Italy
Holes (2003)
Holiday (1938)[Cary Grant Box Set]
Holiday Affair (1949)
Holiday Inn (1942)
Holiday, The (2006)
Hollow Triumph AKA The Scar (1948)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Hollywood … Hollywood! (1976)
Hollywood Canteen (1944)
Hollywood Cavalcade (1939)
Hollywood Dreams (2006)
Hollywood Ending (2002)Woody Allen
Hollywood Homicide (2003)
Hollywood Hotel (1937)
Hollywood Victory Caravan (1945)[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 3]
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream (1998)Documentary
Hollywoodland (2006)
Holmes & Watson (2018)
Hologram for the King, A (2016)
Holy Girl, The (2004)
Holy Lola (2004)FranceBertrand Tavernier
Holy Motors (2012)
Holy Mountain, The AKA La montaña sagrada (1973)MexicoAlejandro Jodorowsky, [Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky]
Holy Rollers (2010)
Holy Smoke! (1999)Jane Campion
Holy Year (1976)
Homage to Eadweard Muybridge (1994)UK, US
Home (2008)
Home (2015)Disney Animation
Home Again (2017)
Home Alone (1990)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Home Alone 3 (1997)
Home Alone 4 (2002)
Home at the End of the World, A (2004)
Home Fires (2015)TV SeriesUK
Home for the Holidays (1995)Jody Foster
Home from the Hill (1960)
Home Improvement Season 1 (1991)TV Series
Home in Oklahoma (1946)[Roy Rogers Cowboy Classics]
Home of the Brave (2006)
Home on the Range (2004)
Home Song Stories, The (2007)
Home Town Story (1951)[AMC Movies: Hollywood Divas]
Homecoming (2009)
Homecoming, The (1973)[American Film Theatre]
Homegrown (1998)
Homeland Season 1-8 (2011-20)TV Series
Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story (2003)Biography
Honest Dealer, An (2002)
Honest Thief (2020)
Honey (2003)
Honey for Oshun AKA Miel para Oshún (2001)Spain, Cuba
Honey, I’m In Love AKA Le Grand Départ (2008)Canada
Honeydripper (2007)
Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)[Nicholas Cage: The LA Collection]
Honeymooners, The ( )
Honkytonk Man (1982)Clint Eastwood, [Clint Eastwood Comedy Collection]
Honorable Woman, The ( )TV Mini Series
Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011)
Hoodwinked! (2005)
Hook, Line and Sinker (1930)
Hooked Bear (1956)Disney Animation
Hooligans AKA Gobshite (2005)
Hoop Dreams (1994)
Hoosiers (1986)
Hoot (2006)
Hop (2002)
Hop (2011)Animation
Hop to it Bellhop! Oliver Hardy (1925)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Hope, a Red Cross Seal Story (1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Hope and a Little Sugar (2006)
Hope and Glory (1987)
Hope Springs (2003)
Hope Springs (2012)
Hoppity Pop (1946)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Hopscotch (1980)
Horatio Hornblower: The Duel AKA The Even Chance (1998)UK
Horatio Hornblower: The Fire Ship AKA The Examination for Lieutenant (1998)
Horatio Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil (1999)UK[Horatio Hornblower: The Further Adventures]
Horatio Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters AKA The Wrong War (1999)UK[Horatio Hornblower: The Further Adventures]
Horatio Hornblower: Mutiny (2001)UK
Horatio Hornblower: Retribution (2001)UK
Hornbacker-Murphy Fight, The (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Horns and Halos (2002)
Horrible Bosses (2011)
Horror Island (1941)[Universal: Horror Classic Movie Archive]
Horror of Dracula (1958)[Warner Bros: Draculas, Disc 1]
Horse Feathers (1932)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Horse for Danny, A (1995)
Horse Thieves AKA Voleurs de chevaux AKA In the Arms of my Enemy (2007)Belgium, France, Canada
Horse Whisperer (1980)
Horseman on the Roof, The (1995)
Horseman, The (2008) (2009?)
Horses' Collars (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Horsemen, The (1971)John Frankenheim
Horton Hears a Who! (2008)
Host, The (2006)
Host, The (2013)
Hostage (2005)
Hostel (2005)
Hostiles (2017)
Hot Air Salesman, The (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Polloi (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Hot Saturday (1932)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Hot Shots! (1991)
Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (2015)
Hot Water (1924)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Hotel America AKA Hôtel des Amériques (1981)France[Catherine Deneuve Collection]
Hôtel du Nord (1938)France
Hotel for Dogs (2009)
Hôtel La Louisiane (2015)CanadaMichel La Veaux
Hôtel Monterey (1972)Belgium, USChantal Akerman, [Chantal Akerman in the Seventies
Hotel Mumbai (2018)Australia, US, UK, India, Singapore
Hotel New Hampshire, The (1984)[Jody Foster Collection]
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie (1988)US, France, Germany
Hotel Transylvania (2012)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)Animation
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)Animation
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (1931)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (1959)
Hour of the Wolf AKA Vargtimmen (1968)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Ingmar Bergman Collection]
Hour, The (2011-12)BBC TV SeriesUK
Hours, The (2002)
House Season 1-5 (2004-12)TV Series
House: After Five Years of Living (1955)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
House Bunny, The (2008)
House Cleaning Blues (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
House in the Woods, The AKA La maison des bois (1971)TV Mini SeriesFrance, Italy
House Is Black, The AKA Khaneh siah ast (1963)DocumentaryIran
House of Bamboo (1955)[Fox Film Noir]
House of Cards, The (1909)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
House of Cards (1947)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
House of Cards (1990)BBC Mini SeriesUK[House of Cards Trilogy]
House of Cards: To Play the King (1993)BBC Mini SeriesUK[House of Cards Trilogy]
House of Cards: The Final Cut (1995)BBC Mini SeriesUK[House of Cards Trilogy]
House of Cards Season 1-5 (2013-18)TV Series
House of Dracula (1945)[Dracula: The Legacy Collection]
House of Eliot, The (1991-94)BBC SeriesUK
House of Fear, The (1945)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
House of Flying Daggers (2004)
House of Fools (2002)
House of Frankenstein (1944)
House of Games (1987)
House of Gucci (2021)Ridley Scott
House of Horrors (1946)[Universal: Cult Horror Collection\
House of Sand and Fog (2003)
House of Sand, The (2005)
House of Strangers (1949)[Fox Film Noir]
House of the Dragon (2022-)HBO TV Series
House of Wax (1953)
House of Wax (2005)
House of Yes, The (1997)
House on 92nd Street, The (1945)[Fox Film Noir]
House on Carroll Street, The (1987)
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
House on Telegraph Hill, The (1951)[Fox Film Noir]
House on the Haunted Hill (1959)[Trio of Terror]
House that Jack Built, The (2018)Lars von Trier
House with a Clock in its Walls, The (2018)US, Canada, India
Houseboat (1958)
Householder, The (1963)
Housekeeper, A AKA Une femme de ménage (2002)France
Housesitter (1992)Frank Oz
How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the 'New York Herald' Personal Columns (1904)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
How About You… (2007)
How Bumptious Papered the Parlor (1910)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
How Do You Know (2010)
How Green Was My Valley (1941)John Ford, [Best Picture Collection]
How High Is Up? (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
How I Killed My Father (2001)
How it Feels to be Run Over (1900)[The Movies Begin]
How Monsieur Takes His Bath AKA Comment monsieur prend son bain (1903)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
How Much Do You Love Me? AKA Combien tu m'aimes? (2005)Italy, France
How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game (1906)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
How People Got Fire (2009)Animation
How the West Was Won (1962)
How They Rob Men in Chicago (1900)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
How to Be Single (2016)
How to Deal (2003)
How to Draw a Bunny (2002)
How to Eat Fried Worms (2006)
How to Get Ahead in Advertising (1989)
How to Get Rid of the Others AKA Hvordan vi slipper af med de andre (2007)Denmark
How to Irritate People: David Frost Presents (1969)TV episodeUK
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)
How To Make An American Quilt (1995)
How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)
How to Murder Your Wife (1965)
How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life (1968)[Dean Martin double feature]
How to Steal a Million (1966)
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (1967)[MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
How to Survive a Plague (2012)Documentary
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)Animation
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)Animation
Howards End (1992)
Howards End (2019)
Howl (2010)
Howl (2015)UK
Howl's Moving Castle AKA Hauru no oguko shiro (2004)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Hud (1963)
Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994)Ethan and Joel Coen
Huey P. Newton Story, A (2001)Documentary
Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel (2009)Documentary
Hugo (2011)Martin Scorsese
Hugs and Mugs (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Hula Girls (2006)
Hula-La-La (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Hulk (2003)Ang Lee
Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures (1978)India, UK
Human Cargo (1936)
Human Condition I, The: No Greater Love (1959)
Human Condition II, The: Road to Eternity (1959)
Human Condition III, The: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)
Human Desire (1954)Fritz Lang, [TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 2]
Human Nature (2001)
Human Pyramid, The AKA La pyramide humaine (1961)France, Côte d'IvoireJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Human Resources (1999)
Human Scale, The (2012)
Human Stain, The (2003)
Human Trafficking (2005)TV Mini Series
Human, Too Human AKA Humain, trop humain (1974)DocumentaryFranceLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Humanité (1999)France
Humoresque (1946)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1923)
Hundred Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, The (2013)
Hundred-Foot Journey, The (2014)US, India, UAE
Hunger (2008)
Hunger Games, The (2012)
Hunger Games, The: Catching Fire (2013)
Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015)
Hunger, The (1983)
Hungu (2008)NFBCanada
Hunky Dory (2011)
Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)New Zealand
Hunt, The (2012)Denmark, Sweden
Hunt, The (2020)US, Japan
Hunted (1952)
Hunted, The (2003)William Friedkin
Hunter, The (2011)
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunting and Gathering AKA Ensemble, c'est tout (2007)France
Hunting Party, The (2007)
Huntsman, The: Winter's War (2016)
Hurricane, The (1999)Norman Jewison
Hurry Sundown (1967)
Hurt Locker, The (2008)Kathryn Bigelow
Husbands and Wives (1992)Woody Allen
Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
Hustle, The (2019)
Hustle & Flow (2005)
Hustler, The (1961)
Hustlers (2019)
Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)UK
Hyena Road (2015)
Hypnosis Film, The (1960)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Hypnotist, The AKA Hypnotisören (2012)Sweden
Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting, The (1978)
Hysteria (2010)
I Am (2011)
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932)[Warner Bros. Controversial Classics Collection]
I Am Ali (2014)
I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story (2014)Documentary
I Am Cuba (1964)Cuba
I Am Dina (2002)
I Am Legend (2007)
I Am Love AKA Io sono l'amore (2009)Italy
I Am Not Your Negro (2016)
I Am Number Four (2011)
I Am Sam (2001)
I Am Steve McQueen (2014)
I Am Waiting AKA Ore wa matteru ze (1957)Japan
I Can Do Bad All By Myself (2009)
I Can Only Imagine (2018)
I Can't Sleep AKA J'ai pas sommeil (1994)France, Germany, SwitzerlandClaire Denis
I Capture the Castle (2003)
I Confess (1953)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007)
I Do (1921)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
I Do & I Don't (2008)
I Don't Know How She Does It (2011)
I Don't Want to Be a Man (1918)Ernst Lubitsch
I Escaped from the Gestapo (1943)
I Hate But Love AKA Nikui an-chikushô (1962)JapanKoreyoshi Kurahara, [Warrior World of Koreyoshi Kurahara]
I Have Found It AKA Kandukondain Kandukondain (2000)India
I Heart Huckabees (2004)
I Killed My Mother AKA J'ai tué ma mère (2009)Canada
I Knew Her Well (1965)
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
I Know Where I'm Going! (1945)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
I Live in Fear AKA Ikimono no kiroku (1955)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [Postwar Kurosawa]
I Love a Man in Uniform (1993)
I Love You (1986)
I Love You Again (1940)
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)
I Love You, Man (2009)
I Love Your Work (2003)
I Married a Witch (1942)
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977)
I Origins (2014)
I Puritani, Opera seria in tre atti (2010)ItalyAndrea Bevilacqua
I Really Hate My Job (2007)
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (2002)
I Served the King of England (2006)
I Shot Jesse James (1949)Samuel Fuller, [First films of Samuel Fuller]
I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
I Spy (2002)
I Stand Alone (1998)
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998)
I Think We're Alone Now (2018)
I Wake Up Screaming (1941)[Fox Film Noir]
I walked with a Zombie (1943)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
I Was a Male War Bride (1949)
I Will Buy You Anata kaimasu (1956)JapanMasaki Kobayashi, [Masaki Kobayashi Against the System]
I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse (1973)
I Wish AKA Kiseki (2011)Japan
I, Daniel Blake (2016)UK, France, BelgiumKen Loach
I, Don Giovanni (2009)Italy, Spain, France
I, Frankenstein (2014)
I, Robot (2004)
I, the Worst of All (1990)
I, Tonya (2017)
I’ll Get You (1952)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2]
I’m No Angel (1933)[Mae West Glamour Collection]
I’m Staying! AKA Je reste! (2003)France
I’ve Been Waiting So Long AKA Une vie a t’attendre (2008) (2004?)
IBM at the Fair (1965)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
IBM Mathematics Peep Show (1961)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Ice Age (2002)Animation
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)Animation
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)Animation
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)Animation
Ice Harvest, The (2005)
Ice House (1989)
Ice Princess (2005)
Ice Road, The (2021)
Ice Station Zebra (1968)
Ice Storm, The (1997)Ang Lee
Iceman AKA Gap tung kei hap (2014)China
Iceman Cometh, The (1973)John Frankenheim, [American Film Theatre]
Iceman, The (2012)
Ichi the Killer AKA Koroshiya 1 (2001)Japan
Ida (2013)
Ideal Husband, An (1969)BBCUK[Oscar Wilde Collection]
Identity (2003)
Identity Thief (2013)
Ides of March, The (2011)
Idiocracy (2006)
Idiot Abroad, An (2010-12)TV Series
Idiot, The AKA Hakuchi (1951)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Idiots, The (1998)Lars von Trier
Idol, The (2002)
If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (2011)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
If I Had My Way (1940)[Bing Crosby Collection]
If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium (1969)
If You Could Only Cook (1935)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
If You Love This Planet (1982)NFB DocumentaryCanadaTerre Nash, [Hiroshima, 60th Anniversary]
If… (1968)
Igby Goes Down (2002)
Ikiru (1952)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Il Barbiere di Siviglia AKA The Barber of Seville (1973)Germany
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (1989)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1979-1989]
Il T’aime Il T’aime (1968)
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006)
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You (1932)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Ill Fated (2004)
Ill Met by Moonlight AKA Night Ambush (1957)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
I'll Never Heil Again (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003)
I'll Take Sweden (1965)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Illegal (1955)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Illusionist, The (2006)
Illusionist, The (2010)
I'm All Right Jack (1959)[Peter Sellers Collection]
I'm Glad My Mother Is Alive AKA Je suis heureux que ma mère soit vivante (2009)France
I'm Going Home (2001)
I'm Insured (1916)Animation[Treasures from American Film Archives]
I'm Not Scared (2003)
I'm Not There (2007)
I'm So Excited! (2013)
I'm Still Here (2010)
Images (1972)Robert Altman
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (2009)Terry Gilliam
Imaginary Heroes (2004)
Imagine (1972)Documentary
Imagine That (2009)
Imagining Argentina (2003)
Imitation of Life (1934)
Imitation of Life (1959)
Immigrant, The (1917)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Immigrant, The (2013)
Immoral Tales (1974)
Immortal Beloved (1994)
Immortals (2011)
Imogène McCarthery (2010)France
Impact (1949)
Imperial Japanese Dance (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Import, Export (2007)
Importance of Being Earnest, The (1952)
Importance of Being Earnest, The (1988)BBCUK[Oscar Wilde Collection]
Importance of Being Earnest, The (2002)
Impossible Voyage, The AKA Le voyage à travers l'impossible (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Impossible, The AKA Lo imposible (2012)Spain
Impractical Joker, The (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Impressionists, The (2006)TV Mini Series
Impromptu (1991)
Impulsions (2006)Cameroon
Impudent Girl, An AKA L'effrontée (1985)France
In a Better World AKA Hævnen (2010)Denmark, Sweden
In a Lonely Place (1950)
In a World… (2013)
In a Year with 13 Moons AKA In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden (1978)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
In America (2002)
In Another Country AKA Da-reun na-ra-e-seo (2012)South Korea
In Bed AKA En la Cama (2005)Chile, Germany
In Bruges (2008)UK, US
In Celebration (1975)[American Film Theatre]
In Cold Blood (1967)
In Custody (1994)
In Darkness (2011)
In Good Company (2004)
In Harm's Way (1965)[John Wayne Adventure Collection]
In Her Shoes (2005)
In Mom's Head AKA La tête de maman (2007)France
In My Country (2004)
In Old Chicago (1937)
In Paris AKA Dans Paris (2006)France, Portugal
In Praise of Older Women (1978)
In Search of America (1971)
In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2007)
In Search of Peace (2001)
In Search of the Castaways (1962)
In Society (1944)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
In the Bag (1956)Disney Animation
In the Bedroom (2001)Todd Field
In the Beginning AKA À l'origine (2009)France
In the Company of Men (1997)
In the Cut (2003)Jane Campion
In the Fade AKA Aus dem Nichts (2017)Germany, France
In the Good Old Summertime (1949)
In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)Norman Jewison
In the Heights (2021)France
In the House AKA Dans la maison (2012)FranceFrançois Ozon
In the Land of Blood and Honey (2011)
In the Loop (2009)
In the Mood for Love (2000)
In the Name of the Father (1993)
In the Name of the King: Two Worlds (2011)
In the Navy (1941)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
In the Park (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
In the Realm of Passion (1980)
In the Realm of the Senses (1976)
In the Realms of the Unreal (2004)
In the Sweet Pie and Pie (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
In the Time of the Butterflies (2001)US, Mexico
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
In the Year of the Pig (1969)
In This Our Life (1942)John Huston, [Bette Davis Collection]
In This World (2002)
In Time (2011)
In Treatment Season 1-3 (2008-10)TV Series
In Vanda's Room AKA No Quarto da Vanda (2000)Portugal, Germany, SwitzerlandPedro Costa, [Letters from Fountainhas: Three Films by Pedro Costa]
In Which We Serve (1942)David Lean
Inbetweeners, The: Movie (2011)
Inbetweeners, The Season 1-3 (2013)TV Series
Incendies (2010)Canada, FranceDenis Villeneuve
Incense AKA Xiang huo (2003)China[Ninghao Film Collection]
Inception (2010)US, UKChristopher Nolan
Inch'Allah (2012)Canada, France
Inch'Allah dimanche AKA Inch'Allah Sunday (2001)France, Algeria
Incident at Blood Pass AKA Machibuse (1970)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Ultimate Collection]
Income Tax Sappy (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
incomparable Mademoiselle C., L' (2004)Canada
Inconvenient Sequel, An: Truth to Power (2017)
Inconvenient Truth, An (2006)
Incredible Burt Wonderstone, The (2013)
Incredible Hulk, The (2008)
Incredible Mrs. Ritchie, The (2004)
Incredibles, The (2004)Pixar Animation
Incredibles 2, The (2018)Pixar Animation
Incubus (1966)
Independence Day (1996)Roland Emmerich
India Reborn (2009)TV Series
India Song (1975)
Indian Doctor, The: Series 1-2 (2010-13)BBC TV SeriesUK
Indian Horse (2017)
Indian Runner, The (1991)
Indian Summers Season 1-2 (2015-16)TV Series
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)Steven Spielberg, [Indiana Jones Complete Adventure Collection]
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)[Indiana Jones Complete Adventure Collection]
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)[Indiana Jones Complete Adventure Collection]
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)[Indiana Jones Complete Adventure Collection]
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)James Mangold
Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995)
Indiscretion of an American Wife AKA Stazione Termini (1953)Italy, US
Indochina: Loading a Cow on a Ship AKA Indochine: Embarquement d'un boeuf à bord d'un navir (1899)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Indochine (1992)France
Indomptable Angélique AKA Untamable Angelique (1967)France, Italy, Germany[Angélique Collection]
Inequality for All (2013)Documentary
Inertia (2001)
Infamous (2006)
Infernal Affairs (2002)
Infernal Affairs II (2003)
Infernal Affairs III (2003)
Inferno (2016)
Infidel, The (2009)
Infiltrator, The (2016)
Infiniment Quebec AKA Forever Quebec (2008)Canada
Informant!, The (2009)Steven Soderbergh
Informer, The (1935)John Ford
Informers, The (2008)
Inglorious Basterds (2009)Quentin Tarantino
Ingmar Bergman Makes a Movie AKA Ingmar Bergman gör en film (1963)DocumentarySwedenVilgot Sjöman
Inherent Vice (2014)Paul Thomas Anderson
Inherit the Wind (1960)
Inheritance, The AKA Karami-ai (1962)JapanMasaki Kobayashi, [Masaki Kobayashi Against the System]
Inheritance, The (2003)
Inju, The Beast in the Shadow AKA Inju, la bête dans l'ombre (2008)France, Japan
Inkheart (2008)Germany, UK, US, Italy
Inklings, Issue 12 (1925)Animation
Inland Empire (2006)David Lynch
In-Laws, The (2003)
Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The (1958)
Innocence 92000 ( )
Innocence (2004)Belgium, France, UK, Japan
Innocent, The AKA The Intruder (1976)Luchino Visconti, [Luchino Visconti Collection]
Innocents, The (2016)France, Poland
Inquisitor, The AKA Garde à vue (1981)France
Insect Woman, The Nippon konchûki (1963)JapanShôhei Imamura, [Shôhei Imamura, 3 Films]
Inside Daisy Clover (1965)
Inside Hana's Suitcase (2012)DocumentaryCanada, Czech Republic, Germany
Inside I'm Dancing AKA Rory O'Shea was Here (2004)
Inside Job (2010)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)Ethan and Joel Coen
Inside Man (2006)Spike Lee
Inside North Korea: National Geographic (2006)Documentary
Inside Out (2015)Pixar Animation
Inside Paris AKA Dans Paris (2006)France
Insider, The (1999)
Insidious (2010)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
Insignificance (1985)
Insomnia (1997)
Insomnia (2002)Christopher Nolan
Inspecteur Lavardin (1986)Switzerland, FranceClaude Chabrol
Inspector Gadget (1999)
Inspector Gadget 2 (2003)
Inspector General, The (1953)
Inspector Lewis: The Complete Series - Vol. 1-7 (2006-13)PBS TV SeriesUK
Inspector Lynley Mysteries Season 1-6 (2001-07)TV SeriesUK
Inspector Morse Season 1-5 (1987-91)TV SeriesUK
Inspector Morse: Service of All the Dead (1988)TV Episode 1.3UK
Inspector Morse: The Remorseful Day (2000)TV Episode 8.5UK
Instant Family (2018)
Insult, The AKA L'insulte (2017)France, Cyprus, Belgium, Lebanon
Insurgent (2015)US, Canada[Divergent Series]
Intacto (2001)Spain
Intentions of Murder AKA Akai satsui (1964)JapanShôhei Imamura, [Shôhei Imamura, 3 Films]
Interesting Story, An (1905)UK[The Movies Begin]
Interim (1952)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Interiors (1978)Woody Allen
Intermezzo (1936)
Intermezzo: A Love Story (1939)
Intermission (2003)
Intern, The (2015)
International House (1933)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
International Newsreel, Vol. 8, Issue 97 (1926)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
International, The (2009)
Internes Can't Take Money (1937)
Interpreter, The (2005)
Interrupted Lovers (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Interstellar (2014)Christopher Nolan
Interview (2003)
Interview, The (1998)
Interview, The (2014)
Intervista (1987)ItalyFederico Fellini
Intimacy (2001)
Intimate Enemies AKA L'ennemi intime (2007)France, Morocco
Intimate Strangers AKA Confidences trop intimes (2004)FrancePatrice Leconte
Intimidation AKA Aru kyôhaku (1960)JapanKoreyoshi Kurahara, [Warrior World of Koreyoshi Kurahara]
Into Great Silence (2005)
Into the Abyss (2011)
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport (2000)
Into the Blue (2005)
Into the Forest (2015)
Into the Storm (2009)
Into the West (1992)
Into the White (2012)
Into the Wild (2007)
Into the Woods (2014)
Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
Intolerable Cruelty (2003)Ethan and Joel Coen
Intolerance (1916)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Intouchables, The (2011)France
Intruder (1989)
Invaders from Mars (1986)[Midnite Movies Disc 1]
Invaders, The (1912)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Invasion of Astro-Monster AKA Godzilla vs. Monster Zero (1965)[Godzilla Collection]
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Invasion of the Mindbenders (1987)Canada
Invasion, The (2007)
Invention of Lying, The (2009)
Inventor Edison Sketched by World Artist (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970)
Invictus (2009)Clint Eastwood
Invincible (2006)
Invisible Agent (1942)[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Invisible Boy, The (1957)
Invisible Invaders (1959)[Midnite Movies Disc 2]
Invisible Man Returns, The (1940)[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Invisible Man, The (1933)[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Invisible Man's Revenge, The (1944)[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Invisible Ray, The (1936)[Bela Lugosi Collection]
Invisible Stripes (1939)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 4]
Invisible War, The (2012)
Invisible Woman, The (1940)[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Invisible Woman, The (2013)
Invités de mon père, Les (2010)France
Iodine (2009)
Ip Man 3 AKA Yip Man 3 (2015)China
Ip Man: The Final Fight AKA Yio Man: Jung gik yat zin (2013)China
Ipcress File, The (1965)
Ira & Abby (2006)
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006)
Iraq in Fragments (2006)
Irina Palm (2007)
Iris (1994)
Irish Empire, The (1999)TV SeriesUK
Irishman, The (2019)Martin Scorsese
Irma la Douce (1963)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Irma Vep (1996)
Iron Giant, The (1999)Animation
Iron Jawed Angels (2004)
Iron Lady, The (2011)
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Monkey (1993)
Iron Sky (2012)Finland, Germany, Australia, France
Iron Man: Armored Adventures: Vol. 2 (2009)TV SeriesCanada, US, UK, France
Ironweed (1987)
Irrational Man (2015)Woody Allen
Irresistible (2020)
Irresistible Piano, The AKA Le piano irrésistible (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Irreversible (2002)France
Is Anybody There? (2008)UK
Is My Palm Read (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Is Paris Burning? AKA Paris brûle-t-il? (1966)France, USRené Clément
Island in the Sky (1938)
Island in the Sky (1953)[John Wayne Adventure Collection]
Island of Lost Souls (1932)
Island, The (2005)
Isle of Dogs (2018)
Isle of the Dead (1945)
Isle, The (2000)
It ( )
It All Starts Today AKA Ça commence aujourd'hui (1999)FranceBertrand Tavernier
It Always Rains on Sunday (1947)
It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955)
It Came from Outer Space (1953)
It Happened in Brooklyn (1947)
It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)
It Happened One Night (1934)Frank Capra, [Frank Capra Collection]
It Might Get Loud (2008)
It Runs in the Family (2003)
It Should Happen to You (1954)
It Started with Eve (1941)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
Italian Connection, The AKA La mala ordina (1972)Italy, GermanyFernando Di Leo, [Fernando Di Leo: Crime Collection]
Italian for Beginners (2000)
Italian Job, The (1969)
Italian Job, The (2003)
Italian, The (2005)
Italian, The AKA L'Italien (2010)France
Italianamerican (1974)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Shorts]
Italiensk for begyndere AKA Italian for Beginners (2000)Region 2Denmark
It's a Free World… (2007)UK, Italy, Germany, Spain, PolandKen Loach
It's a Gift (1934)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
It's a Girl's World (2004)NFB DocumentaryCanadaLynn Glazier
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
It's a SpongeBob Christmas! - SpongeBob SquarePants (2012)TV Episode
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)Frank Capra
It's All About Love (2003)
It's All Gone Pete Tong (2004)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Christmas Sing-a-Long (2009)
It's Complicated (2009)
It's Easier for a Camel… AKA Il est plus facile pour un chameau… (2003)France, Italy
It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
It's Not Just You, Murray! (1964)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Shorts]
It's Not Me, I Swear! AKA C'est pas moi, je le jure! (2008)Canada
It's Only the End of the World AKA Juste la fin du monde (2016)Canada, France
Ivanhoe (1997)TV Mini SeriesUK, US[Classic Literary Films Collection]
Ivan's Childhood AKA Ivanovo detstvi (1962)Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovsky
I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987)Canada
I've Loved You So Long (2008)
J. Edgar (2011)Clint Eastwood
J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisitions (1999)Documentary
J’en suis! AKA Heads or Tails (1997)
Jabberwocky (1977)Terry Gilliam
Jack (1996)Francis Ford Coppola
Jack (2014)
Jack and Jill (2011)
Jack and Old Mac (1956)Disney Animation
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Jack and the Beanstalk (2009)
Jack Goes Boating (2010)
Jack Irish Season 1 (2015)TV SeriesAustralia
Jack Reacher (2012)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
Jack the Giant Killer (2013)
Jack the Giant Slayer (2013)UK, US
Jacket, The (2005)
Jackie (2016)
Jackie Brown (1997)Quentin Tarantino
Jackie Robinson (2016)TV Mini Series
Jackpot AKA Arme Riddere (2011)Norway
Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris (1975)France, Canada, US[American Film Theatre]
Jade Mask, The - Charlie Chan (1945)
Jaffa (2009)Germany, Israel, France
Jagged Edge (1985)
Jaguar (1967)FranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Jailhouse Rock (1957)
Jake Saves Bucky - Jake & The Never Land Pirates (2012)TV Episode
Jamaica Inn (1939)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
James and the Giant Peach (1996)
James Brown in the ‘60s: I Got the Feelin’ – 3 DVDs (2008)[James Brown in the '60s]
James Brown: Live at the Apollo '68 (2008)[James Brown in the '60s]
James Brown: Live At The Boston Garden, 1968 (2008)[James Brown in the 60's]
Jan Dara (2001)Thailand
Jane Austen Book Club, The (2007)
Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980)
Jane Eyre (1971)
Jane Eyre (1973)BBC Mini SeriesUK
Jane Eyre (1996)
Jane Eyre (1997)UK[Classic Literary Films Collection]
Jane Eyre (2011)UK, US
Jane's Journey (2010)
Janie Jones (2010)
Janis et John (2003)France, Spain
Japanese American Communities (1932)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Japanese Girls at the Harbor AKA Minato no nihonmusume (1933)JapanHiroshi Shimizu, [Travels with Hiroshi Shimizu]
Japanese Story (2003)Australia
Japanese Summer: Double Suicide AKA Muri shinjû: Nihon no natsu (1967)JapanNagisa Ôshima, [Ôshima's Outlaw Sixties]
Japan's Longest Day AKA Nihon no ichiban nagai hi (1967)HistoryJapan
Jarhead (2005)
Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
Jason Bourne (2016)
J'attends quelqu'un AKA Waiting for Someone (2007)France
Jaws (1975)
Jaws 2 (1978)
Jaws 3-D (1983)
Jaws: The Revenge (1987)
Jay and Silent Bob Do Degrassi (2005)Canada
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)Canada
Jay-Z: Made in America (2013)Documentary
Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns (2001)TV Mini SeriesUK, US
Jazz Icons: John Coltrane Live in ’60 & ’61 & ’65 (2008)
Jazz on a Summer's Day (1960)
Jazz Singer, The (1927)
Jazz Singer, The (1980)
JCVD (2008)Belgium
Je me souviens (2009)Canada
Je t'aime, je t'aime (1968)FranceAlain Resnais
Je tu il elle (1974)France, BelgiumChantal Akerman, [Chantal Akerman in the Seventies]
Jealous AKA Jaloux (2010)Canada
Jean de Florette (1986)Switzerland, France, Italy
Jean Michel Jarre: Aero (2005)France
Jean Michel Jarre: Oxygene Moscow (1997)DocumentaryRussia
Jean Moulin, une affaire française (2003)TV SeriesCanada, UK, France
Jean Rouch, The Adventurous Filmmaker (2017)Jean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)Belgium, France
Jeanne Eagels (1957)[Kim Novak Collection]
Jean-Philippe (2006)France
Jeeves & Wooster Season 1-4 (1990-93)TV SeriesUK
Jeff Foxworthy: Check Your Neck (1993)
Jeff Foxworthy: You Might Be A Redneck If... (2004)
Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2011)
Jefferson in Paris (1995)
Jellyfish (2007)
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Jeopardy (1953)[Barbara Stanwyck: Warner Bros Archive Collection]
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life (2012)
Jericho Mansions (2003)
Jerks of All Trades Three Stooges (1949)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats Vol. 5]
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Jerry Seinfeld - Comedian (2002)
Jersey Boys (2014)Clint Eastwood
Jersey Girl (2004)
Jerusalem: Port of Jaffe, East Coast AKA Jérusalem, Porte de Jaffa, côté Est (1897)DocumentaryFrance[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Jesus Camp (2006)
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)Norman Jewison
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001)
Jesus of Montreal (1989)Canada, FranceDenys Arcand
Jesus of Nazareth (1977)TV Mini SeriesItaly, UK
Jesus, You Know (2003)
Jet Lag AKA Décalage horaire (2002)France, UK
Jet Li’s Fearless AKA Huo Yuan Jia (2006)China
Jetée, La (1962)France
Jewel in the Crown, The (1984)TV Mini Series
Jewel of the Nile, The (1985)
Jewel Robbery (1932)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 4]
Jezebel (1938)[Bette Davis Collection]
JFK (1991)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Jig (2011)
Jigsaw (1949)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Jigsaw (2017)
Jihad for Love, A (2007)UK, France, Germany, Australia
Jimi Plays Berkeley – May 30, 1970 (1971)Documentary
Jimi: All Is by My Side (2013)
Jimmy P. (2013)
Jimmywork (2004)
Jindabyne (2006)Australia
Jingle All the Way (1996)
Jinx, The: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (2015)TV Mini Series
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
Joan of Arcadia Season 1-2 (2004-05)TV Series
Joan of Paris (1942)
Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work (2010)
Joan the Maid 1: The Battles AKA Jeanne la Pucelle 1 - Les batailles (1994)FranceJacques Rivette
Joan the Maid 2: The Prisons AKA Jeanne la Pucelle 2 - Les prisons (1994)FranceJacques Rivette
Jobs (2013)
Jodorowsky's Dune (2013)
Joe + Belle (2011)Israel
John Adams (2008)TV Mini Series
John Betjeman Goes by Train: King's Lynn to Hunstanton (1962)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
John C. Rice-May Irwin Kiss, The (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
John Carter (2012)
John Pinette: I Say Nay Nay (2005)
John Pinette: I'm Starvin' (2007)
John Tucker Must Die (2006)
John Waters DVD scrapbook (2005)
John Wick (2014)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
John Wick: Chapter 3 (2019)
Johnny Belinda (1948)
Johnny Cash – A&E Biography (1998)
Johnny English (2003)UK, France
Johnny English Reborn (2011)UK, France, US
Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)UK, France, US, China
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
Johnny Mnemonic (1995)Canada, US
Johnny O'Clock (1947)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 4]
Joint Security Area (2000)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Joke, The (1969)
Joker (2019)
Jolene (2008)
Joli Mai, Le (1963)France
Jonah Hex (2010)
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1973)
Joshua (2007)
Jouet (2012)
Jour se lève, Le (1939)France
Journal d'Aurélie Laflamme, Le (2010)Canada
Journals of Knud Rasmussen, The (2006)Canada, Denmark, Greenland
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
Journey to Italy (1954)Roberto Rossellini, [Rossellini & Bergman Collection]
Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969)
Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962)[Midnite Movies Disc 2]
Journey to the Sun (1999)
Journey to Western Xia Empire AKA Xixia lu tiaotiao (1997)China
Journey, The (1959)
Journey's End (2017)
Joy (2015)
Joy Luck Club, The (1993)
Joy of Learning AKA Le Gai Savoir (1969)France, GermanyJean-Luc Godard
Joyeux Noël (2005)France, Germany, UK, Belgium, Romania
Joyful Noise (2012)
Jr. Detective Agency (2009)
Ju Dou (1990)China, Japan
Juan’s Childhood AKA Ivanovo detstvo (1962)Soviet Union
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Judge John Deed: Pilot Episode, Season 1-2 (2001-02)BBC TV SeriesUK
Judge, The (2014)
Judge for a Day (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Judgement Day (1988)
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
Judy (2019)
Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (2011)
Julefrokosten (1976)Region 2Denmark
Jules and Jim (1962)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Julia (1977)
Julia (2008)
Julie & Julia (2009)
Julie Johnson (2001)
Julie Walking Home (2002)
Juliet of the Spirits AKA Giulietta degli spiriti (1965)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Julieta (2016)Spain
Julius Caesar (1953)
July 4th 1941 (1941)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Jumanji (1995)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumbo (1962)
Jumper (2008)
Junebug (2005)
Jungle Book (1942)
Jungle Book (1995)AnimationUS, Japan
Jungle Book, The (1994)US, India
Jungle Book 2, The (2003)Disney Animation
Jungle Cruise (2021)Disney
Jungle Fever (1991)Spike Lee, [Spike Lee Joint Collection]
Juniper Tree, The AKA Le piège d'Issoudun (2003)Canada
Juno (2007)
Juno and the Paycock (1930)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Ju-on: The Grudge (2002)Japan
Ju-on: The Grudge 2 (2003)Japan
Jupiter Ascending (2015)
Jurassic Park (1993)[Jurassic Park Adventure Pack]
Jurassic Park III (2001)Joe Johnston, [Jurassic Park Adventure Pack]
Jurassic World (2015)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Dominion Kingdom (2022)
Just 4 Kicks (2003)
Just About Love? AKA Et toi t'es sur qui? (2007)France
Just Buried (2007)
Just for Laughs: Working Class Comics (2008)
Just Go with It (2011)
Just Like Heaven (2005)
Just Married (2003)
Just My Luck (2006)
Just Visiting (2001)
Justice League (2017)
Justified Season 1-6 (2010-15)TV Series
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (2011)
Justin Bieber's Believe (2013)
K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)Kathryn Bigelow
Kaboom (2010)
Kadosh (1999)Israel, France
Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair (1960)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Kamataki (2005)Canada, Japan
Kamikaze (1960)DocumentaryFrance, US[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 4]
Kanal (1957)PolandAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Kandahar (2001)Iran, France
Kandukondain Kandukondain (2000)India
Kannathil Muthamittal AKA A Peck on the Cheek (2002)India
Kansas City (1996)Robert Altman
Kansas City Confidential (1952)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Kansas Saloon Smashers, The (1901)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Kapo (1960)Italy, France, Yugoslavia
Kapringen AKA A Hijacking (2019)Region 2Denmark
Karakara (2012)Japan, Canada
Karate Kid, The (1984)
Karate Kid, The (2010)
Karate Kid, The Part II (1986)
Karate Kid, The Part III (1989)
Kathleen Madigan: Gone Madigan (2010)TV Special
Kathleen Mavourneen (1906)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Katie Tippel AKA Keetje Tippel (1975)NetherlandsPaul Verhoeven
Katy Perry: Part of Me (2012)
Katyn (2007)PolandAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Katzelmacher (1969)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Keane (2004)
Keanu (2016)
Kebab Connection (2004)Germany
Kedma (2002)Italy, Israel, France
Keep ‘Em Flying (1941)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Keep an Eye on Amelia AKA Occupe-toi d'Amélie..! (1949)France, Italy
Keep an Eye on Amélie - Ooh La La! (1973)TV EpisodeUK[Judi Dench Collection]
Keep Your Mouth Shut (1944)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Keep Walking (1982)
Keep Your Right Up AKA Soigne ta droite (1987)France, SwitzerlandJean-Luc Godard
Keeper, The (2018)UK, Germany
Keeper of the Flame (1943)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Keeping Mum (2005)
Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Keeping Up with the Steins (2006)
Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Kennedys, The Season 1 (2011)TV Mini SeriesCanada, US
Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director AKA Aru eiga-kantoku no shôgai (1975)DocumentaryJapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi]
Kennel Murder Case, The (1933)[Mystery Classics]
Kenny (2006)
Kepler's Laws (1974)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Kevin of the North (2001)
Key Largo (1948)John Huston
Keyhole (2011)CanadaGuy Maddin
Keys of the Kingdom, The (1944)
Keystone "Patrician", The (1928)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Khadak (2005)Belgium, Germany, Netherlands
Khaled (2001)Canada
Kick-Ass (2010)
Kick-Ass 2 (2013)
Kicking and Screaming (2004)
Kid Auto Races at Venice Beach (1914)Henry Lehrman, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Kid Brother, The (1927)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Kid Galahad (1937)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 4]
Kid Speed Oliver Hardy (1924)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Kid Stays in the Picture, The (2002)
Kid with a Bike, The AKA Le gamin au vélo (2011)Belgium
Kid, The (1921)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Kidnap (2017)
Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq AKA L'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq (2014)France
Kids Are All Right, The (2010)
Kids in the Hall, The Season 1 (1988)TV SeriesCanada
Kika (1994)Spain, France
Kiki’s Delivery Service AKA Majo no takkyûbin (1989)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)Quentin Tarantino
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)Quentin Tarantino
Kill Switch (2017)
Kill the Irishman (2011)
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
Killer AKA Le tueur (1972)[Jean Gabin: Coffret 3]
Killer (1998)
Killer Elite (2011)
Killer Housewives AKA Marujas asesinas (2001)Spain
Killer Inside Me, The (2010)
Killer Joe (2011)William Friedkin
Killer of Sheep (1977)
Killer That Stalked New York, The (1950)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Killer’s Kiss (1955)Stanley Kubrick
Killers (2010)
Killers, The (1946)
Killers, The (1964)
Killing Bono (2011)UK, Ireland
Killing Emmett Young AKA Emmett's Mark (2002)
Killing Eve Season 1 (2018)TV SeriesUS, UK, Italy
Killing Fields, The (1984)
Killing Heydrich AKA The Man with the Iron Heart (2017)France, Belgium, UK, US, Germany, Hungary
Killing Jesus (2015)
Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The (1976)John Cassavetes, [John Cassavetes Collection]
Killing of John Lennon, The (2006)
Killing Them Softly (2012)
Killing, The (1956)Stanley Kubrick
Killing, The Season 1-3 (2011-13)TV Series Region 2Denmark
Killshot (2008)
Kimjongilia AKA The Flower of Kim Jong Ile (2009)US, France, South Korea
Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)UK[Alec Guinness Collection]
Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016)
King Season 1 (2011)TV SeriesCanada
King and I, The (1956)
King Arthur (2004)
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
King Charles III (2017)
King in New York, A (1957)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
King Is Alive, The (2000)
King Is Dancing, The (2000)
King Jack (2015)
King Kong (1933)
King Kong (2005)
King Lear (1983)
King Neptune (1932)Disney Animation
King of Comedy, The (1982)Martin Scorsese
King of Kings (1961)
King of Kings, The (1927)Cecil B. DeMille
King of Kong, The: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
King of Masks, The (1996)
King of New York (1990)
King of Staten Island (2020)
King Richard (2021)
King Tut: The Face of Tutankhamun (1992)TV Mini Series
King Season 1 (2011)TV Series
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)Ridley Scott
Kingdom, The (1994)TV SeriesDenmark
Kingdom, The (2007)
Kingdom Season One (2007)TV Series
Kings and Queen (2004)
Kings Go Forth (1958)
Kings of Pastry (2009)Netherlands, UK, US, France
Kings of the Road (1976)Wim Wenders
Kings of the Sun (1963)
Kings Row (1942)
King's Speech, The (2010)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
Kinky Boots (2005)
Kinogram - Babe Ruth (undated)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
Kinsey (2004)
Kippur (2000)Israel, France
Kira's Reason: A Love Story (2001)
Kirikou and the Men and Women AKA Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes (2012)AnimationFrance
Kismet (1955)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Kiss and Make Up (1934)[Cary Grant Screen Legend]
Kiss Before Dying, A (1956)
Kiss in the Tunnel, The (1899)[The Movies Begin]
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Kiss of Death, The (1977)
Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)
Kiss of the Vampire, The (1963)[Hammer Horror Series]
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950)
Kiss, The (1896)
Kiss, The (1900)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Kissing Bandit, The (1948)
Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (2008)US, Canada
Kitchen Party (1997)
Kitchen Stories (2003)
Kite Runner, The (2007)
Kitty Foyle (1940)
Kleptomaniac, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Klimt (2006)
Klinkevals (1999)Region 2Denmark
Klondike (2014)TV Mini Series
Klute (1971)
Knick, The Season 1-2 (2014-15)TV Series
Knife in the Water (1962)Roman Polanski
Knight and Day (2010)
Knight's Tale, A (2001)
Knives Out (2019)
Knock AKA Dr. Knock (1951)France
Knock Knock (2015)
Knock on Any Door (1949)[Humphrey Bogart: The Columbia Pictures Collection]
Knock on Wood AKA La chèvre (1981)France, Mexico, Malta
Knocked Up (2007)
Knockout, The (1914)Mack Sennett, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Know Your Ally: Britain (1944)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Know Your Enemy: Japan (1945)DocumentaryFrank Capra, [World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 5]
Knowing (2009)
Knuckle (2011)
Knut And Friends AKA Knut und seine Freunde (2008)Germany
Knute Rockne All American (1940)
Knutzy Knights (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Kolya (1996)Czech Republic, UK, France
Koma AKA Gau min (2004)Hong Kong
Kong: Return to the Jungle (2007)Animation
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kon-Tiki (2012)
Kook's Tour (1970)[The Three Stooges All Time Favorites]
Korean Alphabet (1967)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Krakatoa: East of Java (1969)
Krakatoa: The Last Days (2006)
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
Krampus (2015)
Kremlin Letter, The (1970)John Huston
Kreutzer Sonata, The (1956)FranceEric Rohmer
Kronk's New Groove (2005)Animation
Krudt og klunker (1958)Region 2Denmark
Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)Animation
Kundskabens Træ AKA Tree of Knowledge (2019)Region 2Denmark
Kundun (1997)US, Monaco, MoroccoMartin Scorsese
Kung Fu Hustle (2004)Hong Kong, China, US
Kung Fu Jungle AKA Yi ge ren de wu lin (2014)China, Hong Kong
Kung Fu Killer AKA Yi ge ren de wu lin (2014)China, Hong Kong
Kung Fu Panda (2008)Animation
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)Animation
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)Animation
Kung Fu Panda Holiday (2010)Animation
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Masters (2011)Animation
Kurelek (1967)NFB DocumentaryCanadaWilliam Pettigrew
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015)Documentary
L.627 (1992)FranceBertrand Tavernier
L.A. Confidential (1997)
L.A. Story (1991)
L.I.E. (2001)
L’avocat AKA The Counsel (2010)France
L’ennemi public no. 1 (1953)France, Italy
L’espérance (2003)Canada
La Bamba (1987)
La Bohème (1993)AustraliaBaz Luhrmann
La chèvre AKA The Goat (1981)France, Mexico, Malta
La Cravate (1957)FranceSaul Gilbert, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ruth Michelly, [Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky]
La fin des étés (1964)NFBCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
La forêt - 2 films (2005)
Là-haut sur ces montagnes (1946)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
La La Land (2016)
La Sicilienne AKA The Sicilian Girl (2008)Italy, France
La Valse (1951)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
La Vérité (1960)France, ItalyHenri-Georges Clouzot
Labor Day (2013)
Labor Pains (2009)
Labor's Reward (Surviving reel) (1925)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Labyrinth (1986)
Labyrinth of Lies AKA Labyrinth des Schweigens (2014)Germany
Lacombe, Lucien (1974)France, Italy, GermanyLouis Malle, [Louis Malle, 3 Films]
Ladder 49 (2004)
Ladies in Lavender (2004)
Ladies Room (1999)
Ladies' Skirts Nailed to a Fence (1899)[The Movies Begin]
Ladies They Talk About (1933)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 5]
Lady and the Duke, The AKA L'Anglaise et le duc (2001)France, GermanyEric Rohmer
Lady and the Tramp (1955)Disney Animation
Lady Be Good (1941)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Lady Bird (2017)Greta Gerwig
Lady Chatterley (2006)
Lady Eve, The (1941)
Lady from Shanghai, The (1947)Orson Welles
Lady Gambles, The (1949)
Lady in Question, The (1940)[Glenn Ford Undercover Crimes]
Lady in the Lake (1947)
Lady in the Van, The (2015)
Lady in the Water (2006)
Lady Jane (1986)
Lady Jane (2008)
Lady Killer (1933)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 3]
Lady Macbeth (2016)
Lady of Burlesque (1943)[AMC Movies: Hollywood Divas]
Lady on a Train (1945)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
Lady Takes a Chance, A (1943)[John Wayne Collection]
Lady Vanishes, The (1938)Alfred Hitchcock, [Hitchcock Thrillers], [Alfred Hitchcock:Master of Suspense]
Lady Vengeance AKA Chinjeolhan geumjassi (2005)South Korea
Lady Windermere's Fan (1925)Ernst Lubitsch, [More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Lady Windermere's Fan (1985)BBCUK[Oscar Wilde Collection]
Lady Without Passport, A (1950)
Lady, The (2011)France, UK, Thailand
Ladyhawke (1985)
Ladykillers, The (1955)UK[Alec Guinness Collection]
Ladykillers, The (2004)Ethan and Joel Coen
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)India, UK
Laila's Birthday AKA Eid milad Laila (2008)Palestine, Tunisia, Netherlands
Lake House, The (2006)
Lakeview Terrace (2008)
Lamb (1985)UK
Lambert & Stamp (2014)Documentary
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952)Disney Animation
Lamerica (1994)Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria
Lan Yu (2001)Hong Kong, China
Lancelot of the Lake AKA Lancelot du Lac (1974)France, ItalyRobert Bresson
Land Before Time X, The: The Great Longneck Migration (2003)Animation
Land Before Time XI, The: Invasion of the Tinysauruses (2005)Animation
Land Before Time XII, The: The Great Day of the Flyers (2006)Animation
Land Before Time XIV, The: Journey of the Brave (2016)Animation
Land Beyond the Sunset, The (1912)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Land of Milk and Honey (1971)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix],
Land of Mine AKA Under sandet (2015)Denmark, Germany
Land of Plenty AKA Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit (2004)US, Germany, CanadaWim Wenders
Land of the Heads AKA Au pays des têtes (2009)Switzerland
Land of the Lost (2009)
Landlady, The (1900)Alice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Landlady's Pet, The AKA The Star Boarder (1914)George Nichols, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Landscape After Battle AKA Krajobraz po bitwie (1970)PolandAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Landscape in the Mist (1988)
Language All My Own, A (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Lantana (2001)
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
Larceny Inc. (1942)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 4]
Lark Rise to Candleford: The Complete Collection (2008-11)BBC TV SeriesUK
Larry Crowne (2011)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Lassie (1994)
Last Airbender, The (2010)
Last Alarm, The (1940)
Last Bolshevik, The (1993)
Last Cab to Darwin (2015)
Last Call at the Oasis (2011)
Last Call for Cuba AKA L’heure de Cuba (1999)NFBCanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
Last Castle, The (2001)
Last Chance Harvey (2008)
Last Circus, The AKA Balada triste de trompeta (2010)Spain
Last Continent, The AKA Le dernier continent (2007)NFB DocumentaryCanadaJean Lemire
Last Days (2005)
Last Days in Vietnam (2014)
Last Days of Disco, The (1998)
Last Days of Mussolini (1974)
Last Days on Mars, The (2013)
Last Deadly Mission, The AKA MR 73 (2008)
Last Drop of Water, The - Biograph Shorts (1911)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Last Emperor, The (1987)Bernardo Bertolucci
Last Exorcism, The (2010)
Last Five Years, The (2014)
Last 4 Days, The AKA Mussolini ultimo atto (1974)Italy
Last Hit Man, The (2008)
Last House on the Left, The (1972)
Last House on the Left, The (2009)
Last Hurrah, The (1958)John Ford
Last Hurrah, The (2009)
Last King of Scotland, The (2006)
Last Kingdom, The (2015-22)UK
Last Kiss, The (2001)
Last Kiss, The (2006)
Last Laugh, The AKA Der letzte Mann (1924)GermanyF.W. Murnau, [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Last Life in the Universe (2003)
Last Man on Earth, The (1964)
Last Metro, The AKA Le dernier métro (1980)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Last Mimzy, The (2007)
Last Mistress, The AKA Une vieille maîtresse (2007)France, ItalyCatherine Breillat
Last Mitterrand, The AKA Le promeneur de Champ de Mars (2005)France
Last Night (2010)
Last Night in Soho (2021)UK
Last of England, The (1987)
Last of Robin Hood, The (2013)
Last of the Blonde Bombshells, The (2000)
Last of the Mobile Hot Shots, The (1970)Sidney Lumet
Last of the Mohicans, The (1992)
Last Orders (2001)
Last Picture Show, The (1971)
Last Samurai, The (2003)US, New Zealand, Japan
Last Sentinel, The (2007)[Sci-Fi Four Pack]
Last September, The (1999)
Last Song, The (2010)
Last Stand, The (2006)
Last Starfighter, The (1984)
Last Station, The (2009)
Last Stop 174 AKA Última Parada 174 (2008)Brazil
Last Sunset, The (1961)
Last Supper, The (2002)
Last Tango in Halifax (2012-20)TV SeriesUK
Last Tango in Paris AKA Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972)Italy, FranceBernardo Bertolucci
Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988)Martin Scorsese
Last Time I Saw Paris, The (1954)
Last Train Home AKA Gui tu lie che (2009)Canada, China, UK
Last Trapper, The (2004)
Last Tunnel, The AKA Le dernier tunnel (2004)Canada
Last Tycoon, The (2012)
Last Vegas (2013)
Last Vermeer, The (2019)
Last Voyage, The (1960)
Last Waltz, The (1978)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese
Last Wave, The (1977)
Last Witch Hunter, The (2015)
Last Word, The (2017)
Last Year at Marienbad AKA L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961)France, ItalyAlain Resnais
Late August, Early September (1998)
Late Autumn AKA Akibiyori (1960)JapanYasujirô Ozu, [Late Ozu]
Late Bloomers (2011)
Late Fragment (2007)
Late Marriage (2001)
Late Night (2019)
Late Night Shopping (2001)
Late Quartet, A (2012)
Late Spring AKA Banshun (1949)JapanYasujirô Ozu
Laugh, Clown, Laugh (1928)[Lon Chaney Collection]
Laughing Gas (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Laughing Gas AKA Laffing Gas (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Laughing Policeman, The (1973)
Laughter in Paradise (1951)
Launching of a Ship AKA Lancement d'un navire (1896)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Laura (1944)[Fox Film Noir]
Laurel and Hardy at the Movies (2003)[Laurel and Hardy Collection]
Laurel Canyon (2002)
Laurence Anyways (2012)Canada, France
Lavender Hill Mob, The (1951)UK[Alec Guinness Collection]
Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Law of Desire AKA La ley del deseo (1987)SpainPedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Lawless (2012)
Lawless Heart, The (2001)
Lawless Range (1935)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Lawless, The (1950)
Lawman (1971)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)David Lean
Laws of Attraction (2004)
Laws of Motion AKA Birds of America (2008)
Lawyer Man (1933)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 4]
Layer Cake (2004)
Le grand amour (1969)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Le Mans (1971)
Le nozze di Figaro (1994)UK
Le petit monde de Don Camillo AKA Don Camillo (1952)Italy, France
Le Polock (1999)TV Series
Le Temps de l'avant AKA Before the Time Comes (1975)NFBCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
Lea (1996)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The (2003)
League of Gentlemen, The (1960)UKBasil Dearden, [Basil Dearden's London Underground]
Lean On Me (1989)
Leap Year (2010)
Leather Boys, The (1964)
Leatherheads (2008)
Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Leave No Trace (2018)
Leaves of Grass (2009)
Leaving AKA Partir (2009)France
Leaving Jerusalem by Railway (1896)[The Movies Begin]
Leaving Las Vegas (1995)[Nicholas Cage: The LA Collection]
Lebanon (2009)Israel, Germany, France, UK
Leche Brava (2009)Colombia
Ledsaget udgang AKA Temporary Release (2007)Region 2Denmark
Left Bank (2008)
Left Handed Gun, The (1958)[Paul Newman Collection
Legacy, The AKA La Donation (2009)Canada
Legally Blonde (2001)
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003)
Legend (2015)
Legend of 1900, The (1998)
Legend of Bagger Vance, The (2000)
Legend of Barney Thomson, The (2015)
Legend of Hercules, The (2014)
Legend of Rita, The (2000)
Legend of Sasquatch, The (2006)
Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The (1999)
Legend of Suram Fortress, The AKA Ambavi Suramis tsikhitsa (1985)Soviet UnionSergei Paradjanov, [Films of Sergei Paradjanov]
Legend of Suriyothai, The (2001)Thailand
Legend of Tarzan, The (2016)
Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, The (1974)[Hammer Horror 3 Film Set]
Legend of the Black Scorpion AKA Ye yan (2006)China
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)Animation
Legend of Zorro, The (2005)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (2013)
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 (2016)TV Series
Legion (2010)
Lego Batman Movie, The (2017)Animation
Lego Movie, The (2014)Animation
Lego Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood (2016)Animation
Leila (1997)
Leisure Seeker (2017)
Lemming (2005)
Lemmy (2010)
Lemon Drop Kid, The (1951)
Lemon Tree AKA Etz Limon (2008)Germany, France
Lemonade Joe (1964)
Lemonade Mouth (2011)
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)Germany, US
Leningrad Cowboys Go America (1989)
Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses (1994)
Leningrad Cowboys: Total Balalaika Show (1994)
Lenny (1974)
Léolo (1992)Canada, France
Léon Morin, Priest (1961)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Leon: The Professional (1994)
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (2006)
Leopard Man, The (1943)[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Leopard, The (1963)
Leroy & Stitch (2006)Disney Animation
Les Bougon: C'est aussi ça la vie (2004)TV SeriesCanada
Les femmes AKA The Women (1969)France, Italy[Brigitte Bardot Collection]
Les Filles du Roy AKA They Called Us 'Les Filles du Roy' (1974)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
Les Héritiers (1955)NFB DocumentaryCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, Vol. 3, 1977-1982]
Les Ludions (1965)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1963-1975]
Les Misérables (2019)TV Mini SeriesUK, US
Les voleurs d'enfance AKA Thieves of Innocence (2009)NFB DocumentaryCanadaPaul Arcand
Less Than Zero (1987)
Lesser Evil, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Lessons of Darkness AKA Lektionen in Finsternis (1992)Werner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Let Him Go (2020)
Let It Rain AKA Parlez-moi de la pluie (2008)France
Let It Shine (2012)
Let Joy Reign Supreme AKA Que la fête commence... (1975)FranceBertrand Tavernier
Let Me Dream Again (1900)[The Movies Begin]
Let Me In (2010)
Let the Bullets Fly AKA Rang zi dan fei (2010)China, Hong Kong
Let the Right One In AKA Låt den rätte komma in (2008)Sweden
Let’s Dance! AKA Faut que ça danse! (2006)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
Let's Make Love (1960)
Let's Make Money (2008)
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
Letter Never Sent (1960)
Letter to Elia, A (2010)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese
Letter to Momo, A AKA Momo E No Tegami (2011)AnimationJapan, US
Letter to Three Wives, A (1949)
Letter, The (1940)
Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)Clint Eastwood
Letters to Juliet (2010)
Letters, The (2014)
Leur morale… et la nôtre (2008)France
Level, The (2016-17)TV SeriesUK
Leviathan (2014)Russia
L'il'wata (2009)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAlanis Obomsawin
Lianna (1983)
Libeled Lady (1936)[Jean Harlow Film Collection: TCM Greatest Classic Legends]
Libero AKA Anche libero va bene (2006)Italy
Liberté AKA Freedom AKA Korkoro (2009)FranceTony Gatlif
Libertine, The (2004)
Libre échange (2010)France
License to Kill (1984)
Licence to Kill (1989)
License to Wed (2007)
Licorice Pizza (2021)Paul Thomas Anderson
Lie to Me Season 1-3 (2009-11)TV Series
Lie with Me (2005)
Lies & Alibis (2006)
Lies and Illusions AKA Double Illusion (2009)
Lies My Father Told Me (1975)
Life (2015)UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, USAnton Corbijn
Life (2017)Daniel Espinosa
Life & Times of Pope John Paul II (2003)
Life According to Muriel (1997)
Life After All AKA La vie quand même (2003)France
Life After Love AKA La vie après l'amour (2000)Canada
Life After People: The Complete Series (2009)TV Series
Life and Death of 9413, The (1928)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (1943)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Life and Death of Peter Sellers, The (2004)
Life and Debt (2001)Documentary
Life and Times of Frida Kahlo, The (2006)
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004)
Life As We Know It (2010)
Life Begins (1932)
Life Begins, A AKA Une vie qui commence (2010)Canada
Life During Wartime (2009)
Life Is a Bed of Roses AKA La vie est un roman (1983)FranceAlain Resnais
Life Is a Miracle (2004)
Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Life Is to Whistle (1998)
Life Itself (2014)
Life of an American Fireman (1903)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Life of an American Policeman (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Life of Brian (1979)
Life of Buddha AKA La vie de Bouddha (2003)France
Life of David Gale, The (2003)
Life of Jesus, The AKA La vie de Jésus (1997)France
Life of Pi (2012)US, Taiwan, UK, Mexico, CanadaAng Lee
Life of Riley AKA Aimer, Boire et Chanter (2014)FranceAlain Resnais
Life on Mars Season 1-2 (2009)
Life Stinks (1991)
Life with Father (1947)
Life, Above All AKA Le secret de Chanda (2010)South Africa, Germany
Lifeboat (1944)
Light Between Oceans, The (2016)
Light in the Piazza (1961)
Light of My Eyes (2001)
Light of My Life (2019)
Light, The AKA L'équipier (2004)France
Lighthouse, The (2019)
Lightkeepers, The (2009)
Lightning in a Bottle (2004)
Lightning Over Water (1980)DocumentarySweden, GermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Lights and Shadows in a City of Millions (1920)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Lights in the Dusk (2006)
Lights Out (2016)
Like Dandelion Dust (2009)
Like Father Like Son (1987)
Like Water for Chocolate AKA Como agua para chocolate (1992)Mexico
Lila & Eve (2015)
Lilies (1996)
Lilies (2007)TV Mini Series
Lilies of the Field (1963)
Liliom (1934)FranceFritz Lang
Lilo & Stitch (2002)Disney Animation
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch has a Glitch (2005)Disney Animation
Limbo (1999)
Limelight (1952)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Limitless (2011)
Limits of Control, The (2009)Jim Jarmusch
Limping Man, The (1953)[Mystery Classics]
Lincoln (2012)Steven Spielberg
Lincoln Lawyer, The (2011)
Line of Beauty, The (2006)TV Mini SeriesUK
Line of Duty (2019)UK, US
Line of Duty, Series 1-6 (2012-21)TV Series
Lines Horizontal (1962)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Lines Vertical (1960)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Lineup, The (1958)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 1]
Lion (2016)
Lion Hunters, The AKA La chasse au lion à l'arc (1965)FranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Lion in Winter, The (1968)
Lion King 1½, The (2004)Disney Animation
Lion King II, The: Simba's Pride (1998)Disney Animation
Lion King, The (1994)
Lion King, The (2019)Disney Animation
Lion of the Desert (1981)
Lion, London Zoological Gardens AKA Lions, Jardin zoologique, Londres (1896)France
Lions for Lambs (2007)
List of Adrian Messenger, The (1963)John Huston
Listen, Judge (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Listen to Britain (1942)
Listen to Some Words of Wisdom (1930)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Listener, The Season 1 ( )
Little Ashes (2008)
Little Athens (2005)
Little Big Man (1970)
Little Bit of Heaven, A (1940)
Little Britain USA (2009)
Little Britain: Series 1-3 (2003-05)TV SeriesUK
Little by Little AKA Petit à petit (1970)French, NigerJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Little Caesar (1931)[TCM Greatest Gangster Films Collection], [Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
Little Chaos, A (2014)UK
Little Children (2006)Todd Field
Little Death, The (2014)Australia
Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1998)DocumentaryGermany, UK, FranceWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Little Dorrit (2008)TV Series
Little Fish (2005)
Little Fockers (2010)
Little Foxes, The (1941)
Little Giant (1946)[Best of Abbott and Costello], [Warner Bros. Gangster Collection, Vol. 4]
Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Clause, A (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Little Hiawatha (1937)Disney Animation
Little House, The (1952)
Little Jerusalem AKA La petite Jérusalem (2005)France
Little Lili AKA La petite Lili (2003)France, Canada
Little Man Tate (1991)Jody Foster, [Jody Foster Collection]
Little Matchgirl, The (2006)Animation
Little Mermaid, The (1989)Disney Animation
Little Miss Broadway (1938)[Shirley Temple Collection]
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Little Moon & Jud McGraw AKA Gone with the West (1974)[Movie Collection]
Little Murders (1971)
Little Negro (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Little Nemo: Adventures In Slumberland (1989)AnimationJapan, US
Little Nicholas AKA Le petit Nicolas (2009)France, Belgium
Little Otik AKA Otessánek (2000)Czech Republic, UK, Japan
Little Phantasy on a 19th Century Painting, A (1946)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Little Prince, The AKA Le petit Prince (2015)AnimationFrance, Canada, Italy, US, China
Little Princess, A (1995)Alfonso Cuarón
Little Queen, The: Downfall of a Champion AKA La Petite Reine (2013)Canada
Little Shop of Horrors, The (1960)Roger Corman, [Jack Nicholson Cult Classics]
Little Soap and Water, A (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Little Thief, The AKA La Petite Voleuse (1988)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Little Things, The (2021)
Little Train Robbery, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Little Vera (1988)
Little Voice (1998)
Little White Lies AKA Les petits mouchoirs (2010)France, Belgium
Little Women (1949)
Little Women (1994)
Little Women (2017)TV Mini SeriesUK, US
Litvinenko (2022)TV Mini SeriesUK
Live and Become AKA Va, vie, et deviens (2005)France, Israel, Belgium, Italy
Live and Let Die (1973)
Live by Night (2016)
Live Flesh AKA Carne trémula (1997)Spain, FrancePedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Live Free or Die Hard (1988)[Die Hard: The Ultimate Collection]
Live. Die. Repeat AKA Edge of Tomorrow (2014)US, Canada
Lively Affair, A (c.1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Liverpool (2008)Argentina, France, Netherlands, Germany
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The (1935)
Lives of Others, The AKA Das Leben der Anderen (2006)Germany
Living (2022)UK, Japan, Sweden
Living Daylights, The (1987)
Living in Oblivion (1995)
Living Playing Cards, The AKA Les cartes vivantes (1905)France[The Movies Begin]
Lizzie (2018)
Lizzie McGuire Movie, The (2003)
Loading a Boiler AKA Embarquement d'une chaudière (1896)DocumentaryFrance
Lobster Tale, A (2006)
Lobster, The (2015)Ireland, UK, Greece, France
Loco Boy Makes Good (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Local Color (2006)
Local Hero (1983)
Local Stigmatic, The (1990)[Al Pacino Collection]
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Locke (2013)
Lockout (2012)France, US
Lodger, The (1944)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 1]
Lodger, The: A Story of the London Fog (1927)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Logan Lucky (2017)Steven Soderbergh
Logan's Run (1976)
Logan's War: Bound by Honor (1998)[Chuck Norris Collection]
LOL (2012)
LOL (Laughing Out Loud) ® (2008)France
Lola (1961)France, ItalyJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Lola (1981)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Lola Montès (1955)France, Germany
Lolita (1962)Stanley Kubrick
Lolita (1997)
Lolo (2015)France
Lon Chaney: A Thousand Faces (2000)Documentary[Lon Chaney Collection]
London (2005)
London: Arrrival of the Cinématographe> AKA Londres, Entrée du cinématographe (1896)DocumentaryFrance[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
London After Midnight (1927)
London Boulevard (2010)US, UK
London Can Take It! (1940)DocumentaryUK
London Has Fallen (2016)US, UK, Bulgaria
London Kills (2019)TV SeriesUK
London River (2009)UK, France, Algeria
London Spy (2015)TV Mini SeriesUK
London to Brighton (2006)UK
Lone Fisherman, The (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Lone Game, The (1915)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Lone Ranger, The (2013)
Lone Star (1996)
Lone Survivor (2013)US, UK
Lonedale Operator, The (1911)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The (1962)
Lonely Guy (1984)
Lonely Hearts (1982)
Lonely Hearts (2006)
Lonesome Dove (1989)TV Mini Series
Lonesome Jim (2005)
Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)Sidney Lumet
Long Distance Wireless Photography AKA Phtographie électrique à distance (1908)France[The Movies Begin]
Long Good Friday, The (1980)
Long Goodbye, The (1973)Robert Altman
Long Gray Line, The (1955)John Ford
Long Hair of Death, The (1965)
Long Journey Home, A: Isabel Bayrakdarian (2006)Documentary
Long Live Life AKA Viva la vie (1984)FranceClaude Lelouch
Long Night, The (1947)[Film Noir: The Dark Side of Hollywood]
Long Voyage Home, The (1940)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
Long, Hot Summer, The (1958)
Long, Long Trailer, The (1954)
Longest Day, The (1962)
Longest Ride, The (2015)
Longest Yard, The (2005)
Longitude (2000)UK, US
Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman (2006)Documentary[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Look at Me (2004)
Look Back in Anger (1959)
Lookin' to Get Out (1982)
Looking for Alexander AKA Mémoires affectives (2004)Canada
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (2005)
Looking for Eric (2009)UK, France, Italy, Belgium, SpainKen Loach
Looking for Leonard (2002)
Looking for Richard (1996)[Al Pacino Collection]
Lookout, The AKA Le guetteur (2012)France, Belgium, Italy
Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Vol. 1, Disc 1–4 (2003)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)
Looper (2012)US, China
Loops (1940)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Loose Cannons AKA Mine Vaganti (2010)Italy
Loose Loot (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Loose Women AKA Mukidô josei (1967)Japan
Loose Women (2011)
Lorax, The (2012)Animation
Lord of the Flies (1963)
Lord of the Rings, The: The Return of the King (2003)
Lord of the Rings, The: The Two Towers (2002)
Lord of War (2005)
Lords of Dogtown (2005)
Lore (2012)Australia, Germany, UK
Lorenzo's Oil (1992)
Lorna's Silence AKA Le silence de Lorna (2008)Belgium, France, Italy, Germany
Lost (2004)
Lost Season 1-6 (2004-10)TV Series
Lost Boys, The (1987)
Lost City of Z, The (2016)
Lost City, The (2005)
Lost Embrace (2004)
Lost Highway (1997)David Lynch
Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, The AKA Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (1975)Germany
Lost Horizon (1937)Frank Capra
Lost in Alaska (1952)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Lost in Beijing AKA Ping guo (2007)China
Lost in La Mancha (2002)UK, US
Lost in the Stars (1974)[American Film Theatre]
Lost in Translation (2003)Sofia Coppola
Lost King, The (2022)UK
Lost Patrol, The (1934)John Ford
Lost River (2013)
Lost Song (2008)Canada
Lost Weekend, The (1945)
Lost World, The (1925)
Lost World, The (1960)
Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (1997)[Jurassic Park Adventure Pack]
Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance (2001)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Lot in Sodom (1933)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Lot Like Love, A (2005)
Lottery Bride, The (1930)
Loudest Voice, The (2019)TV Mini Series
Louis C.K.: One Night Stand (2005)TV Episode
Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World (2013)Canada
Luis Martinetti, Contortionist (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Louis XV, l'homme qui aimait trop les femmes: L'ombre d'un doute (2015)TV Episode
L'oumigmag ou l'objectif documentaire (1993)NFB DocumentaryCanadaPierre Perrault, [L'oeuvre de Pierre Perrault]
Lourdes (2009)Austria, France, Germany
Love (1971)
Love & Friendship (2016)Ireland, France, Netherlands
Love & Mercy (2014)
Love & Other Drugs (2010)
Love & Savagery (2009)Canada, Ireland
Love Actually (2003)
Love Affair (1932)[Humphrey Bogart: The Columbia Pictures Collection]
Love Affair (1939)
Love and Anarchy (1973)Italy, FranceLina Wertmüller, [Lina Wertmüller Collection]
Love and Death (1975)Woody Allen
Love and Magnets AKA Les aimants (2004)Canada
Love and Other Disasters (2006)
Love at First Bite (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Love at the Christmas Table (2012)
Love Before Breakfast (1936)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
Love By Any Name AKA Le nom des gens (2010)France
Love Charm, The (1928)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Love Crazy (1941)
Love Crime AKA Crime d’amour (2010)France, Mexico, Lebanon
Love Exposure AKA Ai no mukidashi (2008)Japan
Love Field (1992)[Michelle Pfeiffer Collection]
Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)
Love for Sale (2008)
Love God, The? (1969)
Love Guru, The (2008)
Love Happens (2009)
Love in the Afternoon (1957)
Love in the Afternoon AKA L'amour, l'après-midi AKA Chloe in the Afternoon (1972)FranceEric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)US, Mexico, UK
Love in the Time of Hysteria AKA Sólo con tu pareja (1991)MexicoAlfonso Cuarón
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Love Is All You Need AKA Den skaldede frisør (2012)Denmark, Sweden, Italy, France
Love Is Colder Than Death (1969)
Love Is in the Air AKA Ma vie en l'air (2005)France
Love Is in the Air (2013)
Love Is Strange (2014)
Love Is the Perfect Crime AKA L'amour est un crime parfait (2013)France, Switzerland, Belgium
Love Lasts Three Years AKA L'amour dure trois ans (2011)France, Belgium
Love Me If You Dare AKA Jeux d’enfants (2003)France, Belgium
Love Me No More AKA Deux jours à tuer (2008)France
Love Me or Leave Me (1955)
Love Me Tonight (1932)
Love Meetings AKA Comizi d'amore (1964)ItalyPier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Love n' Dancing (2009)
Love Nest, The (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Love on the Run AKA L'amour en fuite (1979)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Love on the Wing (1939)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Love Parade, The (1929)Ernst Lubitsch, [Lubitsch Musicals]
Love Punch, The (2013)France, UK
Love Serenade (1996)
Love Song for Bobby Long, A (2004)
Love Songs (2007)
Love Story (1970)
Love Street AKA Rue des plaisirs (2002)France, GermanyPatrice Leconte
Love that Boy (2003)
Love the Coopers (2015)
Love Trap, The (1929)
Love without Pity AKA Tough Life AKA Un monde sans pitié (1989)France
Love, Hate and Propaganda: A Six-Part Series on 4 DVDs (2010)TV Mini Series
Love, Simon (2018)
Loved One, The (1965)
Lovelace (2013)
Lovely & Amazing (2001)
Lovely Bones, The (2009)
Lovely Lightning (1979)TV Episode[Quatermass]
Lover, The (1992)
Lovers, The AKA Les Amants (1958)FranceLouis Malle
Lovers, The AKA Liang zhu (1994)Hong Kong
Lovers Like Us AKA Le sauvage (1975)France, Italy[Catherine Deneuve Collection]
Lovers on the Bridge, The AKA Les amants de Pont-Neuf (1991)France
Loves of a Blonde (1965)
Loving (2016)UK, US
Loving Couples (1980)
Loving Father, A (2002)
Loving Vincent (2017)Poland, UK, US, Switzerland, Netherlands
Loving You (1957)
Lower Depths, The AKA Les bas-fonds (1936)FranceJean Renoir
Lower Depths, The Donzoko (1957)JapanAkira Kurosawa
*lpha (2018)(Alpha?)
Luce (2019)
Lucía, Lucía AKA La hija del caníbal (2003)Mexico, Spain
Lucia Chase Vignette (1978)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Lucid (2005)
Luck (2003)Canada
Lucky (2010)Documentary
Lucky Dog, The (1921)[Laurel and Hardy Collection], [Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Lucky Grandma (2019)
Lucky Luke AKA Daisy Town (1971)AnimationFrance, Belgium
Lucky Luke and the Daltons AKA Les Dalton (2004)France, Germany, Spain
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)US, Germany, UK, Canada
Lucky One, The (2012)
Lucky Ones, The (2007)
Lucky Texan, The (1934)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Lucky Them (2013)
Lucy (2014)
Lucy Show, The. 30 Episodes ( )
Lucy Show, The. 8 Episodes ( )
Ludwig (1972) (1973?)
Luis Martinetti, Contortionist in Peepshow Kinetoscopes (1894)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Lullaby (2014)
Lullaby of Broadway (1951)
Lumière d'Été AKA Summer Light (1943)FranceJean Grémillon, [Jean Grémillon during the Occupation]
Luna Papa (1999)Tajikistan, Germany, Japan, Uzbekistan
Lunchbox, The (2013)
Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro AKA Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (1979)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Lust for Life (1956)
Lust for Power AKA A Comedy of Power or L'ivresse du pouvoir (2006)France, GermanyClaude Chabrol
Lust, Caution (2007)Ang Lee
Luther (1974)[American Film Theatre]
Luther (2003)
Luther (2010)
Luther 2 (2011)
Luther 3 (2013)
Lyman H. Howe’s Famous Ride on a Runaway Train (1921)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Lymelife (2008)
M. Butterfly (1993)US, CanadaDavid Cronenberg
Ma Mère (2004)France, Portugal, Austria, Spain
Ma tante Aline (2007)Canada
Mabel's Married Life (1914)Mack Sennett, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)Mabel Normand, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Maborosi AKA Maboroshi no hikari (1995)Japan
Macao (1952)
Macbeth (1948)Orson Welles
Macbeth (2006)
Macbeth (2015)
MacGruber (2010)
Machete (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Machine, The (2013)
Machine-Gun Kelly (1958)Roger Corman
Machine Gun Molly AKA Monica la mitraille (2004)Canada
Machinist, The (2004)
Machuca (2004)Chile, Spain, UK, France
MacKintosh Man, The (1973)John Huston, [Paul Newman Collection]
Mad About Music (1938)[Deanna Durbin Music & Romance Collection]
Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob, The AKA Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob (1973)France, Italy
Mad Detective (2007)
Mad Doctor of Market Street, The (1942)[Universal: Cult Horror Collection]
Mad Dog and Glory (1993)
Mad Ghoul, The (1943)[Universal: Cult Horror Collection]
Mad Hot Ballroom (2005)
Mad Love (1935)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Mad Love AKA L'amour braque (1985)France
Mad Masters, The AKA Les maîtres fous (1955)FranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Mad Men Season 1-7 (2007-15)TV Series
Mad Money (2008)
Madadayo AKA Mâdadayo (1993)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Madagascar (2005)Animation
Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa (2008)Animation
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)Animation
Madama Butterfly (1954)Italy, Japan
Madama Butterfly (1975)Germany
Madame Bovary (1949)[Literary Classics Collection]
Madame Bovary (1991)FranceClaude Chabrol
Madame Brouette AKA L'extraordinaire destin de Madame Brouette (2002)Canada, Senegal, France
Madame Edouard (2004)France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Madame Satã (2002)Brazil, FranceKarim Aïnouz
Madame Tutli-Putli (2007)AnimationCanada
Madame X (1929)
Madam's Fancies AKA Madame a des envies (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Mädchen in Uniform (1958)Germany, France
Mädchenjahre einer Königin AKA The Story of Vickie (1954)Austria
Made (2001)
Made for Each Other (1939)John Cromwell, [Carole Lombard two-film DVD]
Made in America (2013)Documentary
Made in Britain (1982)UKAlan Clarke, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Made in Dagenham (2010)UK
Made in U.S.A (1966)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Made of Honor (2008)
Madeinusa (2006)
Mademoiselle (1966)UK, France
Mademoiselle Chambon (2009)France
Madness of King George, The (1994)UK, US
Mado (1976)France, Italy, Germany
Madwoman of Chaillot, The (1969)
Maelström (2000)CanadaDenis Villeneuve
Magdalene Sisters, The (2002)Ireland, UK
Maggie (2015)US, Switzerland
'Maggie', The AKA High and Dry (1954)UK[Ealing Studios Comedy Collection]
Maggie's Plan (2015)
Magic Bricks (1908)France[The Movies Begin]
Magic Flute, The AKA Trollflöjten (1975)Sweden
Magic in the Moonlight (2014)Woody Allen
Magic Mike (2012)Steven Soderbergh
Magic Mike XXL (2015)
Magic of Belle Isle, The (2012)
Magic of Méliès, The (1997)
Magic Puppy AKA A Halloween Puppy (2012)
Magician, The (1958)
Magician's Alms, The AKA La charité du prestidigitateur (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942)Orson Welles
Magnificent Ambersons, The (2002)
Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon (2005)
Magnificent Obsession (1935)
Magnificent Obsession (1954)
Magnificent Seven Ride!, The (1972)[Magnificent Seven Collection]
Magnificent Seven, The (1960)[Magnificent Seven Collection]
Magnificent Seven, The (2016)
Magnolia (1999)Paul Thomas Anderson
Magnum Force (1973)
Magus (2008)
Maid in Manhattan (2002)
Maid, The (2005)
Maid, The AKA La Nana (2009)Chile, Mexico
Maiden (2018)
Maiden Danced to Death, The AKA A halálba táncoltatott leány (2011)Hungary, Canada, Slovenia
Maiden Heist, The (2009)
Maids, The (1975)[American Film Theatre]
Maidstone (1970)
Maigret and the St. Fiacre Case AKA Maigret et l'affaire Sant-Fiacre (1959)France, ItalyJean Delannoy, [Jean Gabin: Coffret 3]
Maigret Lays a Trap AKA Maigret tend un piège (1958)France, Italy[Jean Gabin: Coffret 3]
Mail Early (1941)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Mail Early for Xmas (1959)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Maîtresse (1976)France
Major Barbara (1941)Gabriel Pascal, Harold French, David Lean, [George Bernard Shaw on Film]
Major Dundee (1965)
Make and Break - Theatre Night (1987)UK[Judi Dench Collection]
Make Way for Tomorrow (1937)
Making a Living (1914)Henry Lehrman, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Making an American Citizen (1912)[The Movies Begin]
Making of Fanny and Alexander, The (1984)Sweden
Making Plans for Lena AKA Non ma fille, tu n'iras pas danser (2009)France
Makioka Sisters, The AKA Sasameyuki (1983)Japan
Malabar Princess (2004)
Malagueña and the Bullfighter, The AKA La malagueña et le torero (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Malaya (1949)
Malcolm X (1992)Spike Lee
Male and Female (1919)Cecil B. DeMille
Maleficent (2014)Disney
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)Disney
Malena (2000)Italy, US
Malice in the Palace Three Stooges (1949)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Maltese Falcon, The (1931)
Maltese Falcon, The (1941)John Huston
Mama (2013)Canada, Spain, Mexico
Maman Last Call (2005)Canada
Mambo Italiano (2003)Canada
Mamma Mia (2018)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Mamma Roma (1962)Italy
Mammy Water (1953)DocumentaryFranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Man Against Crime – 3 Episodes ( )
Man and a Woman, A AKA Un homme et une femme (1966)FranceClaude Lelouch
Man Bites Dog (1992)
Man Called Otto, A (2022)
Man Called Ove, A AKA En man dom heter Ove (2015)Sweden
Man Escaped, A AKA Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)FranceRobert Bresson
Man for All Seasons, A (1966)
Man from Cairo, The (1953)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2, vol. 4]
Man from Elysian Fields, The (2001)
Man from London, The (2007)
Man from Planet X, The (1951)
Man from Snowy River, The (1982)
Man from U.N.C.L.E., The (2015)
Man from Utah, The (1934)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Man Hunt (1941)Fritz Lang
Man in an Orange Shirt (2017)TV Mini Series
Man in the Attic (1953)[MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Man in the Glass Booth, The (1975)[American Film Theatre]
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The (1956)
Man in the Middle AKA The Windston Affair (1964)UK, US
Man in the Raincoat, The AKA L’homme a impermeable (1957)France, Italy
Man in the Shadow (1957)
Man in the White Suit, The (1951)UK[Alec Guinness Collection]
Man in Uniform, A (1993)
Man Made Monster (1941)[Universal: Horror Classic Movie Archive]
Man of a Thousand Faces (1957)
Man of La Mancha (1972)Italy, US
Man of Marble (1977)
Man of Steel (2013)
Man of Tai Chi (2013)US, China, Hong Kong
Man of the West (1958)[Gary Cooper Collection]
Man of the World (1931)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
Man of the Year (2002)
Man of the Year (2006)
Man on a Ledge (2012)
Man on a Tightrope (1953)
Man on Fire (2004)
Man on the Flying Trapeze (1935)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Man on the Train AKA L'homme du train (2002)France, UK, Germany, JapanPatrice Leconte
Man on Wire (2008)
Man to Man (2005)
Man Wanted (1932)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 4]
Man Who Came to Dinner, The (1942)[Bette Davis Collection]
Man Who Cheated Himself, The (1950)
Man Who Copied, The AKA O Homem Que Copiava (2003)BrazilJorge Furtado
Man Who Could Cheat Death, The (1959)
Man Who Fell to Earth, The (1976)
Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)
Man Who Knew Infinity, The (2015)
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense], [Hitchcock Thrillers]
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956)
Man Who Laughs, The (1928)
Man Who Loved Women, The AKA L'homme qui aimait les femmes (1977)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962)John Ford, [John Wayne Collection]
Man Who Slept, The AKA L'homme qui dort (2009)AnimationFrance, Canada
Man Who Studies Murder, The (2003)NFB DocumentaryCanadaBarbara Doran
Man Who Wasn't There, The (2001)Joel Coen
Man Who Watched Trains Go By (1952)
Man Who Would Be King, The (1975)John Huston
Man with a Camera: Two Strings of Pearls (1958)[Chuck Norris Collection]
Man with a Movie Camera (1929)
Man with the Golden Arm, The (1955)
Man with the Golden Gun, The (1974)
Man with the Iron Fists, The (2012)
Man with Two Brains, The (1983)
Man Without a Past, The (2002)
Man, The (2005)
Management (2008)
Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)John Frankenheimer, [John Frankenheimer Collection]
Manchurian Candidate, The (2004)
Manda Bala AKA Send a Bullet (2007)Brazil, US
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)UK, South Africa, France
Manderlay (2005)Lars von Trier
Mandrill (2009)Chile
Mandy (2018)
Mango Yellow (2002)
Manhatta (1921)[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Manhattan (1979)Woody Allen
Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
Manhattan Trade School for Girls (1911)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Manhunt (2019)TV SeriesUK
Manhunter (1986)
Maniac (1963)[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
Manito (2002)
Manon 70 (1968)France, Italy, Germany[Catherine Deneuve Collection]
Manon of the Spring AKA Manon des sources (1952)France
Manpower (1941)
Man's Neck, A AKA La tête d’un homme (1933)FranceJulien Duvivier, [Julien Duvivier in the Thirties]
Mansfield Park (1999)
Mansfield Park (2007)
Manson Family, The (1997)
Manufactured Landscapes (2006)
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)Documentary
Manufacturing Dissent: Uncovering Michael Moore (2007)Documentary
Manxman, The (1929)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Many Faces of Afghanistan: Chroniques afghanes (2007)NFB DocumentaryCanada, AfghanistanDominic Morissette
Many Faces of Afghanistan: Good Morning Kandihar (2008)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAriel Nasr
Many Faces of Afghanistan: Le magicien de Kaboul AKA A Dream for Kabul (2008)NFB DocumentaryCanadaPhilippe Baylaucq
Many Faces of Afghanistan: The Sweetest Embrace: Return to Afghanistan AKA La douce entreinte : Retour en Afghanistan (2008)NFB DocumentaryCanadaNajeeb Mirza
Many Wars Ago AKA Uomini contro (1970)Italy, YugoslaviaFrancesco Rosi
Mao's Last Dancer (2009)Australia
Mapp & Lucia: Series 1-2 (1985-86)TV Series
Maps to the Stars (2014)David Cronenberg
Marathon Man (1976)
Marauders (2016)
March of the Penguins (2005)
March of the Wooden Soldiers AKA Babes in Toyland (1934)[Laurel and Hardy Collection]
Mare of Easttown (2021)TV Mini Series
Margaret (2009)UK[Rise and Fall of Margaret Thatcher]
Margaret (2011)
Margaret Cho: Beautiful (2009)
Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady (2012)UK
Margaret Thatcher: The Long Walk to Finchley (2008)UK[Rise and Fall of Margaret Thatcher]
Margin Call (2011)
Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Marguerite (2015)France, Czech Republic, Belgium
Maria Chapdelaine (1934)Canada
Maria Full of Grace (2004)
Mariachi, El (1992)Mexico
Mariage AKA Marriage (1974)FranceClaude Lelouch
Mariage (2022)BBC TV SeriesUK
Mariages! AKA Marriages! (2004)France
Marian Anderson: The Lincoln Memorial Concert (1939)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (2019)Canada, UK
Marie Antoinette (1938)[Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection]
Marie Antoinette (2006)US, France, JapanSofia Coppola
Marie Antoinette: A Film by David Grubin (2006)US, France
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France AKA Marie-Antoinette reine de France (1956)France, Italy
Marie-Jo and Her 2 Lovers AKA Marie-Jo et ses 2 amours (2002)France
Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School (2006)
Marilyn Monroe: The Final Days (2001)
Marine, The (2006)
Marion Bridge (2003)
Marius (1931)France
Marius (2013)France
Mark of the Vampire (1935)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Marked Woman (1937)[Bette Davis Collection]
Marley (2012)
Marley & Me (2008)
Marley & Me: The Puppy Years (2011)
Marmaduke (2010)
Marnie (1964)
Marock (2005)Morocco, France
Marooned in Iraq AKA Gomgashtei dar Aragh (2002)Iran
Marque des Anges, La - Miserere AKA Mark of the Angels – Miserere (2013)France, Belgium
Marquise of O, The AKA Die Marquise von O… (1976)Germany, FranceEric Rohmer
Marriage (1974)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
Marriage Italian Style (1964)Vittorio De Sica
Marriage of Maria Braun, The AKA Die Ehe der Maria Braun (1979)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Marriage on the Rocks (1965)
Marriage Story (2019)
Married Couple, A (1969)CanadaAllan King, [The Actuality Dramas of Allan King]
Married Life (2007)
Married to the Mob (1988)[Michelle Pfeiffer Collection]
Married Woman, A AKA Une femme mariée (1964)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Marry Me (2022)
Marrying Kind, The (1952)
Mars Needs Moms (2011)Disney Animation
Marseillaise, La (1938)FranceJean Renoir
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
Martha of the North AKA Martha qui vient du froid (2009)NFB DocumentaryCanadaMarquise Lepage
Martian Child (2007)
Martian, The (2015)Ridley Scott
Martin Chuzzlewit (1994)BBC Mini SeriesUK[Charles Dickens Collection]
Martin Eden (2019)Italy
Marty (1955)
Mary and Max (2009)
Mary Jane's Mishap (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Mary Magdalene (2018)UK, Australia, US
Mary of Scotland (1936)
Mary Poppins (1964)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)Disney
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)UK, US
Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)[Our Gang]
Mary Shelley (2017)UK, Luxembourg, US, Ireland, Australia
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Mary Tyler Moore Show Season 2 (1971)TV Series
Mary, Queen of Scots (1971)
Masala (1991)Canada
Masculin Féminin (1966)France, SwedenJean-Luc Godard
M*A*S*H (1970)Robert Altman, [Robert Altman Collection]
M*A*S*H Season 1-11 (1972-83)TV Series
Mask of Dimitrios, The (1944)
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Mask of the Dragon (1951)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2, vol. 4]
Mask of Zorro, The (1998)Martin Campbell
Mask, The (1961)
Masquerader, The (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Masques (1987)France
Massacre, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Masseurs and a Woman, The AKA Anma to onna (1938)JapanHiroshi Shimizu, [Travels with Hiroshi Shimizu]
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
Master, The (2012)Paul Thomas Anderson
Masterminds (2016)
Mata Hari (1931)
Matador (1986)SpainPedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Match Factory Girl, The (1990)
Match Point (2005)Woody Allen
Matchmaker, The (1958)
Matchmaker, The (1997)
Matchstick Men (2003)Ridley Scott
Material Girls (2006)
Matewan (1987)
Matilda (1996)
Matri-Phony (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Matrix Reloaded, The (2003)
Matrix Resurrection, The (2021)
Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Matrix, The (1999)
Matter of Life and Death, A AKA Stairway to Heaven (1946)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Matter of Life and Death, A: History of Medicine AKA Auf Leben und Tod - Sternstunden der Medizin (2004)TV SeriesGermany
Matter of Life and Death, A: Magic moments in the history of Medicine (2006)Documentary
Matter of Resistance, A AKA La vie de Chateau (1966)France
Matter of Size, A (2009)Israel, Germany, France
Matter of Taste, A (2000)
Maudie (2016)Canada, Ireland
Maurice (1987)
Mauritanian, The (2021)
Max (2002)
Max (2015)
Max Manus: Man of War (2008)Norway, Denmark, Germany
Max Payne (2008)
Maxed Out (2006)
MAXX (2005)
Maxx, The (1995)TV Mini Series
May 6th (2004)
Maya (1989)Italy
Maya Deren Experimental Films (2002)
Mayerling (1936)France
Mayor of Hell, The (1933)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 3]
Mayor of the Sunset Strip (2003)
Maze Runner, The (2014)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)Robert Altman
McLaren and Space (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
McLaren on McLaren (1983)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
McFarland (2015)
McKinley Parade No. 1 (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
McKinley Parade No. 2 (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
McKinley Parade No. 3 (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
McLaren At Play (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)
Me and My Sister AKA Les soeurs fâchées (2004)France
Me and Orson Welles (2008)
Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005)
Me Before You (2016)
Me, Myself and Mum AKA Les garçons et Guillaume, à table! (2013)France, Belgium
Mean Creek (2004)
Mean Girls (2004)
Mean Spirit AKA Mauvais esprit (2004)France, Spain
Mean Streets (1973)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Collection]
Meantime (1983)Mike Leigh
Measure of a Man, The AKA La loi du marché (2015)France
Mechanic, The (1972)
Mechanic, The (2011)
Mechanics of Love (1955)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Medallion, The (2003)
Medea (1988)DenmarkLars von Trier
Medicine for Melancholy (2008)
Mediterraneo (1991)Italy
Medium Cool (1969)
Meek's Cutoff (2010)
Meerkats, The (2008)DocumentaryUK
Meet Dave (2008)
Meet Joe Black (1998)
Meet John Doe (1941)Frank Capra
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)[Essential Classics: American Musicals]
Meet the Fockers (2004)
Meet the Robinsons (2007)
Meet the Spartans (2008)
Meeting at Midnight AKA Black Magic - Charlie Chan (1944)
Meetings of Anna, The AKA Les rendez-vous d'Anna (1978)France, Belgium, GermanyChantal Akerman, [Chantal Akerman in the Seventies]
Meetings with a Young Poet (2013)Canada
Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (2009)
Megamind (2010)
Megan Leavey (2017)
Mein Kampf AKA Den blodiga tiden (1960)DocumentarySweden, Germany
Mein Kampf (2009)Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Melancholia (2011)Denmark, Sweden, France, GermanyLars von Trier
Melinda and Melinda (2004)Woody Allen
Mélo AKA Melodrama (1986)FranceAlain Resnais
Melody (1953)Disney Animation
Melvin and Howard (1980)
Member of the Wedding, The (1952)
Memento (2000)Christopher Nolan
Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)Steven Spielberg
Memory for Max, Claire, Ida and Company (2005)DocumentaryCanadaAllan King, [The Actuality Dramas of Allan King]
Men in Black (1934)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black 2 (2002)Barry Sonnenfeld
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Men in Black International (2019)
Men of Honor (2000)
Men Who Made the Movies, The: William A. Wellman (1973)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Men Who Stare at Goats, The (2009)US, UK
Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail, The AKA Tora no o wo fumu otokotachi (1945)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [First Films of Akira Kurosawa]
Men with Brooms (2002)Canada
Men with Guns (2000)
Men, Women & Children (2014)
Men, Women: A User's Manual AKA Hommes, femmes, mode d'emploi (1996)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
Ménilmontant (1921)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Mephisto (1981)
Merbabies (1938)Disney Animation
Merchant of Four Seasons, The AKA Händler der vier Jahresseiten (1972)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Merchant of Venice, The (2004)
Merchants of Doubt (2014)Documentary
Merci pour le Chocolat AKA Nightcap (2000)France, SwitzerlandClaude Chabrol
Méridienne, La (1988)France, Switzerland
Mermaid AKA Rusalka (2007)Russia
Mermaid, The AKA La sirène (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Mermaid, The AKA Mei ren yu (2016)China
Merrily We Go to Hell (1932)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Merry Dwarfs, The (1929)Disney Animation
Merry Friggin' Christmas, A (2014)
Merry Mavericks (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Merry World of Leopold Z, The AKA La vie heureuse de Léopold Z (1965)NFBCanada[Gille Carle Collection]
Meru (2015)US, India
Merveilleuse Angélique: The Road To Versailles (1965)France, Italy, Germany[Angélique Collection]
Mesrine: Killer Instinct AKA L'instinct de mort (2008)France, Canada, Italy
Mesrine: Public Enemy #1 (2008)France, Canada
Message, The (1977)
Mess Call (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Messenger, The (2009)
Messenger, The: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
Messengers, The (2007)
Metal: A Headbanger's Journey (2005)
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (2004)
Metropolis (1927)GermanyFritz Lang, [Fritz Lang Epic Collection]
Metropolis AKA Metoroporisu (2001)AnimationJapan
Metropolitan (1990)
Mexican Hayride (1948)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
MI-5 AKA Spooks (2015)TV Series
Mia and the Migou (2008)AnimationFrance, Italy
Mia Madre (2015)Italy, France, Germany
Miami Vice (2006)
Miaou! AKA Miss Minoes (2001)Netherlands
Michael (1996)
Michael Clayton (2007)
Michael Collins (1996)
Michou d'Auber (2007)France
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse (2001)Disney Animation
Micmacs AKA Micmacs à tire-larigot (2009)France
Microcosmos (1996)
Mid-August Lunch AKA Pranzo di ferragosto (2008)Italy
Middle Men (2009)
Middle of Nowhere (2008)
Middle of the Night (1959)[Kim Novak Collection]
Middle of the World, The (2003)
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Midnight in a Toy Shop (1930)Disney Animation
Midnight in Paris (2011)Woody Allen
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)Clint Eastwood
Midnight Mary (1933)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Midnight Run (1988)
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight's Children (2012)Canada, US, UK, India
Market for Murder: Midsomer Murders (2002)TV EpidsodeUK
Midsomer Murders Season 1-6,11,17-18 (1997-2003,2008,2015-16)TV SeriesUK
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (1999)
Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, A (1982)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Midt om natten AKA In the Middle of the Night (1984)Region 2Denmark
Midway (2019)Roland Emmerich
Midwife to the Upper Class AKA Sage-femme de première classe (1902)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Mifune AKA Mifunes sidste sang AKA Mifune's Last Song (1999)Denmark, Sweden
Mighty Aphrodite (1995)Woody Allen
Mighty Heart, A (2007)
Mighty Wind, A (2003)
Mikey and Nicky (1976)
Milagro Beanfield War, The (1988)
Mildred Pierce (1945)
Mildred Pierce (2011)TV Mini Series
Miles Ahead (2015)
Milk (2008)
Milky Way, The (1936)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
Milky Way, The (1969)Luis Buñuel
Mill and the Cross, The AKA Mlyn i krzyz (2011)Poland, Sweden
Millenium (1989)Canada, US
Millenium 2 AKA Flickan som lekte med elden (2009)Sweden, Germany
Millenium 3 AKA Luftslottet som sprängles (2009)Sweden, Denmark, Germany
Millenium: Le Film (2010)Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway
Millennium Mambo (2001)Taiwan, France
Miller and the Sweep, The (1897)[The Movies Begin]
Miller's Crossing (1990)Ethan and Joel Coen
Miller's Daughter, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Million Dollar Arm (2014)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)Clint Eastwood
Million Dollar Hotel, The (2000)Germany, UK, USWim Wenders
Million Pound Note, The (1954)UK
Million Ways to Die in the West, A (2014)
Millions (2004)UKDanny Boyle
Minari (2020)
Mind Benders, The (1963)UK[Dirk Bogarde Collection]
Mindhunters, The (2004)UK
Mind Reader, The (1933)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 5]
MindGamers (2015)Austria
Minions (2015)Animation
Ministry of Fear (1944)Fritz Lang
Ministry of Vengeance (1989)
Minnie the Moocher (1932)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Minor Mishaps (2002)
Minority Report (2002)Steven Spielberg
Minoru: Memory of Exile (1992)NFB AnimationCanadaMichael Fukushima, [Hiroshima, 60th Anniversary]
Miracle (2004)
Miracle at St. Anna (2008)Spike Lee
Miracle of Bern, The AKA Das Wunder von Bern (2003)Germany
Miracle of Marcelino, The (1955)Spain, Italy
Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima, The (1952)
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Miracle Worker, The (1962)
Miraculum (2014)Canada
Mirage (1965)
Mirage, The (2015)Canada
Miral (2010)France, Israel, Italy, India, US
Mirror (1975)
Mirror Crack'd, The (1980)UK[Agatha Christie Mystery Collection]
Mirror Lake (2013)
Mirror Mirror (2012)
Mirrormask (2005)
Mirrors (2008)
Misbehaviour (2020)UK, France
Misconduct (2016)
Misérables, Les (1934)TV SeriesFranceRaymond Bernard, [Raymond Bernard Collection]
Misérables, Les (1935)
Misérables, Les (1952)
Misérables, Les (1958)
Misérables, Les (1998)
Misérables, Les (2012)UK, US
Misérables, Les (2019)France
Miser's Heart, The - Biograph Shorts (1911)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Misery (1990)
Misfits, The (1961)John Huston
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985)US, Japan
Miss Bala (2011)Mexico
Miss Congeniality (2000)
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005)
Miss Dundee and her Performing Dogs AKA Les chiens savants (1902)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: Series 1-2 (2002-03)
Miss Marple: Vol. 1 ( )
Miss Météo (2005)Canada
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)US, UK, Belgium, CanadaTim Burton
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008)
Miss Pinkerton (1932)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 5]
Miss Potter (2006)
Miss Representation (2011)
Miss Sadie Thompson (1953)[The Films of Rita Hayworth]
Miss Scarlet & The Duke (2020)TV SeriesUK
Missed Fortune, A (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Miss Sloane (2016)
Missing (1982)Costa-Gavras
Missing, The (2003)
Mission, The (1986)
Mission: Impossible (1996)
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
Mission: Impossible 3 (2006)
Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol (2011)
Mission: Impossible 5 - Rogue Nation (2015)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning (2023)
Missionaries, The AKA Tu veux.. ou tu veux pas? (2014)France, Belgium
Missionary, The (1982)
Mississippi Grind (2015)
Missouri Breaks, The (1976)
Mist, The (2007)
Mistaken Identity (1999)DocumentaryUK
Mister 880 (1950)
Mister Lonely (2007)
Mistress America (2015)
Mistress of Spices, The (2005)US, UK, Isle of Man, India
Mo' Better Blues (1990)Spike Lee, [Spike Lee Joint Collection]
Moana (2016)Disney Animation
Mob, The (1951)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 3]
Möbius (2013)France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Moby Dick (1956)John Huston
Model Couple, The AKA Le couple témoin (1977)Switzerland, FranceWilliam Klein, [Delirius Fictions of William Klein, The]
Modern Family Season 1-5 (2009-14)TV Series
Modern Love (2008)
Modern Times (1936)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Moderns, The (1988)
Modesty Blaise (1966)
Modigliani (2004)UK, Germany, Romania, France
Modra (2010)Canada, Slovakia
Moebius AKA Moebiuseu (2013)South Korea
Mogambo (1953)
Mohammed the Prophet AKA Mahomet (2001)DocumentaryFrance
Moi, un noir (1958)FranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Molière (2007)France
Molly Maxwell (2013)
Molly's Game (2017)
Moloch (1999)Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy
Moment of Truth, The AKA La minute de vérité (1952)France, Italy
Moment of Truth, The (1965)
Mommie Dearest (1981)
Mommy (2014)Canada
Mommy Is at the Hairdresser's AKA Mama est chez le coiffeur (2008)Canada
Mon oncle (1958)France, Italy
Mon oncle Antoine (1971)CanadaClaude Jutra
Mon Oncle d'Amérique (1980)FranceAlain Resnais
Mona Lisa (1986)
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
Mondo Cane (1962)Italy
Mondo Cane 2 (1963)Italy
Mondovino (2004)DocumentaryArgentina, France, Italy, US
Monella AKA Frivolous Lola (1998)Italy
Money Monster (2016)Jody Foster
Money Order, The AKA Mandabi (1968)France, Senegal
Money Pit, The (1986)[Tom Hanks Comedy Favourites Collection]
Moneyball (2011)
Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan (2007)BiographyRussia, Germany, Kazakhstan, China
Mongolian Ping Pong AKA Lü cao di (2005)China[Ninghao Film Collection]
Monk, The Le Moine (2011)France, Spain
Monk Season 1-6 (2002-07)TV Series
Monkey Business (1931)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Monkey Business (1952)
Monkey Melodies (1930)Disney Animation
Monkey Warfare (2006)
Monkeyshines, No. 1 (1890)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday AKA Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953)France
Monsieur Batignole (2002)France
Monsieur Gangster AKA Les tontons flingueurs AKA Crooks in Clover (1963)France, Italy, Germany
Monsieur Hire (1989)FrancePatrice Leconte
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran (2003)France
Monsieur Lazhar (2011)Canada
Monsieur Verdoux (1947)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Monsignor Renard (2000)UK
Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Monster (2003)
Monster by Moonlight! The Immortal Saga of 'The Wolf Man' (1999)Documentary[Wolf Man Legacy Collection]
Monster Calls, A (2016)
Monster House (2006)
Monster in Paris, A AKA Un monstre à Paris (2011)AnimationFrance
Monster that Challenged the World, The (1957)
Monster-in-Law (2005)
Monster's Ball (2001)
Monsters University (2013)Pixar Animation
Monsters vs Aliens (2009)
Monsters, Inc. (2001)Pixar Animation
Monte Carlo (1930)Ernst Lubitsch, [Lubitsch Musicals]
Monte Carlo (2011)
Montenegro (1982)Sweden, UK
Month by the Lake, A (1995)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)UKTerry Gilliam
Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Season 1-4 (1969-74)TV SeriesUK
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983)UKTerry Gilliam
Mony a Pickle (1938)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Monuments Men, The (2014)
Mood Indigo AKA L'écume des jours (2013)France, Belgium
Moolaadé (2004)Senegal, Burkina Faso, Morocco
Moon (2009)
Moon and Sixpence, The (1942)
Moon Child, The AKA La permission de minuit (2011)France
Moon Over Harlem (1939)
Moondance Alexander (2007)
Moonfleet (1955)Fritz Lang
Moonlight (2016)
Moonlight Serenade (2009)
Moonraker (1979)
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Moonstruck (1987)Norman Jewison, [Nicholas Cage: The LA Collection]
Moontide (1942)Fritz Lang
Mooz-lum (2011)
Morbius (2022)
More (1969)
More American Graffiti (1979)
More Dead Than Alive (1969)
More Kittens (1936)Disney Animation
More Pep (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Morituri (1965)
Morlang (2001)Netherlands
Morning Alarm, The (1896)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Morning Bath, A (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Morning Departure (1950)
Morning Glory (1933)
Morning Glory (2010)
Morning Light (2008)
Morning, Noon and Night (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Morocco (1930)[Marlene Dietrich: Glamour Collection]
Morris the Midget Moose (1950)Disney Animation
Mort d'un bûcheron, La AKA The Death of a Lumberjack (1973)CanadaGilles Carle, [Gilles Carle Collection]
Mortal Enemies (2018)
Mortal Storm (1940)
Mortdecai (2015)US, UK
Morvern Callar (2002)UK, Canada
Mosaic (1966)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Moscow Clad in Snow (1909)DocumentaryFrance
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1980)
Moscow, Belgium AKA Aanrijding in Moscou (2008)Belgium
Mosquito Coast, the (1986)
Most Beautiful Wife, The (1970)
Most Beautiful, The AKA Ichiban utsukushiku (1944)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [First Films of Akira Kurosawa]
Most Dangerous Game, The (1932)
Most Dangerous Man in America, The: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (2009)
Most Violent Year, A (2014)
Most Wanted Man, A (2014)UK, US, Germany
Most Wanted Man, The (1953)
Mostly Martha (2001)
Moth and the Flame (1938)Disney Animation
Mother (1926)
Mother AKA Madeo (2009)South Korea
Mother! (2017)
Mother, The (2003)UK
Mother and Child (2009)
Mother India (1957)India
Mother Love AKA Le chaleur du sein (1938)France
Mother Teresa of Calcutta (2003)Spain, UK, Italy
Mothering Heart, The - Biograph Shorts (1913)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Mother's Day (2016)
Mothra vs. Godzilla AKA Godzilla vs. the Thing AKA Mosura Tai Gojira (1964)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Motorcycle Diaries, The AKA Diarios de motocicleta (2004)Argentina, US, Chile, Peru
Motorist, The (1906)[The Movies Begin]
Mouchette (1967)FranceRobert Bresson
Moulin Rouge! (2001)Australia, USBaz Luhrmann
Mountain between Us (2017)
Mounted Police Charge (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Mourir à tue-tête AKA A Scream from Silence (1979)NFBCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1979-1989]
Mourning for Anna AKA Trois temps après la mort d'Anna (2010)Canada
Mouse on the Moon, The (1963)UK
Moustache, The (2005)
Move On (1903)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Movie 43 (2013)
Movie Collection ( )
Movie Crazy (1932)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Movie Maniacs (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Moving McAllister (2007)
Mozart and the Whale (2005)
Mozart's Sister AKA Nannerl, la soeur de Mozart (2010)France
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge (1990)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
Mr. Arkadin AKA Confidential Report (1955)Orson Welles
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean, Vol. 2-3 (1992-93)
Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948)[Cary Grant The Signature Collection]
Mr. Brooks (2007)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)Frank Capra, [Frank Capra Collection]
Mr. Edison at Work in his Chemical Laboratory (1897)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Mr. Freedom (1969)FranceWilliam Klein, [Delirius Fictions of William Klein, The]
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962)
Mr. Holmes (2015)
Mr. Johnson (2020)
Mr. Klein (1976)France, Italy
Mr. Know-all (1950)[Trio: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)
Mr. Moto in Danger Island (1939)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mr. Moto's Gamble (1938)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1939)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mr. Nice (2010)
Mr. Nobody (2009)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)Animation
Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)
Mr. Robot Season 1-2 (2015-19)TV Series
Mr. Selfridge (2013-16)TV SeriesUK
Mr. Skeffington (1944)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)Frank Capra, [Frank Capra Collection]
Mr. Soft Touch (1949)[Glenn Ford Undercover Crimes]
Mr. Thank You AKA Arigatô-san (1936)JapanHiroshi Shimizu, [Travels with Hiroshi Shimizu]
Mr. Troop Mom (2009)
Mr. Turner (2014)UK, France, Germany, USMike Leigh
Mr. Wise Guy: The East Side Kids (1942)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Mrs. Bradley Mysteries (1998-2000)BBC TV SeriesUK
Mrs. Brown (1997)
Mrs. Dalloway (1997)
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Mrs. Harris (2005)UK, US
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022)
Mrs. Henderson Presents (2005)UK, US
Mrs Lowry & Son (2019)UK
Mrs. Miniver (1942)
Mrs. Palfrey at The Claremont (2005)
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994)
Mrs. Wilson (2018)TV Mini SeriesUK, US
Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Much Ado About Nothing (2012)
Mud (2012)
Mud and Sand Laurel & Hardy (1922)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Muffins for Granny (2006)Canada
Mulan (1998)Disney Animation
Mulan II (2004)Disney Animation
Mule, The (2018)Clint Eastwood
Mulholland Drive (1999)David Lynch
Mulholland Falls (1996)
Multiple Maniacs (1970)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Mummy Returns, The (2001)
Mummy, The (1932)[Mummy: The Legacy Collection]
Mummy, The (1999)
Mummy, The: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)
Mummy’s Curse, The (1944)[Mummy: The Legacy Collection]
Mummy’s Ghost, The (1944)[Mummy: The Legacy Collection]
Mummy’s Hand, The (1940)[Mummy: The Legacy Collection]
Mummy’s Tomb, The (1942)[Mummy: The Legacy Collection]
Munich (2005)Steven Spielberg
Munich 1972: The Secret behind the Olympic Attacks AKA Gesucht wird... das Geheimnis um das Olympia-Attentat 1972 (1996)DocumentaryGermany
Munster, Go Home! (1966)
Munsters' Revenge, The (1981)
Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
Muppets Christmas, A: Letters to Santa (2008)
Muppets Most Wanted (2014)Disney
Muppets' Wizard of Oz, The (2005)
Muppets, The (2011)Disney
Murder Ahoy (1964)UK[Miss Marple Movie Collection]
Murder at 1600 (1997)
Murder at the Baskervilles AKA The Silver Blaze (1937)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Murder at the Gallop (1963)UK[Miss Marple Movie Collection]
Murder at the Vanities (1934)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Murder by Contract (1958)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 1]
Murder by Death (1976)
Murder by Decree (1979)
Murder by Numbers (2002)
Murder in the First (1995)
Murder Is My Beat (1955)
Murder Most Foul (1964)UK[Miss Marple Movie Collection]
Murder of Quality, A (1991)
Murder on a Bridle Path (1936)[Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Murder on a Honeymoon (1935)[Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Murder on the Blackboard (1934)[Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Murder on the Home Front (2013)UK
Murder on the Orient Express (1974)Sidney Lumet
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)Malta, US, UK
Murder over New York (1940)[Charlie Chan Collection Vol. 5]
Murder She Said (1961)UK[Miss Marple Movie Collection]
Murder Unveiled (2005)Canada
Murder! (1930)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Murder, Inc. (1960)
Murder, My Sweet (1944)
Murderball (2005)
Murderers Are Among Us, The AKA Die Mörder sind unter uns (1946)Germany
Murderland (2009)TV Mini SeriesUK
Murderous Maids (2000)
Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)[Bela Lugosi Collection]
Murders in the Zoo (1933)[Universal: Cult Horror Collection]/td>
Muriel's Wedding (1994)
Murmur of the Heart AKA Le souffle au coeur (1971)France, Italy, GermanyLouis Malle, [Louis Malle, 3 Films]
Murphy's War (1971)
Muscle Shoals (2013)
Museum Hours (2012)
Music and Lyrics (2007)
Music Box (1989)Costa-Gavras
Music Man, The (1962)[Essential Classics: American Musicals]
Music Room, The (1958)
Music Teacher, The AKA Le maître de musique (2001)
Musical Mountaineers (1939)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Musical Tramp AKA His Musical Career (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Must Love Dogs (2005)
Mustang (2015)
Mustard Bath (1993)Canada
Musty Musketeeers (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Musulmans d’ Europe, Chrétiens d’Orient (2006)DocumentaryFinland, France
Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
My Afternoons with Margueritte AKA La tête en friche (2010)France
My Architect: A Son'ts Journey (2003)
My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
My Best Fiend AKA Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski AKA Ennemis intimes (1999)Germany, UK, USWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
My Best Friend AKA Mon meilleur ami (2006)FrancePatrice Leconte
My Best Friend's Girl (2008)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016)
My Bloody Valentine (2009)
My Blueberry Nights (2007)
My Boss's Daughter (2003)
My Boy Jack (2007)UK
My Brilliant Career (1979)
My Brilliant Friend (2018)TV SeriesItaly, US
My Brother Is an Only Child (2007)
My Cousin Rachel (2017)UK, US
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
My Crasy Life (1992)DocumentaryUK, USJean-Pierre Gorin
My Darling Clementine (1946)John Ford
My Daughter, My Angel (2007)
My Dinner with André (1981)Louis Malle
My Dinner with Hervé (2018)
My Fair Lady (1964)
My Father My Lord (2007)
My Father the Hero AKA Mon père, ce héros. (1991)France
My Father's Glory (1990)
My Favorite Brunette (1947)[Bob Hope Comedy Pack], [Bob Hope Collector's Classics]
My Favorite Spy (1951)
My Favorite Wife (1940)[Cary Grant The Signature Collection]
My Friend Bernard (2009)Animation
My Friend the Monkey (1939)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
My House in Umbria (2003)UK, Italy, US
My Internship in Canada AKA Guibord s'en va-t-en guerre (2015)Canada
My Kid Could Paint That (2007)
My Left Foot (1989)
My Life (1993)
My Life as a Dog (1985)
My Life in Pink AKA Ma vie en rose (1997)Belgium, France, UK
My Life in Ruins (2009)US, Spain
My Life So Far (1999)
My Life Without Me (2003)
My Little Chickadee (1940)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
My Little Devil AKA Mon petit diable (2000)India, Canada
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)Animation
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)Animation
My Man Godfrey (1936)
My Métier AKA Min metier (1936)DocumentaryDenmarkCarl Theodor Dreyer, [Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection]
My Mother's Castle (1990)
My Mother's Smile (2002)
My Name Is Juani AKA Yo soy la Juani (2006)Spain
My Name Is Julia Ross (1945)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 3]
My Name Is Khan (2010)India, US, UAE, Hong Kong
My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure (2004)
My Name Is Nobody (1973)
My Neighbor Totoro AKA Tonari no Totoro (1988)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
My Neighbors the Yamadas AKA Hôhokekyo tonari no Yamada-kun (1999)Japan
My New Partner AKA Les ripoux (1984)France
My New Partner II AKA Ripoux contre ripoux (1990)France
My Night at Maud’s (1969)Eric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
My Old Lady (2014)UK, France, US
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
My Piece of the Pie AKA Ma part du gâteau (2011)France
My Reputation (1946)
My Sassy Girl (2008)
My Sister Eileen (1942)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (2009)US, GermanyWerner Herzog
My Stars AKA Mes stars et moi (2008)France
My Summer in Provence AKA Avis de mistral (2014)France
My Summer of Love (2004)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)
My Week with Marilyn (2011)
My Wife Is an Actress (2001)
My Wife Maurice AKA Ma femme… s'appelle Maurice (2002)France, Germany
My Wife’s Relations (1922)[Buster Keaton Collection]
My Wife's Romance AKA Le roman de ma femme (2011)France
My Winnipeg (2007)CanadaGuy Maddin
My Worst Nightmare (2011)France, Belgium
Mystères du Château du Dé, Les (1929)DocumentaryFrance[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Mysteries of Lisbon AKA Mistérios de Lisboa (2010)Portugal, France
Mystérieuse Mademoiselle C., La (2002)Canada
Mysterious Creatures (2006)UK
Mysterious Lady, The (1928)[TCM Archives: Garbo Silents Collection]
Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Mysterious Retort, The AKA Alchimiste Parafaragaramus ou la cornue infernale (1906)France[The Movies Begin]
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Mystery in Mexico (1948)
Mystery of Picasso, The AKA Le mystère Picasso (1956)FranceHenri-Georges Clouzot
Mystery of the 13th Guest, The (1943)
Mystery of the Rocks of Kador, The AKA Le mystère des roches de Kador (1912)FranceLéonce Perret, [Gaumont Treasures: Léonce Perret]
Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933)
Mystery of the Yellow Room, The (2003)
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie (1996)
Mystery Street (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Mystery Train (1989)Jim Jarmusch
Mystic Iran: The Unseen World (2002)DocumentaryIran
Mystic Masseur, The (2001)UK, India, Trinidad and Tobago, US
Mystic River (2003)Clint Eastwood
Nacho Libre (2006)
Nada Gang, The AKA Nada (1974)France, Italy
Nada+ (2001)Cuba, Spain, France, Italy
Nadie Conoce A Nadie AKA Nobody Knows Nobody (1999)Spain
Naked (1993)Mike Leigh
Naked Among Wolves (1963)
Naked City, The (1948)
Naked Civil Servant, The (1975)
Naked Gun, The: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Naked Gun 2½, The: The Smell of Fear (1991)
Naked Gun 33 1/3, The: The Final Insult (1994)
Naked Lunch (1991)Canada, UK, JapanDavid Cronenberg, [David Cronenberg DVD Collection]
Naked Truth, The (1957)
Name of the Rose, The (1986)Germany, Italy, France
Namesake, The (2006)
Nana (1926)FranceJean Renoir
Nancy Drew (2007)
Nancy Drew - Detective (1938)[The Original Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection]
Nancy Drew – Reporter (1939)[The Original Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection]
Nancy Drew – Trouble Shooter (1939)[The Original Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection]
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (1939)[The Original Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection]
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019)
Nancy Goes to Rio (1950)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Nanking (2007)
Nanny Diaries, The (2007)
Nanny McPhee (2005)US, UK, France
Nanny McPhee Returns (2010)UK, France, US
Nanny, The (1965)UK, US
Nanook of the North (1922)UK, France
Napoleon (2000)PBS Mini Series
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Napoleonic Wars, The - Campaigns of Napoleon (2001)TV EpisodeUK
Napoleon’s Road to Moscow: 1812 - Campaigns of Napoleon (2001)TV EpisodeUK
Naqoyqatsi (2002)
Narc (2002)
Narcissus (1983)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Narcopolis (2015)
Narrow Margin (1990)
Narrow Margin, The (1952)
Narrows, The (2008)
Nashville (1975)Robert Altman
Nasser Asphalt AKA Wet Asphalt (1958)Germany
Nathalie (1957)France, Italy
Nathalie… (2003)France, Spain
National Geographic: Alexander the Great – The Man Behind the Legend (2004)Documentary
National Geographic: Inside North Korea (2006)Documentary
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
National Lampoon's European Vacation (1985)
National Treasure (2004)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
National Velvet (1944)
Nativity Story, The (2006)
Natural Born Killers (1994)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Natural, The (1984)
Nature of Things with David Suzuki: Vol. 1 – Visions of the Future, 5 episodes (2009)DocumentaryCanada
Naughty Girl AKA Cette sacrée gamine (1956)France[Brigitte Bardot Collection]
Naughty Nineties, The (1945)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind AKA Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984)JapanHayao Miyazaki
Navigator, The (1924)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Navigators, The (2001)UK, Germany, SpainKen Loach
Navy vs. the Night Monsters, The (1966)
Nazi Officer's Wife, The (2003)Documentary
NBC Valentine Greeting (1940)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Near Death (1989)
Nebraska (2013)Alexander Payne
Necessities of Life, The AKA Ce qu'il faut pour vivre (2008)Canada
Need for Speed (2014)
Nèg', Le (2002)Canada
Negro Leagues Baseball (1946)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Neighbors (1920)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Neighbors (2014)
Neighbours (1952)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006)
Neil Young Journeys (2011)
Nelly (2016)Canada
Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud (1995)France, Italy, Germany
Neon Bull AKA Boi Neon (2015)Brazil
Neon Demon, The (2016)
Neptune Factor, The (1973)
Nero (1992)
Nero, or the Fall of Rome AKA Nerone (1909)Italy[The Movies Begin]
Nertsery Rhymes (1933)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Neruda (2016)Chile, Argentina, France, Spain, US
Nerve (2016)
Network (1976)Sidney Lumet
Never Back Down (2008)
Never Been Kissed (1999)
Never Cry Wolf (1983)
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Never Let Go (1960)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
Never on Sunday (1960)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Never Say… Never! (2005)
Never So Few (1959)
Never Take Candy from a Stranger AKA Never Take Sweets from a Stranger (1960)[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
Never Weaken (1921)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Neverending Story II, The: The Next Chapter (1990)Germany
NeverEnding Story, The (1984)Germany, US
Neverland (2011)TV Mini Series
Nevermind Year, The (2004)Canada
New Girlfriend, The AKA Une nouvelle amie (2014)FranceFrançois Ozon
New in Town (2009)
New Janitor, The (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
New Kind of Love, A (1963)
New Police Story (2004)Hong Kong
New Protocol, The (2008)
New Waterford Girl (1999)
New World AKA Sinsegye (2013)South Korea
New World, The (2005)Terrence Malik
New Year's Eve (2011)
New York City "Ghetto" Fish Market (1903)Documentary[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
New York City Serenade (2007)
New York Confidential (1955)
New York Hat, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
New York Lightboard Record (1961)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
New York Minute (2004)
New York of Today (1910)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
New York Stories (1989)Francis Ford Coppola
New York Subway (1905)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
New York, I Love You (2008)
New York, New York (1977)Martin Scorsese
Newark Athlete (with Indian Clubs) (1891)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
News for the Navy (1937)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
News from Home (1977)DocumentaryFrance, Belgium, GermanyChantal Akerman, [Chantal Akerman in the Seventies]
News of the World (2020)
News Parade of 1934, The (1934)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Newsroom, The Season 1-3 (1997)TV SeriesCanada
Next (2007)
Next Karate Kid, The (1994)
Next of Kin (1984)CanadaAtom Egoyan
Next Stop Wonderland (1998)
Next Three Days, The (2010)
Niagara (1953)
Niagara Falls (1897)[The Movies Begin]
Niagara Motel (2005)
Nic and Tristan Go Mega Dega (2010)
Nice Guys, The (2016)
Nicholas and Alexandra (1971)UK
Nicholas Nickleby (2002)UK, US
Nicholas on Holiday AKA Les vacances du petit Nicolas (2014)France
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008)
Nickel and Dime AKA À la petite semaine (2003)France
Night #1 AKA Nuit #1 (2011)Canada
Night after Night (1932)[Mae West Glamour Collection]
Night and Day (1946)[Cary Grant The Signature Collection]
Night and Day AKA Nuit et jour (1991)Belgium, France, Switzerland
Night and Fog (1955)
Night and the City (1950)
Night at the Museum (2006)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)
Night at the Opera, A (1935)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Night at the Roxbury, A (1998)
Night Clerk, The AKA Avant L’aube (2011)France, Luxembourg
Night Creatures (1962)[Hammer Horror Series]
Night Editor (1946)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Night Hunter (2019)
Night in Casablanca, A (1946)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Night in Hollywood, A (1953)Documentary[Best of Burlesque]
Night in the Show, A (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Night James Brown Saved Boston, The (2008)[James Brown in the '60s]
Night Key (1937)[Boris Karloff Collection]
Night Manager, The (2016)TV Mini Series
Night Monster (1942)[Universal: Horror Classic Movie Archive]
Night Moves (1975)
Night Must Fall (1937)
Night Nurse (1931)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 2]
Night of the Blood Beast (1996)TV Episode[Mystery Science Theater 3000 XVI]
Night of the Following Day, The (1968)
Night of the Generals, The (1967)
Night of the Hunter, The (1955)
Night of the Iguana, The (1964)John Huston
Night of the Living Dead (1968)[Trio of Terror]
Night of the Shooting Stars, The (1982)
Night on Earth (1991)Jim Jarmusch
Night Out, A (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Night Passage (1967)
Night Porter, The (1974)
Night to Remember, A (1942)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Night to Remember, A (1958)
Night Train to Lisbon (2013)Switzerland, Germany, Portugal
Night Train to Munich (1940)UK
Night Watch (2004)
Nightcrawler (2014)
Nightfall (1956)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 2]
Nightmare (1964)[Hammer Horror Series]
Nightmare Alley (1947)[Fox Film Noir]
Nightmare Alley (2021)US, Mexico, CanadaGuillermo del Toro
Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993)
Nightmare Castle (1965)
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (1984)
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (2010)
Nightmare on Elm Street 2, A: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
Nightmare on Elm Street 3, A: Dream Warriors (1987)
Nights in Rodanthe (2008)US, Australia
Nights of Cabiria AKA Le notti de Cabiria (1957)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Nightwatching (2007)UK, Poland, Canada, NetherlandsPeter Greenaway
Nighty night (1986)
Nil by Mouth (1997)UK, France
Nim's Island (2008)
Nina's Tragedies AKA Ha-Asonot Shel Nina (2003)Israel
Nine (2009)
Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986)
Nine Lives (2005)
Nine Lives (2016)
Nine Queens (2000)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)
Ninja Assassin (2009)Germany, US, France
Ninotchka (1939)Ernst Lubitsch
Ninth Day, The (2004)
Nip, Tuck Season 1-4 (2003-06)TV Series
Nirvana (1997)
Nitro (2006)
Nixon (1995)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
No (2012)Chile
No Bears AKA Khers nist (2022)Iran
No Blade of Grass (1970)
No Blood Relation AKA Nasanunaka (1932)JapanMikio Naruse, [Silent Naruse]
No Census, No Feeling (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
No Country for Old Men (2007)Ethan and Joel Coen
No Direction Home: Bob Dylan - A Martin Scorsese Picture (2005)
No End AKA Bez konca (1985)PolandKrzysztof Kieslowski
No End in Sight (2007)
No Impact Man (2009)Documentary
No Man of Her Own (1950)
No Man’s Woman (1955)
No More Excuses (1968)Robert Downey Sr., [Up All Night With Robert Downey Sr.]
No More Hibakusha! (1983)NFB DocumentaryCanadaMartin Duckworth, [Hiroshima, 60th Anniversary]
No! No! A Thousand Times No! (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
No Offence (2015-18)TV SeriesUK
No One Knows About Persian Cats AKA Kasi az gorgehaya irani khabar nadareh (2009)Iran
No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1948)
No Regrets for Our Youth AKA Waga seischun ni kuinashi (1946)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [Postwar Kurosawa]
No Reservations (2007)
No Strings Attached (2011)
No Surrender (2019)Egypt
No Time to Die (2021)UK, US, Italy, Canada
No Way Out (1950)[Fox Film Noir]
No Way Out (1987)
No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, The Season 1 (2008-09)TV Series
Noah (2014)
Noah's Ark (1959)Animation
Noam Chomsky: Distorted Morality (2003)Documentary
Noam Chomsky: Imperial Grand Strategy (2006)Documentary
Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause (2003)Documentary
Nobody (2021)US, Japan
Nobody Knows AKA Dare mo shiranai (2004)Japan
Nobody Listened AKA Nadie escuchaba (1987)US, Cuba
Nobody Lives Forever (1946)
Nobody Waved Goodbye (1964)
Nobody's Children AKA I figli di nessuno (1951)Italy, FranceRaffaello Matarazzo, [Raffaello Matarazzo's Runaway Melodramas]
Nocturnal Animals (2016)
Nocturne (1946)
Nocturne Indien (1989)France
Noémie: Le secret (2009)Canada
No-Hit, No-Run Summer, A AKA Un été sans point ni coup sûr (2008)Canada
Nomadland (2020)Chloé Zhao
None but the Brave (1965)
None But the Brave (1973)
Non-Stop (2014)
Nora's Will AKA Cinco días sin Nora (2008)Mexico
Norbit (2007)
Norm of the North (2015)Animation
Normal Heart, The (2014)
Norman McLaren's Opening Speech (1960)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Noroît (1976)FranceJacques Rivette
Norte, El (1983)Mexico, US, UK
North & South (2004)TV Mini Series
North and South, Book I (1985)TV Mini Series
North and South, Book II (1986)TV Mini Series
North and South. The Complete Collection ( )
North by Northwest (1959)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
North Country (2005)
North Face (2008)
Northanger Abbey (2007)UK, US, Ireland
Northern Exposure Season 1-2 ( )
Northern Pursuit (1943)
Northfork (2003)
Norwegian Ninja AKA Kommandør Treholt & ninjatroppen (2010)Norway
Norwegian Wood AKA Noruwei no mori (2010)Japan
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)GermanyF.W. Murnau, [Trio of Terror], [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Nosferatu the Vampyre AKA Nosfratu: Phantom der Nacht (1979)Germany, FranceWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
Nostalgia AKA Nostalghia (1983)Italy, Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovski
Nostra vita, La (2010)Italy, France
Not Another Not Another Movie (2011)
Not for, or Against (Quite the Contrary) AKA Ni pour, ni contre (bien au contraire) (2004)France
Not Here to Be Loved AKA Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé (2005)France
Not Now (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Not of this World (1999)
Not on the Lips AKA Pas sur la bouche (2003)Switzerland, FranceAlain Resnais
Not One Less (1999)
Not the Messiah: He’s a Very Naughty Boy (2010)UK
Not the Messiah: He's a Very Naughty Boy (2010)UK
Notebook on Cities and Clothes AKA Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten (1989)DocumentaryGermany, FranceWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Notebook, The (2004)
Notebook, The AKA A nagy füzet (2013)Hungary, Germany, Austria, France
Notes on a Scandal (2006)
Nothing But a Man (1964)
Nothing But The Truth (1941)
Nothing But The Truth (2008)
Nothing Like the Holidays (2008)
Nothing Sacred (1937)[Carole Lombard two-film DVD]
Nothing to Declare AKA Rien à déclarer (2010)France, Belgium
Notorious (1946)Alfred Hitchcock
Notorious Bettie Page, The (2005)
Notte, La (1961)Italy, FranceMichelangelo Antonioni
Notti Bianche, Le (1957)Italy, France
Notting Hill (1999)
November (2006)
November Man, The (2014)US, UK
Novena AKA La neuvaine (2005)Canada
Novices, The (1970)
Novo (2002)France, Spain, Switzerland
Now or Never (1921)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Now You See Him: The Invisible Man Revealed (2000)Documentary[Invisible Man Legacy Collection]
Now You See Me (2013)
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Now You're Talking (1927)Animation[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Now, Voyager (1942)
Nowhere Boy (2009)UK, Canada
Nowhere in Africa AKA Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)Germany
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961 (2005)France
Nukes in Space (1999)Documentary[The Atomic Bomb Collection]
Number 23, The (2007)
Number Please? (1920)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Number Seventeen (1932)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Nun's Story, The (1959)
Nuremberg (2000)TV Mini Series
Nuremberg: Tyranny on Trial (1995)Documentary
Nuremburg Trials, The AKA Sud narodov (1946)DocumentarySoviet Union[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 4]
Nurse Jackie: Pilot; Season 2 (2009-10)TV SeriesPaul Feig
Nutcracker and the Four Realms, The (2018)Disney
Nutcracker, The: The Untold Story (2010)UK, Hungary
Nuts in May (1976)UKMike Leigh, [Mike Leigh Collection]
Nutty But Nice (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Nutty Professor, The (1963)
Nyhavn's glade gutter (1967)Region 2Denmark
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)Denmark, Germany, Belgium, UKLars von Trier
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013)Denmark, Germany, Belgium, UKLars von Trier
NYPD Blue Season 2 (1993-2005)TV Series
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)Ethan and Joel Coen
O Lucky Man! (1973)
Oasis (2002)
Obedient Flame, The (1939)UKNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Objective, Burma! (1945)
Oblivion (2013)
Oblomov AKA Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.I. Oblomova (1980)Soviet Union
Oblong Box, The (1969)[Midnite Movies]
Observe and Report (2009)
Obsessed (2009)
Obsession, The (1912)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Obstacle Course, An AKA Une course d'obstacle (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Ocean Oasis (2000)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Ocean Origins (2001)IMAX[Wonders of the World Ultimate Collection]
Ocean Studies AKA Effets de mer (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Ocean's Eight (2018)
Ocean's Eleven (1960)
Ocean's Eleven (2001)Steven Soderbergh
Ocean's Twelve (2004)Steven Soderbergh
Ocean's Thirteen (2007)Steven Soderbergh
October (Ten Days that Shook the World) AKA Oktyabr (1928)Soviet Union
October 1970 (2006)TV Mini SeriesCanada
October Man, The (1947)UK[British Noir]
Octobre (1994)Canada
Octopussy (1983)
Odd Couple, The (1968)
Odd Life of Timothy Green, The (2012)
Odd Man Out (1947)
Odds, The (2011)
Odette (1950)UK
Odette Toulemonde (2006)France, Belgium
Odilon Redon or The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity (1995)Canada, UK
Oedipus Rex AKA Edipo Re (1967)Italy, Morocco, Italy, MoroccooPier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Of Gods and Men AKA Des hommes et des dieux (2010)France
Of Human Bondage (1934)[AMC Movies: Hollywood Divas]
Of Mice and Men (1939)
Of Mice and Men (1992)
Of Whales, the Moon, and Men AKA Pour la suite du monde (1963)Michel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Off the Map (2003)
Offers Herself as Bride for $10,000 (1931)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Office Christmas Party (2016)
Office Space (1999)
Office, The Season 1-5 (2001-03)TV Series
Office, The: Special (2003)
Officer and a Gentleman, An (1982)
Officers’ Ward, The AKA La chambre des officiers (2001)France
Official Selections, The (2013)
Official Story, The (1985)
OffOn (1968)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Offside (2007)
Offstage, Onstage: Inside the Stratford Festival (2002)DocumentaryCanada
Oh Happy Day (2004)Region 2Denmark
Oh! What a Lovely War (1969)UK
Oh, God! (1977)
Oh, Woe Is Me AKA Hélas pour moi (1993)FranceJean-Luc Godard, [Jean-Luc Godard Collection]
O'Horten (2007)Norway, Germany, France, Denmark
Okay (2002)Region 2Denmark
Old Acquaintance (1943)[Bette Davis Collection]
Old Dark House, The (1932)
Old Dogs (2009)
Old Fashioned Way, The (1934)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Old Gun, The (1975)
Old King Cole (1933)Disney Animation
Old Maid, The (1939)[Bette Davis Collection]
Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken (1901)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Old Man of the Mountain, The (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Old School (2003)
Old Yeller (1957)
Oldboy AKA Oldeuboi (2003)South Korea
Oldboy (2013)Spike Lee
Olive Kitteridge (2014)TV Mini Series
Oliver & Company (1988)
Oliver Stone's America (2001)DocumentaryOliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Oliver Twist (1948)David Lean
Oliver Twist (2005)Roman Polanski
Oliver Twist (2007-08)BBC Mini SeriesUK[Charles Dickens Collection]
Oliver! (1968)
Oliver's Story (1978)
Olympia Part One: Festival of the Nations (1938)
Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty (1938)
Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
Omagh (2004)Ireland, UK
Omar (2013)Palestine
Omar Killed Me AKA Omar m'a tuer (2011)France, Morocco
Ombline (2012)France, Belgium
Omega Man, The (1971)
Omen, The (1976)
Omen, The (2006)
Omertà (2012)Canada
On a Clear Day (2005)
On Dangerous Ground (1951)
On Golden Pond (1981)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
On My Way AKA Elle s'en va (2013)France
On the Barricade AKA L'enfant de la barricade (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
On the Corner (2003)
On the Farm (1951)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
On the Nose (2001)
On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate AKA Saenghwalui balgyeon (2002)South Korea
On the Riviera (1951)
On the Road (2012)
On the Rocks (2020)Sofia Coppola
On the Town (1949)
On the Verge of a Fever AKA Le goût des jeunes filles (2004)Canada
On the Waterfront (1954)
On to Washington (1913)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
On Track for the Eighties (1980)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
On War AKA De la guerre (2008)France
Onésime, Clock-maker AKA Onésime horloger (1912)France[The Movies Begin]
Once (2007)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)Sergio Leone
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia AKA Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da (2011)Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019)Quentin Tarantino
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Once Upon a Time in the Midlands (2002)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)Sergio Leone
Once Upon a Time in Venice (2017)
Once Were Warriors (1994)New Zealand
Ondine (2009)Ireland, US
One A.M. (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
One Day (2011)
One Day in September (1999)
One Day My Dad Will Come AKA Un Jour Mon Pere Viendra (2012)France
One Day You'll Understand AKA Plus tard tu comprendras (2008)France, Germany, Israel
One Dead Indian (2006)
One Deadly Summer (1983)
One Eyed Jacks (1961)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One for the Money (2012)
One for the Road (2009)
One from the Heart (1981)Francis Ford Coppola
One Girl’s Confession (1953)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
One Hour Photo (2002)
One Hour with You (1932)Ernst Lubitsch, [Lubitsch Musicals]
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)Disney Animation
One Hundred and One Nights AKA Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma (1995)UK, FranceAgnès Varda
One I Love, The (2014)
One is Business, the Other Crime - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
One Lane Bridge Season 1 & 2 (2020-22)TV SeriesNew Zealand
One Life (2011)Documentary
One Man and his Cow AKA La vache (2015)France
One Man Band, The AKA L’homme orchestre (1970)France, Italy
One Missed Call (2008)
One Night in the Tropics (1940)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
One That Got Away, The (1957)
One Touch of Nature (1914)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
One Touch of Nature (1917)[Reel Baseball - 1899-1926]
One Touch of Venus (1948)
One Week (1920)[Buster Keaton Collection]
One Week (2008)
One Wonderful Sunday AKA Subarashiki nichiyôbi (1947)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [Postwar Kurosawa]
One, Two, Three (1961)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
One-Eyed Jacks (1961)
One-Room Schoolhouses (1935)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003)Thailand
Ong-Bak 3: The Final Battle (2010)Thailand
Onion Field, The (1979)
Only Angels Have Wings (1939)[Cary Grant Box Set]
Only Girls AKA Filles uniques (2003)France
Only God Forgives (2013)
Only Human (2004)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)Jim Jarmusch
Only the Brave (2017)
Only Then (2017)
Only Yesterday (1991)
Open Hearts (2002)
Open Range (2003)
Open Season (2006)Animation
Open Season 2 (2008)Animation
Open Season 3 (2010)Animation
Open Water (2003)
Open Your Eyes (1997)
Opening Night (1977)John Cassavetes, [John Cassavetes Collection]
Opera (1987)
Operation Amsterdam (1959)
Operation Delta Force 5: Random Fire (2000)
Operation Dunkirk (2017)
Operation Pacific (1951)
Operation Valkyrie AKA Stauffenberg (2004)Germany
Oplevelser fra Nordjylland (2005)Region 2Denmark
Oppenheimer (2023)US, UKChristopher Nolan
Opus 1 (1964)NFBCanada
Or (My Treasure) (2004)
Orange is the New Black Season 1-2 AKA (2013-19)TV Series
Oranges (2012)
Oranges and Lemons Laurel & Hardy (1923)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Orchestra Rehearsal (1978)
Orchestra Wives (1942)
Orders AKA Les ordres (1974)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Ordet AKA The Word (1955)DenmarkCarl Theodor Dreyer, [Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection]
Ordinary World (2016)
Ordo (2004)France, Portugal, Canada
Orfeu (1999)Brazil
Original Movie, The (1922)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Origins of Life AKA Origine océan - 4 milliards d'années sous les mers (2001)DocumentaryFrance
Orlando (1992)
Ornamental Hairpin AKA Kanzashi (1941)JapanHiroshi Shimizu, [Travels with Hiroshi Shimizu]
Ørnen AKA The Eagle (1925)Region 2Denmark
Orphan (2009)
Orphanage, The (2007)
Orphans of the Storm (1921)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Orpheus AKA Orphée (1950)FranceJean Cocteau, [Jean Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy]
Osaka Elegy AKA Naniwa erejî (1936)JapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi's Fallen Women]
Osaka Tough Guys AKA Naniwa yuukyôden (1995)Japan
Osama (2003)
Oscar (1991)
Oscar and Lucinda (1997)
Oser ou s'exposer (2005)Cameroon
Oslo, August 31st (2011)Norway, Denmark, Sweden
OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies AKA Le Caire, nid d'espions (2006)France
OSS 117: Lost in Rio AKA Rio ne répond plus (2009)France
Ossessione AKA Obsession (1943)Italy
Ossos (1997)Portugal, France, DenmarkPedro Costa, [Letters from Fountainhas: Three Films by Pedro Costa]
Ostriches AKA Autruches (1896)DocumentaryFrance
OT: Our Town (2002)
Otello (1986)Netherlands, Italy, US
Othello (1951)Orson Welles
Othello (1995)
Other Boleyn Girl, The (2003)
Other Boleyn Girl, The (2008)
Other Conquest, The AKA La otra conquista (1998)Mexico
Other Dumas, The AKA L'autre Dumas (2010)France
Other End of the Line, The (2007)
Other Guys, The (2010)
Other Half, The (2005)
Other Man, The (2008)
Other Men’s Women (1931)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Other Side of Bonnie and Clyde, The (1968)
Other Side of Sunday, The (1996)
Other Side of the Bed, The (2002)
Other Side of the Hedge, The (1905)[The Movies Begin]
Other Side of the Street, The (2004)
Other Son, The AKA Le fils de l'autre (2012)France
Other Woman, The AKA Love and Other Impossible Pursuits (2009)
Other Woman, The (2014)
Others, The (1974)
Others, The (2001)
Ottoman Lieutenant, The (2017)
Où ètes-vous donc? AKA Where Are You Then? (1969)NFBCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, 1969-1973]
Our Brand Is Crisis (2005)
Our Brand Is Crisis (2015)
Our Children AKA À perdre la raison (2012)Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland
Our Daily Bread (2005)
Our Day Will Come AKA Notre jour viendra (2010)France
Our Family Wedding (2010)
Our Father (2002)
Our Gang (1922)
Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937)[Our Gang: Little Rascals]
Our Hospitality (1923)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Our Idiot Brother (2011)
Our Man Flint (1966)
Our Man in Havana (1959)
Our Man in Tehran (2013)Canada
Our Music AKA Notre musique (2004)France, SwitzerlandJean-Luc Godard
Our Mutual Friend (1998)BBC Mini SeriesUK[Charles Dickens Collection]
Our Story AKA Notre histoire (1984)France[Alain Delon 5-Film Collection]
Our Town (1940)
Out 1 AKA Out 1, noli me tangere (1971)FranceJacques Rivette
Out of Africa (1985)
Out-of-Focus Cloudscape (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Out of Reach (2004)US, Poland
Out of the Furnace (2013)
Out of the Past (1947)
Out of Time (2003)
Outbreak (1995)
Outfit, The (2022)
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004)Documentary
Outland (1981)UK
Outlander (on Blu-ray) (2014)TV Series
Outlander, The AKA Le survenant (2005)Canada
Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976)Clint Eastwood
Outrage (1950)
Outrage AKA Autoreiji (2010)Japan
Outrage, The (1964)
Outside the Law AKA Hors la loi (2010)France, Algeria, Belgium, Tunisia, Italy
Outsider, The (1981)
Outsider, The (2020)TV Series
Outsiders, The (1983)Francis Ford Coppola
Outsourced (2006)
Over the Hedge (2006)Animation
Overboard (1987)
Overboard (2018)
Overcoat, The (1952)
Over-Exposed (1956)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Owl and the Sparrow AKA Cú và chim se se (2007)Vietnam, US
Owning Mahowny (2003)Canada, UK
Oxford Murders, The (2008)Spain, UK, France
Oyster Princess, The AKA Die Austernprinzessin (1919)GermanyErnst Lubitsch
Oz Season 1-5 (1997-2003)HBO TV Series
Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)
P.S. (2004)
P.S. I Love You (2007)
P2 (2007)
Pablo Picasso (2004)Documentary
Pablo Picasso: The Legacy of a Genius (1981)Documentary
Pacific 231 (1948)France[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Pacific Rim (2013)Guillermo del Toro
Pacific, The: Complete Series (2010)TV Mini Series
Pacifier, The (2005)
Package, The (1989)
Pact of Silence, The AKA Le pact du silence (2003)France
Paddington (2014)Animation
Paddington 2 (2017)Animation
Padre Padrone (1977)Italy
Page Eight (2011)
Page One: Inside the New York Times (2011)Documentary
Page Turner, The AKA La tourneuse de pages (2006)France
Pain & Gain (2013)
Pain and Glory AKA Dolor y gloria (2019)Spain, France
Pain in the Ass, A AKA L'emmerdeur (1973)France, Italy
Pain in the Pullman, A (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Painted Fire AKA Chihwaseon (2002)South Korea
Painted Lady, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Painted Lady (1997)UK, US
Painted Veil, The (2006)
Painting with Light (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Paisan AKA Paisà (1946)ItalyRoberto Rossellini, [Roberto Rossellini's War Trilogy]
Pajama Game, The (1957)
Pal Joey (1957)
Paleface, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Paleface, The (1948)
Palindromes (2004)
Pallisers, The: The Complete Collection (1974-75)BBC TV Mini SeriesUK
Palm Beach Story, The (1942)
Palm Springs Weekend (1963)[Warner Bros Romance Classics Collection]
Pan (2015)US, UK, Australia
Pan-American Exposition (1901)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Panama Deception, The (1992)
Pandora's Box (1929)
Panic AKA Panique (1946)France
Panic in the Streets (1950)[Fox Film Noir]
Panic in Year Zero (1962)
Panic Room (2002)David Fincher
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)Mexico, SpainGuillermo del Toro
Paparazzi (2004)
Paper Chase, The (1973)
Paper Clips (2004)Documentary
Paper Cut-Outs (2005)DocumentaryCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Paper Moon Affair (2005)
Paper Planes (2014)Australia
Paper Tigers, The (2020)
Paper Wedding, A (1990)Canada
Paperboy, The (2012)
Paperhanger's Helper, The Laurel & Hardy AKA Stick Around (1925)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Paper Man (2009)
Papillon (1973)[Steve McQueen Collection]
Paprika AKA Papurika (2006)AnimationJapan
Parade (1952)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Parade's End (2012)TV Mini SeriesUK, Belgium, US
Paradise Lost (1971)
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000)
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011)
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)
Paradise Now (2005)
Paradise Road (1997)
Paradise Under The Stars, A AKA Un paraiso baja las estrellas (2000)Spain, Cuba
Paraiso Travel (2007)Colombia, US
Paranoia (2013)
Paranoiac (1963)[Hammer Horror Series]
Paranoid Park (2007)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)
ParaNorman (2012)Animation
Parasite AKA Gisaengchung (2019)South Korea
Pardon My Backfire (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Pardon my Sarong (1942)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Pardon my Scotch (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Parent Trap, The (1998)
Parental Guidance (2012)
Parenthood (1989)
Pariah (2011)
Paris (2008)
Paris After Dark (1943)
Paris Belongs to Us AKA Paris nous appartient (1961)FranceJacques Rivette
Paris Blues (1961)
Paris Can Wait AKA Bonjour Anne (2016)Japan, US
Paris: Champs-Elysées (1896)DocumentaryFrance[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Paris Follies AKA La ritournelle (2014)France
Paris is Burning (1990)
Paris Underground (1945)
Paris When It Sizzles (1964)
Paris, je t'aime (2006)France, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Paris, Texas (1984)Wim Wenders
Parish Priest's Christmas, The AKA Le Noël de Monsieur le curé (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Paris-Manhattan (2012)France
Park City: The Sundance Collection (2001)
Parker (2013)
Parkland (2013)
Parks and Recreation Season 1 & 2 (2009-10)TV Series
Parlez-moi d'amour AKA Speak to Me of Love (2002)France
Parole de flic (1985)France
Parrish (1961)[Warner Bros Romance Classics Collection]
Partition (2007)
Party (1996)
Party Down Season 1-2 (2009-10)TV Series
Party Girl (1958)
Party Girl (1995)
Party, The (1968)
Party, The (1980)
Party, The (2018)
Pas de deux (1968)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Pasha AKA Le pacha (1968)France, Italy
Passage (2008)NFB DocumentaryCanadaJohn Walker
Passage to India, A (1984)David Lean
Passage to Marseille (1944)
Passage to Ottawa, A (2001)Canada
Passchendaele (2008)
Passenger (1963)
Passenger, The AKA Professione: reporter (1975)Italy, France, SpainMichelangelo Antonioni
Passengers (2008)
Passengers (2016)
Passer-By, The (1912)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Passion (1982)Switzerland, FranceJean-Luc Godard, [Jean-Luc Godard Collection]
Passion (2012)
Passion Fish (1992)
Passion of Anna, The AKA En passion (1969)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Ingmar Bergman Collection]
Passion of Augustine, The (2015)Canada
Passion of Joan of Arc, The (1928)Carl Theodor Dreyer
Passion of the Christ, The (2004)Mel Gibson
Passion: A Letter in 16mm (1985)CanadaPatricia Rozema, [Patricia Rozema DVD Collection]
Passport to Pimlico (1949)UK[Ealing Studios Comedy Collection]
Past Lives (2023)US, South KoreaCeline Song
Past Redemption Season 1 (2016)TV Series
Past, The AKA Le passé (2013)France, Italy, Belgium, IranAsghar Farhadi
Pat and Mike (1952)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)Sam Peckinpah, [Sam Peckinpah's Legendary Western Collection]
Patagonia Rising (2011)Documentary
Paterno (2018)
Paterson (2016)Jim Jarmusch
Path to War (2002)John Frankenheimer
Pather Panchali (1955)India
Paths of Glory (1957)Stanley Kubrick
Patricia Rozema: A Retrospective Look (2002)DocumentaryCanada[Patricia Rozema DVD Collection]
Patriot Games (1992)
Patriot, The (1928)Ernst Lubitsch
Patriotism AKA Yûkoku (1966)Japan
Patriots Day (2016)
Pals and Cals (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Patterns (1956)
Patton (1970)
Paul (2011)
Paul à Québec (2015)Canada
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)
Paul Bunyan (1958)
Paul McCartney in Red Square (2003)Documentary
Paulette (2012)France
Pauline & Paulette (2001)
Pauline at the Beach AKA Pauline à la plage (1983)FranceEric Rohmer
Pawnbroker, The (1964)Sidney Lumet
Payback (2012)DocumentaryCanada
Peace, Love and Understanding (1992)Animation
Peaky Blinders (2013-22)BBC TV SeriesUK
Peanuts Movie, The (2015)Animation
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Pearl of Death, The (1944)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Pearls of the Crown, The AKA Les perles de la couronne (1937)France[Presenting Sacha Guitry]
Pearls of the Deep (1966)
Peck on the Cheek, A (2002)
Pecker (1998)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Peeping Tom (1960)
Peeping Tom AKA Par le trou de la serrure (1901)France[The Movies Begin]
Peeples (2013)
Pee-Wee, The (2013)
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)Francis Ford Coppola
Pelican and the Snipe, The (1944)
Pelican Brief, The (1993)[John Grisham Courtroom Collection]
Pelle the Conqueror AKA Pelle erobreren (1987)Denmark, Sweden
Pen Drawings (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Pen Point Percussion (1951)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Penelope (2006)
Penguin Pool Murder (1932)[Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Penguins of Madagascar (2014)Animation
Penguins of Madagascar, The: Operation Antarctica (2012)TV Episode, Animation
Penguins of Madagascar, The: Operation Blowhole (2011)
Penny Serenade (1941)
Pentagon Papers, The (2003)
Pentagon Wars, The (1998)
People I Know (2002)
People Like Us (2012)
People of the Mountains AKA Emberek a havason (1942)Hungary
People vs. Fritz Bauer, The AKA Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (2015)Germany
People vs. Larry Flynt, The (1996)
People Will Talk (1951)
Pépé le Moko (1937)France
Peppermint (2018)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
Perdriole, La (1940)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Perfect Couple, A (1979)Robert Altman, [Robert Altman Collection]
Perfect Day, A (2015)
Perfect Getaway, A (2009)
Perfect Man, A AKA Un homme idéal (2015)France
Perfect Murder, A (1998)
Perfect Plan (2010)
Perfect Sense (2011)
Perfect Spy, A (1987)TV Mini Series
Perfect Storm, The (2000)
Perfect Stranger (2007)
Performance (1970)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)
Perks of Being a Wallflower, The (2012)
Perrier’s Bounty (2009)
Persécution (2009)France, Germany
Persepolis (2007)AnimationFrance, US
Persona (1966)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Ingmar Bergman Collection]
Personal ( )
Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, A (1995)Documentary
Personal Property (1937)
Personal Shopper (2016)
Persuasion (1995)UK
Persuasion (2007)UK, US
Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The (2006)
Pest Man Win (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Peter and Vandy (2009)
Peter Beard: Scrapbooks from Africa and Beyond (1998)US, France
Peter Ibbetson (1935)
Peter Pan (1924)
Peter Pan (1953)
Peter Pan (2003)
Peter Rabbit (2018)Animation
Peter's Friends (1992)
Pete's Dragon (1977)Disney Animation
Pete's Dragon (2016)
Petrified Forest, The (1936)[Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands (2009)Canada
Petulia (1948) (1968?)
Peuple invisible, Le AKA The Invisible Nation (2007)NFBCanada
Peuple migrateur, Le AKA Winged Migration (2001)France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain
Peyton Place (1957)
Phantasm II (1988)
Phantasy, A (1952)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Phantom India (1969)TV Mini SeriesLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Phantom Lady (1944)[TCM Dark Crimes Film Noir Thrillers]
Phantom Light, The (1935)UK[Classic British Thrillers]
Phantom of Liberty, The (1974)Luis Buñuel
Phantom of the Opera, The (1925)[Hammer Horror Series]
Phantom of the Opera, The (2004)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Phantom Thread (2017)Paul Thomas Anderson
Pharmacist, The (1933)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Phenix City Story, The (1955)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection Vol. 5]
Phenom, The (2016)
Phenomena AKA Creepers (1985)Italy, SwitzerlandDario Argento, [Dario Argento Collection]
Phil Spector (2013)
Philadelphia (1993)
Philadelphia Story, The (1940)
Philadelphia, Here I Come (1977)[American Film Theatre]
Philomena (2013)
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011)Disney Animation
Phoenix (2014)
Phone (2002)
PhoneBooth (2002)
Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)
Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon, The (1895)[The Movies Begin]
Photographing a Country Couple (1901)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Physician of the Castle (1908)France[The Movies Begin]
Physician, The AKA Medicus (2013)Germany
Pi (1998)
Piaf: Her Story, Her Songs (2003)
Pianist, The (2002)Roman Polanski
Piano Teacher, The AKA La Pianiste (2001)France, Austria, GermanyMichael Haneke
Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, The (2005)
Piano, The (1993)Jane Campion
Piché: Entre Ciel et Terre (2010)Canada
Pickpocket (1959)FranceRobert Bresson
Pickup on South Street (1953)
Picnic (1955)[Kim Novak Collection]
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)Australia
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1945)
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1976)BBCUK[Oscar Wilde Collection]
Picture of Fear (1957)TV Episode[Richard Diamond: Private Eye]
Picture Snatcher (1933)[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 3]
Pieces of April (2003)
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The (1957)
Pierre FalardeauDocumentaryCanadaGermán Gutierrez
Pierette's Escapades (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Pierrot le Fou (1965)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Pieta (2012)South Korea
Pig (2021)UK, US
Piger i trøjen AKA Girl at Arms (1975)Region 2Denmark
Pigs and Battleships AKA Buta to gunkan (1961)JapanShôhei Imamura, [Shôhei Imamura, 3 Films]
Pigs Is Pigs (1954)Disney Animation
Pigskin Parade (1936)
Pigsty AKA Porcile (1969)Italy, FrancePier Paolo Pasolini, [Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection]
Pillars of the Earth, The (2010)TV Mini SeriesGermany, Canada, UK, Hungary
Pillow Book, The (1996)Netherlands, UK, France, LuxembourgPeter Greenaway
Pillow of Death (1945)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Pillow Talk (1959)
Pina (2011)DocumentaryGermany, France, UK, USWim Wenders
Pineapple Express (2008)
Ping Pong Playa (2007)
Pink Flamingos (1972)John Waters, [John Waters Collection]
Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982)
Pink Narcissus (1971)
Pink Panther, The (1963)
Pink Panther Strikes Again, The (1976)
Pink Panther, The (2006)
Pink Panther 2, The (2009)
Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, The Vol. 1: Pranks in the Pink (2006)Animation
Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, The: Vol. 2: Adventures in the Pink (2006)Animation
Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, The: Vol. 3: Frolics in the Pink (2006)Animation
Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, The: Vol. 5: The Ant and the Aardvark (2007)Animation
Pink Panther and Friends Classic Cartoon Collection, The: Vol. 6: The Inspector (2008)Animation
Pinky (1949)
Pinocchio (1940)
Pinocchio (2002)
Pinocchio (2008)TV SeriesItaly, UK
Pinscreen (1973)DocumentaryCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Pioneers in Ingolstadt (1971)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Pippi Goes on Board AKA Här kommer Pippi Långstrump (1969)Norway, Sweden
Pippi in the South Seas AKA Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven (1970)Norway, Sweden
Pirate, The (1948)
Pirate, The (2015)
Pirate Radio (2009)UK, France, Germany
Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates! The: Band of Misfits (2012)Animation
Pirogue, The AKA La pirogue (2012)France, Senegal, Germany
Pit and the Pendulum, The (1961)Roger Corman
Pitch Perfect (2012)
Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)
Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)
Pitfall (1962)
Pixie (2020)
Pixote AKA A Lei do Mais Fraco (1981)Brazil
Place Beyond the Pines, The (2012)
Place Called Chiapas, A (1998)DocumentaryCanadaNettie Wild
Place du l'équation (1973)NFB DocumentaryCanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, 1969-1973]
Place de la République (1974)DocumentaryFranceLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Place in the Sun, A (1951)
Place Vendôme (1998)France
Plaisir, Le (1952)France
Plan B (2009)
Plane Nuts Three Stooges (1933)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Plane, The AKA L'avion (2005)France, Germany
Planes (2013)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014)Disney Animation
Planet 51 (2009)
Planet B-Boy (2007)
Planet Earth (2006)TV Mini Series
Planet Earth II (2016)TV Mini Series
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Planet Terror (2007)
Platonov - BBC Play of the Month (1971)TV EpisodeUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Platoon (1986)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Play It Again, Sam (1972)
Play Misty for Me (1971)Clint Eastwood, [Clint Eastwood: American Icon Collection]
Play the Game (2009)
Player, The (1992)Robert Altman
Players, The AKA Les infidèles (2012)France
Playful Pan (1930)Disney Animation
Playgirl after Dark (1960)
Playhouse, The (1921)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Playing for Keeps (2012)
Plays of WS: The Tempest (1983)
PlayTime (1967)
Pleasantville (1998)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960)
Please Give (2010)
Please, Not Now! AKA La bride sur la cou (1961)France, Italy[Brigitte Bardot Collection]
Please, Please Me! AKA Fais-moi plaisir! (2009)France
Pleasure at Her Majesty's (1976)
Pleasures of the Flesh AKA Etsuraku (1965)JapanNagisa Ôshima, [Ôshima's Outlaw Sixties]
Plenty (1985)
Plot Thickens, The (1936)[Hildegarde Withers Mystery Collection]
Plouffe Family, The (1981)Canada
Ploughman's Lunch, The (1983)
Pocahontas (1995)Disney Animation
Pocket Money (1972)[Paul Newman Collection]
Pocketful of Miracles (1961)Frank Capra
Poète danois, Le AKA The Danish Poet (2006)NFB AnimationNorway, Canada
Poetry AKA Shi (2010)South Korea
Poil de Carotte (1932)FranceJulien Duvivier, [Julien Duvivier in the Thirties]
Point Blank (1967)
Point Blank AKA À bout portant (2010)France
Point Break (1991)
Point Break (2015)China, Germany, US, Austria
Point of Order! (1964)
Pointe-Courte, La (1955)FranceAgnès Varda, [Agnès Varda: 4 Films]
Poirot: Series 1, 6-8, 10-13 (1989-2013)TV SeriesUK
Pokémon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest (2001)AnimationJapan
Pokémon Heroes: Latios and Latias (2002)AnimationJapan
Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys (2004)AnimationJapan
Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior (2008)AnimationJapan
Polar Express, The (2004)Animation
Poldark: The Complete First Season (2015)TV SeriesUK
Police (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Police Chase Scorching Auto (1906)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Police Story: Lockdown AKA Jing cha gu shi (2013)China, Hong Kong
Police, adjective AKA Politist, adjectiv (2009)Romania
Policeman's Little Run, The AKA La course des sergents de ville (1907)France[The Movies Begin]
Polin Performs "The Anatomy of a Draftee" AKA Polin, l'anatomie du conscrit (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Polisse (2011)France
Politician's Wife, The (1995)TV Mini Series
Pollock (2000)
Pollyanna (1960)
Polychrome Fantasy (1935)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Polyester (1981)
Polyorchis Haplus (1970)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Polytechnique (2009)CanadaDenis Villeneuve
Pom Poko AKA Heisei tanuki gassen ponpoko (1994)AnimationJapan
Pompeii (2014)
Ponette (1996)France
Pont du Nord, Le (1981)FranceJacques Rivette
Pontypool (2008)CanadaBruce McDonald
Ponyo AKA Gake no ue no Ponyo (2008)AnimationJapan, USHayao Miyazaki
Pooch, The (1932)[Our Gang]
Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (1997)Animation
Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005)Disney Animation
Pool, The (2008)Thailand
Pool Sharks, The (1915)[W.C. Fields, 6 Short Films]
Poor Cinderella (1934)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Poor Mrs. Jones! (1926)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Poor Things (2023)Ireland, UK, US, HungaryYorgos Lanthimos
Pop Goes the Easel (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Pope Francis: A Man of his Word (2018)Switzerland, Vatican, Italy, Germany
Pope of Greenwich Village, The (1984)[Mickey Rourke Collection]
Popeye (1980)Robert Altman
Poppy (1936)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Populaire AKA Mademoiselle Populaire (2012)France, Belgium
Porco Rosso AKA Kurenai no buta (1992)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Porky's (1981)
Porky's 2: The Next Day (1983)
Porky's 3: Revenge (1985)
Pornographers, The (1966)
Pornography (2003)
Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation (1999)TV Mini SeriesUK
Port of Call (1948)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Early Bergman]
Port of New York (1949)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Port of Shadows (1938)
Portrait in Black (1960)
Portrait of a Lady, The (1996)Jane Campion
Portrait of a Lady on Fire AKA Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2020)France
Portrait of Hell AKA Jigokuhen (1969)Japan
Portrait of Jennie (1948)
Poseidon (2006)
Poseidon Adventure, The (1972)
Poseidon Adventure, The (2005)[Disaster Collector’s Set]
Possessed (1947)
Possession (1981)
Possession de l'enfant, La La possession de l'enfant (1909)France
Possession, The (2012)
Post, The (2017)
Postcard Killings, The (2020)UK, US
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1946)
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1981)
Postman, The Il postino (1994)Italy, France, Belgium
Posto, Il (1961)Italy
Poto and Cabengo (1979)DocumentaryGermany, USJean-Pierre Gorin
Potted Psalm, The (1946)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Poulette grise, La (1947)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Powaqqatsi (1988)Documentary
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times (2002)Documentary
Power of One, The (1992)
Power of the Dog (2021)
Powerful: Energy for Everyone (2010)DocumentaryCanada, France, Denmark, US
Powers of Ten (1977)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 1]
Powwow Highway (1989)
Prairie Giant: The Tommy Douglas Story (2006)TV Mini Series
Prairie Home Companion, A (2006)Robert Altman
Prancer (1989)
Prayer for the Dying, A (1987)[Mickey Rourke Collection]
Precious (2009)
Precious Life (2010)DocumentaryUS, Israel
Predator, The (2018)US, Canada
Predators (2010)
Predestination (2014)
Prefab People, The (1982)
Premium Rush (2012)
Premonition (2007)
Prep & Landing (2009)Animation
Presenting Felix the Cat: The Otto Mesmer Classics 1919-24 - 16 cartoons (1996)Animation
President Coolidge, Taken on the White House Grounds (1924)Documentary
President, The AKA Le président (1961)France, Italy
President's Last Bang, The (2005)
President's Man, The (2000)[Chuck Norris Collection]
President's Man, The: A Line in the Sand (2002)[Chuck Norris Collection]
Pressure Point (1962)
Prestige, The (2006)Christopher Nolan
Presumed Guilty AKA Guilty AKA Présumé coupable (2011)France, Belgium
Presumed Innocent (1990)
Prêt-à-Porter: Ready to Wear (1994)Robert Altman
Pretender, The Season 1 (1996)TV Series
Pretty Baby (1978)Louis Malle
Pretty Devils (1999)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
Pretty Woman (1990)
Prey, The AKA La proie (2011)France
Price of Fear, The (1956)[Women in Danger: 1950s Thrillers]
Price of Milk, The (2000)
Price of Sugar, The AKA Hoe duur was de suiker (2013)Netherlands, Germany, South Africa
Price We Pay, The (2014)DocumentaryCanada
Priceless AKA Hors de prix (2006)France
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Pride (2014)UK, France, US
Pride and Glory (2008)
Pride and Prejudice (1940)[Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection]
Pride and Prejudice (1995)TV Mini SeriesUK
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Pride and the Passion, The (1957)
Pride of the Yankees, The (1942)[Gary Cooper Collection]
Priest (1994)
Priest (2011)
Primary Colors (1998)
Prime (2005)
Prime Ministers, The: Canada’s First 100 Years (2004)
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (1969)
Prime Suspect 1-7 ( )
Prince & Me, The (2004)US, Czech Republic
Prince & Me 2, The: The Royal Wedding (2006)Nigeria
Prince & the Pauper, The (1990)Disney Animation
Prince and the Showgirl, The (1957)
Prince of Foxes (1949)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Princess Ali, Egyptian Dance (1895)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Princess and the Frog, The (2009)Disney Animation
Princess and the Pirate, The (1944)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Princess and the Warrior, The (2000)
Princess Bride, The (1987)
Princess Comes Across, The (1936)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
Princess Diaries 2, The: Royal Engagement (2004)
Princess Mononoke AKA Mononoke-hime (1997)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy (1909)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Princess of Montpensier, The (2010)France, GermanyBertrand Tavernier
Princess of Nebraska, The (2007)
Princess of the Sun AKA La reine soleil (2007)AnimationBelgium, France, Hungary
Princesse Tam-Tam (1935)France
Priscilla (2023)Sofia Coppola
Prison Break Season 1-4 (2005)TV Series
Prisoner (2007)
Prisoner of Shark Island, The (1936)John Ford
Prisoner of the Mountains (1996)
Prisoner of Zenda, The (1937)[Literary Classics Collection]
Prisoner of Zenda, The (1952)[Literary Classics Collection]
Prisoners (2013)Denis Villeneuve
Prisoners of the Sun (2013)
Private Affair, A (2002)
Private Fears in Public Places AKA Coeurs (2006)France, ItalyAlain Resnais
Private Lessons AKA Élève libre (2006)Belgium, France
Private Life of Don Juan, The (1934)[Alexander Korda's Private Lives]
Private Life of Henry VIII, The (1933)[Alexander Korda's Private Lives]
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The (1970)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The (1939)
Private Practice Season 1 (2007)TV Series
Private Snafu: "Spies" (1943)Animation[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Private Snuffy Smith (1942)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Private War, A (2018)UK, US
Prizzi's Honor (1985)John Huston
Prodigal Son, The AKA L'enfant prodigue (1909)France
Producers, The (1967)
Producers, The (2005)
Professional, The (1981)
Professionals, The (1966)
Prohibition (2011)TV Mini SeriesDocumentary
Project Grizzly (1996)
Project Nim (2011)
Prom (2011)
Prom Night (2008)
Prom Night in Mississippi (2009)
Prometheus (2012)Ridley Scott
Promise, A (2014)France, BelgiumPatrice Leconte
Promise, The AKA La promesse (1996)Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Tunisia
Promise, The AKA La promesa (2004)Spain
Promised Land (2004)Israel, France
Promised Land (2012)
Promised Land, The (1975)
Promises (2001)
Promising Young Woman (2020)
Promotion, The (2008)
Proof (1991)Australia
Proof (2005)
Proof of Life (2000)
Prophet, A (2009)
Prophet, The (2014)AnimationQatar, France, Lebanon, Canada
Proposal, The (1959)BBCUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Proposal, The (2009)
Proposition, The (2005)
Protocols of Zion (2005)
Proud Ones, The (1956)
Providence (1994)
Prowler, The (1951)
Prozac Nation (2001)
Psycho (1960)Alfred Hitchcock
Psycho (1998)Gus Van Sant
PTU (2003)
Pu-239 (2006)
Public and Private Care of Infants, The (1912)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Public Enemies (2009)
Public Enemies (2012)TV Mini SeriesUK
Public Enemies: The Golden Age of the Gangster Film (2008)Documentary[Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection, Vol. 4]
Public Enemy, The (1931)[TCM Greatest Gangster Films Collection], [Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
Pudgy Picks a Fight (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow (1937)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Puffy Chair, The (2005)
Pulp (1972)
Pulp Fiction (1994)Quentin Tarantino
Pumping Iron (1977)
Pumping Iron II: The Women (1985)
Punch Drunks (1934)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)Paul Thomas Anderson
Punchy Cowpunchers (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Punisher, The (2004)
Punishment Park (1971)Peter Watkins, [Cinema of Peter Watkins]
Punishment, The AKA La punition (1962)FranceJean Rouch, [Jean Rouch Collection]
Puppet on a Chain (1971)
Purchase Price, The (1932)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Purge, The: Election Year (2016)
Purple Butterfly (2003)
Purple Noon AKA Plein soleil (1960)France, ItalyRené Clément
Purple Rose of Cairo, The (1985)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Pursuit of Happyness, The (2006)
Pursuit to Algiers (1945)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Push (2009)
Pushover (1954)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 2]
Puss in Boots (2011)Animation
Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer (2013)DocumentaryUS, UK
Putin's Kiss (2011)Denmark, US
Putney Swope (1969)Robert Downey Sr., [Up All Night With Robert Downey Sr.]
Pygmalion (1938)UK
Qimmit: A Clash of Two Truths (2010)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Quadrille (1938)France[Presenting Sacha Guitry]
Quai des Orfèvres (1947)FranceHenri-Georges Clouzot
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Quarantaine, La AKA Beyond Forty (1982)NFBCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1979-1989]
Quarantine (2008)
Quarry, The (1998)
Quarter Life Crisis (2006)
Quartet (1981)
Quartet (2012)
Quatermass Conclusion, The (1979)[Quatermass]
Que Dieu Bénisse l'Amérique AKA May God Bless America (2006)Canada
Québec sur ordonnance (2007)Canada
Québec-Montréal (2002)Canada
Queen and Country (2014)Ireland, France, UK, Romania
Queen and I, The AKA Drottningen och jag (2008)Sweden, Finland, Germany, Japan
Queen Bees (2021)
Queen Christina (1933)
Queen Margot (1994)
Queen of Katwe (2016)
Queen of Versailles, The (2012)US, Netherlands, UK, Denmark
Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen to Play AKA Joueuse (2009)France
Queen, The (2006)UK, US, France, Italy
Queer as Folk Season 1-2 (1999-2001)TV Series
Quest for Fire (1981)
Quicksand (1950)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Quiet American, The (1958)
Quiet American, The (2002)
Quiet Chaos (2008)
Quiet Earth, The (1985)
Quiet Man, The (1952)John Ford
Quiet Passion, A (2016)BiographyUK
Quiet Place, A (2018)
Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog (2004)
Quiller Memorandum, The (1966)UK
Quills (2000)UK, Germany
Quilombo (1984)Brazil, France
Quinceañera (2006)
Quintet (1979)Robert Altman
Quitting (2001)
Quiz Show (1994)
Rabbit Hole (2010)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)
Race (2016)
Race for the Sausage, The AKA Course à la saucisse (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Race to Witch Mountain (2009)
Rachel Getting Married (2008)
Rachel, Rachel (1968)
Racing Stripes (2005)
Racket, The (1951)
Radiant City (2006)
Radio (2003)
Radio Bikini American Experience (1988)TV Episode S1.E2Documentary
Radio Days (1987)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Rage (2009)UK, US
Raging Bull (1980)Martin Scorsese
Rahsaan Roland Kirk: Live in ’63 and ’67 (2008)
Raid, The AKA Serbuan Maut (2011)Indonesia, France, US
Raid 2, The (2014)Indonesia, US
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Rail 150 (1975)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Railroad Man, The AKA Il Ferroviere (1956)Italy
Railroad Tigers AKA Tie dao fei hu (2016)China
Railroaded! (1947)[Film Noir: The Dark Side of Hollywood]
Rails & Ties (2007)
Railway Man, The (2013)
Rain (1932)[AMC Movies: Hollywood Divas]
Rain Man (1988)
Rainbow Valley (1935)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Raining Cats and Frogs AKA La prophetie des grenouilles (2003)AnimationFrance
Raining Stones (1993)UKKen Loach
Rainmaker, The (1956)
Rainmaker, The (1997)Francis Ford Coppola
Rains Came, The (1939)
Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
Raise Your Voice (2004)
Raising Arizona (1987)Ethan and Joel Coen
Raising Helen (2004)
Raising Victor Vargas (2002)France, US
Raja (2003)France, Morocco
Rake Season 1-2 (2010-12)TV Series
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! (1958)
Rambo (2008)[Rambo: Ultimate Edition]
Rambo III (1988)[Rambo: Ultimate Edition]
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)[Rambo: Ultimate Edition]
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
Ramona (1910)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Rampart (2011)
Ran (1985)Japan, FranceAkira Kurosawa
Random Harvest (1942)
Random Passage: Vol. 1-4, Special Features (2002)TV Mini SeriesCanada, Ireland
Rango (2011)Animation
Rape of Europa, The (2006)
Rapt (2009)
Rare Birds (2001)Canada
Rashomon (1950)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Rat Catcher, The (1974)
Rat Pack, The (1998)
Ratatouille (2007)Pixar Animation
Ratcatcher (1999)
Raven, The (1935)[Bela Lugosi Collection]
Raven, The (1963)Roger Corman, [MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Raven, The (2012)
Rawhide (1951)[Fox Western Classics]
Ray (2004)
Razor's Edge, The (1946)
Razzia sur la chnouf (1955)France
RBG (2018)
Reaching for the Moon (1930)
Reaching for the Moon (2013)Brazil
Read My Lips AKA Sur mes lèvres (2001)France
Reader, The (2004)
Ready or Not (2019)US, Canada
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready to Wear AKA Prêt-à-Porter (1994)
Real American Hero, A (1978)
Real Steel (2011)
Real Women Have Curves (2002)
Real Young Girl, A (1976)
Reality (2012)Italy, France
Realm of Fortune, The (1986)
Rear Window (1954)Alfred Hitchcock
Reawakening, The (1919)Documentary[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Reba Season 1 (2001-07)TV Series
Rebecca (1940)Alfred Hitchcock
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Rebellion AKA L'order et la morale (2011)France, New Caledonia
Rebellion: The Litvinenko Case AKA Poisoned by Polonium: The Litvinenko File (2007)Russia
Rebels of the Neon God (1992)
Rebound (2005)
Rebus (1977)
Rebus-Film No. 1 (1928)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Reckless (1935)
Reckless (1984)
Reckless Moment, The (1949)
Reconstruction (2003)
Record of a Living Being AKA Ikimono no kiroku (1955)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [Postwar Kurosawa]
Recount (2008)
Recreation (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Recruit, The (2003)
RED (2010)
RED 2 (2013)
Red and the White, The (1967)
Red Balloon, The AKA Le ballon rouge (1956)France
Red Baron, The (2008)
Red Cherry (1995)
Red Cliff AKA Chi bi (2008)China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea
Red Dawn (1984)
Red Dawn (2012)
Red Desert (1964)Michelangelo Antonioni
Red Dragon (2002)
Red Ensign (1934)UK[Classic British Thrillers]
Red Eye (2005)
Red Hook Summer (2012)Spike Lee
Red Inn, The (1951)
Red Light (1949)
Red Lights (2004)
Red Lights (2012)
Red Lion AKA Akage (1969)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Ultimate Collection]
Red Nose AKA Nez rouge (2003)Canada
Red Riding Hood (2006)
Red River (1948)
Red River Valley (1936)
Red Road (2006)
Red Rock West (1993)
Red Shoes, The (1948)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Red Skelton Christmas (2011)
Red Sorghum (1988)
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red State (2011)
Red Tails (2012)
Red Turtle, The (2016)Animation
Red Violin, The (1998)
Redacted (2007)
Redbelt (2008)
Redemption (2013)UK, US
Red-Headed Woman (1932)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 1
Redneck Comedy Roundup 1&2 (1987)
Reds (1981)
Redskin (1929)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Reefer Madness (1936)
Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical (2005)
Reel Injun (2009)NFB DocumentaryCanada
Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967)John Huston
Regen AKA Rain (1929)DocumentaryNetherlands[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Reggie Perrin: Set 1 (2009)TV SeriesUK
Regina (2001)
Regression (2015)Spain, Canada, US
Regular Lovers AKA Les amants réguliers (2005)France
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies (1988)
Reich Underground, The AKA Das unterirdische Reich. Die geheimen Welten der Nazis (2003)Germany
Reign of Fire (2002)
Reign of Terror (1949)
Reign Over Me (2007)
Reilly: Ace of Spies (1983)TV Mini Series
Relative Values (2000)
Religulous (2008)
Rellik: To Know The Truth (2017)TV SeriesUK
Reluctant Astronaut, The (1967)
Reluctant Fundamentalist, The (2012)
Remains of the Day, The (1993)
Rembrandt (1936)[Alexander Korda's Private Lives]
Rembrandt Collection, The (2007)Documentary
Remember (2015)Canada, Mexico, Germany, South AftricaAtom Egoyan
Remember Me (2010)
Remember Me, My Love (2003)
Remember the Night (1940)
Remember the Secret Policeman's Ball? - Arena (2004)TV Episode 29.4
Remember the Titans (2000)
Remote Electric Photography AKA Photographie électrique à distance (1908)France
Rendition (2007)
René Jodoin (2005)DocumentaryCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Renoir (2012)France
Rent (2005)
Repas des fauves, Le (1964)France, Spain, Italy
Repentance (1984)
Repo Man (1984)
Repo Men (2010)
Report on the Party and the Guests, A (1966)
Reprise (2006)Norway
Republic of Love, The (2003)
Repulsion (1965)Roman Polanski
Requiem (2006)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Requiem for a Killer AKA Requiem pour une tueuse (2011)France
Rescue Dawn (2006)Werner Herzog
Rescued by Rover (1905)[The Movies Begin]
Rescued from an Eagle's Nest (1908)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Rescuers Down Under, The (1990)
Rescuers, The (1977)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)Quentin Tarantino
Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Resident Evil: Damnation (2012)
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)
Resistance Fighter, The (2019)Poland
Resolution 819 (2008)France
Respect (2021)Canada, US
Respiro (2002)Italy, France
Ressac AKA Riptide (2013)Canada
Restless (2012)UK, Germany
Restless Knights (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Restoration (1995)
Restrepo (2010)
Retaliation (2017)UK
Retour à la raison, Le AKA Return to Reason (1923)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Return of Bulldog Drummond, The (1934)
Return of Doctor X, The (1939)[Hollywood Legends of Horror Collection]
Return of Lifeboat (1897)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Return of Martin Guerre, The (1982)
Return of Sabata (1971)[Sabata Trilogy]
Return of the Magnificent Seven (1966)[Magnificent Seven Collection]
Return of the Pink Panther, The (1975)
Return of the Prodigal Son, The (1967)
Return of the Secaucus Seven (1979)
Return of the Seven (1966)
Return to Halloweentown (2005)
Return to Hansala AKA Retorno a Hansala (2008)Spain
Return to Nim's Island (2013)Australia
Return to Oz (1985)
Return to Peyton Place (1961)
Return to Reason AKA Le retour à la raison (1923)France
Return to Treasure Island (1954)
Returned, The (2013)
Reunion in France (1942)
Revanche (2008)Austria
Rêve et réalité (1901)France[The Movies Begin]
Revenant, The (2015)
Revenge (1990)
Revenge of a Kabuki Actor AKA Yukinojô henge (1963)Japan
Revenge of Frankenstein, The (1958)
Revenge of the Creature (1955)[Creature from the Black Lagoon: The Legacy Collection]
Revenge of the Electric Car (2011)Documentary
Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978)
Revenge, The (2002)
Reversal of Fortune (1990)
Révolution en Russe, La (1906)France[The Movies Begin]
Revolutionary Road (2008)
Revolver (2005)
Revolving Doors, The AKA Les portes tournantes (1988)Canada, France
Rewrite, The (2014)
Reykjavik-Rotterdam (2008)Iceland, Germany, Netherlands
Rhapsody in August AKA Hachigatsu no rapusodî (1991)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Rhapsody in Blue (1945)
Rhinoceros (1974)[American Film Theatre]
Rhymes for Young Ghouls (2013)Canada
Rhythm on the Reservaion (1939)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Rhythmus 21 (1921)AnimationGermany[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Rich & Strange (1931)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Richard Jewel: The world will know his name and the truth (2019)Clint Eastwood
Richard Pryor: I Ain’t Dead Yet (2003)TV Special
Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic (2013)
Riddick (2013)
Riddle, The (2007)
Ride ‘Em Cowboy (1942)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Ride (2000)[Warren Miller's Power of Snow Collection]
Ride Along (2014)
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Ride the High Country (1962)Sam Peckinpah, [Sam Peckinpah's Legendary Western Collection]
Ride the Pink Horse (1947)
Rider, The (2017)Chloé Zhao
Ridicule (1996)FrancePatrice Leconte
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (2005)
Riding Giants (2004)
Riffraff (1936)
Riff-Raff (1991)UKKen Loach
Rififi (1955)France
Right Now AKA À tout de suite (2004)France
Right of the Weakest, The AKA La raison du plus faible (2006)Belgium, France
Righteous Kill (2008)
Rigoletto Story (2005)Italy
Rikky and Pete (1988)
Ring Finger, The (2005)
Ring Two, The (2005)
Ring, The (1927)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Ring, The (2002)
Ringer, The (2005)
Ringstone Round (1979)TV Episode[Quatermass]
Ringu AKA Ring (1998)Japan
Ringu 2 AKA Ring 2 (1999)Japan
Rink, The (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Rio (2011)Animation
Rio 2 (2014)Animation
Rio Bravo (1959)
Rio Grande (1950)John Ford, [John Wayne Collection]
Rio Sex Comedy (2010)
Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954)
Rip, Sew and Stitch (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Rip Van Winkle (1896)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Ripley's Game (2002)
Ripoux 3 (2003)France
Ripple Effect (2007)UK
Rise of Catherine the Great, The (1934)[Alexander Korda's Private Lives]
Rise of the Guardians (2012)Animation
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Rise: Blood Hunter (2007)
Risen (2016)
Risky Business (1983)
Rite, The (2011)US, Hungary, Italy
Rival Mashers, The AKA Those Love Pangs (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Rivals AKA Les liens du sang (2008)France
Rivals, The (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
River Lost, A: The Story of the St. Lawrence Seaway (2006)DocumentaryCanada
River of No Return (1954)
River Queen (2005)
River Runs Through It, A (1992)
River Wild, The (1994)
River, The (1951)France, UK, India, USJean Renoir
River, The (1997)
River, The (2004)
River's Edge (1986)
River's Edge, The (1957)
RKO 281 (1999)
Road Home, The (1999)
Road House (1948)
Road House (1989)
Road to Avonlea Season 1-7 (1990-96)TV SeriesCanada, US
Road to Baleya, The: Music has no borders (2008)DocumentaryCanada
Road to Bali, The Bob Hope & Bing Crosby (1952)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [Bob Hope Collector's Classics]
Road to Guantanamo, The (2006)
Road to Hong Kong, The (1962)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
Road to Morocco (1942)
Road to Perdition (2002)
Road to Singapore (1940)
Road to Utopia (1945)
Road to Zanzibar (1941)
Road, Movie (2009)India, US
Road, The (2009)
Roadblock (1951)
Roadkill (1989)CanadaBruce McDonald
Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain (2021)
Roads to Koktebel (2003)Russia
Roaring Across the Horizon (1999)
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)[TCM Greatest Gangster Films Collection], [Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
Roast-Beef and Movies (1934)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Rob Roy (1995)
Robe, The (1953)
Roberta (1935)
Robes of War (2009)
Robin Hood (2010)US, UKRidley Scott
Robin Hood (2018)US, Hong Kong, Croatia, France, Hungary
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Robin Williams Live on Broadway (2002)TV Special
Robin Williams: Weapons of Self-Destruction (2009)TV Special
Robinsons, The (2005)BBC TV SeriesUK
RoboCop (1987)Paul Verhoeven
RoboCop (2014)
RoboCop 2 (1990)
RoboCop 3 (1993)
Robot & Frank (2012)
Robots (2005)Animation
Rocco and His Brothers (1960)
Rock Around the Clock (1956)
Rock 'n' Roll High School (1979)
Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock School (2005)
Rock, The (1996)
Rocket, The: The Legend of Rocket Richard (2005)Canada
Rocketman (2019)UK, US, Canada
Rock' Thru the Rockies (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
RockNRolla (2008)
Rocky (1976)[Sylvester Stallone Rocky Anthology]
Rocky Balboa (2006)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1975)
Rocky II (1979)[Sylvester Stallone Rocky Anthology]
Rocky III (1982)[Sylvester Stallone Rocky Anthology]
Rocky IV (1985)[Sylvester Stallone Rocky Anthology]
Rocky V (1990)[Sylvester Stallone Rocky Anthology]
Rod Stewart: Live at Royal Albert Hall (2004)UK
Rodney Dangerfield: Back to School (1986)
Rodrigo D: No Future (1990)
Roger & Me (1989)
Roger Dodger (2002)
Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950)
Rojo sangre (2004)Spain
Rôle de sa vie, Le AKA The Role of Her Life (2004)France
Role Models (2008)
Rollerball (1975)Norman Jewison
Rolling Bed, The AKA Le lit à roulettes (1907)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Rollover (1981)
Roma (1972)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Roma (2018)MexicoAlfonso Cuarón
Romaine 30 Below AKA Romaine par moins 30 (2009)Canada, France
Roman Holiday (1953)[Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Roman Orgy, The AKA L'orgie romaine (1911)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008)DocumentaryUS, UK
Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The (1961)
Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The (2003)US, Ireland
Romance (1999)FranceCatherine Breillat
Romance of Astrea and Celadon, The (2007)France, Italy, Spain
Romance sentimentale (1930)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Romance with a Double Bass (1975)UK
Romancing the Stone (1984)
Romantic Englishwoman, The (1975)
Romantics Anonymous AKA Les émotifs anonymes (2010)France, Belgium
Romantics, The (2010)
Romanzo criminale (2005)Italy, France, UK
Rome Adventure (1962)[Warner Bros Romance Classics Collection]
Rome, Open City AKA Roma città aperta (1945)ItalyRoberto Rossellini, [Roberto Rossellini's War Trilogy]
Rome Season 1-2 (2005-07)TV SeriesUK, US
Romeo + Juliet (1996)Baz Luhrmann
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Romeo and Juliet Get Married (2005)Brazil
Romeo Eleven AKA Roméo Onze (2011)Canada
Roméo et Juliette (2006)Canada
Romper Stomper (1992)
Romulus, My Father (2007)
Ron White: Behavioral Problems (2009)
Ron White: Blue Collar Guy (2005)
Ron White: You Can't Fix Stupid (2006)
Ronde, La (1950)France
Ronin (1998)John Frankenheimer, [John Frankenheimer Collection]
Room (2005)
Room (2015)Canada, Ireland, UK, US
Room 666 (1982)France, GermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Room Service (1938)[Marx Brothers Collection]
Room with a View, A (1985)
Roommate, The (2011)
Roots (2006)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAlison Reiko Loader
Rope (1948)Alfred Hitchcock
Rope of Sand (1949)
Rory O’Shea (2004)UK, Ireland, France
Rosa Rosa (2008)NFBCanada, France
Rose Hobart (1936)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Roseland (1977)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)Roman Polanski
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)
Rosenstrasse (2003)Germany, Austria
Rossini: Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (1992)Netherlands, UK
Roswell Season 1-2 (1999-2001)TV Series
Rouge et le noir, Le (1954)France, Italy
Rough Sea (c.1900)[The Movies Begin]
Rough Sea at Dover (1895)[The Movies Begin]
'Round Midnight (1986)US, FranceBertrand Tavernier
Rounders (1998)
Rounders, The (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Roundup, The AKA La rafle (2010)France, Germany, Hungary
Route 132 (2010)Canada
Route Irish (2010)UK, France, Italy, Belgium, SpainKen Loach
Routine Pleasures (1986)DocumentaryUK, France, GermanyJean-Pierre Gorin
Rover, The (2014)
Roxanne (1987)
Roxy Hunter and the Mystery of the Moody Ghost (2007)
Roy Orbison: Black & White Night (1999)
Royal Affair, A (2012)Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany
Royal Hunt of the Sun, The (1969)
Royal Palace (2005)
Royal Tenenbaums, The (2001)
Royal Wedding (1951)
RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
Ruby & Quentin (2003)
Rude (1995)
Rudo & Cursi (2008)Mexico
Rudy (1993)
Rulers of the City AKA I padroni della città (1976)Italy, GermanyFernando Di Leo, [Fernando Di Leo: Crime Collection]
Rules Don't Apply (2016)
Rules of the Game, The AKA La règle du jeu (1939)France
Ruling Class, The (1972)
Rum Diary, The (2011)
Rumble Fish (1983)Francis Ford Coppola
Rumble in Hong Kong (1973)
Rumor Has It… (2005)US, Germany, Australia
Rumpole of the Bailey: The Complete Series (1978-92)TV SeriesUK
Run All Night (2015)
Run for Your Money, A (1949)UK[Ealing Studios Comedy Collection]
Run Lola Run AKA Lola rennt (1998)Germany
Run Silent, Run Deep (1958)
Run, Fatboy, Run (2007)
Run, Man, Run (1968)
Runaway Bride (1999)
Runaway Jury (2003)[John Grisham Courtroom Collection]
Runaway Train (1985)
Runaways, The (2010)
Rundown, The (2003)
Runner Runner (2013)
Running Around San Francisco for an Education (1938)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Running Out of Time (1999)
Rupture (1961)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Rural Life in Maine (1930)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Rush (2013)
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Rushlights (2013)
Rushmore (1998)
Russell Peters: The Green Card Tour - Live from the O2 Arena (2011)Canada
Russia House, The (1990)[Michelle Pfeiffer Collection]
Russian Ark (2002)
Russian Dolls AKA Les poupées russes (2005)France, UK
Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The (1966)Norman Jewison
Rust and Bone AKA De rouille et d'os (2012)France
Rusty Knife AKA Sabita naifu (1958)Japan
RV (2006)
Ryan (2004)DocumentaryCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
Ryan's Daughter (1970)David Lean
Rythmetic (1956)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
S&man "Sandman" (2006)
S.W.A.T. (2003)
S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine (2003)Cambodia, France, Belgium, Canada
S-73 (Sofa Compact) (1954)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Saawariya (2007)India
Sabah (2005)Canada
Sabaka (1954)
Sabata AKA Ehi amico… c'e Sabata. Hai chiuso! (1969)Italy[Sabata Trilogy]
Sabotage (1936)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Saboteur (1942)
Sabrina (1954)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder DVD Collection], [Audrey Hepburn DVD Collection]
Sabu (2002)Japan
Sac de Billes, Un AKA A Bag of Marbles (2017)France, Canada, Czech Republic
Sacrament, The (2013)
Sacred Planet (2004)Documentary
Sacrifice AKA Zhao shi gu er (2010)China
Sacrifice, The AKA Offret (1986)Sweden, France, UKAndrei Tarkovsky
Saddest Music in the World, The (2003)CanadaGuy Maddin
Sade (2000)
Sadie McKee (1934)
Safe (1995)
Safe (2012)
Safe Conduct (2002)
Safe Haven (2013)
Safe House (2012)
Safety Last! (1923)[Harold Lloyd Comedy, Vol. 1]
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
Safety of Objects, The (2001)
Saga of Windwagon Smith, The (1961)Disney Animation
Sagan (2008)France
Sahara (1943)
Sahara (2005)
Saharet Performs the Bolero (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Sailor of the King (1953)
Sailor-Made Man, A (1921)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Saint in London, The (1939)[George Sanders Saint Movie Collection]
Saint in Palm Springs, The (1941)[George Sanders Saint Movie Collection]
Saint Laurent (2014)
Saint Martyrs of the Damned (2005)
Saint Meets the Tiger, The (1941)
Saint Monica (2002)
Saint Ralph (2004)
Saint Strikes Back, The (1939)[George Sanders Saint Movie Collection]
Saint Takes Over, The (1940)[George Sanders Saint Movie Collection]
Saint, The: Vol. 2 ( )
Saint’s Double Trouble, The (1940)[George Sanders Saint Movie Collection]
Saint-Jacques… La Mecque (2005)France
Salaam Bombay! (1988)US, India, France, UK
Salesman (1969)
Salesman, The AKA Le vendeur (2011)Canada
Salesman, The AKA Forushande (2016)Iran, FranceAsghar Farhadi
Salisbury Poisonings, The (2020)TV Mini Series
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011)UK
Salmonberries (1991)
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)Italy, France
Salome (1953)[The Films of Rita Hayworth]
Salon Kitty (1976)
Salt (2010)
Salt of Life, The AKA Gianni e le donne (2011)Italy
Salt of the Earth, The AKA Le sel de la Terre (2014)DocumentaryFranceWim Wenders
Salt of This Sea AKA Milh Hadha al-Bahr (2008)Palestine
Salt Water Daffy (1933)[The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Salting the Battlefield (2014)UK
Saludos Amigos (1942)Disney Animation
Salut, Victor! AKA Bye Bye Victor (1989)NFBCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1979-1989]
Salvador (1986)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Salvation Boulevard (2011)
Salvatore Giuliano (1962)ItalyFrancesco Rosi
Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency (2009)
Samaritan Girl (2004)
Samaritan, The (2012)
Samba (2014)France
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017)
Samouraï, Le (1967)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Samsara (2001)India, Germany, France, Italy
Samsara (2011)Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Kenya
Samson (1961)
Samurai Assassin (1965)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Ultimate Collection]
Samurai Banners AKA Fûrin Kazan (1969)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Ultimate Collection]
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Samurai Trilogy]
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Samurai Trilogy]
Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (1956)Japan[Toshiro Mifune Samurai Trilogy]
San Andreas (2015)
San Francisco (1936)
San Francisco Earthquake (1906)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
San Francisco: Aftermath of Earthquake (1906)Documentary
San Pietro (1945)
San Quentin (1937)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
Sanatorium (1950)[Trio: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
Sand Pebbles, The (1966)
Sandbaggers, The: Set One (1978-80)TV SeriesUK
Sanditon (2019)TV SeriesUK
Sandlot, The (1993)
Sandlot 2, The (2005)
Sandow (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Sandpiper, The (1965)
Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
Sanjuro AKA Tsubaki Sanjûrô (1962)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Sans laisser de traces AKA Without a Trace AKA Immaculate (2010)France
Sans Soleil (1983)France
Sanshiro Sugata AKA Sugata Sanshirô (1943)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [First Films of Akira Kurosawa]
Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two AKA Zoku Sugata Sanshirô (1945)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [First Films of Akira Kurosawa]
Santa Buddies (2009)Disney
Santa Claus (1993)TV Episode[Mystery Science Theater 3000 XVI
Santa Claus Is a Stinker AKA Le père Noël est une ordure (1982)France
Santa Clause 3, The: The Escape Clause (2006)
Santa Gertrudis, la premiere question sur le bonheur (1978)NFB DocumentaryMexico, CanadaGilles Groulx, [L'oeuvre de Gilles Groulx, Vol. 3, 1977-1982]
Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups (2012)Disney
Santa's Workshop (1932)Disney Animation
Saphead, The (1920)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Sapphire (1959)UKBasil Dearden, [Basil Dearden's London Underground]
Sapphires, The (2012)
Saraband (2003)Sweden
Sarah Prefers to Run AKA Sarah préfère la course (2013)Canada
Sarah's Key AKA Her name was Sarah AKA Elle s'appelait Sarah (2010)France
Saratoga (1937)
Satan Met a Lady (1936)
Satanic Rites of Dracula, The (1973)
Satellite in the Sky (1956)[Warner Bros: Sci-Fi Double Feature]
Satin Rouge (2002)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)
Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Sausage Party (2016)Animation
Savage Grace (2007)
Savage Messiah AKA Moise: L’Affaire Roch Theriault (2002)
Savages (1972)
Savages (2012)
Save Me (2007)
Save the Last Dance (2001)
Save the Tiger (1973)
Saved! (2004)
Saving Face (2004)
Saving Grace (2000)
Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)Steven Spielberg
Saving Silverman (2001)
Saw (2004)
Saw II (2005)
Saw III (2006)
Saw IV (2007)
Saw V (2008)
Saw VI (2009)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Sawdust and Tinsel (1953)
Sawmill, The Oliver Hardy (1922)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Say Anything… (1989)
Say It Isn't So (2001)
Sayonara (1957)
Scandal AKA Shûbun (1950)JapanAkira Kurosawa, [Postwar Kurosawa]
Scandal Season 1-4 (2012-18)TV Series
Scanner Darkly, A (2006)
Scar, The (1976)PolandKrzysztof Kieslowski
Scarecrow, The (1920)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Scarecrow (1973)
Scared Crows, The (1939)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
ScaredSacred (2004)Documentary
Scared to Death (1947)[Bela Lugosi Triple Feature]
Scarface (1932)
Scarface (1983)
Scarlet and the Black, The (1983)
Scarlet Claw, The (1944)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Scarlet Clue, The - Charlie Chan (1945)
Scarlet Empress, The (1934)
Scarlet Letter, The (1934)
Scarlet Letter, The AKA Der scharlachrote Buchstabe (1973)GermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Scarlet Pimpernel, The (1934)
Scarlet Street (1945)Fritz Lang
Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (2019)
Scene of the Crime (1949)
Scenes from a Marriage (1973)TV Mini Series
Scenes of a Sexual Nature (2006)
Scent of a Woman (1974)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Scent of Green Papaya, The (1993)
Scheming Gambler's Paradise, The AKA Le tripot clandestin (1905)France[The Movies Begin]
Schindler's List (1993)Steven Spielberg
Schitt's Creek Season 1 (2015)TV SeriesCanada, US
School Daze (1988)
School for Scoundrels (1960)
School of Flesh, The (1998)
School of Life (2005)
School of Rock (2003)
School’s Out AKA Nos 18 Ans (2008)France
School's Out (1930)[Our Gang: Little Rascals]
Schultze Gets the Blues (2003)Germany
Science of Sleep, The (2006)
Scooby-Doo (2002)
Scooby-Doo! 13 Spooky Tales - Holiday Chills and Thrills (2012)Animation
Scooby-Doo! 13 Spooky Tales - Around the World (2012)Animation
Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur (2011)Animation
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (2012)Animation
Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness (2015)Animation
Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright (2013)Animation
Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins (2009)Animation
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? Season 3 (1969)TV Series
Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery (2014)Animation
Scoop (2006)Woody Allen
Score: A Hockey Musical (2010)Canada
Score, The (2001)
Scoring for Comedy (2005)Documentary[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 2]
Scorpio (1973)
Scorpion King 2, The: Rise of a Warrior (2008)
Scorsese Shorts (2020)Documentary
Scotched in Scotland (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Scott and Bailey Season 1-5 (2011-16)TV SeriesUK
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scout with the Gout, A (1947)Animation
Scrambled Brains (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Scrap in Black and White, A (1903)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Scrat Pack, The – 2 Short Films, 8 Featurettes (2009)Animation
Scream (1996)
Scream 4 (2011)
Scream and Scream Again (1970)[Midnite Movies]
Scream of Fear (1961)[Hammer Films: 4 Creepy Classics]
Scribe AKA The Eavesdropper AKA La mécanique de l'ombre (2016)Belgium, France
Scrooge (1951)
Scrooged (1988)
Scum (1979)UKAlan Clarke, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Scum (1991)BBCUKAlan Clarke, [Alan Clarke Collection]
Se7en (1995)
Sea Change, The (1998)
Sea Chase, The (1955)
Sea Hawk, The (1940)
Sea Inside, The (2004)
Sea Is Watching, The (2002)
Sea of Grass, The (1947)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Sea Shall Not Have Them, The (1954)
Sea Wall, The (2008)
Sea Wife (1957)
Sea Wolves, The (1980)
Sea, The (2002)
Seabiscuit (2003)
Seagull, The - BBC Play of the Month (1978)UK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Seagull, The (2018)
Seagull's Laughter, The (2001)
Sealed Room, The - Biograph Shorts (1909)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Seapreme Court, The (1954)Animation
Search for Beauty (1934)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Search for John Gissing, The (2001)
Search for Santa Paws, The (2010)
Searchers, The (1956)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
Searching for Michael Peterson (2009)DocumentaryAustralia
Searching for Sugar Man (2012)Sweden, UK, Finland
Searching Ruins on Broadway for Dead Bodies, Galveston (1900)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Seashell and the Clergyman, The AKA La coquille et le clergyman (1928)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Season of the Witch (2011)
Seasons, The (1966)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Sebastiane (1976)UK
Second Best (1994)
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (2015)UK, US, India
Second Chance, The (2006)
Second Circle, The (1990)
Second Mother, The (2015)
Secondhand Lions (2003)
Secondløitnanten AKA The Last Lieutenant (1993)Norway
Seconds (1966)John Frankenheim
Secret Agent (1936)Alfred Hitchcock, [Hitchcock Thrillers], [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Secret Agents AKA Agents secrets AKA Spy Bound (2004)France, Italy, Spain
Secret Ballot (2001)
Secret Beyond the Door (1947)Fritz Lang
Secret Garden, The (1993)
Secret Honor (1984)Robert Altman
Secret in Their Eyes, The AKA El secreto de sus ojos (2009)Argentina, Spain
Secret in Their Eyes (2015)
Secret Life of Bees, The (2008)
Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe, The (2015)TV Mini Series
Secret Life of Pets, The (2016)Animation
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The (1947)
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The (2013)
Secret Life of Words, The (2005)
Secret Lives of Dentists, The (2002)
Secret of Kells, The (2009)
Secret of Loch Ness, The AKA Das Wunder von Loch Ness (2008)Germany, Austria
Secret of Moonacre, The (2008)
Secret of NIMH, The (1982)Animation
Secret of Roan Inish, The (1994)US, Ireland
Secret of Santa Vittoria, The (1969)
Secret of the Grain, The (2007)
Secret of the Lost Kingdom ( )
Secret of the Magic Gourd, The (2007)
Secret of the Wings (2012)Disney Animation
Secret Policeman's Ball, The (1979)UK
Secret Policeman's Biggest Ball, The (1989)UK
Secret Policeman's Other Ball, The (1982)UK
Secret Policeman's Third Ball, The (1987)UK
Secret Sunshine (2007)
Secret Weapon (1990)
Secret Window (2004)
Secret World of Arrietty, The AKA Kari-gurashi no Arietti (2010)AnimationJapan
Secret, A (2007)
Secret, The (2006)DocumentaryAustralia, US
Secretariat (2010)
Secretary (2002)
Secrets & Lies (1996)Mike Leigh
Secrets of a Soul (1926)Germany[German Expressionism Collection]
Secrets of Dumbledore, The (2022)UK, US
Secrets of the Heart (1997)
Secrets, The (2007)
Secuestro Express (2005)Venezuela
Security (2017)
Seduced and Abandoned (2013)
Seducing Doctor Lewis AKA La grande séduction (2003)Canada
Seduction of Mimi, The AKA Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore (1972)ItalyLina Wertmüller, [Lina Wertmüller Collection]
See How They Dance AKA Voyez comme ils dansent (2011)France, Canada, Switzerland
See How They Run (1964)
See How They Run AKA Embrassez qui vous voudrais AKA Summer Things (2002)France, Italy, UK
See No Evil (2006)
Seeing Other People (2004)
Seeker, The: The Dark Is Rising (2007)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)
Seinfeld Season 1-9 (1989-98)TV Series
Sekret Enigmy AKA Secret of Enigma (1979)Poland
Self Made Maids (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Selfish Giant, The (2013)UK
Selma (2014)
Selznick News (1921)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Seminary Girls (1897)
Semi-Pro (2008)
Senna (2010)DocumentaryUK, France, US
Sense and Sensibility (1995)Ang Lee
Sense of Humor, A AKA Le sens de l'humour (2011)Canada
Sentimental Capitalism, A AKA Un capitalisme sentimental (2009)Canada
Sentinel, The (1977)
Sentinel, The (2006)
Separate Lies (2005)
Separate Tables (1958)
Separation, A AKA Jodaeiye Nader as Simin (2011)Iran, France, AustraliaAsghar Farhadi
September (1987)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
September Issue, The (2009)Documentary
Séraphin: Heart of Stone AKA Séraphin: Un homme et son péché (2002)Canada
Séraphine (2008)France, Belgium
Serena (2014)Czech Republic, France, US
Serenade by Proxy, A (1913)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Serenal (1959)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Serendipity (2001)
Serenity (2005)
Sergeant Rutledge (1960)John Ford
Sergeant York (1941)
Sergei Eisenstein’s ¡Qué Viva Mexico! (1932)US, MexicoGrigoriy Aleksandrov, Sergei Eisenstein
Serial :Bad: Weddings AKA Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon Dieu? (2014)France
Serious Man, A (2009)UK, France, USEthan and Joel Coen
Serious Moonlight (2009)
Serko (2006)France, Russia
Serpent and the Rainbow, The (1988)
Serpent, Le (2006)France
Serpent, The (1973)
Serpent Dance AKA Danse serpentine (1897)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Serpentine Dance, Annabelle (1895)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Serpentine Dance by Lina Esbrard: Danse excentrique (1902)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Serpentine Dance by Mme. Bob Walter (1897)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Serpent's Egg, The (1977)Germany, USIngmar Bergman, [Ingmar Bergman Collection]
Serpico (1973)Sidney Lumet
Servant, The (1963)UK[Dirk Bogarde Collection]
Service AKA Serbis (2008)Philippines
Sessions, The (2012)
Set-Up, The (1949)
Seven Ages, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Seven Beauties AKA Pasqualino Settebellezze (1975)ItalyLina Wertmüller
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)[Essential Classics: American Musicals]
Seven Chances (1925)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Seven Days in May (1964)John Frankenheim
Seven Days in Utopia (2011)
Seven Days to Noon (1950)
Seven Pounds (2008)
Seven Psychopaths (2012)
Seven Samurai AKA Shichinin no samurai (1954)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Seven Swords (2005)
Seven Thieves (1960)
Seven Year Itch, The (1955)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Seventeen Years (1999)
Seventh Continent, The AKA Der siebente kontinent (1989)AustriaMichael Haneke
Seventh Heaven AKA Le septième ciel (1997)France
Seventh Seal, The AKA Det sjunde inseglet (1957)SwedenIngmar Bergman
Seventh Son (2014)US, UK, China, Canada
Severed Heads, The AKA La cravate (1957)France
Sex & the Single Mom (2003)
Sex and Lucia (2001)
Sex and the City Essentials: Lust (2006)
Sex and the City Season 1-6 (1998-2003)TV Series
Sex and the City: The Movie (2008)
Sex and the City 2 (2010)
Sex and the Single Girl (1964)
Sex Is Comedy (2002)
Sex Traffic (2004)TV Mini SeriesUK, Canada
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)Steven Soderbergh
Sex, Love & Therapy AKA Tu veux… ou tu veux pas? (2014)France, Belgium
Sexy Beast (2000)
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018)Animation
Shack, The (2017)UK, Canada, Hong Kong
Shadow Dancer (2012)UK, Ireland
Shadow Magic (2000)
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)Alfred Hitchcock
Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
Shadow Run (1998)
Shadowboxer (2005)
Shadowlands (1993)
Shadows (1958)John Cassavetes, [John Cassavetes Collection]
Shadows and Fog (1991)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Shadows in Paradise (1986)
Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy (2005)Documentary[Val Lewton Horror Double Feature]
Shadows in the Sun (2005)
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors AKA Tini zabutykh predkiv (1965)Soviet UnionSergei Paradjanov, [Films of Sergei Paradjanov]
Shaft (2019)
Shaggy Dog, The (1959)
Shaggy Dog, The (2006)
Shake Hands with the Devil (1959)
Shake Hands with the Devil (2007)
Shakers, The: Hands to Work, Hearts to God (1984)
Shakespeare in Love (1998)
Shakiest Gun in the West, The (1968)
Shalako (1968)UK, Germany, US
Shall We Dance (1937)
Shall We Dance? AKA Shall we dansu? (1996)Japan
Shall We Dance? (2004)
Shall We Kiss? AKA Un baiser s'il vous plaît (2007)France
Shallow Grave (1994)UKDanny Boyle
Shame AKA Skammen (1968)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Ingmar Bergman Collection]
Shame (2011)
Shane (1953)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)US, Australia
Shanghai Cobra, The - Charlie Chan (1945)
Shanghai Express (1932)
Shanghai Ghetto (2002)Documentary
Shanghai Story, The (1954)
Shanghai Surprise (1986)
Shanghai Triad AKA Yao a yao, yao dao wai po qiao (1995)France, China
Shanghaied (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Shannara Chronicles, The Season 1 (2016)TV SeriesUS, New Zealand
Shaolin Soccer AKA Siu Lam juk kau (2001)Hong Kong, China
Shape of Things, The (2003)
Shape of Water, The (2017)US, Canada, MexicoGuillermo del Toro
Sharia in Canada: Something to Fear? (2005)NFB DocumentaryCanadaDominique Cardona
Sharia in Canada: The Pitfalls of Diversity (2005)NFB DocumentaryCanadaDominique Cardona
Shark Tale (2004)
Sharkwater (2006)
Sharpe: The Legend (1997)UK
Sharpe's Battle - Sharpe (1995)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Company - Sharpe (1994)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Eagle - Sharpe (1993)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Enemy - Sharpe (1994)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Gold - Sharpe (1995)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Honour - Sharpe (1994)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Justice - Sharpe (1997)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Mission - Sharpe (1996)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Regiment - Sharpe (1996)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Revenge - Sharpe (1997)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Rifles - Sharpe (1993)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Siege - Sharpe (1996)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Sword - Sharpe (1995)TV EpisodeUK
Sharpe's Waterloo - Sharpe (1997)TV EpisodeUK
Shattered Glass (2003)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)AnimationUK, France, US, Ireland
Shaun the Sheep: A Woolly Good Time - 6 episodes from season 1 (2010)Animation
Shaun the Sheep: Off the Baa! (2007)TV Episode 1.1
Shaun the Sheep: Party Animals (2010)TV Episode 2.17
Shaun the Sheep: We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas (2010)TV Episode 2.40
Shaw Talks for Movietone News (1928)
Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
Shazam! (2019)
She (1935)
She Done Him Right (1933)Animation
She Hate Me (2004)Spike Lee
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
She Wronged Him Right (1934)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
She Wouldn’t Say Yes (1945)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Sheltering Sky, The (1990)UK, ItalyBernardo Bertolucci
Sheriff of Fractured Jaw, The (1958)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace (1962)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, Sherlock Holmes Collection, Vol. 1]
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, Sherlock Holmes Collection, Vol. 1]
Sherlock Holmes Collection – 5 episodes (1960)TV SeriesUK
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Sherlock Holmes in Washington (1943)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, Sherlock Holmes Collection, Vol. 1]
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Granada Television Series ( )
Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four (1987)UK
Sherlock Jr. (1924)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Sherlock Season 1-4 (2010-17)BBC TV SeriesUK
Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)UK
Sherman's March (1985)
Sherrybaby (2006)
She's Out of My League (2010)
She's the Man (2006)
Shetland Season 1-5 (2013-19)TV SeriesUK
She-Wolf of London (1946)[Wolf Man Legacy Collection]
Shine (1996)
Shine a Light: A Martin Scorsese Film about the Rolling Stones (2008)DocumentaryMartin Scorsese
Shine of Rainbows, A (2009)Canada, Ireland
Shining Through (1992)
Shining, The (1980)Stanley Kubrick
Ship of Fools (1965)
Ship That Died of Shame, The (1955)UK[British War Collection]
Shirley Valentine (1989)
Shoah (1985)France, UK
Shock (1946)[Fox Film Noir]
Shock (1977)
Shock and Awe (2017)
Shock Corridor (1963)
Shock Treatment (1981)
Shoe, The (1998)
Shoes of the Fisherman, The (1968)
Shoeshine AKA Sciuscià (1946)ItalyVittorio De Sica
Shogun (1980)TV Mini SeriesUS, Japan
Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Shoot the Piano Player AKA Tirez sur le pianiste (1960)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Shooter (2007)
Shooting Party, The (1984)
Shooting the Chutes (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Shootist, The (1976)[John Wayne Collection]
Shop Around the Corner, The (1940)Ernst Lubitsch
Shop on Main Street, The (1965)
Shopgirl (2005)
Shopworn (1932)[TCM Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection]
Short and Suite (1959)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Short Circuit (1986)
Short Circuit 2 (1988)
Short Cuts (1993)Robert Altman
Short History of Decay, A (2014)
Shortbus (2006)
Shorts (2009)
Shot in the Dark, A (1964)
Shot in the Frontier (1954)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Show Me Love (1998)
Shower (1999)
Shrek (2001)AnimationUS, Japan
Shrek 2 (2004)AnimationUS, Japan
Shrek Forever After (2010)AnimationUS, Japan
Shrek the Halls (2007)AnimationUS, Japan
Shrek the Third (2007)AnimationUS, Japan
Shrink (2009)
Shut Up & Sing (2006)
Shutter (2008)
Shutter Island (2010)Martin Scorsese
Siberiade (1979)Soviet Union
Sicario (2015)US, Mexico, Hong KongDenis Villeneuve
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)US, Mexico
Sicilian, The (1987)
Sick Kitten, The (1903)[The Movies Begin]
Sicko (2007)
Sid & Nancy (1986)
Siddhartha (1972)India, US
Side Effects (2013)Steven Soderbergh
Side Street (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Sidewalks of New York (2001)
Sideways (2004)Alexander Payne
Siege, The (1998)
Sierra, La (2005)DocumentaryColombia, US
Sight for sore eyes, A AKA Inquiétudes (2003)France
Sightseers (2012)
Sign of the Four, The: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case (1932)[Sherlock Holmes, the Definitive Collection]
Sign of the Cross, The (1932)Cecil B. DeMille
Signs (2002)
Signs and Wonders (2002)
Signs and Wonders Movement, The: Exposed (1999)
Silence (2016)Martin Scorsese
Silence de la Mer, Le (1949)FranceJean-Pierre Melville
Silence of Love AKA Tous les soleils (2011)France
Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)[Jody Foster Collection]
Silence, The (1963)
Silence, The (2010)TV Mini Series
Silencing, The (2020)Canada, US
Silent Fall (1994)
Silent Flyer, The (1926)
Silent House (2011)US, France
Silent Lies (1996)
Silent Light (2007)
Silent Love, A (2004)
Silent Partner, The (1978)
Silent Voice, A AKA Koe no katachi (2016)AnimationJapan
Silent Waters (2003)
Silk (2007)
Silk: Series 1 (2011)TV Series
Silkwood (1983)
Silver Chair, The (1990)TV SeriesUK
Silver Chalice, The (1954)
Silver City (2004)
Silver Fleet, The (1943)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Simon Birch (1998)
Simon of the Desert AKA Simón del desierto (1965)MexicoLuis Buñuel
Simple Favor, A (2018)Paul Feig
Simple Plan, A (1998)
Simpsons Movie, The (2007)Animation
Simpsons, The: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror (2001)(video game?)
Sin City (2005)
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
Sin Nombre (2009)Mexico
Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The (1947)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
Since Otar Left AKA Depuis qu'Otar est parti… (2003)France, Belgium, Georgia
Since You Went Away (1944)
Sing (2016)
Sing a Song of Sex Nihon shunka-kô (1967)JapanNagisa Ôshima, [Ôshima's Outlaw Sixties]
Sing a Song of Six Pants Three Stooges (1947)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats], [The Three Stooges: The Early Years]
Sing Street (2016)Ireland, UK
Singer, The AKA Quand j'étais chanteur (2006)France
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Singing Detective, The (2003)
Single Man, A (2009)
Single Moms Club, The (2014)
Singles (1992)
Singles (2009)
Singularity (2007)
Sinister (2012)US, UK, Canada
Sink the Bismarck! (1960)
Sinners of Hell, The AKA Jigoku (1960)Japan
Sioux Ghost Dance (1894)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Sir! No Sir! (2005)
Sirocco (1951)[Humphrey Bogart: The Columbia Pictures Collection]
Sissi (1955)Austria
Sissi: The Young Empress AKA Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin (1956)Austria
Sissi: The Fateful Years of an Empress AKA Sissi - Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin (1957)Austria
Sissi: Forever My Love (1962)Austria
Sister Smile AKA Soeur sourire (2009)Belgium
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The (2005)
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, The (2008)
Sisters of the Gion AKA Gion no shimai (1936)JapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi's Fallen Women]
Sisters, The (2005)
Sitcom (1998)FranceFrançois Ozon
Situation, The (2006)
Six and Seven-Eighths (2003)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Six Feet Under Season 1-5 (2001-05)TV Series
Six Figures (2005)
Six Million American Children… Not in School (1922)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Sixth Sense, The (1999)
Sjov i gaden AKA Fun in the Streets (1969)Region 2Denmark
Sketches of Frank Gehry (2006)DocumentaryGermany, US
Skin (2009)
Skin Game, The (1931)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Essential Collection]
Skin I Live In, The AKA La piel que habito (2011)Spain
Skins Season 1-7 (2011-13)TV Series
Skirt Day AKA La journée de la jupe (2008)France, Belgium
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
Sky High (2005)
Sky Is Falling, The AKA Il cielo cade (2000)Italy
Skyfall (2012)
Skyline (2010)
Skyscraper Symphony (1929)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Skyscrapers of New York City, from the North River (1903)
Slap Shot (1977)
Slaphappy Sleuths (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)
Slaves of New York (1989)
Sleeper (1973)Woody Allen
Sleepers (1996)
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Sleeping Beauty (2011)Australia
Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006)
Sleeping Giant (2015)
Sleeping Tiger, The (1954)
Sleepless (2017)
Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Sleepover (2004)
Sleepwalker (1984)
Sleepwalking (2008)
Sleuth (1972)
Sleuth (2007)
Sliding Doors (1998)
Slight Case of Murder, A (1938)[Warner Bros. Tough Guys Collection]
Slightly Honorable (1939)
Sling Blade (1996)
Slings & Arrows Season 1-3 (2003-06)TV SeriesCanada
Slippery Silks (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)UKDanny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan
Small Back Room, The AKA Hour of Glory (1949)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Small Change AKA L'argent de poche (1976)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Small Circle of Friends, A (1980)
Small Time Crooks (2000)Woody Allen
Small Town Murder Songs (2010)
Small World AKA Je n'ai rien oublié (2010)France, Germany
Smallest Show on Earth, The AKA Big Time Operators (1957)[Peter Sellers Collection]
Smallfoot (2018)Animation
Smallville Season 1-6 (2001-11)TV SeriesUS, Canada
Smart Money (1931)[TCM Greatest Gangster Films Collection]
Smart People (2008)
Smash His Camera (2010)Documentary
Smashed (2012)
Smic Smac Smoc (1971)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
Smiles of a Summer Night (1955)
Smiley's People (1982)TV Mini SeriesUK
Smiling Lieutenant, The (1931)Ernst Lubitsch, [Lubitsch Musicals]
Smitty (2012)
Smoke (1995)
Smokey Robinson: The Greatest Hits Live (1999)
Smokin' Aces (2006)UK, France, US
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010)US, Canada
Smurfs, The (2011)Animation
Smurfs 2, The (2013)Animation
Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)Animation
Snake Eyes (1998)
Snake of June, A (2002)
Snakes (1943)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Snakes on a Plane (2006)
Snatch (2000)
Snatched (2017)
Sneakers (1992)
Sniper, The (1952)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 1]
Sniper: Special Ops (2016)
Snitch (2013)
Snitch in Time, A (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Snorkel, The (1958)[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
Snow & Ashes (2010)Canada
Snow Buddies (2008)
Snow Cake (2006)
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (2011)China, US
Snow Queen 2, The: Refreeze AKA Snezhnaya koroleva 2. Perezamorozka (2014)Russia
Snow Walker, The (2003)
Snow White (1916)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Snow White (1933)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)US, UK
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)Disney Animation
Snowball Fight AKA Bataille de neige (1897)France[The Movies Begin]
Snowbound (1948)UK[British Noir]
Snowden (2016)
Snowdrift at Bleath Gill (1955)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (1952)[Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Snows of Kilimanjaro, The AKA Les neiges du Kilimandjaro (2011)France
Snowshoers, The AKA Les raquetteurs (1958)CanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Snurks, The AKA Back to Gaya (2004)Animation
So Close to Paradise (1998)
… So Goes the Nation (2006)
So Dark the Night (1946)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 4]
So Long Mr. Chump (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Soccer Mom (2008)
Social Genocide (2004)
Social Lion (1954)Disney Animation
Social Network, The (2010)David Fincher
Sock-A-Bye Baby (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Sofie (1992)
Soft Shell Man AKA Un crabe dans la tête (2001)Canada
Soft Skin, The AKA La peau douce (1964)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Solar Do-Nothing Machine (1957)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 6]
Solaris (1972)Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovsky
Solaris (2002)Steven Soderbergh
Solas AKA Alone (1999)Spain, Canada
Soldier of Fortune (1955)
Soldier of Orange AKA Soldaat van Oranje (1977)Netherlands, BelgiumPaul Verhoeven
Solid Gold Cadillac, The (1956)
Solitary Man (2009)
Soloist, The (2009)
Sombre (1998)
Some Came Running (1958)
Some Girls Do (1969)
Some Kind of Beautiful AKA How to Make Love Like an Englishman (2014)US, UK
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)
Some Like It Hot (1959)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder Collection]
Some More of Samoa (1941)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)
Someone I Loved AKA Je l'aimais (2009)France, Italy, Belgium, Hong Kong
Someone to Watch Over Me (1987)Ridley Scott
Somersault (2004)
Something Borrowed (2011)
Something Dancing About Her: Pegi Nicol (2004)
Something in the Air AKA Après mai (2012)France
Something in the Wind (1947)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
Something New (1920)
Something New (2006)
Something of Value (1957)
Something to Sing About (1937)
Something's Gotta Give (2003)
Sometimes a Great Notion (1971)
Sometimes in April (2005)France, Rwanda, US
Somewhat Gentle Man, A AKA En ganske snill mann (2010)Norway
Somewhere (2010)US, UK, Italy, JapanSofia Coppola
Somewhere in Europe AKA Valahol Európában (1947)Hungary
Somewhere in the Night (1946)[Fox Film Noir]
Son of Dracula (1943)[Dracula: The Legacy Collection]
Son of Frankenstein (1939)[Frankenstein: The Legacy Collection]
Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake (1942)
Son of God (2014)
Son of Rambow (2007)
Son of Saul AKA Saul fia (2015)Hungary
Son of the Bride (2001)
Son of the Mask (2005)
Son, The (2002)
Song a Day, A (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Song For a Raggy Boy (2003)
Song for Martin, A (2001)
Song of Bernadette, The (1943)
Song of Names, The (2019)
Song of Sparrows, The (2008)
Song of the Sea (2014)AnimationIreland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg
Song of the Thin Man (1947)
Song, The (2014)
Songcatcher (2000)
Songs from the Second Floor (2000)
Sonny Rollins: Live in ’65 and ’68 (2008)
Sonny with a Chance Season 1 (2009)TV Series
Sons of Captain Poetry, The (1970)CanadaMichael Ondaatje, [Michael Ondaatje, 3 Films by]
Sons of Katie Elder, The (1965)[John Wayne Collection]
Son's Room, The (2001)
Soong Sisters, The AKA Song jia huang chao (1997)Hong Kong, Japan, China
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days AKA Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005)Germany
Sophie's Choice (1982)UK, US, Yugoslavia
Sopranos, The Season 1-6 (1999-2007)TV Series
Sorcerer (1977)William Friedkin
Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (2010)
Sore for Sighted Eyes, A (2006)
Sorpasso, Il AKA The Easy Life (1962)Italy
Sorrow and the Pity, The (1969)
Sorry We Missed You (2019)UK, France, BelgiumKen Loach
Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
Sortir du Rang 2014DocumentaryCanada
Soul Kitchen (2009)Germany, France, Italy
Soul of Youth, The (1920)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Soul Surfer (2011)
Sound of Mumbai, The: A Musical (2010)DocumentaryIndia, UK
Sound of Music, The (1965)[Best Picture Collection]
Soundless AKA Lautlos (2004)Germany
Source Code (2011)
Source, The AKA La source des femmes (2011)France, Belgium, Italy
South (1999)
South of the Border (2009)Documentary
South Pacific (1958)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999)Animation
South Riding (2011)TV Mini SeriesUK
Southland Tales (2006)France, Germany, US
Southpaw (2015)Hong Kong, US
Souvenir of Canada (2005)Canada
Souvenirs intimes AKA L'homme invisible à la fenêtre AKA Memories Unlocked (1999)Canada
Soylent Green (1973)
Spaceballs (1987)
Space Buddies (2009)
Space Chimps (2008)Animation
Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back (2010)Animation
Space Cowboys (2000)Clint Eastwood, [Clint Eastwood Comedy Collection]
Space Dogs AKA Belka i Strelka. Zvyozdnye sobaki (2010)AnimationRussia
Space Station 76 (2014)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spain AKA Espagne (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Spain: Flamenco Dance AKA Espagne: Dans espagnole de la Feria Sevillanos (1900)DocumentaryFrance[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Spanglish (2004)
Spanish Apartment, The AKA L'auberge espagnole AKA Pot Luck (2002)France, Spain
Spanish Bullfight (1900)France[The Movies Begin]
Spare Change (2008)NFBCanada
Spare Parts (2003)
Sparkle (2012)
Spartacus (1960)Stanley Kubrick
Spartan (2004)
Speak Easily Buster Keaton & Jimmy Durante (1932)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Speaking of Murder AKA Le rouge est mis (1957)France
Speaking Parts (1989)Canada, UK, ItalyAtom Egoyan
Special Day, A (1977)
Special Delivery AKA C’est la bouquet! (2002)France
Special Relationship, The (2010)
Special Section AKA Section spéciale (1975)France, Italy, GermanyCosta-Gavras
Specialist, The (1994)
Speckled Band, The (1931)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Spectacular Now, The (2013)
Spectre (2015)UK, US, Austria, Mexico, Italy
Speed (1994)
Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)
Speed Racer (2008)
Speedy (1928)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 3]
Spellbound (1945)
Spellbound (2002)
Spencer (2021)
Spencer Tracy Legacy, The: A Tribute by Katharine Hepburn (1986)
Spetters (1980)NetherlandsPaul Verhoeven
Spheres (1969)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Spider (2002)Canada, UK, FranceDavid Cronenberg, [David Cronenberg DVD Collection]
Spider Woman , The (1943)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection]
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man 2.1 (2007)
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man, The Amazing (2012)
Spider-Man 2, The Amazing (2014)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)Animation
Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spiderwick Chronicles, The (2008)
Spies AKA Spione (1928)GermanyFritz Lang, [Fritz Lang Epic Collection]
Spies AKA Private Snafu: Spies (1943)Animation
Spine, The (2009)Animation
Spinning Man (2018)
Spiral Road, The (1962)
Spiral Staircase, The (1946)
Spirit of Grey Owl, The (1998)DocumentaryCanada
Spirit of the Beehive, The (1973)
Spirit, The (2008)
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
Spirited Away (2001)AnimationJapanHayao Miyazaki
Spiritual Voices AKA Dukhovnye golosa. Iz dnevnikov voyny. Povestvovanie v pyati chastyakh (1995)DocumentaryRussia
SPL: Kill Zone AKA Saat po long (2005)Hong Kong, Macao
Splash (1984)
Splendor (1989)
Splendor in the Grass (1961)
Splice (2009)Canada, Mexico, France, US
Split (2016)US, Japan
Spoilers, The (1942)
Spoils of War (2009)
SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, The (2004)Animation
Spook House (2003)
Spook Sport (1940)AnimationNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Spooks: The Greater Good (2015)UK
Spooks: Vol. 1-10 (2002-11)TV SeriesUK
Spooks! (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Spooky Buddies (2011)
Spooky House (2005)
Spotlight (2015)
Spring AKA Le printemps (1909)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Spring Breakers (2012)
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring AKA Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (2003)South Korea, Germany
Sprinkler Sprinkled, The AKA L'arroseur arrosé (1895)France[The Movies Begin]
Spur der Steine AKA Trace of Stones (1966)East Germany
Spy (2015)Paul Feig
Spy in White, The AKA The Secret of Stamboul (1936)[Mystery Classics]
Spy Kids (2001)
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (2002)
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003)
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (2011)
Spy Next Door, The (2010)
Spy School (2008)
Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The (1965)
Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977)
Square Grouper (2011)
Square, The (2008)
Square, The AKA Al midan (2013)UK, Egpt, US
Square, The (2017)
Squid and the Whale, The (2005)
Squint Your Eyes (2002)
Sssssss (1973)
St. Benny the Dip (1951)[Classic Comedy Triple Feature]
St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
St. Ives (1976)
St. Trinian's (2007)UK
St. Vincent (2014)
Stage Beauty (2004)
Stage Door (1937)
Stage Fright (1950)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Stagecoach (1939)John Ford
Stalag 17 (1953)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder DVD Collection]
Stalingrad (1993)Germany
Stalingrad (2013)Russia
Stalker (1979)Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovsky
Stalking Moon, The (1968)
Stan & Ollie (2018)
Stand and Deliver (1988)
Stand by Me (1986)
Stand Up Guys (2012)
Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
Stander (2003)Canada, Germany, South Africa, UK
Standing in the Shadows of Motown (2002)
Stanford Prison Experiment, The (2015)
Star 80 (1983)
Star Chamber, The (1983)
Star Is Born, A (1954)
Star Is Born, A (2018)
Star Maker, The (1995)
Star Packer, The (1934)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Star Struck (2000)
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Star Trek Fan Collective: Borg (2001)
Star Trek Fan Collective: Time Travel – Discs 1–4 ( )
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Star Trek: The Original Series: Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions (1966–69)
Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace (1999)George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones (2002)George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (2005)George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode 4 - A New Hope (1977)George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode 5 - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)Irvin Kershner
Star Wars: Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi (1983)Richard Marquand
Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (2015)J.J. Abrams
Star Wars: Episode 8 - The Last Jedi (2017)Rian Johnson
Star Wars: Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)J.J. Abrams
Star Wars: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)Gareth Edwards
Star Wars: Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)Ron Howard
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)Animation
Starbuck (2011)
Stardom (2000)
Stardust (2007)
Stardust Memories (1980)Woody Allen
Stardust: The Bette Davis Story (2006)[Bette Davis Collection]
Stargate (1994)Roland Emmerich
Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007)TV Series
Stargate Atlantis: Rising (2004)US, Canada
Starlet (2013) (2012?)
Starmaker, The (1994)
Starred Up (2013)UK
Stars and Stripes (1939)AnimationCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Starship Troopers (1997)Paul Verhoeven
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (2004)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008)
Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012)
Starsky & Hutch (2004)
Starting out in the Evening (2007)
State of Blackness, A: Aimé Césaire’s Way AKA La Manière nègre ou Aimé Césaire chemin faisant (1991)NFBCanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
State of Grace (1990)
State of Play (2009)
State of Siege (1972)France, Italy, GermanyCosta-Gavras
State of the Union (1948)Frank Capra, [Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
State Within, The (2007)
Statement, The (2003)Canada, France, UKNorman Jewison
Staten Island (2009)
Stateside (2004)
Station Agent, The (2003)
Station Jim (2001)UK
Stationmaster’s Wife, The AKA Bolwieser (1977)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Statue, The AKA La statue (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Stavisky (1974)France, ItalyAlain Resnais
Stealing Beauty (1996)UK, France, ItalyBernardo Bertolucci
Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928)[Buster Keaton Collection], [Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Steamboy (2004)
Steamroller and the Violin, The AKA Katok i skripka (1961)Soviet UnionAndrei Tarkovsky
Steel Helmet, The (1951)Samuel Fuller, [First films of Samuel Fuller]
Steel Magnolias (1989)
Steel Toes (2007)
Stella and Sam Season 1 (2011)TV Animation
Stella Days (2011)
Step Brothers (2008)
Step by Step (2002)
Step Into Liquid (2003)
Step Lively (1944)
Step Up (2006)
Step Up 2 The Streets (2008)
Step Up 3 (2010)
Step Up Revolution 4 (2012)
Step Up All In 5 (2014)US, Canada
Stepford Wives, The (1975)
Steve Irwin: The Crocodile Hunter (2002)
Steve Jobs (2015)UK, USDanny Boyle
Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview (2012)
Stick It (2006)
Sticks and Stones (2008)Canada
Sticky Fingers AKA Les doigts croches (2009)Canada, Argentina, France
Sticky Woman, A AKA La femme collante (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Still Alice (2014)
Still Crazy (1998)
Still Life AKA San xia hao ren (2006)China, Hong Kong
Still Mine (2012)Canada
Stille Nacht I: Dramolet (1988)AnimationUK[Quay Brothers Collection]
Stille Nacht II: Are We Still Married? (1993)AnimationUK[Quay Brothers Collection]
Stille Nacht III: Tales from the Vienna Woods (1992)AnimationUK[Quay Brothers Collection]
Stille Nacht IV: Can't Go Wrong Without You (1994)AnimationUK[Quay Brothers Collection]
Sting, The (1973)
Stoker (2013)UK, US
Stolen Jools, The (1931)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Stolen Kisses AKA Baisers volés (1968)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Stomp the Yard (2007)
Stone (2010)
Stone Angel, The (2007)
Stone of Destiny (2008)Canada, UK
Stone Reader (2002)
Stonehearst Asylum AKA Eliza Graves (2014)
Stones AKA Avanim (2004)France, Israel
Stoning of Soraya M., The (2008)
Stop Making Sense - Talking Heads (1984)
Stop Me Before I Kill! (1960)[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
Stop That Noise (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Stop Thief! (1901)[The Movies Begin]
Stop-Loss (2008)
Stopover Tokyo (1957)
Stories from American Newsreels (1918-21)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Stories We Tell (2012)CanadaSarah Polley
Storm (2002)Documentary[Warren Miller's Power of Snow Collection]/td>
Storm at Sea, A (1900)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Storm Center (1956)
Storm of the Century (1999)TV Mini Series
Storm Over the Nile (1955)
Storm Warning (1951)
Storm Warning (2007)
Stormbreaker (2006)
Stormy Waters AKA Remorques (1941)FranceJean Grémillon, [Jean Grémillon during the Occupation]
Stormy Weather (1943)
Stormy Weather (2003)Belgium, Iceland, France
Story of a Cheat, The AKA Le roman d'un tricheur (1936)France[Presenting Sacha Guitry]
Story of a Love Affair AKA Cronaca di un amore (1950)ItalyMichelangelo Antonioni, [Great Italian Directors Collection]
Story of Adele H, The AKA L'histoire d'Adèle H. (1975)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Story of Anyburg U.S.A., The (1957)Disney Animation
Story of Civilization, The: 6 DVD Box Set (2006)Documentary
Story of Film, The: An Odyssey (2011)TV Mini Series
Story of Marie and Julien, The AKA Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003)France, ItalyJacques Rivette
Story of O, The (1975)
Story of Vernon and Irene Castle, The (1939)
Story of the Weeping Camel, The AKA Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel (2003)Germany, Mongolia
Story of Women (1988)Claude Chabrol
Story Well Spun, A AKA Une histoire roulante (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Storytelling (2001)
Strada, La (1954)ItalyFederico Fellini
Straight Line, The AKA La ligne droite (2011)France
Straight Outta Compton (2015)
Straight Story, The (1999)David Lynch
Straight to the Heart AKA En plein coeur (2008)Canada
Strain, The Season 1 (2014)TV SeriesUS, Mexico
Strange Bedfellows (1965)
Strange Bedfellows (2004)
Strange Brew (1983)
Strange But True (2019)Canada
Strange Cargo (1940)
Strange Case of Doctor Rx, The (1942)[Universal: Cult Horror Collection]
Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It, The (1977)
Strange Confession (1945)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Strange Days (1995)Kathryn Bigelow
Strange Door, The (1951)[Boris Karloff Collection]
Strange Gardens AKA Effroyable jardins (2003)France
Strange Illusion (1945)
Strange Impersonation (1946)
Strange Invaders (1983)[Midnite Movies]
Strange Love of Martha Ivers, The (1946)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Strange Woman, The (1946)[Hedy Lamarr Collection]
Stranger, The (1946)Orson Welles, [Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Stranger by the Lake AKA L'inconnu du lac (2013)France
Stranger in a Cab AKA Ceci N’est pas un polar (2014)Canada
Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)Jim Jarmusch
Strangers in Good Company (1990)
Strangers in the Night (1944)
Strangers may kiss (1931)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Strangers on a Train (1951)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Strangers, The (2008)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Strawberry and Chocolate AKA Fresa y chocolate (1993)Cuba, Mexico, Spain, US
Stray Dogs (2004)
Strayed AKA Les égarés (2003)France, UK
Street Cat Named Bob, A (2016)UK
Street Corner Justice (1996)
Street Kings (2008)
Street Musique (1972)AnimationCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
Street of Crocodiles (1986)AnimationUK
Street of No Return (1989)
Street of Shame AKA Akasen chitai (1956)JapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi's Fallen Women]
Street with No Name, The (1948)[Fox Film Noir]
Street Without End AKA Kagirinaki hodô (1934)JapanMikio Naruse, [Silent Naruse]
Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951)
Streeters (2001)
Streetfighter, The AKA Gekitots! Satsujin ken (1974)Japan
Streets of Blood (2009)
Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide (1904)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Stress: Portrait of a Killer (2008)Documentary
Strictly Ballroom (1992)Baz Luhrmann
Stripes (1981)
Stromboli (1950)Italy, USRoberto Rossellini, [Rossellini & Bergman Collection]
Strong Arm Squad of the Future, The (c.1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Strong Boy Preview (1929)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Stroszek (1977)GermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog]
Stuart Little 2 (2002)Animation
Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild (2005)Animation
Stuart McLean Vinyl Café: A Christmas Collection (2005)
Stuart McLean Vinyl Café: Family Pack – Dave, Morley, The Kids, The Pets (2011)
Stuck in Love (2012)
Stuck on You (2003)
Student Prince, The (1954)
Studio Stoops (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Study in Scarlet, A (1933)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Study in Terror, A (1965)
Stunt Man, The (1980)
Submarine (2010)UK, US
Submarino (2010)Region 2Denmark
Submerged (2005)Region 2Denmark
Suburbanite, The (1904)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Suburbanite's Ingenious Alarm, A (1908)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Successful Man, A AKA Un hombre de éxito (1986)Cuba[Cuban Masterworks Collection]
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sudden Fear (1952)[Film Noir: The Dark Side of Hollywood]
Suddenly (1954)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Suddenly Naked (2001)
Suddenly! (1954)[Movie Collection]
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)
Suffragette (2015)UK, France
Suffragette in Spite of Himself, A (1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Sugartime (1995)
Suicide Club (2001)
Suicide Killers (2006)
Suicide Shop, The AKA Le magasin des suicides (2012)AnimationFrance, Canada, BelgiumPatrice Leconte
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suite Française (2014)UK, France, Canada, Belgium, US
Suite Life Movie, The (2011)
Suite Life of Zack and Cody, The Season 1 (2005)TV Series
Suite Life, The: On Deck (2008-11)TV Series
Suitor, The (1962)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Suits Season 1-6 (2011-19)TV Series
Sukeban Deka: Code Name = Saki Asamiya (2006)Japan
Sukiyaki Western Django (2007)
Sullivan's Travels (1941)
Sully (2016)Clint Eastwood
Sum of All Fears, The (2002)
Summer '04 (2006)
Summer Crisis AKA La maison du pêcheur (2013)Canada
Summer Day in Ottawa in 1949, A (1949)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Summer Eleven (2010)
Summer Hours (2008)
Summer in Genoa, A (2008)
Summer in La Goulette, A AKA Un été à La Goulette (1996)Tunisia, France, Belgium
Summer of '42 (1971)
Summer of the Colt AKA El verano del potro AKA Fierro… l'été des secrets (1991)Argentina, Canada
Summer Palace (2006)
Summer Place, A (1959)
Summer Rain (2006)
Summer with Monika (1953)
Summer's Tale, A AKA Conte d'été (1996)FranceEric Rohmer
Summit Circle AKA Contre toute espérance (2007)Canada
Sumurun (1920)GermanyErnst Lubitsch
Sun Also Rises, The (1957)[Ernest Hemingway Film Collection]
Sun Behind the Clouds, The: Tibet's Struggle for Freedom (2010)Austria, France, India, Netherlands
Sun, The (2005)
Sunbeam, The - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Sunday (1997)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971)
Sunday in Kigali, A (2006)
Sunday in the Country, A Un dimanche à la campagne (1984)FranceBertrand Tavernier
Sunday Morning Funnies – Betty Boop; Blondie & Dagwood; Cool Mc Cool (1989)
Sunday School Musical (2008)
Sundays and Cybele (1962)
Sundays at Tiffany's (2010)
Sundown (1941)
Sundowners, The (1960)
Sun Down Limited, The (1924)[Our Gang]
Sunflower (2005)
Sunnyside (1919)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 features]
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)Billy Wilder, [Billy Wilder DVD Collection]
Sunset Limited, The (2011)
Sunshine (1999)
Sunshine (2007)UK, USDanny Boyle
Sunshine Cleaning (2008)
Sunshine State (2002)
Super 8 (2011)
Super Size Me (2004)
Superbad (2007)
Supergirl (1984)UK, US
Superhero Movie (2008)
Superman (1978)US, UK, Canada, Switzerland, France[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Superman II (1980)[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006)[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Superman III (1983)[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Superman Returns (2006)[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
Supernova (2000)
Supernova (2005)[Disaster Collector’s Set], [Sci-Fi Four-Pack]
Supernova (2005)
Superstar (2012)France, Belgium
Surf's Up (2007)Animation`
Surprise Attack on a House at Daybreak AKA Surprise d'une maison au petit jour (1898)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Surrealism (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Surrealistic Hand Drawing (1939)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Surrogates (2009)
Surveillance (2008)
Surviving Desire (1992)
Surviving My Mother (2007)
Surviving Picasso (1996)
Surviving Progress (2011)DocumentaryCanada
Susan Slade (1961)[Warner Bros Romance Classics Collection]
Susana (1951)Luis Buñuel
Sushi Girl (2012)
Suspect Zero (2004)
Suspended Vocation, The (1978)
Suspicion (1941)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Suspiria (1977)ItalyDario Argento
Suspiria (2018)Italy, USLuca Guadagnino
Suzanne's Career (1963)Eric Rohmer, [Eric Rohmer: 6 Moral Tales]
Suzie (2009)
Suzy (1936)
Swamp Water (1941)Jean Renoir
Swan Lake (2002)
Swan Lake (2010)
Swat the Fly (1935)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)Tim Burton
Sweeney, The (2012)
Sweet and Lowdown (1999)Woody Allen
Sweet Bird of Youth (1962)
Sweet Hereafter, The (1997)CanadaAtom Egoyan, [Atom Egoyan DVD Collection]
Sweet Home Alabama (2002)
Sweet Land (2005)
Sweet Mud (2006)
Sweet November (2001)
Sweet Sixteen (2002)UK, Germany, SpainKen Loach
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971)
Sweetest Thing, The (2002)
Sweetie (1989)Jane Campion
Swell Season, The (2011)US, Czech Republic, Ireland
Swept Away Travolti da una insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto (1974)ItalyLina Wertmüller
Swimfan (2002)
Swimmer, The (1968)
Swimming Pool (2003)France, UKFrançois Ozon
Swimming Pool, The AKA La piscine (1969)France[Alain Delon 5-Film Collection]
Swimming to Cambodia (1987)
Swimming Upstream (2003)
Swimming with Sharks (1994)
Swindle, The AKA Il Bidone (1955)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Swindled (2004)
Swing (2002)France, JapanTony Gatlif
Swing Kids (1993)
Swing Parade Three Stooges (1946)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Swing Time (1936)
Swing Vote (2008)
Swingers (1996)
Switch (2011)France
Switch, The (2010)
Swoon (1992)
Sword in the Stone, The (1963)
Sword of Doom, The (1966)
Sword of Gideon (1986)Canada, US, France
Swordfish (2001)
Swordsman of Siena AKA La congiura dei dieci (1962)Italy, France
SX-70 (1961)Documentary[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 4]
Sybil (1976)TV Mini Series
Sydney White (2007)
Sylvia (2003)
Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968)
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2 1/2 (2005)
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance AKA Chinjeolhan geumjassi (2005)South Korea
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002)
Symphonie diagonale (1924)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Symphonie Locass (2006)NFB DocumentaryCanadaMartine Asselin, Marco Dubé
Symposium on Popular Songs, A (1962)Disney Animation
Synchromy (1971)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Syndromes and a Century (2006)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Synthetic Music Experiments (1950)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Syrian Bride, The (2004)France, Germany, Israel
Syriana (2005)
Syrinx (1965)AnimationCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
T2 Trainspotting (2017)UKDanny Boyle
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas (1931)F.W. Murnau, [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Tadpole (2002)
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (2004)South Korea
Tailor of Panama, The (2001)
Take (2007)
Take, The (2004)DocumentaryCanada, Argentina
Take, The AKA Bastille Day (2016)UK, France, US, Belgium, Luxembourg, China, Germany
Take Aim at the Police Van AKA 'Jûsangô taihisen' yori: Sono gosôsha o nerae (1960)Japan
Take Care of My Cat (2001)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949)
Take Shelter (2011)
Take the Lead (2006)
Take This Waltz (2011)
Taken (2002)
Taken (2008)
Taken 2 (2012)
Taken 3 (2014)
Takers (2010)
Takeshis' (2005)Japan
Taking Lives (2004)
Taking of Pelham 123, The (2009)US, UK
Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (1974)
Taking of Power by Louis XIV, The AKA La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV (1966)France
Taking of Tiger Mountain, The AKA Zhi qu wei hu shan (2014)China
Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai (2008)
Taking Sides (2001)
Taking Woodstock (2009)Ang Lee
Tale of a Naughty Girl, A (2002)
Tale of Despereaux, The (2008)AnimationUK, US
Tale of Springtime, A AKA Conte de printemps (1990)FranceEric Rohmer
Tale of the Princess Kaguya, The AKA Kaguya-hime no monogatari (2013)AnimationJapan
Tale of Two Cities, A (1935)[Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection]
Tale of Two Sisters, A (2003)
Tale of Winter, A AKA Conte d'hiver (1992)FranceEric Rohmer
Tale the Autumn Leaves Told (1908)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Talent Given Us, The (2004)
Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999)
Tales for All collection ( )
Tales from Earthsea (2006)
Tales from the Crypt (1972)[Twentieth Century Fox Midnite Movies]
Tales from the Crypt Season 1 ( )
Tales from the Golden Age AKA Amintiri din epoca de aur (2009)Romania, France
Tales of Hoffmann, The (1951)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Tales of Manhattan (1942)
Tales of the Night AKA Les contes de la nuit (2011)France, US
Tales of the Rat Fink (2006)
Talk of the Town, The (1942)[Cary Grant Box Set]
Talk Radio (1988)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Talk to Her AKA Hable con ella (2002)SpainPedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Talk to Me (2007)
Talking to a Stranger - Theatre 625 (1966)TV EpisodeUK[Judi Dench Collection]
Tall Guy, The (1989)
Tall Men, The (1955)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
Tamara Drewe (2010)UK
Taming of the Shrew, The (1967)
Tampopo (1985)Japan
Tangerine (2015)
Tangled (2010)
Tango (1998)
Tango & Cash (1989)
Tango, The (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Tanguy (2001)France
Tap (1989)
Taps (1981)
Tár (2022)Todd Field
Tara Road (2005)
Target for Tonight (1941)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 6]
Tarnation (2003)
Tarts and Flowers (1950)Animation
Tartuffe AKA Herr Tartüff (1925)GermanyF.W. Murnau, [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Tarzan and His Mate (1934)
Tarzan Escapes (1936)
Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939)
Tarzan II (2005)Animation
Tarzan The Ape Man (1932)
Tarzan Triumphs (1943)
Tarzan’s Desert Adventure AKA Tarzan’s Desert Mystery (1943)
Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942)
Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941)
Taste of Cherry (1997)Abbas Kiarostami
Taste of Fear (1961)
Taste of Money, The AKA Donui mat (2012)South Korea
Taste of Others, The (2000)
Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)[Warner Bros: Draculas, Disc 2]
Taxi (1998)France
Taxi (2004)
Taxi 2 (2000)France
Taxi 3 (2003)France
Taxi 4 (2007)France
Taxi Blues (1990)
Taxi Driver (1976)Martin Scorsese
Taxi for Tobruk AKA Un taxi pour Tabrouk (1961)France, Spain, Germany
Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)
Taxi, Trailer and Bullfight (1958)
Taxidermia (2006)
Tchaikovsky (1970)Soviet Union
Tchin-Tchao, the Chinese Conjurer AKA Le thaumaturge chinois (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Tea with Mussolini AKA Un tè con Mussolini (1999)Italy, UK
Tea with the Dames (2018)UK
Teahouse of the August Moon, The (1956)
Team America: World Police (2004)
Tears of the Sun (2003)
Ted (2012)
Ted 2 (2015)
'Teddy' Bears, The (1907)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Teenage Paparazzo (2010)
Tell No One AKA Ne le dis à personne (2006)France, UK
Tempest (1928)
Tempest (1982)
Tempest, The (2010)Julie Taynor
Tempest, The (2010)CanadaDes McAnuff
Tempestaire, Le (1947)France[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Temple Grandin (2010)
Temptation of a Monk (1993)
Temptress Moon (1996)
Temptress, The (1926)[TCM Archives: Garbo Silents Collection]
Ten AKA Dah (2002)Iran, France, USAbbas Kiarostami
Ten Canoes (2006)
Ten Cents a Dance (1931)[TCM Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection]
Ten Commandments, The (1956)Cecil B. DeMille
Ten Commandments, The (2007)
Ten Days Wonder (1971)
Ten Girls Ago (1962)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Ten Little Indians (1965)George Pollock
Ten Little Indians (1974)Italy, W. Germany, France, Spain, UK, IranPeter Collinson
Ten Nights of Dreams (2006)
Tenant of Windfell Hall, The (2008)UK
Tenant, The (1976)Roman Polanski
Tender Mercies (1983)
Tender Trap, The (1955)
Tenebre (1982)ItalyDario Argento, [Dario Argento Collection]
Tenet (2020)Christopher Nolan
Tennessee (2008)
Tennessee Williams' South (1973)
Tension (1949)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Teorema (1968)Italy
Terminal Station AKA Stazione Termini AKA Indiscretion of an American Wife (1953)Italy, US
Terminal, The (2004)Steven Spielberg
Terminator, The (1984)James Cameron
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)James Cameron
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
Terminator Salvation (2009)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terms of Endearment (1983)
Terra trema, La (1948)ItalyLuchino Visconti, [Luchino Visconti Collection]
Terri (2011)
Terrible Kids, The (1906)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Terrible Toreador, El (1929)Disney Animation
Terribly Happy AKA Frygtelig lykkelig (2008)Denmark
Terror by Night (1946)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection], [Sherlock Holmds, The Definitive Collection]
Terror of Mechagodzilla AKA Mekagoira no gyakushu (1975)Japan[Godzilla Collection]
Terror, The (1963)Roger Corman, [Jack Nicholson Cult Classics]
Terror's Advocate AKA L'avocat de la terreur (2007)France
Tesla (2020)
Tess (1979)Roman Polanski
Testament of Dr. Cordelier, The (1959)FranceJean Renoir
Testament of Orpheus (1960)FranceJean Cocteau, [Jean Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy]
Testament of Youth (2014)
Tetro (2009)Francis Ford Coppola
Tevye (1939)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The (1974)
Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The: The Beginning (2006)
Texas Desert Trail, The (1935)
Texas Terror (1935)[John Wayne, America’s Classic Hero]
Textuality (2011)
Thank You for Smoking (2005)
Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943)
Thanks for Sharing (2012)
Thanks for the Memory (1935)[Bob Hope Collection]
That 70's Show (1998-2006)TV Series
That Certain Age (1938)[Deanna Durbin Music & Romance Collection]
That Fatal Sneeze (1907)[The Movies Begin]
That Man from Rio AKA L’homme de Rio (1964)France, Italy
That Night in Rio (1941)
That Obscure Object of Desire AKA Cet obscur objet du désir (1977)France, SpainLuis Buñuel
That Old Black Magic AKA Rhapsody in Black (2002)DocumentaryCanada
That's Entertainment! (1974)
That's Entertainment! Part II (1976)
That's Entertainment! Part III (1994)
That's My Boy (2012)
Theatre of Blood AKA Theater of Blood (1973)
Theeb (2014)UAE, Qatar, Jordan, UK
Their Finest (2016)UK, Sweden, France
Thelma & Louise (1991)Ridley Scott
Thelma, Louise et Chantal (2010)France
Theodora Goes Wild (1936)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Theory of Everything, The (2014)
There It Is (1928)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
There Was a Crooked Man… (1970)
There Were Days… and Moons AKA Il y a des jours… et des lunes (1990)FranceClaude Lelouch, [6 Films of Claude Lelouch]
There Will Be Blood (2007)Paul Thomas Anderson
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey (1993)
There's a Girl in My Soup (1970)
There's Always Tomorrow (1955)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)
Thérèse AKA Thérèse Desqueyroux (2012)France
Thérèse Raquin (1980)BBC Mini SeriesUK
Thérèse Raquin AKA The Adultress (1953)France, Italy
These are the Damned AKA The Damned (1962)UK[Hammer Films: Icons of Suspense Collection]
These Final Hours (2013)
They Call Her One Eye AKA Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973)
They Call It Sin (1932)[Warner Bros: Forbidden Hollywood, Vol. 4]
They Call Me Mister Tibbs! (1970)
They Died with Their Boots On (1941)
They Drive by Night (1940)
They Gave Him a Gun (1937)
They Got Me Covered (1943)[Bob Hope MGM Movie Legends Collection]
They Live by Night (1948)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)
They Made Me a Fugitive (1947)
They Met in the Dark (1943)UK[British Noir]
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969)
They Were Expendable (1945)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
Thick of It, The Season 1-4 (2005-12)TV Series
Thick-Walled Room, The AKA Kabe atsuki heya (1956)JapanMasaki Kobayashi, [Masaki Kobayashi Against the System]
Thief (1981)
Thief of Bagdad, The (1940)
Thief, The (1997)
Thieves By Law AKA Ganavim Ba Hok (2010)Germany, Israel, Spain, Norway
Thieves' Highway (1949)
Thieves of Innocence AKA Les voleurs d’enfance (2005)DocumentaryCanada
Thieving Hand, The (1908)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Thin Blue Line, The (1988)Errol Morris, [Errol Morris DVD Collection]
Thin Man Goes Home, The (1944)
Thin Man, The (1934)
Thin Red Line, The (1998)Terrence Malik
Thing About My Folks, The (2005)
Thing from Another World, The (1951)
Thing with Two Heads, The (1972)
Things I Left in Havana (1997)
Things to Come (1936)
Things to Come AKA L'avenir (2016)France, Germany
Things We Lost in the Fire (2007)
Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937)[Mr. Moto Collection]
Think Like a Man (2012)
Think Like a Man Too (2014)
Third Man, The (1949)
Thirst (1949)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Early Bergman]
Thirst (2009)
Thirst for Love AKA Ai no kawaki (1966)JapanKoreyoshi Kurahara, [Warrior World of Koreyoshi Kurahara]
Thirteen (2003)
Thirteen (2016)TV Mini SeriesUK
Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001)
Thirteen Days (2000)
Thirty Day Princess (1934)[Cary Grant Screen Legend]
Thirty Days at Hard Labor (1912)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)
This Beautiful City (2007)
This Beautiful Fantastic (2018)
This Changes Everything (2015)
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)
This Gun for Hire (1942)
This Hour Has 22 Minutes Season 1 (1992)CBC TV SeriesCanada
This Is 40 (2012)
This Is England (2006)
This Is It: Michael Jackson (2009)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is the Army (1943)
This Is the End (2013)
This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
This Is York (1953)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
This Is Your Life (1955)[Laurel and Hardy Collection]
This Island Earth (1955)
This Man Must Die (1969)
This Means War (2012)
This Movie is Broken (2010)CanadaBruce McDonald
This Sporting Life (1963)
This Unnameable Little Broom (1985)[Quay Brothers Collection]
This Year - London (1951)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Thomas Crown Affair, The (1968)Norman Jewison
Thomas Crown Affair, The (1999)
Thor (2011)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Thoroughbreds (2017)
Those Awful Hats - Biograph Shorts (1909)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Those Who Make Revolution Halfway Only Dig Their Own Graves AKA Ceux qui font les révolutions à moitié n'ont fait que se creuser un tombeau (2016)Canada
Those Who Remain (2007)
Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood (2008)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Thousand Acres, A (1997)
Thousand Faces of Dunija AKA Qimen Dunjia (2017)China, Hong Kong
Thousand Times Good Night, A AKA Tusen ganger god natt (2013)Norway, Ireland, Sweden
Thousand Years of Good Prayers, A (2007)
Three (2010)
Three Ages (1923)[Buster Keaton Collection]
Three American Beauties (1906)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Three Arabian Nuts (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Three Blind Mice (1938)
Three Blind Mice (2008)
Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936)Disney Animation
Three Brothers AKA Tre fratelli (1981)Italy, FranceFrancesco Rosi
Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, The (2005)France, Mexico, US
Three Caballeros, The (1944)Disney Animation
Three Christs (2917)
Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)
Three Colors: Blue (1993)France, Poland, SwitzerlandKrzysztof Kieslowski
Three Colors: Red (1994)France, Poland, SwitzerlandKrzysztof Kieslowski
Three Colors: White (1994)France, Poland, SwitzerlandKrzysztof Kieslowski
Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983)
Three Dark Horses (1952)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Three Days of the Condor (1975)
Three Faces of Eve, The (1957)
Three Hams on Rye (1950)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Three Feet in a Bed AKA Casimir (1950)France, Italy
Three Kings (1999)
Three Little Beers (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1952-1954
Three Little Pigs (1933)Disney Animation
Three Little Pigskins (1934)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Three Men and a Baby (1987)
Three Men and a Cradle AKA 3 hommes et un couffin (1985)France
Three Men and a Cradle - 18 Years Later AKA 18 ans après (2003)France
Three Monkeys AKA Üç Maymun (2008)Turkey, France, Italy
Three Musketeers, The (1939)
Three Musketeers, The (1948)[Literary Classics Collection]
Three Musketeers, The (1973)
Three Musketeers, The (1993)
Three Musketeers, The (2011)
Three on a Match (1932)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 2]
Three Outlaw Samurai AKA Sanbiki no samurai (1964)Japan
Three Resurrected Drunkards AKA Kaette kita yopparai (1968)JapanNagisa Ôshima, [Ôshima's Outlaw Sixties]
Three Seasons (1999)Vietnam, US
Three Sinners AKA Meutres (1950)France
Three Sisters (1970)[American Film Theatre]
Three Sisters AKA San zimei (2012)France, Hong Kong
Three Smart Girls (1936)[Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack]
Three Smart Girls Grow Up (1939)[Deanna Durbin Music & Romance Collection]
Three Smart Saps (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
Three Stooges, The: Kings of Laughter (1996)Documentary
Three Stooges, The: The Movie (2012)
Three Strangers (1946)
Three Times (2005)
Three to Tango (1999)
Three Wise Girls (1932)[TCM Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection]
Three Worlds AKA Trois mondes (2012)France
Three-Sided Mirror, The (1927)
Throne of Blood AKA Kumonosu-jô (1957)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Through a Glass Darkly (1961)
Thumbsucker (2005)
Thunder Road (1958)
Thunder Rock (1942)
Thunderball (1965)
Thunderbirds (2004)
THX 1138 (1971)George Lucas
Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy (1984)
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion (2002)
Ticket to Heaven (1981)
Ticket to Paradise (1936)
Tickets (2005)Italy, UKAbbas Kiarostami, Ken Loach, Ermanno Olmi
Tickle in the Heart, A (1996)
Tidal Wave AKA Haeundae AKA Tsunami (2009)South Korea
Tideland (2005)Terry Gilliam
Tideline AKA Littoral (2004)Canada, France
Tie that Binds, The (1995)
Tiger and the Snow, The (2005)
Tiger Bay (1959)
Tiger Brigades, The (2006)
Tight Spot (1955)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 3]
Tightrope (1984)Clint Eastwood
Till the Clouds Roll By (1946)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)Mack Sennett, Charles Bennett, [Charlie Chaplin]
Tillman Story, The (2010)
Timbuktu (2014)Mauritania, France, Qatar
Time (2006)
Time Bandits (1981)Terry Gilliam
Time Machine, The (1960)
Time of Favor (2000)
Time of the Wolf Le temps du loup (2003)France, Austria, GermanyMichael Haneke
Time of their Lives, The (1946)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Time Out (2001)
Time Regained (1999)
Time That Remains, The (2009)France, Belgium, Italy, UK
Time to Kill, A (1996)[John Grisham Courtroom Collection]
Time to Leave AKA Le temps qui reste (2005)FranceFrançois Ozon
Time to Love and a Time to Die, A (1958)
Time Traveler’s Wife, The (2009)
Time Without Pity (1957)
Timekeeper, The (2009)Canada
Times and Winds (2006)
Times of Harvey Milk, The (1984)
Tim's Vermeer (2013)
Tin Drum, The (1979)
Tin Men (1987)
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (2010)Disney Animation
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast (2014)Disney Animation
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (2009)Disney Animation
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1979)TV Mini SeriesUK
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)UK, France, Germany
Tintin and the Temple of the Sun AKA Tintin et le temple du soleil (1969)
Tipping the Velvet (2002)TV Mini SeriesUK
Tiptoes (2003)
Tiresia (2003)France, Canada
Titanic (1943)
Titanic (1953)
Titanic (1997)James Cameron
Titfield Thunderbolt, The (1953)UK[Ealing Studios Comedy Collection]
Titicut Follies (1967)Documentary
Titus (1999)UK, Italy, US
T-Men (1947)
TMNT (2007)
To Be and to Have (2002)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)Ernst Lubitsch
To Be or Not to Be (1983)
To Catch a Thief (1955)
To Die For (1995)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
To Hell and Back (1955)
To Joy (1950)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Early Bergman]
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
To Live (1994)
To Live and Die in L.A. (1985)William Friedkin
To Paint or Make Love (2005)
To Please A Lady (1950)[Barbara Stanwyck: Warner Bros Archive Collection]
To Rome with Love (2012)US, Italy, SpainWoody Allen
To Sir, with Love (1967)
To the Arctic (2012)
To the Shores of Iwo Jima (1945)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 5]
To the Wonder (2012)Terrence Malik
To Think Like A Composer (2006)DocumentaryCanada
Toast (2010)UK
Tobacco Conspiracy, The: The Backroom Deals of a Deadly Industry (2006)NFBFrance, Canada
Tobacconist, The AKA Der Trafikant (2018)Austria, Germany
Toccata for Toy Trains (1957)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 2]
Together (2000)
Together (2002)
Together Again (1940)
Together Again (1944)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Tokyo Joe (1949)[Humphrey Bogart: The Columbia Pictures Collection]
Tokyo Sonata (2008)
Tokyo Story (1953)
Tokyo Twilight AKA Tôkyô boshoku (1957)JapanYasujirô Ozu, [Late Ozu]
Tokyo! (2008)
Tokyo-Ga (1985)US, GermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Toil and Tyranny (1915)
Toll of the Sea, The (1922)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Tom at the Farm (2013)
Tom Horn (1980)[Steve McQueen Collection]
Tom Jones (1963)
Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomboy (2011)
Tommy's Honour (2016)UK, US
Tomorrow at Dawn AKA Demain dès l'aube (2009)France
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Tomorrow We Move (2004)
Tomorrowland (2015)US, Spain, France, Canada, UK
Toni Erdmann (2016)Germany, Austria, Monaco, Romania
Tonight and Every Night (1945)[The Films of Rita Hayworth]
Tonight We Raid Calais (1943)
Tony Bennett: The Music Never Ends (2007)TV Episode
Too Beautiful for You (1989)
Too Big to Fail (2011)Biography
Too Hot to Handle (1950)Biography[Best of Burlesque]
Too Late for Tears (1949)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Too Many Girls (1940)
Too Many Husbands (1940)[Icons of Screwball Comedy]
Too Much Flesh (2000)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953)Disney Animation
Tooth Will Out (1951)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Tootsie (1982)
Top Five (2014)
Top Gun (1986)
Top Hat (1935)
Top of the Lake (2013)TV SeriesUK, Australia, New Zealand, US
Top Secret! (1984)UK, US
Top Secret Trial of the Third Reich, The AKA Geheime Reichssache (1979)DocumentaryGermany
Topaz (1969)
Topkapi (1964)
Topper Returns (1941)[Classic Comedy Triple Feature]
Tops (1957)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Tops (1969)[Films of Charles & Ray Eames, Vol. 5]
Topsy-Turvy (1999)Mike Leigh
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)Japan, USAkira Kurosawa
Torch Singer (1933)[Universal: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection]
Torch Song (1953)
Torchwood: The Complete First Season (2007)TV SeriesUK, Canada
Tori and Lokita AKA Tori et Lokita (2022)Belgium, France
Torment AKA Hets (1944)SwedenIngmar Bergman, [Early Bergman]
Tormento (1950)ItalyRaffaello Matarazzo, [Raffaello Matarazzo's Runaway Melodramas]
Torn Curtain (1966)
Toronto Stories (2008)Canada
Torrid Zone (1940)
Tortilla Soup (2001)
Total Recall (1990)Paul Verhoeven
Total Recall (2012)
Totville Eye, The (1912)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Touch of Class, A (1973)
Touch of Evil (1958)Orson Welles
Touch of Pink (2004)
Touchez pas au grisbi (1954)Italy, France
Touching the Void (2003)
Touchy Feely (2013)
Tough Assignment (1949)[Forgotten Noir Collector’s Set: Series 2]
Tough Luck (2003)
Tough Luck AKA Y’en aura pas de facile (2010)Canada
Touki Bouki AKA The Journey of the Hyena (1973)Senegal
Tourist, The (2010)
Tous les soleils AKA Silence of Love (2011)France
Tout feu, tout flamme AKA All Fired Up (1982)France
Tout va bien (1972)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Towards Darkness (2007)
Tower Heist (2011)
Tower of London (1939)[Boris Karloff Collection]
Tower of London (1962)Roger Corman, [MGM Presents Midnite Movies]
Towering Inferno, The (1974)
Town Is Quiet, The (2000)
Town, The (2010)
Toy Story (1995)Disney Animation
Toy Story 2 (1999)Pixar Animation
Toy Story 3 (2010)Pixar Animation
Toy Story 4 (2019)Pixar Animation
Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014)Disney Animation
Toy, The (1982)
Trace of Stones (1966)
Tracey Fragments, The (2007)CanadaBruce McDonald
Track 29 (1988)
Tracks (2013)Australia
Trade of Innocents (2012)US, Thailand
Trading Places (1983)
Traffic (2000)Steven Soderbergh
Traffik (1989)UK
Trafic (1971)France, Italy
Tragedy of Macbeth, The (1971)Roman Polanski
Tragic Error AKA Erreur tragique (1913)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Trail of the Pink Panther (1982)
Trailer Park Boys Season 1-5 (2001-05)TV SeriesCanada
Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day (2009)Canada
Trailer Park Boys: Don't Legalize It (2014)Canada
Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys (2008)
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie (2006)
Train of Life (1998)
Train, The (1964)John Frankenheimer, [John Frankenheimer Collection]
Train Time (1952)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Train Wreckers, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Trainer's Dauthter; or, A Race for Love, The (1907)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Training Day (2001)
Training Pigeons (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
Trainspotting (1996)UKDanny Boyle
Trainwreck (2015)US, Japan
Traité de bave et d'éternité AKA Venom and Eternity (1951)France[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Traitor (2008)
Traitor, The AKA Il traditore (2019)Italy, France, Germany, Brazil
Tramp, The (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Trance (2013)UK, US, FranceDanny Boyle
Transamerica (2005)
Transcendence (2014)
Trans-Europ-Express (1966)France, Belgium
Transformation by Hats AKA Chapeaux à transformations (1895)France
Transformers (2007)
Transformers, The: The Movie (1986)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Transporter, The (2002)
Transporter 2 (2005)
Transporter 3 (2008)
Transporter: Refueled, The (2015)
Transsiberian (2008)UK, Germany, Spain, Lithuania
Transylvania (2006)FranceTony Gatlif
Trap, The (1959)
Trapeze Disrobing Act (1901)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Trauma (1993)ItalyDario Argento, [Dario Argento Collection]
Traveling Companion (1996)
Travellers and Magicians (2003)
Treasure Buddies (2012)Disney
Treasure Island (1934)[Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection]
Treasure Island (1950)
Treasure Island (1990)
Treasure Island (2011)
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)John Huston
Treasure Planet (2002)
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (1945)
Tree in a Test Tube, The Laurel & Hardy (1942)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Tree of Blood AKA El árbol de la sangre (2018)Spain
Tree of Life, The (2011)Terrence Malik
Tree of Wooden Clogs, The (1978)
Tree That Remembers, The (2002)
Tree, The (2010)France, Australia, Germany, Italy, US
Trees Lounge (1996)
Trembling Before G-d (2001)
Treme Season 1-3 (2010-13)TV Series
Trespass (2011)
Triage (2009)Ireland, Spain, Belgium, France
Triage: Dr. James Orbinski's Humanitarian Dilemma (2008)DocumentaryCanada
Trial Marriages (1907)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, The (1964)
Trial, The (1962)Orson Welles
Trials of Henry Kissinger, The (2002)
Triangle (2009)
Triangle of Sadness (2022)US, Sweden, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Mexico
Trick of the Light, A AKA Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky (1995)BiographyGermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Tricky Dicks (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Trigger (2010)CanadaBruce McDonald
Trinity And Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie (1995)Documentary[The Atomic Bomb Collection]
Trio (1950)
Trip, The (2010)TV SeriesUK
Trip to Italy, The (2014)UK
Trip to Spain, The (2017)
Trip to the Moon, A (1902)[The Movies Begin]
Triple 9 (2016)
Triple Agent (2004)France, Italy, Spain, Greece, RussiaEric Rohmer
Triple Threat (2019)Thailand, China, US
Triplets of Belleville, The (2003)
Triptyque (2013)Canada
Trishna (2011)UK, Sweden, India
Tristan & Isolde (2006)US, UK, Germany, Czech Republic
Tristana (1970)Spain, Italy, FranceLuis Buñuel
Tristram Shandy: A Cock & Bull Story (2005)UK
Triumph of Love, The (2001)
Triumph of Sherlock Holmes, The (1935)[Sherlock Holmes, The Definitive Collection]
Triumph of the Will (1935)
Tromper le silence (2010)Canada
TRON (1982)
TRON: Legacy (2010)
Troop Ships for the Phillipines (1898)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Trophy Wife (2010)
Tropic North AKA Tropique Nord (1994)NFBCanadaJean-Daniel Lafond, [Jean-Daniel Lafond: Truth and Controversy]
Tropic of Cancer (1970)
Tropic Thunder (2008)
Tropical Malady (2004)
Trotsky, The (2009)
Trottins' Polka, The AKA La polka des trottins (1905)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Trouble Along the Way (1953)
Trouble Every Day (2001)France, Germany, Japan, LuxembourgClaire Denis
Trouble in Paradise (1932)Ernst Lubitsch
Trouble the Water (2008)
Trouble with Harry, The (1955)
Trouble with Men and Women, The (2005)
Trouble with the Curve (2012)
Troubled Water (2008)
Troubles of a Grass Widower AKA Vive la vie de garçon (1908)France[The Movies Begin]
Troubles of a Manager of a Burlesque Show (1904)
Troy (2004)
Troy: Ancient Myths and Unsolved Mysteries - National Geographic (2004)Documentary
Trudeau (2002)BiographyCanada
Trudeau II: Maverick in the Making (2004)BiographyCanada
True Blood Season 1-6 (2008-14)TV Series
True Confession (1937)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
True Confessions (1981)
True Detective Season 1-3 (2014-19)TV Series
True Enough (2007)
True Grit (1969)[John Wayne Collection]
True Grit (2010)Ethan and Joel Coen
True Nature of Bernadette, The AKA La vraie nature de Bernadette (1972)CanadaGilles Carle, [Gilles Carle Collection]
True Romance (1993)
True Stories (1986)
True Story (2015)
True Story of Che Guevera, The (2007)Documentary
True Story of Puss ‘n Boots, The (2008)Animation
Truite, La (1982)France
Truly Madly Deeply (1990)
Truman (2015)Spain, Argentina
Truman Show, The (1998)
Trumbo (2015)Biography
Trust (1990)
Trust, The or The Battle of Money AKA Le trust, ou les batailles de l'argent (1911)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Truth (2015)BiographyAustralia, US
Truth About Bebe Donge, The AKA La vérité sur Bébé Donge or The Truth of our Marriage (1952)France
Truth About Cats and Dogs, The (1996)
Truth About Charlie, The (2002)
Truth About Mother Goose, The (1957)Disney Animation
Truth Behind the Ape-Man AKA La verité sur l'homme-singe (1906)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Tsotsi (2005)
Tu as crié: Let me go (1997)NFB DocumentaryCanadaAnne Claire Poirier, [L'oeuvre de Anne Claire Poirier 1996-2003]
Tudors, The Season 1-4 (2007-10)TV SeriesIreland, Canada, US, UK
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999)
Tully (2018)US, Canada
Tulpan (2008)Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Poland
Tunes of Glory (1960)
Tunnel, The (2001)
Tunnel, The Season 1-3 (2013-18)TV SeriesUK, France
Tupac: Resurrection (2003)
Turbo (2013)Animation
Turbulence (1997)Animation
Turin Horse, The AKA A torinói ló (2011)Hungary
Turkish Delight (1973)Paul Verhoeven
Turks & Caicos (2014)
Turn Left at the End of the World (2004)
Turn Me On, Dammit! AKA Få meg på, for faen (2011)Norway
Turning Gate AKA On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate (2002)
Turning the Tables (1903)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Turning Tide AKA En solitaire (2013)France, Belgium, Spain
Turn-of-the-Century Blind Man AKA L'aveugle fin de siècle (1898)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Turn-of-the-Century Surgery AKA Chirurgie fin de siècle (1900)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Turtles Can Fly (2004)
Tut (2015)TV Mini Series
Tuvalu (1999)Germany
Twelfth Night (1970)UK
Twelfth Night (1986)Canada
Twelve Chairs, The AKA Las 12 Sillas (1962)Cuba[Cuban Masterworks Collection]
Twelve Chairs, The (1970)
Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
Twenty Minutes of Love (1914)Charles Chaplin, [Charlie Chaplin: 51 Features]
Twentynine Palms (2003)
Twice Upon a Time (1953)UKMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Twice Upon a Time AKA Désaccord parfait (2006)
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs (1997)CanadaGuy Maddin, [Guy Maddin Collection]
Twilight: La fascination (2008)
Twilight Saga, The: New Moon (2009)
Twilight Saga, The: Eclipse (2010)
Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)
Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
Twilight Samurai, The AKA Tasogare Seibei (2002)Japan
Twin Peaks: Complete Series (1990-91)TV Series
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)David Lynch
Twin Sisters (2002)
Twist (2003)
Twist and Shout (1984)
Twisted (2004)
Twixt (2011)Francis Ford Coppola
Two Bagatelles (1953)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Two Brothers (2004)
Two Days, One Night AKA Deux jours, une nuit (2014)Belgium, France, Italy
Two English Girls AKA Les deux Anglaises et le continent (1971)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Two Evil Eyes (1990)
Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, The (1960)Terence Fisher, [Hammer Films: 4 Creepy Classics]
Two Faces of January, The (2014)UK, France, US
Two for the Money (2005)
Two for the Road (1967)
Two is a Family AKA Demain tout commence (2016)France, UK
Two Lovers (2008)
Two Men in Town (1973)
Two Mrs. Carrolls, The (1947)
Two of a Kind (1951)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Two of a Kind (1983)
Two of Us, The (1967)
Two Rode Together (1961)John Ford
Two Tons of Turquoise to Taos Tonight (1975)Robert Downey Sr., [Up All Night With Robert Downey Sr.]
Two-Way Stretch (1960)[Peter Sellers Collection]
Two Weeks (2006)
Two Weeks in Another Town (1962)
Two Weeks in Hell (2009)Documentary
Two Weeks Notice (2002)
Two Weeks with Love (1950)[Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3]
Two Women AKA La ciociara (1960)Italy, FranceVittorio De Sica
Two Women (1999)
Tycoon (1947)
Tycoon AKA Oligarkh (2002)Russia, France, Germany
Tyrannosaur (2011)UK
Tyson (2008)
U (2006)AnimationFrance
U Turn (1997)FranceOliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
U.S. Marshals (1998)
U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba (1898)Documentary[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
U.S. vs. John Lennon, The (2006)
U-Carmen Khayelitsha (2005)South Africa
Überfall AKA Polizeibericht Überfall (1928)Germany[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Ugetsu AKA Ugetsu monogatari (1953)JapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi]
Ugly American, The (1963)
Ugly Betty Season 1 (2006)TV Series
Ugly Truth, The (2009)
Ultimate Heist AKA Le premier cercle (2009)France
Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
Umberto D. (1952)ItalyVittorio De Sica
Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The AKA Les parapluies de Cherbourg (1964)France, GermanyJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Un Flic AKA Dirty Money (1972)France, ItalyJean-Pierre Melville
Un plus une (2015)FranceClaude Lelouch
Unaccompanied Minors (2006)Paul Feig
Unauthorized Biography of Johnny Cash, The (2005)
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The (1988)Sweden, US
Unbeliever, The (1918)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Unbroken (2014)
Uncertain Glory (1944)
Unchanging Sea, The - Biograph Shorts (1910)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Uncharted (2022)
Uncivil Warriors (1935)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1952-1954
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)Thailand
Uncle Buck (1989)
Uncle Sam and the Bolsheviki - I.W.W. Rat (1919)Animation[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Uncle Sam Donates for Liberty Bonds (1919)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Uncle Vanya - BBC Play of the Month (1970)TV EpisodeUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Uncle Vanya (1991)TV EpisodeUK[Anton Checkhov Collection]
Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties (2004)Documentary
Uncovered: The War on Iraq (2004)
Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the War on Iraq (2004)
Under My Skin (1950)
Under the Lighthouse Dancing (1997)
Under the Mountain (2009)New Zealand
Under the Rainbow AKA Au bout de conte (2013)France
Under the River (1959)DocumentaryUK[On and Off the Rails: British Transport Films Collection]
Under the Roofs of Paris (1930)
Under the Same Moon (2007)
Under the Sand AKA Sous le sable (2000)France, JapanFrançois Ozon
Under the Sea 3D (2009)IMAX
Under the Skin (2013)
Under the Skin of the City (2001)
Under the Sun (1998)
Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)US, Italy
Under the Willow Tree: Pioneer Chinese Women in Canada (1997)NFB DocumentaryCanadaDora Nipp
Undercover Man, The (1949)Joeph Lewis, [Glenn Ford Undercover Crimes]
Undercurrent (1946)
Underdog (2007)
Underground (1995)
Undertow AKA Contracorriente (2009)Peru, Colombia
Underworld (2003)US, UK, Germany, Hungary
Underworld: Awakening (2012)US, Canada
Underworld: Evolution (2006)US, Canada
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)US, New Zealand
Undoing, The (2020)TV Mini Series
Undying Monster, The (1942)[Fox Horror Classics, Vol. 1]
Une Colonie (2018)Canada
Unearthly, The (1957)
Unfaithful (2002)
Unfaithful Wife, The AKA La femme infidèle (1969)France, Italy
Unfinished Life, An (2005)
Unfinished Song AKA Song for Marion (2012)
Unforeseen, The (1917)
Unforeseen, The (2007)
Unforgivable AKA Impardonnables (2011)France, Italy
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson (2004)
Unforgiven (1992)Clint Eastwood
Unforgiven, The (1960)John Huston
Unforgotten Season 1-4 (2015-19)TV SeriesUK
Unglassed Windows Cast a Terrible Reflection (1953)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Unguarded Moment, The (1956)[Women in Danger: 1950s Thrillers]
Unhinged (2020)
Uninvited, The (1944)
Union Pacific (1939)Cecil B. DeMille
Union Station (1950)
United 93 (2006)
United Kingdom, A (2016)
United Snakes of America, The (1917)Animation[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
United States of Leland, The (2003)
Universal Clock, The: The Resistance of Peter Watkins (2001)
Unknown (2006)
Unknown Chaplin (1983)TV Mini SeriesUK
Unknown Pleasures (2002)
Unknown Woman, The (2006)
Unknown, The (1927)[Lon Chaney Collection]
Unleashed (2005)
Unlocking the Mystery of Life (2003)Documentary
Unmade Beds (2009)
Unreasonable Man, An (2006)
Unseen Enemy, An - Biograph Shorts (1912)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Unspeakable (2002)
Unstoppable (2010)
Unsullied Shield, An (1913)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 3]
Unsuspected, The (1947)
Untamable Whiskers, The AKA Le roi du maquillage (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Until September (1984)
Untimely Intrusion, An AKA Intervention malencontreuse (1902)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Untold History of the United States, The (2012)TV Mini Series
Untouchable, The (2006)
Untouchables, The (1987)
Untraceable (2008)
Unveiled (2005)
Unwinking Gaze, The: The Inside Story of the Dalai Lama's Struggle for Tibet (2008)Documentary
Up (2009)Pixar Animation
Up and Down AKA Parpaillon (1993)France
Up and Down AKA Horem pádem (2004)Czech Republic
Up in Daisy's Penthouse (1953)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 7, 1952-1954
Up in Smoke (1978)
Up in the Air (2009)
Up the Sandbox (1972)
Up the Yangtze (2007)DocumentaryCanada
Up to his ears AKA Les tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine (1965)France, Italy
Upside Down (2012)
Upside of Anger, The (2005)
Upstairs Downstairs: The Complete Series (1971-75)TV SeriesUK
Upstairs Downstairs (2010-12)TV Series
Upstream (1927)John Ford, [Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Uptown Girls (2003)
Upturned Glass, The (1947)UK[Classic British Thrillers]
Uranus (1990)
Urban Cowboy (1980)
Urge (2016)
Us Two AKA À nous deux (1979)France, CanadaClaude Lelouch
Ushpizin AKA Ha-Ushpizin (2004)Israel
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage (2016)
Usual Suspects, The (1995)
Usurer, The - Biograph Shorts (1910)D.W. Griffith, [D.W. Griffith Masterworks]
Usurer's Grip, The (1912)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Utopia (1950)[Laurel and Hardy Collection]
UV (2007)
V for Vendetta (2005)US, UK, Germany
V for Victory (1941)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
V.I.P.s, The (1963)
V/H/S (2012)
Va Savoir (Who Knows?) (2001)France, Italy, GermanyJacques Rivette
Vabank (1981)Poland
Vagabond AKA Sans toit ni loi (1985)FranceAgnès Varda, [Agnès Varda: 4 Films]
Vagabond, The (1916)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Vagabond Loafers (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Valentin (2002)Argentina, Netherlands, France, Spain
Valentine's Day (2010)
Valentino: The Last Emperor (2008)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valet, The AKA La Doublure (2006)France, Italy, Belgium
Valhalla Rising (2009)
Valiant (2005)
Valkyrie (2008)
Valley Girl (1983)[Nicholas Cage: The LA Collection]
Valley of Tears (2003)
Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Valley of the Gods (2019)
Valley, The (1973)
Valmont (1989)France, UK
Vampire’s Assistant, The (2010)
Vampire's Kiss (1988)
Vampire, Le (1939)DocumentaryFrance[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Vampires, Les (1915)France
Vamps (2012)
Vampyr (1932)Germany, France
Van Helsing (2004)US, Czech Republic, Romania
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Vanished Empire AKA Ischeznuvshaya imperiya (2008)Russia
Vanishing, The (1988)
Vanishing, The AKA Keepers (2018)UK
Vanity Fair (2004)
Vanquished (2021)
Vantage Point (2008)
Vanya on 42nd Street (1994)Louis Malle
Varian’s War (2000)
Variety Lights AKA Luci del varietà (1950)ItalyFederico Fellini
Various Positions (2002)
Varsity Show (1937)
Vault of Horror, The (1973)[Twentieth Century Fox Midnite Movies]
Veep Season 1-6 (2012-19)TV Series
Vegas Vacation (1997)
Velvet Goldmine (1998)
Vengeance Is a Golden Blade (1969)
Vengo (2000)Spain, France, Germany, JapanTony Gatlif
Venom (2018)China, US
Venus (2006)
Venus Beauty Institute (1999)
Venus in Fur AKA La Vénus à la fourrure (2013)France, PolandRoman Polanski
Vera (2011-)TV SeriesUK
Vera Cruz (1954)
Vera Drake (2004)UK, FranceMike Leigh
Vera Season 1-10 (2011-20)TV SeriesUK
Verdict, The (1946)
Verdict, The (1982)Sidney Lumet
Verger, The (1950)[Trio: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
vérité si je mens !, La AKA Would I lie to you? (1997)France
Vernon, Florida (1981)DocumentaryErrol Morris, [Errol Morris DVD Collection]
Veronica Guerin (2003)Ireland, UK, US
Veronica Mars (2014)
Veronica Mars Season 1-3 (2004-06)TV Series
Veronico Cruz AKA La deuda interna (1988)UK, Argentina
Veronika Voss AKA Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss (1982)GermanyRainer Werner Fassbinder
Versailles (2008)France
Vertical Limit (2000)
Vertical Ray of the Sun, The (2000)
Vertigo (1958)Alfred Hitchcock
Very Annie Mary (2001)
Very British Coup, A (1988)TV Mini SeriesUK
Very British Gangster, A (2007)UK, Ireland
Very Fine Lady, A AKA Und dame vraiment bien (1908)FranceLouis Feuillade, [Gaumont Treasures: Louis Feuillade]
Very Harold & Kumar Christmas, A (2011)
Very Long Engagement, A (2004)
Very Special Favor, A (1965)
Vic + Flo Saw a Bear AKA Vic + Flo ont vu un ours (2013)Canada
Vice (2018)
Vice & Virtue AKA Le vice et la vertu (1963)France, Italy
Vicki (1953)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)Spain, USWoody Allen
Victim (1961)UKBasil Dearden, [Basil Dearden's London Underground]
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Victoria (2015)Germany
Victoria & Abdul (2017)UK, US
Victoria & Albert (2001)TV Mini SeriesUK[Classic Literary Films Collection]
Victoria Day (2009)Canada
Victoria Season 1-3 (2016-19)TV SeriesUK
Vidas Secas AKA Barren Lives (1963)Brazil
Videodrome (1983)David Cronenberg
Vidocq (2001)France
Vie à t'attendre, Une (2004)France
Vie avec mon père, La AKA Life with My Father (2005)Canada
Vie en Rose, La AKA La Môme (2007)France, UK, Czech Republic
Vie secrète des gens heureux, La AKA The Secret Life of Happy People (2006)Canada
Vienna Blood (2019)TV Mini SeriesAustria
Vietnam War, The (2017)TV Mini Series
View of Love, A AKA Un balcon sur la mer (2010)France
View to a Kill, A (1985)
Vigilante, A (2018)
Vikings, The (1958)
Vikings Season 1-2 (2013-20)TV SeriesIreland, Canada
Villa Amalia (2009)France, Switzerland
Village of the Damned (1960)[Horror Double Feature]
Village, The (2004)
Villain, The AKA Le vilain (2009)France
Vincent & Theo (1990)Robert Altman
Vinyl Season 1 (2016)TV Series
Violence at Noon AKA Hakuchû no tôrima (1966)JapanNagisa Ôshima, [Ôshima's Outlaw Sixties]
Violette Nozière (1978)France, CanadaClaude Chabrol
Violin, The (2005)
Viper In The Fist AKA Vipère au poing (2004)France, UK
Virgin In Hollywood, A (1953)[Best of Burlesque]
Virgin Queen, The (1955)
Virgin Queen, The (2005)TV Mini Series
Virgin Spring, The (1960)SwedenIngmar Bergman
Virgin Suicides, The (1999)Sofia Coppola
Virginia (2010)
Virginian Types: Blue Ridge Mountaineers (1926)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Viridiana (1961)Spain, MexicoLuis Buñuel
Virtue (1932)[TCM Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection]
Virtuoso, The (2021)
Vision - From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen (2009)
Visioneers (2008)
Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (1992)
Visit to a Foreign Country AKA Québec-U.S.A. ou L'invasion pacifique (1962)NFBCanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Visit to Peek Frean and Co.'s Biscuit Works, A (1906)[The Movies Begin]
Visitor Q AKA Bijitâ Q (2001)Japan
Visitor, The AKA La Visita (1963)Italy, France
Visitor, The (2007)
Visitors (2013)
Visitors, The (1993)
Visitors, The (2012)
Visitors II, The: The Corridors of Time AKA Les couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs II (1998)France
Visual Variations on Noguchi (1945)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Vital Signs AKA Les signes vitaux (2009)Canada
Vitelloni, I (1953)Italy, FranceFederico Fellini
Vitus (2006)Switzerland
Viva Algeria AKA Viva Laldjérie (2004)France, Algeria, Belgium
Viva Las Vegas (1964)
Viva Maria! (1965)France, ItalyLouis Malle
Viva Pedro: The Life & Times of Pedro Almodóvar (2007)
Viva Zapata! (1952)
Vive le tour (1962)DocumentaryFranceLouis Malle, [Documentaries of Louis Malle]
Vivre sa vie (1962)FranceJean-Luc Godard
Vixens, The (1969)
Voice of the Violin, The (1909)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Volver (2006)Spain
Von Ryan's Express (1965)
Vormittagsspuk AKA Ghosts before Breakfast (1929)Germany[Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s]
Vow, The (2012)
Voy A Explotar AKA I'm Gonna Explode (2008)Mexico, US
Voyage of the Damned (1976)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
Voyages (1999)Poland, France, Belgium
W. (2008)
W.C. Fields: 6 Short Films (2000)Documentary
W./E. (2011)UK
Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)
Wadjda (2012)Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Germany, Jordan
Wag the Dog (1997)
Wages of Fear, The AKA Le salaire dee la peur (1953)France, ItalyHenri-Georges Clouzot
Wagner (1983)UK, Austria, Hungary
Wagner and Me: Stephen Fry (2010)
Wagoner, The AKA Borom sarret (1963)Senegal
Wah-Wah (2005)UK, France, South Africa
Waikiki Wedding (1937)[Bing Crosby Collection]
Wait Until Dark (1967)
Waiter (2006)
Waiting for Fidel (1974)NFBCanada
Waiting for Guffman (1996)
Waiting for Happiness (2002)
Waiting for 'Superman' (2010)
Waiting List, The (2000)
Waiting Room, The (2012)
Waiting… (2005)
Waitress (2007)
Waitress! (1981)
Waitresses Wanted AKA Serveuses demandées (2008)Canada
Wake (2009)
Wake of the Red Witch (1948)
Wake Up, Mes Bons Amis! AKA Un pays sans bon sens! (1970)NFB DocumentaryCanadaPierre Perrault, [L'oeuvre de Pierre Perault]
Waking Life (2001)
Waking Ned Devine AKA Waking Ned (1998)
Waldo's Last Stand (1940)[Our Gang]
Walk a Crooked Mile (1948)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 4]
Walk Among the Tombstones, A (2014)
Walk East on Beacon! (1952)[TCM Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics 4]
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Walk in the Woods, A (2015)
Walk on Water (2004)
Walk the Line (2005)
Walk to Remember, A (2002)
Walk, The (2015)
Walkabout (1971)
Walker (1987)
Walker, The (2007)
Walking (1968)AnimationCanadaRyan Larkin, [7 Ryan Larkin & Chris Landreth Films]
Walking Dead, The (1936)[Karloff and Lugosi Horror Classics]
Walking Dead, The Season 1-3 (2010-22)TV Series
Walking Tall (1973)
Walking Tall (2004)
Walking the Dead Season 8 (2009)
Walking, Walking AKA Camina Camina (1983)Italy
Wall (2005)
Wall, The (1962)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Wall Street (1987)Oliver Stone, [Oliver Stone Collection]
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
WALL·E (2008)Pixar Animation
Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave (1995)Animation
Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out (1989)Animation
Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, The (2005)Animation
Wallace & Gromit: Matter of Loaf and Death, A (2008)Animation
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993)Animation
Wallander: 34 episodes (2005-13)TV seriesSweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland
Wallis & Edward AKA Her Royal Affair (2005)UK
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection includes 12 Disney Shorts – Frozen Fever; Tangled Ever After and others (2015)
Walt Disney Treasures: Disney Rarities – Collected Shorts 1920s–1960s includes Alice’s Wonderland, Ferdinand the Bull, Noah’s Ark, Paul Bunyan (2005)
Walt Disney Treasures: More Silly Symphonies, Vol. 2 – 1929–38 includes Hell’s Bells; Mother Goose Goes Hollywood; Three Orphan Kittens (2006)
Waltons, The Season 1 (1972-81)TV Series
WAL-TOWN The Film (2006)NFBCanada
Waltz with Bashir AKA Vals im Bashir (2008)Israel
Wanderer AKA Le grand Meaulnes (2006)France
Wanderlust (2012)
Wanted (2008)
War (2007)
War and Peace (1956)US, ItalyKing Vidor
War and Peace AKA Vona i mir (1965)Soviet UnionSergey Bondarchuk
War and Peace (2005)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
War and Peace (2016)TV Mini Series
War Between Men and Women, The (1972)
War Dogs (2016)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War Game, The (1966)UKPeter Watkins, [Cinema of Peter Watkins]
WarGames (1983)
War Horse (2011)Steven Spielberg
War Is Over, The AKA La guerre est finie (1966)France, SwedenAlain Resnais
War Lover, The (1962)[Steve McQueen Box Set]
War of the Buttons (1962)
War of the Roses, The (1989)
War of the Worlds (2005)Steven Spielberg
War of the Worlds, The (1953)
War Photographer (2001)
War Room, The (1993)
War Tapes, The (2006)
War Witch AKA Rebelle (2012)Canada
War Within, The (2005)
War Zone, The (1999)
War, A AKA Krigen (2015)Denmark, France
War, Inc. (2008)
War, The: A Ken Burns Film (2007)TV Mini Series
Warcraft (2016)
Warlords: Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt - 2-volume WW II series (2007)Documentary
Warm Bodies (2013)
Warning Shadows (1923)Germany[German Expressionism Collection]
Warped Ones, The AKA Kyônetsu no kisetsu (1960)JapanKoreyoshi Kurahara, [Warrior World of Koreyoshi Kurahara]
Warrendale (1967)DocumentaryCanadaAllan King, [The Actuality Dramas of Allan King]
Warrior (2011)
Warrior, The (2001)
Warrior of the Lost World (1984)TV Episode[Mystery Science Theater 3000 XVI]
Warriors, The (1979)
Waste Land (2010)Brazil, UK
Watch on the Rhine (1943)[Bette Davis Collection]
Watch, The (2012)
Watchmen (2009)
Watchmen (2019)TV Mini Series
Water (2005)
Water Diviner, The (2014)Australia, US
Water for Elephants (2011)
Water Horse, The (2007)
Water Lilies (2007)
Waterboys (2001)
Waterlife (2009)
Waterloo (1970)
Waterloo Bridge (1931)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 1]
Waterloo Bridge (1940)
Watermark (2013)Documentary
Watermarks (2004)
Watermelon Contest (1896)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Watership Down (1978)AnimationUK
Watership Down, Escape to (2003)
Watership Down, Journey to (2003)
Watership Down, Winter on (2003)
Wave, The AKA Die Welle (2008)Germany, France
Wave, The AKA Bølgen (2015)Norway, Sweden
Way Back, The (2010)
WayDownTown (2000)Canada
Way Home, The (2002)
Way to Murnau, The: Approaches to a Lonely Master AKA Der Weg nach Murnau (2003)DocumentaryGermanyAlexander Bohr, [F.W. Murnau Collection]
Way to Shadow Garden, The (1954)[Experimental Cinema 1928-1954]
Way Way Back, The (2013)
Way We Were, The (1973)
Way, The (2010)
We Are Marshall (2006)
We Are the Best! AKA Vi är bäst! (2013)Sweden, Denmark
We Are Scissor Sisters...And So Are You (2004)
We Bought a Zoo (2011)
We Did It (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
We Don't Live Here Anymore (2004)
We Have a Pope AKA Habemus Papam (2011)Italy, France
We Live in Public (2009)
We Need to Talk AKA Tenemos que hablar (2016)Spain
We Need to Talk about Kevin (2011)
We Own the Night (2007)
We the Living (1942)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
We Were Children (2012)NFBCanadaTim Wolochatiuk
We Were Strangers (1949)John Huston
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (1999)Animation
We Won’t Grow Old Together AKA Nous ne vieillirons pas ensemble (1972)France, Italy
We Work Again (1937)Documentary[Treasures from American Film Archives]
We’re Not Dressing (1934)[Carole Lombard Glamour Collection]
Weather Man, The (2005)
Weather Underground, The (2002)
Wedding, A (1978)Robert Altman, [Robert Altman Collection]
Wedding, The (1961)BBCUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Wedding Banquet, The (1993)Ang Lee
Wedding Crashers (2005)
Wedding Date, The (2005)
Wedding in Galilee AKA Urs al-jalil (1987)France, Belgium, Palestine
Wedding in White (1972)
Wedding Party, The (2005)
Wedding Present (1936)[Cary Grant Screen Legend]
Wedding Ringer, The (2015)
Wedding Singer, The (1998)
Wedding Song, The AKA Le chant des mariées (2008)France, Tunisia
Weeds Season 1-6,8 (2005-12)TV Series
Weekend (1967)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Week-End in Havana (1941)
Weeping Meadow, The AKA Triologia: To livadi pou dakryzei (2004)Greece, France, Italy, Germany
Weight of the Nation, The: Confronting America's Obesity Epidemics (2012)TV Series
Weight of Water, The (2000)Kathryn Bigelow
"Weird Al" Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection (2003)
Weird Woman (1944)[Inner Sanctum Mysteries Collection]
Welcome (2009)
Welcome Aboard AKA Bienvenue à bord (2012)
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008)
Welcome to Sarajevo (1997)
Welcome to the Monkey House (1991)TV SeriesCanada
Welcome to the Punch (2013)UK, US
Welcome to the Rileys (2010)
Welcome to the Roses (2003)
Welcome to the Sticks AKA Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis (2008)France
Well-Digger's Daughter, The AKA La fille du puisatier (2011)France
Wendy and Lucy (2008)
Went the Day Well? (1942)UK[British War Collection]
Werckmeister Harmonies (1955)
We're No Angels (1955)
We're the Millers (2013)
Werewolf of London (1935)[Wolf Man Legacy Collection]
Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980)Documentary
West Is West (2010)
West of Hot Dog Stan Laurel (1924)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
West Point Story, The (1950)
West Side Story (1961)[MGM Classic Musicals Collection]
West Side Story (2021)
West Virginia, the State Beautiful (1929)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
West Wing, The Season 2 (2000-01)TV Series
Westender (2004)
Westerner, The (1940)[Gary Cooper Collection]
Westworld (1973)
Westworld Season 1 (2016-)TV Series
Wet Asphalt (1958)
Wetlands AKA Marécages (2011)Canada
Whale Rider (2002)
Whale, The (2013)UK, US
What a Way to Go! (1964)
What About Bob? (1991)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)[Bette Davis Collection]
What Happened in the Tunnel (1903)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City (1901)[More Treasures from American Film Archives], [Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
What Happens in Vegas (2008)
What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984)
What Just Happened (2008)
What Keeps You Alive (2018)
What Lies Beneath (1979)TV Episode[Quatermass]
What Lies Beneath (2000)
What Love May Bring AKA Ces amours-là (2010)FranceClaude Lelouch
What Men Want (2019)
What Remains of Us (2004)
What the #$*! Do We [K]now!? (2004)
What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)
What the Day Owes the Night AKA Ce que le jour doit à la nuit (2013)France
What Time Is It There? (2001)
What to Do in Case of Fire? (2001)
What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
What War May Bring (2010)
What We Did on Our Holiday (2014)
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
What Women Want (2000)
What Women Want (2019)
Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? (1999)
Whatever Works (2009)Woody Allen
What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? (1963)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Shorts]
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
What's in a Name AKA Le prénom (2012)France, Belgium
What's New Pussycat? (1965)
What's the Matador? (1942)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
What's Up, Doc? (1972)
When a Stranger Calls (1979)
When a Stranger Calls (2006)
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (1960)
When Brendan Met Trudy (2000)
When Canada Said No: The Abandoned Jews of the MS St. Louis (2011)DocumentaryCanada
When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007)
When Father Was Away on Business (1985)
When Harry Met Sally… (1989)
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit AKA Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl (2019)Germany, Switzerland, Italy
When I Close My Eyes AKA Love Letter (1993)Japan
When in Rome (2010)
When Marnie Was There AKA Ko zaprem oci (2014)Slovenia
When Night Is Falling (1995)
When Pigs Have Wings (2011)
When Stand Up Stood Out (2006)
When Strangers Re-Unite (1999)NFB DocumentaryCanadaFlorchita Bautista, Marie Boti
When the Game Stands Tall (2014)
When the Last Sword Is Drawn AKA Mibu gishi den (2002)Japan
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (2006-07)TV Mini Series
When the Road Bends: Tales of a Gypsy Caravan (2006)
When We Leave (2010)
When We Were Kings (1996)
When Will I Be Loved (2004)
When You're Strange (2009)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (1991)
Where Are My Children? (1916)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Where Danger Lives (1950)[Warner Bros: Film Noir Classic Collection]
Where Do We Go Now? AKA Et maintenant on va où? (2011)France, Lebanon, Egypt, Italy
Where Eagles Dare (1968)
Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? (2008)DocumentaryFrance, US
Where Is Kyra (2017)
Where Is The Love? AKA Ma vie en l’air (2005)France
Where the Buffalo Roam (1980)
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022)
Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)[Fox Film Noir]
Where the Truth Lies (2005)Canada, UKAtom Egoyan
Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
Where to Invade Next (2015)
While the City Sleeps (1956)Fritz Lang
While We're Young (2014)
While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Whip It (2009)
Whiplash (2014)
Whirlpool (1949)[Fox Film Noir]
Whirlpool of Fate AKA La fille de l'eau (1925)FranceJean Renoir
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
Whisky Galore! (1949)UK[Ealing Studios Comedy Collection]
Whisper of the Heart (1995)
Whispering Corridors AKA Yeogo goedam (1998)South Korea
Whispering Corridors 2: Memento Mori AKA Yeogo goedam II (1999)South Korea
Whistle Blower, The (1986)
Whistle Down the Wind (1961)
Whistle Stop (1946)[Ultimate Film Noir Collection: Darkest Betrayal]
Whistleblower, The (2010)
White Angel, The L'angelo bianco (1955)ItalyRaffaello Matarazzo, [Raffaello Matarazzo's Runaway Melodramas]
White As Snow AKA Blanc comme neige (2010)France, Belgium
White Bus, The (1967)
White Caps, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
White Christmas (1954)
White Countess, The (2005)
White Dog (1982)
White Dove, The (1960)
White Elephant AKA Elefante blanco (2012)Argentina
White Fawn's Devotion: A Play Acted by a Tribe of American Indians (1910)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
White God AKA Fehér isten (2014)Hungary
White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom AKA Bai Fa Mo Nu Zhuan Zhi Ming Yue Tian Guo (2014)China
White Heat (1949)[Warner Bros. Gangster Collection]
White House Down (2013)Roland Emmerich
White Irish Drinkers (2010)
White Mane (1953)
White Massai, The (2005)
White Material (2009)France, CameroonClaire Denis
White Nights (1985)
White Noise (2005)
White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
White Oleander (2002)
White Palace (1990)
White Ribbon, The AKA Das weiße Bank - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (2009)GermanyMichael Haneke
White Room (1990)
White Shadow (2013)
White Shadow, The (1924)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
White Sheik, The AKA Lo sceicco bianco (1952)ItalyFederico Fellini
White Snake: The Legend Begins AKA Bai She: Yuan Qi (2019)AnimationChina
White Soup AKA White Borsch AKA Zurek (2003)Poland
White Zombie (1932)[Bela Lugosi Triple Feature]
Whitechapel: The Ripper Returns (2009-13)TV Series
Whiteout (2009)
Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? AKA Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo? (1966)FranceWilliam Klein, [Delirius Fictions of William Klein, The]
Who Done It? (1942)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Who Done It? (1949)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 6, 1949-1951
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Who Has Seen the Wind (1977)
Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
Who Loves the Sun (2006)
Who Pays? Episode 12 (1915)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Who the #$&% Is Jackson Pollock? (2006)
Who Was That Lady? (1960)[Dean Martin double feature]
Who’ll Stop the Rain (1978)
Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog, The (1905)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 2]
Whole Town's Talking, The (1935)John Ford
Whole Truth, The (2016)
Whoops, I'm an Indian! (1936)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
Who's Got the Black Box? (1967)
Who's That Knocking at My Door (1967)Martin Scorsese, [Martin Scorsese Collection]
Who's Who - Play for Today (1979)TV EpisodeUKMike Leigh, [Mike Leigh Collection]
Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981)
Why Did I Get Married? (2007)
Why Mr. Nation Wants a Divorce (1901)[Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film]
Why Wal-Mart Works: And Why That Drives Some People C-r-a-z-y (2005)
Why We Fight (2005)
Why Worry? (1923)[Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1]
Wicked Duchess (1942)
Wicker Man, The (1973)
Wicker Man, The (2006)
Wicker Park (2004)
Wide Blue Road, The AKA La grande strada assurra (1957)Italy, France, Germany, Yugoslavia
Widow Couderc, The AKA La veuve Couderc (1971)France, ItalyPierre Granier-Deferre, [Alain Delon 5-Film Collection]
Widow of Saint-Pierre, The AKA La veuve de Saint-Pierre (2000)France, CanadaPatrice Leconte
Widows' Peak (1994)
Widows (2018)
Wiener-Dog (2016)
Wife vs. Secretary (1936)[Jean Harlow Film Collection: TCM Greatest Classic Legends]
Wife, The (2017)UK, Sweden, US
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself (2002)
Wilby Wonderful (2004)
Wild (2014)
Wild 90 (1968)
Wild Angels, The (1966)Roger Corman
Wild at Heart (1990)David Lynch
Wild Bill: Hollywood Maverick (1995)[Forbidden Hollywood - Pre-Code]
Wild Blood AKA Sangueppazo (2008)Italy, France
Wild Boys of the Road (1933)[TCM Forbidden Hollywood Collection, Vol. 3]
Wild Bunch, The (1969)Sam Peckinpah, [Sam Peckinpah's Legendary Western Collection]
Wild Canada (2014)TV Mini SeriesUS, UK, Austria, Canada
Wild Child (2008)
Wild Child, The AKA L'enfant sauvage (1970)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Wild Dogs, The (2002)
Wild Grass AKA Les herbes folles (2009)France, ItalyAlain Resnais
Wild Hogs (2007)
Wild Hunt (2016)
Wild in the Streets (1968)
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)Ireland
Wild One, The (1953)
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, The (2003)
Wild Party, The (1975)
Wild Ride, The (1960)
Wild Ride (2010)
Wild River (1960)
Wild Rose (2018)
Wild Run: The Legend (2016)
Wild Stallion, The (2009)
Wild Strawberries (1957)SwedenIngmar Bergman
Wild Tales AKA Relatos Salvajes (2014)Argentina, Spain, France, UK
Wild Target (2010)
Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights - Hollywood to the Heartland (2006)
Wild, The (2006)
Wildcat, The (1921)
Wilde (1997)
Wilde Wedding, The (2017)
Wildlike (2014)
Wilfred Season 1 ( )
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957)
Willow (1988)
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Win Win (2011)
Winchester (2018)
Wind at My Back Christmas, A (2001)Canada
Wind from Wyoming (1994)
Wind in the Willows, The (1983)Animation
Wind in the Willows, The (1996)
Wind Rises, The AKA Kaze tachinu (2013)AnimationJapan, France, USHayao Miyazaki
Wind River (2017)
Wind That Shakes the Barley, The (2006)Ireland, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, SwitzerlandKen Loach
Wind Will Carry Us, The (1999)Abbas Kiarostami
Windermere Children, The (2020)Germany, UK
Windfall (2010)Documentary
Window on Canada (1953)NFBCanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Winds of Heaven: Emily Carr, Carvers and the Spirit of the Forest (2010)DocumentaryCanada
Windsor McCay and his Animated Pictures (1911)Animation[The Movies Begin]
Windtalkers (2002)
Wing or the Thigh?, The (1976)
Winged Migration (2001)
Wings (1966)
Wings in the Dark (1935)[Cary Grant Screen Legend]
Wings of Desire AKA Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)Germany, FranceWim Wenders
Wings of Eagles, The (1957)John Ford, [John Wayne/John Ford Film Collection]
Wings of the Dove, The (1997)
Winnie Mandela (2011)
Winnie the Pooh (2011)Disney Animation
Winning Team, The (1952)
Winston Churchill box set – The History Channel (2003)Documentary
Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny (2010)Documentary
Winter (1929)
Winter Cruise - Somerset Maugham TV Theatre (1951)TV Episode[Encore: 3 Stories by W. Somerset Maugham]
Winter in Wartime (2008)
Winter Light (1963)
Winter Passing (2005)
Winter Sleep AKA Kis Uykusu (2014)Turkey, France, Germany
Winter Solstice (1974)
Winter's Bone (2010)
Winter's Tale (2014)
Wintersleepers AKA Winterschläfer (1997)Germany
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom AKA Winx Club: Il segreto del Regno Perduto (2007)Italy
Wire, The Season 1-5 (2002-08)TV Series
Wise Blood (1979)
Wish Me Luck: Series 1-3 (1987-90)TV Series
Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap, The (1947)[Best of Abbott and Costello]
Witch, The (2015)
Witches, The (1990)
Witchfinder General (1968)
With a Song in My Heart (1952)
With Fire and Sword (1999)
With the Marines at Tarawa (1944)Documentary[World War II: Honor and Glory: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 5]
Withnail & I (1987)UK
Without a Clue (1988)
Without Love (1945)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Without Reservations (1946)
Witness (1985)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)Billy Wilder
Witnesses, The (2007)
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie (2009)
Wolf (2013)
Wolf Children AKA Ôkami kodomo no Ame to Yuki (2012)AnimationJapan
Wolf Hall (2015)TV Mini SeriesUK
Wolf Man, The (1941)[Wolf Man Legacy Collection]
Wolf of Wall Street, The (2013)Martin Scorsese
Wolfman, The (2010)
Wolfpack, The (2015)
Wolverine and the X-Men: Heroes Return Trilogy Season 1, vol 2 – episodes 5-9 (2009)TV Series
Wolverine, The (2013)
Wolves, The AKA Les loups (2014)Canada, France
Woman at War AKA Kona fer í strið (2018)Iceland, France, Ukraine
Woman Haters (1934)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 1, 1934-1936
Woman in Black, The (2012)UK, Canada, US, Sweden
Woman in Black 2, The: Angel of Death (2014)UK, Canada
Woman in Gold (2015)
Woman in Green, The (1945)[Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection], [Sherlock Holmes, the Definitive Collection]
Woman in Hiding (1950)[Women in Danger: 1950s Thrillers]
Woman in Red, The (1984)
Woman in the Dunes (1964)
Woman in the Fifth, The (2011)
Woman in the Moon AKA Frau im Mond (1929)GermanyFritz Lang, [Fritz Lang Epic Collection]
Woman in the Window, The (1944)Fritz Lang
Woman in White, The (1948)
Woman Is a Woman, A AKA Une femme est une femme (1961)France, ItalyJean-Luc Godard
Woman is the Future of Man (2004)
Woman King, The (2022)
Woman Next Door, The AKA La femme d’à côté (1981)FranceFrançois Truffaut
Woman of Paris, A: A Drama of Fate (1923)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Collection]
Woman of Straw (1964)
Woman of Substance, A (1984)TV Mini Series
Woman of the Port, The (1934)
Woman of the Year (1942)[Tracy and Hepburn: The Definitive Collection]
Woman on the Beach (2006)
Woman Times Seven (1967)Vittorio De Sica
Woman Under the Influence, A (1974)John Cassavetes, [John Cassavetes Collection]
Woman Who Dared, The AKA Le ciel est à vous (1944)FranceJean Grémillon, [Jean Grémillon during the Occupation]
Woman with Red Boots, The AKA Le femme aux bottes rouges (1974)France, Italy, Spain
Woman Without Love, A (1952)Luis Buñuel
Woman, A (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop, A AKA San qiang pai an jing qi (2009)China, Hong Kong
Woman's Face, A (1941)
Women AKA Elles (1997)Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal
!Women Art Revolution - !WAR (2011)
Women in Bondage (1943)
Women in Love (1969)
Women in Trouble (2009)
Women of the Night AKA Yoru no onnatachi (1948)JapanKenji Mizoguchi, [Kenji Mizoguchi's Fallen Women]
Women of the World (1963)
Women on the 6th Floor, The AKA Les femmes du 6e étage (2010)France
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown AKA Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1988)SpainPedro Almodóvar, [The Almodóvar Collection]
Women Talking (2022)
Women Without Men AKA Zanan-e bedun-e mardan (2009)Germany, Austria, France, Italy
Women, The (1939)
Women, The (1979)
Women, The (2008)
Women’s Prison (1955)[Bad Girls of Film Noir]
Won in a Cupboard (1914)[Lost and Found American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive]
Wonder (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Wonder Women (1973)
Wonderful Absinthe AKA La bonne absinthe (1899)FranceAlice Guy, [Gaumont Treasures: Alice Guy]
Wonderful Living Fan, The AKA Le merveilleux éventail vivant (1904)France[The Movies Begin]
Wonderful Town (2007)
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The (1910)[More Treasures from American Film Archives]
Wonderful World (2009)
Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl, The (1993)France, UK, Germany, Belgium
Wonderland (1999)
Wonderland (2003)
Wonders of Magnetism, The (1915)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 4]
Wonders of the Universe (2011)TV Mini SeriesUK
Won't You Be My Neighbor (2018)
Wood Demon, The - BBC Play of the Month (1974)TV EpisodeUK[Anton Chekhov Collection]
Wooden Crosses AKA Les croix de bois (1932)Raymond Bernard, [Raymond Bernard Collection]
Wooden Man's Bride, The (1994)
Woodlanders, The (1997)
Woodsman, The (2004)
Woodstock: The Director’s Cut (1970)Documentary
Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace & Music: The Director's Cut (1994)DocumentaryMichael Wadleigh
Wook, The (1944)CanadaNorman McLaren, [Norman McLaren: The Master's Edition]
Wool Cap, The (2004)
Wordplay (2006)
Words and Pictures (2013)
Words for Battle (1941)
Words of My Perfect Teacher (2003)NFB DocumentaryCanadaLesley Ann Patten
Words on Bathroom Walls (2020)
Words, The (2012)
Work (1915)Charles Chaplin, [Chaplin Chaplin: 51 Features]
Workers Leaving the Lumiére Factory AKA La sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon (1895)[The Movies Begin]
Working Girl (1988)
World According to Monsanto, The (2008)Documentary
World at War, The (1973-74)TV SeriesUK
World in His Arms, The (1952)
World Is Not Enough, The (1999)
World of Apu, The AKA Apur Sansar (1959)India
World of Henry Orient, The (1964)
World of Jacques Demy, The AKA L'univers de Jacques Demy (1995)France, Belgium, SpainAgnès Varda
World of Kanako, The AKA Kawaki (2014)Japan
World Trade Center (2006)
World War Two: Behind Closed Doors (2008)TV Series
World War Z (2013)
World Without End (1956)[Warner Bros: Sci-Fi Double Feature]
World Without End (2012)TV Mini Series
World, The (2004)
World's End, The (2013)
World's Fastest Indian, The (2005)
World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Woyzeck (1979)GermanyWerner Herzog, [Werner Herzog Collection]
Wrath of Man (2021)
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Wreck of the Mary Deare, The (1959)
Wrecked (2010)
Wreckers (2011)
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)Animation
Wrestler, The (2008)
Wrestling AKA La lutte (1961)DocumentaryCanadaMichel Brault, [Michel Brault 1958-1974 Works]
Wringing Good Joke, A (1899)[Edison: The Invention of the Movies, Vol. 1]
Wrinkle in Time, A (2003)Disney
Wrinkle in Time, A (2018)Disney
Writing Backwards AKA Écriture à l'envers (1896)France[The Lumière Brothers' First Films]
Written on the Wind (1956)
Wrong Arm of the Law, The (1963)
Wrong Man, The (1956)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection]
Wrong Move AKA Falsche Bewegung (1975)GermanyWim Wenders, [Wim Wenders Collection]
Wrong Turn (2021)UK, US, Germany
WUSA (1970)
Wuthering Heights (1970)
Wuthering Heights (1967)TV Series
Wuthering Heights (1992)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
Xala (1975)Senegal
X-Files, The Season 1-2 (1993-2018)TV SeriesUS, Canada
X-Files, The: Fight the Future (1998)
X-Files, The: I Want to Believe (2008)
X-Men (2000)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past – The Rogue Cut (2014)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
xXx (2002)
xXx: State of the Union (2005)
xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Y'a rien de sacré (2003)NFB DocumentaryCanadaGarry Beitel
Y tu mamá también (2001)MexicoAlfonso Cuarón
Yacoubian Building, The AKA Omaret yakobean (2006)Egypt, France
Yakuza Papers, The Vol. 1: Battles Without Honor and Humanity AKA Jingi naki tatakai (1973)Japan[The Yakuza Papers]
Yakuza Papers, The Vol. 2: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima AKA Hiroshima shito hen (1973)Japan[The Yakuza Papers]
Yakuza Papers, The Vol. 3: Proxy War AKA Jingi naki tatakai: Dairi senso (1973)Japan[The Yakuza Papers]
Yakuza Papers, The Vol. 4: Police Tactics AKA Jingi naki tatakai: Chojo sakusen (1974)Japan[The Yakuza Papers]
Yakuza Papers, The Vol. 5: Final Episode AKA Jingi naki tatakai: Kanketsu-hen (1974)Japan[The Yakuza Papers]
Yakuza, The (1974)Japan, US
Yana's Friends AKA Ha-Chaverim Shel Yana (1999)Israel
Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom, The (2011)
Year in Provence, A (1993)TV Mini SeriesUK
Year My Parents Went On Vacation, The (2006)
Year of Living Dangerously, The (1982)
Year of the Cannibals, The (1970)
Year of the Dog (2007)
Year of the Dogs (1997)
Year of the Jellyfish AKA L'année des méduses (1984)France
Year of the Quiet Sun, A (1984)
Year One (2009)
Year Zero (2004)
Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles, The (2014)
Yellow Rolls-Royce, The (1964)
Yellow Rose (2019)Philippines, US
Yellow Rose of Texas, The (1944)[Roy Rogers Cowboy Classics]
Yellow Submarine (1968)
Yentl (1983)UK, US
Yes (2004)
Yes Man (2008)
Yes Men Fix the World, The (2009)Documentary
Yes Men, The (2003)
Yes Minister (1980-82)BBC TV SeriesUK
Yes Prime Minister (1982-88,2001)
Yes We Can! The Barack Obama Story (2009)Documentary
Yes, Yes, Nanette Oliver Hardy (1925)[Masters of Comedy Slapstick Greats]
Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963)Vittorio De Sica
Yi Yi (2000)Taiwan, Japan
Yiddish Connection (1986)France
Yoga for Beginners ( )
Yogi Bear (2010)Animation
Yojimbo AKA Yôjinbô (1961)JapanAkira Kurosawa
Yom Yom (1998)Israel, France
You Again (2010)
You and I (2006)
You Are Not Alone (1978)
You Are So Beautiful AKA Je vous trouve très beau (2005)France
You Can Count on Me (2000)
You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
You Can't Take It With You (1938)Frank Capra, [Frank Capra Collection]
You Don't Like the Truth: 4 Days Inside Guantanamo AKA Vous n'aimez pas la vérité: 4 jours à Guantánamo (2010)DocumentaryAustralia, Canada, UKLuc Côté, Patricio Henríquez
You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)
You Kill Me (2007)
You Laugh (1998)
You Nazty Spy! (1940)[Three Stooges Collection: Vol. 3, 1940-1942
You Only Live Once (1937)Fritz Lang
You Only Live Twice (1967)
You Were Never Lovelier (1942)
You Were Never Really Here (2018)UK, France, US
You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman (2006)Documentary[Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition]
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)Woody Allen
You, Me and Dupree (2006)
You’ll Find Out (1940)[Karloff and Lugosi Horror Classics]
You'll Never Get Rich (1941)
Young & Beautiful AKA Jeune et Jolie (2013)FranceFrançois Ozon
Young & Innocent (1937)Alfred Hitchcock, [Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense]
Young @ Heart (2007)UK
Young Adam (2003)
Young Adult (2011)
Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet, The (2013)France, Canada
Young Avengers, The (1969)
Young Black Stallion, The (2003)
Young Cassidy (1965)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Young Girls of Rochefort, The AKA Les demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)FranceJacques Demy, [Jacques Demy Collection]
Young Girls of Wilko, The AKA Panny z Wilka (1979)Poland, FranceAndrzej Wajda, [Andrzej Wajda Collection]
Young Gods (2003)
Young Goethe in Love AKA Goethe! (2010)Germany
Young Karl Marx, The (2018)France, Germany, Belgium
Young Lieutenant, The AKA Le petit lieutenant (2005)France
Young Lions, The (1958)
Young Man with a Horn (1950)
Young Messiah, The (2016)
Young One, The (1960)Luis Buñuel
Young People Fucking (2007)Canada
Young Philadelphians, The (1959)[Paul Newman Collection]
Young Pope, The Season 1 (2016)TV Mini Series
Young Savages, The (1961)John Frankenheimer, [John Frankenheimer Collection]
Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)
Young Törless AKA Der junge Törless (1966)Germany, France
Young Triffie AKA Young Triffie's Been Made Away With (2006)Canada
Young Victoria, The (2009)
Young Winston (1972)
Your Choice ( )
Your Highness (2011)
Your Movie: A Film By You ( )
Your Sister's Sister (2011)
You're in the Navy Now (1951)
You're Not Built That Way (1936)Animation[Betty Boop Collection]
You're Sleeping Nicole AKA Tu dors Nicole (2014)Canada
You're Telling Me! (1934)[W.C. Fields Comedy Collection]
Yours, Mine & Ours (2005)
Youth (2015)Italy, France, Switzerland
Youth in Revolt (2009)
Youth Without Youth (2007)Francis Ford Coppola
You've Got Mail (1998)
Yoyo (1965)FrancePierre Étaix, [Pierre Étaix]
Yo-Yo Girl Cop (2006)
YUL 871 (1966)NFBCanada
Yuyo (1989)
Yves Saint Laurent (2014)France, Belgium
Z (1969)France, AlgeriaCosta-Gavras
Z for Zachariah (2015)Iceland, Switzerland, US
Zabriskie Point (1970)Michelangelo Antonioni
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
Zappa (1983)
Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005)
Zatoichi 1: The Tale of Zatoichi AKA Zatôichi monogatari (1962)Japan[Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman]
Zatoichi 2: The Tale of Zatoichi Continues AKA Zoku Zatôichi monogatari (1962)Japan[Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman]
Zatoichi 3: New Tale of Zatoichi AKA Shin Zatôichi monogatari (1963)Japan[Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman]
Zatoichi 4: The Fugitive AKA Zatôichi kyôjô-tabi (1963)Japan[Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman]
Zatôichi Meets Yojimbo (1970)Japan
Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman (2003)Japan
Zatracení AKA The Damned (2002)Czech Republic, Netherlands, Thailand
Zazie dans le métro (1960)FranceLouis Malle
Zed & Two Noughts, A (1985)UK, NetherlandsPeter Greenaway
Zelary (2003)Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria
Zelig (1983)Woody Allen, [Woody Allen Collection]
Zen (2010)
Zeppelin "Hindenburg", The (1951)[Treasures from American Film Archives]
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)Kathryn Bigelow
Zero Patience (1993)
Zero Theorem, The (2013)Terry Gilliam
Zhou Yu's Train AKA Zhou Yu de huo che (2002)China, Hong Kong
Ziegfeld Follies (1945)
Ziegfeld Girl (1941)
Zihron Devarim AKA Things (1995)Israel, France, Italy
Zodiac (2007)David Fincher
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombies on Broadway (1945)[Karloff and Lugosi Horror Classics]
Zonad (2009)Ireland
Zone, The AKA La Zona (2007)Spain, Mexico
Zookeeper, The (2001)
Zookeeper's Wife, The (2017)Czech Republic
Zoolander (2001)
Zoolander 2 (2016)
Zoom: Academy for Superheroes (2006)
Zootopia (2016)Disney Animation
Zora Neale Hurston Fieldwork Footage (1928)Documentary
Zorba the Greek AKA Alexis Zorbas (1964)Greece, US, UK
Zouzou (1934)France
Zulu (1964)UK
Zus & Zo (2001)Netherlands

Updated: 28 February 2025